`05/18/2015 18:44 FAX
`. Llzza
`Phone: (!il73) 86-671 s
`Fax: (9'73) 86·6815
`May 18, 2015
`Hon. Joseph A. Dickson, U.S.M.J.
`United States District Court
`District of New Jersey
`Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Courthouse
`50 Walnut Street
`Newark, New Jersey 07101
`Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC, et a/,
`Civil Action No, 13·391 (,AS)(JAtj>
`Dear Judge Dickson:
`This finn, together with Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan and Richard G. Greco PC
`represents Plaintiff Jazz Phannaceuticals, Inc. ("Jazz") in the above-referenced matter.
`Pursuant to the March 13 Corrected Scheduling O~der (D.I. 123), the parties are to sub. t
`a proposed Discovery Confidentiality Order CUDCO") in #le above-referenced matter today.
`However, the parties are still negotiating a few terms in tije DCO and believe that some
`additional time would be helpful to achieving an agreemit. Accordingly, we respectfully
`request a one-week extension, until May 26, 2015, to sub it a proposed DCO to the Court.
`There are no objections to this request, and it will not res It in any other changes to the schedul .
`If this meets with the Court's approval, we respectfully re uest that Your Honor sign the below
`fonn of endorsement and have it entered on the docket.
`Thank you for Your Honor's kind attention to thislmatter.
`' I
`I I
`! Charles M. Lizza
`Respectfully yours,
`All Counsel (via e-mail)
`01ie Riverfront Plaza, Suire 1'20 •Newark, NI 0710:2·5426 • Pho~e: (g7J) 296·6700 • Fu.x. (g73) ll6·6800
`NliW YDllK
`Case 2:13-cv-00391-ES-JAD Document 135 Filed 05/19/15 Page 2 of 2 PageID: 1858
`05/18/2015 18:44 FAX
`Hon. Joseph A. Dickson, U.S.M,J.
`May 18, 2015