CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 1 of 21
`Civil Action No. 21-cv00396


`JOHN DOE, a seller on the online
` Defendant.
`Plaintiff Natco Pharma Ltd. (“Plaintiff” or “Natco”) for its Complaint against
`Defendant John Doe (“Defendant” or “Doe”), a seller on at least the online marketplace
`, alleges as follows:
`This is an action for permanent injunctive relief, damages, and further relief
`based on Defendant’s false advertising and unfair competition in violation of Section
`43(a) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1125.
`Plaintiff Natco Pharma Ltd. is a corporation organized and existing under
`the laws of India and having a principal place of business at Natco House, Road No. 2,
`Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500034, Telangana, India. Plaintiff is a leading innovator,
`manufacturer, and marketer of pharmaceutical products, and it distributes its products
`throughout the world, including in the United States and in Minnesota.


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 2 of 21
`Defendant John Doe, upon information and belief, is doing business and
`has done business in Minnesota and elsewhere, selling and offering for sale a variety of
`products, including unauthorized prescription drug products under Natco’s name, on at
`least the online marketplace
` describes itself as “India’s Best Sourcing Marketplace.”
`Products for sale on are available for purchase in the United States,
`including within the State of Minnesota. Upon information and belief, Defendant John
`Doe is doing business and has done business in interstate commerce over the Internet, is
`accepting payments online, and is involved in selling infringing products to Minnesota
`residents, offering to sell infringing products to Minnesota residents, and shipping
`infringing products to Minnesota residents. Upon information and belief, Defendant has
`availed itself of the privilege of regularly transacting business with Minnesota residents,
`businesses, and individuals.
`Natco has not been able to obtain the identity of Defendant John Doe
`despite its reasonable efforts.
`Plaintiff contacted in an attempt to obtain the identity of
`Defendant John Doe. provided the IP addresses and
` in connection with the storefront associated with Defendant John Doe.
`These IP addresses are operated by third party DigitalOcean, LLC, 101 Avenue of the
`Americas, 10th Floor New York, NY 10013 (“DigitalOcean”).
`On October 5, 2020, Natco filed a Request for Identity of Infringers against
`DigitalOcean pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 512 in the United States District Court for the


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 3 of 21
`District of Minnesota. That Action is styled Natco Pharma Ltd. v. DigitalOcean, LLC,
`Civil Action No. 20-mc-70 (D. Minn. filed October 5, 2020). Pursuant to subpoenas
`issued in that Action, DigitalOcean stated that the IP addresses and
` were assigned to a virtual private network (“VPN”) service, Psiphon Inc.,
`which is located at 583 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario Canada, M4Y 2E4 (“Psiphon”).
`Upon information and belief, third party Psiphon is in possession of the identity of
`Defendant John Doe. Psiphon’s privacy policy states it does not share user-specific data
`with third parties, necessitating the use of formal discovery to obtain such information.
`This is an action for false advertising and unfair competition arising under
`the Trademark Act of 1946, as amended, 15 U.S.C. § 1051 et seq. (“Lanham Act”).
`This Court has federal question subject matter jurisdiction over the claims
`pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1121 and 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1338(a), and 1338(b).
`Personal jurisdiction over Defendant is proper in the District of Minnesota
`at least by virtue of the state longarm statute and Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(l) because, upon
`information and belief, Defendant conducts and has conducted business in this District
`via the online marketplace Through at least that Internet website and
`online marketplace, upon information and belief, Defendant has marketed, offered to sell,
`and sold the accused products to residents of Minnesota. Defendant has purposefully
`directed its activities at Plaintiff, and the conduct of Defendant has caused and continues
`to cause harm and injury to Plaintiff in Minnesota and elsewhere.
`11. Venue is proper in this District under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b) and 1391(c)(3).


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 4 of 21
`12. Natco is a leading pharmaceutical company engaged in developing,
`manufacturing and marketing a wide variety of innovative pharmaceutical products.
`Natco markets and distributes its pharmaceutical products in over 40 countries around the
`world, including the United States, India, and Europe. Natco primarily focuses on niche
`therapeutic areas and complex pharmaceutical products.
`13. One area of focus is oncology. Natco develops, manufactures, and markets
`a wide variety of oncology formulations, including pharmaceuticals for haemato-
`oncology and solid tumors. Natco’s oncology formulations are of decisive therapeutic
`importance in treating cancers of the blood, liver, kidney, lung, brain, breast, and ovary,
`among others. Examples of Natco’s oncology formulations include, among others,
`Alphalan, Rasburnat, and Azacitidine. See
`14. Companies that sell and distribute pharmaceuticals in the United States are
`required to abide by certain requirements the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
`(“FDA”) imposes, including registering the company with the FDA and adhering to
`approval and labeling requirements.
`15. A version of Natco’s Azacitidine formulation, in addition to numerous
`other of its oncology formulations, are approved for sale in the United States by the FDA.
`Natco’s Alphalan and Rasburnat oncology formulations are not approved by the FDA for
`sale in the United States, but they are approved by the governing regulatory bodies in the
`countries in which these formulations are authorized for sale, including India.


