`Case 2:13-cv-00391-ES-JAD Document 117 Filed 02/24/15 Page 1 of 1 PageID: 1631
`Sean R. Kelly
`skei ly@saiber.com
`February 24, 201 5
`The Honorable Joseph A. Dickson, U.S.M.J.
`United States District Court
`Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Building
`& US. Courthouse
`50 Walnut Street, 2D
`Newark, New Jersey 07102
`Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC, et al.,
`Civil Action No. 13-391 [ESHJADQ (Consolidated!
`Dear Judge Dickson:
`We, along with our co—counsel, Arent Fox LLP, represent defendant Par Pharmaceutical,
`Inc. (“Par”) in the above consolidated action.
`Par, and (so-defendant Amneal Pharmaceuticals, LLC (“Amneal”) write to respectfully
`request the Court’s guidance with regard to the issues raised in the parties’ January 30, 2015
`correspondence and proposed schedules to Your Honor (ECF No. 115). As the Court is aware,
`under the present schedule, fact discovery is set to close this Friday, February 27, 2015 (ECF No.
`in light of the upcoming deadline and the open issues raised in the parties” January 30 letter,
`Par and Amneal respectfully request the Court’s guidance on these unsettled issues.
`We very much appreciate the Court’s consideration of this submission and assistance in
`this regard. We are available at the Court’s convenience should Your Honor have any questions
`or wish to schedule a telephone conference.
`Respectfuin yours,
`cc: Counsel of record (by electronic mail)
`Saiber ELC - 18 Columbia Turnpike - Suite 200 - Flottiam Park, Newlersey - 07932 - Tel 9736223333 - Fax 9736223349 - wwwisaibeecom
`Florham Park
`- Newark
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`- Atlantic City
`Point Pleasant Beach