`Case 2:14~cv-03235-ES-JAD Document 26-3 Filed 02/09/15 Page 1of2 PagelD: 21
`Document FfledEJectronicall
`Civil ActioµNo. 13-391-.ES-JAD
`DistricUudge Esther Salas
`.. Magistrate Judge J'oseph A. Dickson
`THIS MATTER having come before the Court on the application of Defendant A:tnn
`Phannaceuticals, LLC (t!Anmea11') for the entry ofan, ·order gnuttlng the adr;nission[JJY!hac vi
`of Christopher M. Gallo, Ph.D .. and the Court having considered the Declaration of Paul
`Kochansld, as well as the Declaration of Christopher M .. Gl'tllti, Ph.D. in support of th
`application; and it appearing that:
`Christopher M. Gallo, Ph.D. is a member in good standJng of the par o:f the State o
`Maryland; it is
`ORDERED as· follmvs:
`Christopher M, Gallo, Ph.D. is hereby permitted to appear pro hac vie~ in th
`above-captioned matter pursuant to L. Civ. R., 101.1 {c) in the United .State! Bistrict Court for th
`.DistrictofNew Jersey; provided, however~ tl;l:at all plea,din,gs, brief;'l, and other papers filed wi.
`the Court shall be signed by Paul H. Kochanski, a member ln good standing of the bar of th
`Supreme Court of New Jersey and~ of this Court, or other metnbers in goQd standing of th
`bar of the Supreme Court of New Jersey and the bar of this Court who are .. employed by Lerner
`Case 2:13-cv-00391-ES-JAD Document 116 Filed 02/10/15 Page 2 of 2 PageID: 1630
`Case 2:14-cv-03235-ES-JAD Document 26-3 Filed 02/09/15 Page 2 of 2 PagelD: 21
`David, Littenb~rg, Kru1nht;:.l~ &, Mentlik,. LLP, who shall be h~ld responsible for said papers an
`for· the conduct of this c.as'e and who shatl be present before the Court during· all phases of th
`proceedin~. unless expressly ~cused by the Court, as well as be held responsible for tb.econdu
`of any .attorney.being admittedpro hac vice pursuant to this Order;,
`Christopher M. GIUlo, Ph .. D. shall,p~'f the annual fee to the· New Jersey LaW)'er ·
`Fund for Client Protec:tion1 in accordance with R l :28~2 within twenty (20) days from the dati
`4/lc) >Ii... II (o"'+lnue Jc, f'-'1-#e 1.((1(1.:.,,.I 6.H(A°"\Cl\-t
`entry oJ this Otder'fot ea'ch year the caseis pending;
`Christopher M. Oallo~ Ph.D. shall p~y the fee of $150 to the Clerk, of this C1>
`pursuant to L. C1v. R. l01.l(c)(3) within twenty (20) days from the date of the entry of th·
`Christopher M. Gallo, Ph.D. shall be bound by the Local Civil Rules. of the Uni
`States DistrlctCo:arl for the District ofN~w Jersey. inclu4ing the provisions o,f L. Civ. R. 103.
`(Judicial Ethics and Professional Responsibility) and L. Civ. R. 104.1 (Discipline of Attorneys};
`ChristophetJvf. Gallo. Ph,D. shall be deemed to have agreed to. take no fee in an
`tort case in excess of the New Jersey State Court Contingeooy Fee Rule, Rule 1:21-7* ·
`Dated.: N~\i~~S
`lo eph A. Dickson
`United States Magistrate Judse