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 5 of 21
`16. Natco’s oncology formulations are prescription pharmaceutical products
`and are only available to customers with the prescription of an appropriately licensed
`health professional.
`17. Defendant is not sponsored by or affiliated with Natco.
`18. Defendant has impersonated Natco and offered unauthorized Natco
`prescription drug products for sale on the online marketplace Natco does
`not sell prescription drug products, or any products, on
`In its commercial advertising and promotion, Defendant has stated and
`implied to customers and others that its storefront is sponsored by and/or
`affiliated with Natco, and that the products offered for sale and/or sold on Defendant’s
` storefront are actually offered for sale and/or sold directly by Natco.
`20. Defendant has impersonated Natco by creating a false storefront on
` Defendant’s storefront is not authorized by Natco or affiliated with
`Natco. Upon information and belief, Defendant created false “Seller
`Profiles” at the following links:
`Pharma-Ltd-/ and
`Screenshots of Defendant’s storefront are set forth below:


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 6 of 21
`22. A website printout of Defendant’s “Seller Profile” shown in the screenshots
`above is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`23. Defendant has made material false statements about the origin and/or
`sponsorship of its storefront and the goods sold thereon. Defendant
`falsely stated that the storefront is sponsored by Natco by using Natco’s name and
`corporate description in the “Seller Profile” as shown in the screenshot below:


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 7 of 21
`Defendant falsely identified the location of Natco as Delhi, when in fact Natco is located
`in Hyderabad, India. Defendant also falsely stated that Natco is the “supplier company”
`for the products for sale on its storefront; that Natco is one of the “top
`suppliers” and “leading sellers” of the listed products; and that Natco is a “verified seller”
`on the marketplace as shown in the screenshot below:
`These statements are false. Plaintiff Natco Pharma Ltd. in not a verified
`seller on, nor has Plaintiff granted Defendant permission or otherwise
`authorized Defendant to sell Natco products on
`25. Defendant has offered for sale and sold numerous Natco products from its
`unauthorized storefront, including, for example, Natco’s Azacitidine,
`Rasburnat, and Alphalan oncology formulations used in treating various types of cancer.
`26. Defendant has offered for sale and sold Natco’s Azacitidine formulation on
`its unauthorized storefront. Defendant’s unauthorized sales page for the


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 8 of 21
`Azacitidine formulation can be found at the following link:
`Screenshots of the Azacitidine formulation listed on Defendant’s
`unauthorized storefront are set forth below:
`28. A website printout of Defendant’s unauthorized sales page for the
`Azacitidine formulation on shown in the screenshots above is attached
`hereto as Exhibit B.


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 9 of 21
`29. Defendant has made material false statements about Defendant’s product
`offerings. Defendant’s unauthorized sales page stated that the Azacitidine formulation is
`“Offered By Natco Pharma Ltd.” and listed the seller as “Natco Pharma Ltd.” as shown
`in the screenshot below:
`These statements are false. Plaintiff Natco Pharma Ltd. is not the seller of
`the Azacitidine formulation listed on, nor has Plaintiff granted Defendant
`permission or otherwise authorized Defendant to sell the Azacitidine formulation on
`31. Defendant copied the product photograph used in its unauthorized
`Azacitidine listing from Natco’s website. Natco owns copyrights in the photographs on
`its website, including the Azacitidine photo used in Defendant’s unauthorized listing. A
`comparison of Natco’s copyrighted Azacitidine photograph and the photograph used by
`Defendant is as follows:


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 10 of 21
`Natco Website / Image
`Trade India Website / Copy
`32. Defendant has also offered for sale and sold Natco’s Rasburnat formulation
`on its unauthorized storefront. Defendant’s unauthorized sales page for
`the Rasburnat formulation were located the following link:
`Screenshots of the Rasburnat formulation listed on Defendant’s
`unauthorized storefront are set forth below:


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 11 of 21
`34. A website printout of Defendant’s unauthorized sales page for Rasburnat on
` shown in the screenshots above is attached hereto as Exhibit C.
`35. Defendant has made material false statements about Defendant’s product
`offerings. Defendant’s unauthorized sales page stated that the Rasburnat formulation is
`“Offered By Natco Pharma Ltd.” and listed the seller as “Natco Pharma Ltd.” as shown
`in the screenshot below:
`These statements are false. Plaintiff Natco Pharma Ltd. is not the seller of
`the Rasburnat formulation listed on, nor has Plaintiff granted Defendant
`permission or otherwise authorized Defendant to sell the Rasburnat formulation on


