Case: 4:17-cv-01284-AGF Doc. #: 27 Filed: 07/17/17 Page: 1 of 13 PageID #: 151
`) Case No. 4:17-CV-01284-AGF
` Plaintiff,
` vs.
`d/b/a CARiD.COM,
` Defendant.
`This copyright and unfair competition matter is before the Court on the motion of
`Defendant Onyx Enterprises, International Corporation (“Onyx”), to dismiss Plaintiff
`etrailer Corporation’s (“etrailer”) complaint. For the reasons set forth below, the motion
`to dismiss will be denied in part as to etrailer’s copyright claims, and granted as to etrailer’s
`unfair competition claims.
`Etrailer is an online vendor of motor vehicle accessories such as trailer hitches,
`trailer parts, and towing accessories. Etrailer uses its own high-quality photographs
`(“Photos”) and videos to advertise and market the products it sells. Onyx, which does
`business on the Internet as, is a direct competitor of etrailer in the online car
`accessories sales market. Etrailer and Onyx sell many of the same products made by third


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`Etrailer’s complaint states that its Photos and videos either have copyright
`registrations approved by the United States Copyright Office (“actual registrations”), or are
`the subject of pending, completed copyright registration applications filed with the
`Copyright Office (“applied-for registrations”). Etrailer claims that Onyx engaged in
`willful copyright infringement in violation of the federal Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 501,
`by illegally copying and displaying thousands of etrailer’s Photos on to sell
`the products depicted in the photos (Count I).
`Etrailer additionally alleges that Onyx altered some of the Photos by removing
`etrailer’s name or marks that originally appeared in the Photos on or near the products
`depicted. Etrailer claims that this constituted false designation of origin in violation of
`§ 43(a) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a) (Count II), and Missouri statutory and
`common law (Count III).
`For the copyright infringement claims, etrailer seeks an entry of judgment finding
`that Onyx has infringed on etrailer’s rights; an order directing Onyx to provide proof of
`destruction of unlawful copies of the Photos, or to allow etrailer to effect the same; a
`permanent injunction against Onyx; monetary damages, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 504(c), of
`$150,000 per infringement, or disgorgement of Onyx’s profits in an amount to be proven at
`trial; and costs and attorney’s fees.
`For the false designation of origin claims, etrailer seeks an entry of judgment;
`reimbursement for advertising and other expenses necessary to dispel the public confusion
`caused by Onyx’s unlawful acts; monetary damages in an amount to be proven at trial,


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`trebled, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117, on account of Onyx’s willfulness; and attorney’s
`fees and costs.
`To support its claims, etrailer attached to the complaint an exemplar list of 27 of its
`actually registered “photo groups,” which contain Photos of vehicle accessories. Also
`attached are side-by-side comparisons of 80 Photos, as posted on, and Onyx’s
`posting of the identical, or slightly modified, Photos on or Of the
`80 Photos included, 69 have actual registrations, and 11 are listed as “pending
`registration.” In 21 of the Photos, the name “etrailer” appears on the product itself;
`etrailer’s name has been removed in the allegedly infringing versions.
`In support of its motion to dismiss the federal copyright claims, Onyx initially
`argued that the court lacked subject matter jurisdiction over claims based on Photos with
`only applied-for registrations.1 Onyx additionally asserts that etrailer failed to state a
`claim with regards to false designation of origin under either federal or state law, as etrailer
`is not the source of the products depicted in the Photos, and thus removing etrailer’s marks
`from the Photos does not falsely designate the products’ origin.
`In opposing Onyx’s motion to dismiss, etrailer notes that Onyx’s position on the
`Court’s lack of subject matter jurisdiction relied on an incorrect statement of the law.
`1 As Onyx had already filed an answer when this motion was filed, this motion is more
`accurately regarded as a motion for judgment on the pleadings. See, e.g., Free & Fair
`Election Fund v. Mo. Ethics Comm’n, No. 16-04332-CV-C-ODS, 2017 WL 2189657, at *3
`(W.D. Mo. May 17, 2017). The same standard that governs motions to dismiss also
`governs motions for judgment on the pleadings. Ellis v. City of Minneapolis, No.
`16-2019, 2017 WL 2735423, at *3 (8th Cir. June 27, 2017). For convenience, the Court
`will refer herein to the motion as one to dismiss.


