`Plaln.tiff/Counterelafm Defendant,
`pocumeut Fllef Elect~nically
`~ivil ActiontN'q. 13-391fES-JAD
`I I
`I I
`District Jud* &ther safas
`tdagistrate J.dge JosepijA. Dicks$ I
`Defendants/:Coutlte$laim Plaintiffs. x
`- 1
`the l applicati<1tl I (>f
`THIS MATTER ~vfng come before
`the Court i on
`Defendant/Counterclaim,Plairttift Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC ('~eal') ~r the entrt 4 an
`order granting the admiS$ion pr<i. hac vice of Kaveh V. f;aba and th~ C"urt ha~ considefJ tl),,e
`Declaration of Paul H. KochamsJ4i, as well as the Deehtation of ~eh V. Samt in suppo~ o. tile
`~ ! ,
`' I
`application; and it appeating tha1*
`-ourt of }til*~s
`Kaveh V, Saba isa mem~er in good standing o:f!the bar of upittd Sta
`for the Federal Circuit, the United States District Cotlrt for the rlistrict of do1umbia, 4i~ tle
`t ,:
`Kaveh V. Saba isfhereby permitted t<> atpear pro h~ vft:-e in ~ above-caijti<fntd
`matter pursuant to L. Civ. R. 1 ot .1 ( c) in the United ~tes District fowt for +District 4r f dw'
`Jersey provided; however, thfJt E(ll pleadings, briefsi mi.d other pa-Mrs filed w~ this coutt fiau
`be signed by Paul H. Kochanskii a member in good: st$nding of th~ bar of the ~preme <l:nf ?f
`New Jersey and bar of this Cout• or othe:t member$ i~ good stan~g'ofthe ~of the Sl~tl-e
`, I
`State of Maryland; it is
`ORDERED as follows:
`Case 2:13-cv-00391-ES-JAD Document 328 Filed 11/22/16 Page 2 of 2 PageID: 6701
`l I
`Court of New Jarsey and the ~ of this Court who 4 employed ~ Lomer, ~vid, Li~
`Krumholz & Mentlik, LUP, who rhall be held resposille for said itape:rs and +r the con1u1t of
`this case and who shall be pres~t before the Court ;dllring all pfo.esl of the fceeding, lu1ess
`I .
`expressly excused by the Court,! as well as be held; te$ponsible fo. t}lt) condui of any atto'1ic;y
`being admitted pro hac wee pllr~ant to this Order;
`.K:aveh V. Sab~ stail pay the annual ·rcr to the Ner fetseY 1wyers' F4 fbr
`: !
`this Order for each year the case ls pendinl;;
`Client Protectlo11, in accordancdwith R 1:28-2 within:twenty (20)Jdays fromihe dated eliut ~f
`Kaveh V. Saba s•all pay the fee of SlfO to the Cltrk of this pourt purs~t to
`l l
`L. Civ. R. 101.l(c)(3) within ~ty (20) iays from lhddate of the 4ntey ofthislc>rder;
`' I '
`Kaveh V. Sab~ sfiall be bound by the; Local Civi1 Rules of ~e UnitedI sja~s
`District Court for the District fof New Jersey, inch.kling the p~v~ibns ori L. Civ. ~ l~l.1
`(Judicial Ethics and Professio~Responsibility) an<t 4 Civ. R. 10~1 (!Jiscipl~ of Atto1*e)fs)t
`I i :
`Kaveh V. Saba stall be deemed to liavf agreed to fe no feet any tort r+ ~n
`excess of the New Jersey State cfourt Contingency ReeiRule, Rule ij:2t-7, as aijended.
`Dated: \~\o
`Newatk; 7w Jetey
`i !
`I l