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 12 of 21
`37. Defendant copied the product photograph used in its unauthorized
`Rasburnat listing from Natco’s website. Natco owns copyrights in the photographs on its
`website, including the Rasburnat photo used in Defendant’s unauthorized listing. A
`comparison of Natco’s copyrighted Rasburnat photograph and the photograph used by
`Defendant is as follows:
`Natco Website / Image
`Trade India Website / Copy
`38. Defendant has also offered for sale and sold Natco’s Alphalan formulation
`on its unauthorized storefront. Defendant’s unauthorized sales page for
`the Alphalan formulation were located at the following link:
`Screenshots of the Alphalan formulation listed on Defendant’s
`unauthorized storefront are set forth below:


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 13 of 21
`40. A website printout of Defendant’s unauthorized sales page for Alphalan on
` shown in the screenshots above is attached hereto as Exhibit D.
`41. Defendant has made material false statements about Defendant’s product
`offerings. Defendant’s unauthorized sales page stated that the Alphalan formulation is
`“Offered By Natco Pharma Ltd.” and listed the seller as “Natco Pharma Ltd.” as shown
`in the screenshot below:


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 14 of 21
`These statements are false. Plaintiff Natco Pharma Ltd. is not the seller of
`the Alphalan formulation listed on, nor has Plaintiff granted Defendant
`permission or otherwise authorized Defendant to sell the Alphalan formulation on
`43. Defendant copied the product photograph used in its unauthorized Alphalan
`listing from Natco’s website. Natco owns copyrights in the photographs on its website,
`including the Alphalan photo used in Defendant’s unauthorized listing. A comparison of
`Natco’s copyrighted Alphalan photograph and the photograph used by Defendant is as
`Natco Website / Image
`Trade India Website / Copy


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 15 of 21
`44. Defendant’s false statements described above are aimed at, and are likely
`to, deceive recipients of those statements, which include consumers on
`and the general consuming public. Defendant’s false statements are likely to have a
`material effect on the purchasing decisions of consumers. Defendant’s activities
`described above are also likely to cause confusion, mistake or deception among
`purchasers and/or users of the parties’ goods as to source or origin and/or as to any
`sponsorship or affiliation between, or endorsement by, Natco and Defendant.
`45. Natco has built a reputation as one of the world’s foremost manufacturers
`and marketers of pharmaceutical products. Defendant’s impersonation of Natco on
`, and its false statements that the Azacitidine, Rasburnat, and Alphalan
`formulations are available for purchase from Natco on, will falsely cause
`consumers to believe that they are purchasing these products directly from Natco, thereby
`having a material impact on their purchasing decisions. If consumers obtain these Natco
`products from an unauthorized seller and use them in a manner that causes harm to
`themselves or others, Natco will suffer irreparable harm to its goodwill and reputation
`with customers and in the marketplace.
`46. Natco does not sell its Rasburnat and Alphalan formulations in the United
`States. While they are approved by the governing regulatory bodies in the countries in
`which they are offered for sale, including India, Natco’s Rasburnat and Alphalan
`formulations are not approved by the FDA for sale in the United States. One version of


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 16 of 21
`Natco’s Azacitidine formulation is approved by the FDA for sale in the United States, but
`not every version of Natco’s Azacitidine product is so approved. Defendant’s
`unauthorized offering for sale of the India-market Azacitidine, Rasburnat, and Alphalan
`formulations for sale on, makes it appear to the consuming public that
`these formulations are approved for sale in the United States or that Natco is selling or
`has sold unapproved formulations in the United States. For instance, consumers may
`enter a US phone number or use apps on the Apple and Android app stores to
`communicate with sellers. Due to these appearances created by Defendant’s false
`statements, Natco will suffer irreparable harm to its goodwill and reputation with
`customers and in the marketplace.
`Plaintiff is damaged and suffers irreparable harm from Defendant’s material
`false statements. While Defendant’s webpages are currently unavailable and appear to
`have been removed as of the date of the Complaint, Defendant may put up these
`webpages, or any other false and misleading webpages, again in the future. Unless these
`statements of Defendant are enjoined by this Court, they will continue, and they will
`continue to cause irreparable injury to Natco and to the public for which there is no
`adequate remedy at law.
`48. Natco repeats the allegations in Paragraphs 1-47 as if fully set forth herein.