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`Etrailer cites Reed Elsevier, Inc. v. Muchnick, 559 U.S. 154, 157 (2010), which held that
`registration of a copyright is not a jurisdictional issue, but rather a “precondition” to suit
`under the Copyright Act. With respect to Counts II and III, etrailer first asserts that there
`is no support in the complaint for Onyx’s argument that etrailer is not the origin of the
`underlying products depicted. Etrailer further argues that its protectable interest in the
`Photos is not dependent on etrailer being the source of the products depicted, and cites
`cases to support the proposition that a defendant’s use of a plaintiff’s photographs in
`advertising certain products is a false designation of origin. In addition, etrailer argues
`that the Photos themselves are the products being falsely designated, and Onyx’s removal
`of etrailer’s marks “from many of the [Photos]” is likely to cause confusion regarding the
`Photos’ origin. ECF No. 18 at 7.
`In reply, Onyx concedes that the Court has subject matter jurisdiction over the
`infringement claims, but argues that Count I fails to state a claim based on any Photos for
`which etrailer did not obtain actual registration. Regarding Counts II and III, Onyx points
`to numerous references in the complaint to etrailer’s status as a vendor, and not the
`manufacturer or producer, of the products etrailer sells. Onyx distinguishes the cases
`etrailer relies on, as those cases involved photographs of products that were, in fact, the
`plaintiff’s own goods. Onyx also asserts that the Photos cannot be “products” within the
`definition of the Lanham Act or Missouri law on false designation, as the Photos are not
`marketed to consumers.
`By means of a sur-reply, filed with leave of Court, etrailer posits that Onyx waived
`its opportunity to move to dismiss Count I for failure to state a claim by initially attacking


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`that count on subject matter jurisdiction grounds. Etrailer further argues that it has
`satisfied any precondition to suit for infringement of Photos with either actual registration
`or applied-for registration, based on Action Tapes, Inc. v. Mattson, 462 F.3d 1010 (8th Cir.
`2006), which stated that infringement is actionable under the Copyright Act once the
`owner has “delivered the deposit, application, and fee required for registration to the
`United States Copyright Office.” Id. at 1013.
`To survive a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim, a pleader’s allegations
`must contain “sufficient factual matter, accepted as true, to ‘state a claim to relief that is
`plausible on its face.’” Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662, 678 (2009) (quoting Bell Atl.
`Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 570 (2007)). “[A] formulaic recitation of the elements
`of a cause of action will not do.” Twombly, 550 U.S. at 555. The Court is not required to
`accept the legal conclusions the pleader draws from the facts alleged. Iqbal, 556 U.S. at
`678; Retro Television Network, Inc. v. Luken Commc’ns, LLC, 696 F.3d 766, 768-69 (8th
`Cir. 2012). However, the Court must assume the factual allegations of a complaint as true
`and construed in favor of the plaintiff “even if it strikes a savvy judge that actual proof of
`those facts is improbable.” Twombly, 550 U.S. at 556.
`Count I: Federal Copyright Infringement
`A copyright in a work “subsists from its creation.” 17 U.S.C. § 302.
`“Registration” with the Copyright Office is optional, but is required to entitle a copyright
`holder to bring an infringement action under the Copyright Act, and copyright holders
`“frequently register specifically for the purpose of being able to bring suit” under the Act.


