`Charles M. Lizza
`William C. Baton
`One Riverfront Plaza, Suite 1520
`Newark, NJ 07102-5426
`(973) 286-6700
`· Attorneys for Plaintiffs
`: Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and .
`f Jazz Pharmaceuticals Limited
`i t
`. al.
`Civil Action ~. 13-391 (kS)(JAD)
`, (
`: (~led Electro~ically)
`·. J
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`,___ ____ O_RD_E_R_A_D_M-IT_T_~ ...... , _G_K_R-IS_T_A-M. ~ROFT PR4 !UC Vl4
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`This matter having come b~fore the Court on the '1Pplication ot Saul Ewinf LLP
`, ["movant"], attorne. ys for p.laintiffs!Jazz Phannaceuticals,!Inc. and Jazf Pbarmac#·.·. ·.ticals Irel~.; dl
`• Limited (collectively, "Jazz"), for 1*ie pro hcic vice admis~ion of Kristl( M. Rycro. ["counsel1J, I
`• pursuant to Local Civ. R. 101.1; aJi the Court having considered the tertificatiot in suppoJ ot ;
`the application, which reflect that ci>unsel satisfies the requirements selt forth in ukal Civ. Rl
`101.1 ( c )( 1 ); and there bein~ no oprtosition to this applicadon; and for .ood cause '.thown,
`IT IS ON THIS\\;.,,._ da~o~c- '2016j
`ORDERED that the applic+on for the pro hac·v+ admission~fl:ounse\ granted; I
`·: ·
`'*1 ~
`l j
`Case 2:13-cv-00391-ES-JAD Document 331 Filed 12/16/16 Page 2 of 2 PageID: 6713
`IT IS FURTHER ORDE~D that counsel shalt •tide by all 4es of this !mt, incl+~
`all disciplinary rules, and Shall notjfy the Court immediatioly of any mf ttdr affect+ counsel'f I
`. I
`IT IS FURTHER ORDEll,D that counsel is d¢e~ed to cons+!<> the ap+intment ot+
`Cl~k of the Court as the agent upt whom ;eivice of ,,ess ~ay betu..ie for "'I· actions
`, ! ,
`agamst counsel that may anse fro11J counsel's part1c1patioh m this ma~er;
`IT IS FURTHER ORDER,D that the movant ~h41 (a) be atto+ieys ofreafrd in this east
`in accordance with Local Civil R. i 01.1 ( c ); (b) be servedrll papers inf thiS action: nd such I f
`i service shall be deemed sufficiebt tervice upon counsel; ~c) sign (or f artge for ~ ember o1tht
`standing at the bar of any court;
`· \
`and counsel in this matter;
`; counsel represents the client in thi~ matter;
`l firm admitted to practice irt New J~rsey to sign) all ple~dibgs, briefs, ~dother pJ rs submi*e4
`. ~.
`i to this Court; ( d) appear at all proctedings; and ( e) be responsible for ~e con dud ~f the caus~ ~
`• .
`l I
`IT IS FURTHER ORDE~ that counsel shallifke paymenlto'the N.,;!Jersey l I
`l I
`: Lawyer's Fund for Client Protedti<fi, pursuant to N .J. Cor. Rule 1 :242, for eac~~ear in w~c~
`. !
`IT IS FURTHER ORDERif that counsel shall p~y $150.00 ti the Clerk rthe Uniter f ·
`States District Comt for the Distrif of New Jersey for •+ission pro tc vice in tcordance ~+,
`' Local Civ. R. 101.1(3)(c); and
`IT IS FURTHER ORDER$ that all terms of the Orders enteitd in this c;·· e, includi.g f
`; all deadlines set forth therein, shall,remain i1,1 full force. a~d effect and~o delay in• iscovery,; I
`. motions, trial or any other proce~dtg shall occur becaµs, of the partif pation of ¢J>unsel or I 1
`. ·.
`; counsel's inability to be in attenHce at proceedings.
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