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`The acts of Defendant complained of herein constitute unfair competition
`and false advertising in violation of Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. §
`50. Defendant’s material false statements made in commercial advertising or
`promotion misrepresent the nature, characteristics, and qualities of Natco’s goods and/or
`commercial activities and Defendant’s goods and/or commercial activities, all in
`violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a).
`51. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s above-described conduct,
`Natco has suffered and continues to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial,
`and the loss of goodwill.
`52. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s above-described conduct,
`Defendant has been unjustly enriched and should be ordered to disgorge any and all
`profits earned as a result of such unlawful conduct.
`53. Unless enjoined by this Court, Defendant’s above-described conduct will
`cause irreparable injury, for which Natco has no adequate remedy at law, in the nature of
`injury to Natco’s reputation and goodwill. Natco is entitled to injunctive relief pursuant to
`15 U.S.C. § 1116.
`54. Defendant’s actions were taken in willful, deliberate, and/or intentional
`disregard of Natco’s rights. Natco is entitled to recover trebled damages, Natco’s
`attorneys’ fees, and the costs of this litigation pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117.


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 18 of 21
`55. Natco repeats the allegations in Paragraphs 1-54 as if fully set forth herein.
`The acts of Defendant complained of herein constitute unfair competition
`and false designation of origin in violation of Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C.
`§ 1125(a)(1)(A).
`57. Defendant’s activities are likely to cause confusion, mistake or deception
`among purchasers and/or users of the parties’ goods as to source or origin and/or as to
`any sponsorship or affiliation between, or endorsement by, Natco and Defendant, all in
`violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1125.
`58. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s above-described conduct,
`Natco has suffered and continues to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial,
`and the loss of goodwill.
`59. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s above-described conduct,
`Defendant has been unjustly enriched and should be ordered to disgorge any and all
`profits earned as a result of such unlawful conduct.
`60. Unless enjoined by this Court, Defendant’s above-described conduct will
`cause irreparable injury, for which Natco has no adequate remedy at law, in the nature of
`injury to Natco’s reputation and goodwill. Natco is entitled to injunctive relief pursuant to
`15 U.S.C. § 1116.


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 19 of 21
`61. Defendant’s actions were taken in willful, deliberate, and/or intentional
`disregard of Natco’s rights. Natco is entitled to recover trebled damages, Natco’s
`attorneys’ fees, and the costs of this litigation pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117.
`Plaintiff hereby demands a trial by jury of all issues so triable.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests judgment against Defendant on all
`causes of action and as described as follows:
`The Court enter an Order holding that Defendant has engaged in false
`advertising and unfair competition in violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a);
`The Court enter an Order permanently enjoining Defendant, its agents,
`servants, employees, attorneys, successors and assigns, and all others in active concert or
`participation with them, from directly or indirectly falsely or misleadingly advertising
`any affiliation or sponsorship with Natco; requiring Defendant to remove all product
`listings for Natco products from any sales outlet, including without limitation
`; and prohibiting Defendant from selling or listing any Natco products for
`sale in the future on any sales outlet including without limitation;
`The Court enter an Order granting Natco such other relief as the Court may
`deem appropriate to prevent the public from deriving any erroneous impression
`concerning the nature, characteristics, qualities, or benefits of Natco’s products;


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 20 of 21
`The Court enter an Order requiring Defendant to pay Natco damages in an
`amount to be determined at trial sufficient to compensate Natco for injury it has sustained
`as a consequence of Defendant’s unlawful acts;
`The Court enter an Order requiring Defendant to pay Natco damages in the
`amount of Natco’s actual damages resulting from Defendant’s false and misleading
`advertisements and marketing and unfair competition pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117(a);
`The Court enter an Order finding that that this is an exceptional case and
`requiring Defendant to pay Natco additional damages equal to three times the actual
`damages awarded Natco pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117(a);
`The Court enter an Order for an accounting be directed to determine
`Defendant’s profits resulting from its illegal activities and such profits be paid over to
`Natco, increased as the Court finds to be just under the circumstances of this case
`pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117(a);
`The Court enter an Order finding that this case is an exceptional case and
`requiring Defendant to pay all of Natco’s reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses,
`including those available under 15 U.S.C. § 1117(a), and any other applicable law;
`The Court enter an Order requiring Defendant to pay Natco pre-judgment
`and post-judgment interest on the damages awarded; and
`The Court enter an Order awarding Natco such other and further relief as
`the Court deems just and equitable.


`CASE 0:21-cv-00396-ECT-BRT Doc. 1 Filed 02/11/21 Page 21 of 21
`Respectfully submitted this 11th day of February 2021.
`/s/William Schultz
`Christopher Sorenson
`William Schultz
`Michael Erbele
`150 South Fifth Street
`Suite 2200
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`Main Telephone: (612) 332-5300
`Main Facsimile: (612) 332-9081 

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