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`Cosmetic Ideas, Inc. v. IAC/Interactivecorp., 606 F.3d 612, 619 (9th Cir. 2010). This
`precondition to suit is stated in 17 U.S.C. § 411(a), as follows: “no civil action for
`infringement of the copyright in any United States work shall be instituted until
`preregistration or registration of the copyright claim has been made in accordance with this
`title.” See Reed Elsevier, Inc., 559 U.S. at 157-58.
`The Copyright Act defines an infringer as “anyone who violates any of the
`exclusive rights of the copyright owner as provided by sections 106 through 122.” 17
`U.S.C. § 501(a). Exclusive rights in copyrighted works include the rights, per 17 U.S.C.
`§ 106: “(1) to reproduce the copyrighted work in copies . . . ; [and] (2) to prepare derivative
`works based upon the copyrighted work . . . .” Id. at § 106. To establish copyright
`infringement, a plaintiff must demonstrate that (1) it owns a valid copyright, and (2) that
`the defendant copied, displayed, or distributed protected elements of the copyrighted work
`without authorization. Kennedy v. Gish, Sherwood & Friends, Inc., 143 F. Supp. 3d 898,
`904 (E.D. Mo. 2015) (citing Mulchay v. Cheetah Learning LLC, 386 F.3d 849, 852 (8th
`Cir. 2004)).
`The Court first concludes that, procedurally, Onyx has not waived its opportunity to
`argue for dismissal of etrailer’s copyright infringement claim for failure to state a claim.
`While a reply memorandum in support of a motion to dismiss should generally not raise a
`new argument for dismissal, courts may consider such an argument where, as here, the
`nonmoving party has been given leave to file a surreply to address the new argument, and
`did so. See, e.g., N. Ala. Fabricating Co. v. Bedeschi Mid-West Conveyor Co., No.


`Case: 4:17-cv-01284-AGF Doc. #: 27 Filed: 07/17/17 Page: 7 of 13 PageID #: 157
`16-2740-DDC-TJJ, 2017 WL 1836973, at *6 (D. Kan. May 8, 2017); Prosser v.
`Nagaldinne, No. 4:09CV2117 HEA, 2011 WL 250999, at *1 (E.D. Mo. Jan. 26, 2011).
`As noted above, most of etrailer’s exemplar Photos are parts of actually registered
`photo groups, and thus meet the § 411(a) precondition to sue. With respect to etrailer’s
`remaining copyright infringement claims, there is currently a split among the federal
`circuit courts on whether applied-for registration satisfies the precondition for an
`infringement claim under the Copyright Act. Some courts have adopted the “application”
`approach – allowing an infringement suit after filing a complete copyright application with
`the Copyright Office – while other courts have adopted the “registration” approach –
`requiring a complete application and either approval or rejection from the Copyright
`Office. Compare, e.g., Cosmetic Ideas, Inc., 606 F.3d at 619 (concluding that the
`application approach better fulfills Congress’s purpose), with, e.g., La Resolana Architects,
`PA v. Clay Realtors Angel Fire, 416 F.3d 1195, 1205 (10th Cir. 2005) (concluding that
`“registration” as used in § 411(a) does not occur until the Copyright Office takes action on
`an application).
`In Action Tapes, Inc., 462 F.3d at 1013, the Eighth Circuit stated, as noted above,
`that “[a] copyright owner may not sue for infringement under the federal Copyright Act
`until the owner has delivered ‘the deposit, application, and fee required for registration’ to
`the United States Copyright Office.”2 Even if this statement in Action Tapes is just dicta,
`2 The Court notes that a split on this question also exists within the Minnesota District
`Court. Compare Tri-Marketing, Inc. v. Mainstream Marketing Servs., Inc., No. CUV
`09-13DWFRLE, 2009 WL 1408741 at *3 (D. Minn. May 19, 2009) (adopting the
`application approach in denying a motion to dismiss), with Asche & Spencer Music, Inc. v.


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`the Court believes this approach is the better-reasoned one. As the Ninth Circuit
`explained in Cosmetic Ideas, Inc., 606 F.3d at 619-21, the application approach avoids
`unnecessary delays in infringement litigation based on the Copyright Office’s processing
`an application, delays that may combine with the Copyright Act’s three-year statute of
`limitations to prevent a copyright holder from ever bringing suit. Further, the application
`approach is consistent with 17 U.S.C. § 410(d)’s mandate that an application’s effective
`registration date is the day a completed application is received, not approved. Id. at 620.
`And this approach “better fulfills Congress’s purpose of providing broad copyright
`protection while maintaining a robust federal register.” Id. at 619.
`Of course, at a later stage in this litigation, etrailer will have to specify which Photos
`it claims were infringed and their registration status. While etrailer has not substantiated
`its claim that “thousands” of Photos were infringed by Onyx, such complete factual
`development is unnecessary to survive a motion to dismiss. See, e.g., Joint Stock Co.
`Channel One Russia Worldwide v. Informir LLC, No. 16CV1318GBDBCM, 2017 WL
`696126 at *14 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 15, 2017) (explaining that where a copyright claim includes
`a large number of works, an exhaustive list of copyrights allegedly infringed is not
`necessary to survive a motion to dismiss, and that a “representative listing” will suffice).
`In sum, Onyx’s motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim will be denied as to
`Count I.
`Principato-Young Entm’t, Inc., 147 F. Supp. 3d 833, 838 (D. Minn. 2015) (applying the
`registration approach in granting a motion to dismiss).


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`Counts II and III: False Designation of Origin / Unfair Competition
`The Lanham Act includes a statement of its purpose at 15 U.S.C. § 1127, which
`provides, in relevant part, as follows:
`The intent of this chapter is to regulate commerce within the control of
`Congress by making actionable the deceptive and misleading use of marks in
`such commerce; to protect registered marks used in such commerce from
`interference by State, or territorial legislation; to protect persons engaged in
`such commerce against unfair competition; to prevent fraud and deception in
`such commerce by the use of reproductions, copies, counterfeits, or
`colorable imitations of registered marks . . . .
`Section 1125(a), entitled “False designations of origin, false descriptions, and
`dilution forbidden,” “create[s] a federal remedy against a person who used in commerce
`either ‘a false designation of origin, or any false description or representation’ in
`connection with ‘any goods or services.’” Dastar Corp. v. Twentieth Century Fox Film
`Corp., 539 U.S. 23, 29 (2003). This remedy “does not have boundless application . . . for
`unfair trade practices,” and only applies to “certain unfair trade practices.” Id.
`The most common false designation of origin claim is “palming off” – “where one
`competitor tries to fool the consuming public into thinking that his product is really the
`product of another.” Pampered Chef, Ltd. v. Magic Kitchen, Inc., 12 F. Supp. 2d 785, 794
`(N.D. Ill. 1998). Also common is “reverse palming off” – “selling or offering for sale
`another’s product that has been modified slightly and then labeled with a different name.”
`McCardle v. Mattel Inc. 456 F. Supp 2d 769, 783 (E.D. Tex. 2006) (citation omitted).
`An actionable claim requires that the infringing use be “likely to cause confusion or
`to cause mistake . . . as to the origin . . . of goods, services, or commercial activities by
`another person.” 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)(1)(A). The phrase “origin of goods” under the


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`Lanham Act refers to “the producer of the tangible goods that are offered for sale.”
`Dastar Corp., 539 U.S. at 37. A plaintiff must show, at least “likely . . . confusion to
`consumers.” Sensient Techs. Corp. v. SensoryEffects Flavor Co., 636 F. Supp. 2d 891,
`899 (E.D. Mo. 2009), aff’d, 613 F.3d 754 (8th Cir. 2010). As accepted by both parties, the
`elements of Missouri’s unfair competition claims “substantially overlap with the federal . .
`. false designation of origin claims,” and so will not be analyzed separately. See Steak n
`Shake Co. v. Burger King Corp., 323 F. Supp. 2d 983, 991 (E.D. Mo. 2004).
`Etrailer appears to be advancing two theories of recovery under the Lanham Act:
`first, that Onyx unlawfully doctored some of the Photos to remove etrailer’s name from the
`products depicted in the Photos in order to “cause confusion, mistake, and deception as to
`the affiliation, connection, or association of the products with etrailer, or as to the
`sponsorship or approval of said products by etrailer,” ECF Doc. 1 at 13; and second, that
`Onyx improperly attempted to use etrailer’s Photos, “misbranded to appear as” Onyx’s,
`ECF Doc. 18 at 7.
`With respect to the doctoring claim, typically, the removal of a competitor’s marks
`from a product is done in an attempt to “reverse palm off” an item, which occurs “when the
`wrongdoer simply removes or otherwise obliterates the name of the manufacturer or source
`and sells the product in an unbranded state.” See Smith v. Montoro, 648 F. 2d 602, 605
`(9th Cir. 1981). For example, in a case cited by etrailer, Truck Equipment Services Co. v.
`Fruehauf Corp., 536 F.2d 1210 (8th Cir. 1976), the defendant attempted to “reverse palm
`off” its semi-trailer as the plaintiff’s similar Cornhusker 800 semi-trailer by copying
`plaintiff’s exterior design and using images of the Cornhusker 800 to market the


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`defendant’s semi-trailer. The district court found, as affirmed by the Eighth Circuit, that
`the defendant’s imitation of the Cornhusker 800 and use of Cornhusker 800 images caused
`a likelihood of confusion in the marketplace, and “the unfairness of [the defendant’s]
`conduct . . . must be seen as using the photograph of [the plaintiff’s] trailer to trade upon
`the reputation of [the plaintiff] and to confuse potential customers as to the source of origin
`of the trailer pictured on the sales literature.” Id. at 1216.
`Here, however, it does not appear that etrailer is the “origin” of the underlying
`products in the Photos – the motor vehicle accessories sold by both etrailer and Onyx. As
`noted above, etrailer argues that Onyx has not shown sufficient support for the proposition
`that etrailer was not, in fact, the origin of the goods in the Photos. The Court finds this
`argument disingenuous, as etrailer has not alleged in the complaint or in its briefs that it
`was the origin the products. Whether sold by etrailer or Onyx, the Court understands the
`products to be produced by the same third-party sources. Thus, the Court agrees with
`Onyx that the cases etrailer cites on the point at issue are unavailing as they all consider a
`plaintiff’s photos of products for which the plaintiff was also the origin of the products
`depicted therein.3
`Etrailer’s theory that alteration of the Photos amounts to an attempt by Onyx to
`reverse palm off etrailer’s Photos as Onyx’s, in violation of the Lanham Act, also does not
`fare well. Quadratec, Inc. v. Turn 5, Inc., No. Civ.A. 13-6384, 2015 WL 4876314 (E.D.
`3 In any event, Onyx cannot be said to falsely designate the origin of the goods it sells
`by removing etrailer’s marks in the Photos. Etrailer does not allege that Onyx removed
`etrailer’s logos from the actual products Onyx sells. Onyx’s alleged doctoring of the
`Photos, then, does not mislead consumers as to the underlying products’ origin.


`Case: 4:17-cv-01284-AGF Doc. #: 27 Filed: 07/17/17 Page: 12 of 13 PageID #: 162
`Pa. Aug. 13, 2015), presents a remarkably similar situation to that presented here. In that
`case, the plaintiff alleged, inter alia, federal copyright infringement and false designation
`of origin claims based on the defendant’s alleged use of the plaintiff’s registered online
`photos and videos (“product presentations”) of third-party Jeep® accessories that both the
`plaintiff and the defendant sold. The court denied the defendant’s motion to dismiss the
`copyright claims, but granted dismissal of the plaintiff’s Lanham Act claims, explaining as
`The tangible goods at issue here are the aftermarket Jeep® products.
`Plaintiff attempts to circumvent the prerequisites for maintaining a claim
`under Section 1125(a)(1)(A) by contending that the catalog services
`themselves are the goods at issue. However, it is not disputed that neither
`Plaintiff nor Defendant is in the business of selling catalog services. Instead,
`they are in the business of selling aftermarket Jeep® products. There can be
`no confusion as to the origin of these goods, because aftermarket Jeep®
`products—whether sold by Plaintiff or Defendant—are manufactured by the
`same source. Plaintiff essentially seeks protection of its marketing of its
`products. However, the Lanham Act does not protect originality or
`creativity, nor does it create a cause of action for, in effect, plagiarism. By
`copying Plaintiff’s Product Presentations, Defendant’s rights are protected
`under the Copyright Act. Plaintiff's claim under Section 1125(a)(1)(A) will
`be dismissed.
`Id., 2015 WL 4876314 at *9 (internal citations omitted).
`In sum, the Court finds that etrailer has failed to state a claim for false designation of
`origin, and will grant Oynx’s motion to dismiss Counts II and III.4
`4 In its memorandum in opposition to Defendant’s motion to dismiss, Plaintiff asserts
`that its unfair competition claims were “not merely [for] trademark infringement” or
`“reverse palming off.” However, as Plaintiff did not point to a basis for relief other than
`false designation, the Court limits its analysis to that claim.


`Case: 4:17-cv-01284-AGF Doc. #: 27 Filed: 07/17/17 Page: 13 of 13 PageID #: 163
`IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the motion of Defendant Onyx to dismiss
`Plaintiff’s complaint is DENIED with respect to Count I and GRANTED with respect to
`Counts II and III.
`Dated this 17th day of July, 2017.

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