Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44212 Filed 05/22/15 Page 1 of 110
`No. 12-cv-11758
`Theodore Levin United States Courthouse
`231 West Lafayette Boulevard
`Detroit, Michigan
`Monday, April 20, 2015
`For the Plaintiffs:
`Miller, Canfield, Paddock and
`Stone, PLC
`150 W. Jefferson Avenue, Suite 2500
`Detroit, Michigan
`(313) 486-7645
`Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan,
`51 Madison Avenue, 29th Floor
`New York, New York 10010
`(212) 849-7412
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44213 Filed 05/22/15 Page 2 of 110
`For the Defendants:
`Foley and Lardner, LLP
`90 Park Avenue, 37th Floor
`New York, New York 10016
`(212) 682-7474
`Foley & Lardner, LLP
`3000 K Street N. W,
`Washington, DC
`(202) 672-5300
`Foley & Lardner
`500 Woodward Avenue
`Detroit, Michigan
`(313) 234-2800
`Suite 600
`Reported by:
`Merilyn J. Jones, RPR, CSR
`Official Federal Court Reporter
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44214 Filed 05/22/15 Page 3 of 110
`Direct examination by Ms. Mankofsky (cont.)
`Cross-examination by Ms. Fernands
`Redirect examination by Ms. Mankofsky
`Cross-examination by Mr. Hanna
`Cross-examination by Mr. Palizzi
`Recross-examination by Mr. Hanna
`Jury Instructions
`DX D121
`DX D834 through 838
`DX D684 through 693
`DX D83
`DX D799
`DX D1095
`DX D617
`DX D111
`DX Exhibit sheet with multiple exhibits not
`Placed on the record
`DX D372
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44215 Filed 05/22/15 Page 4 of 110
`Detroit, Michigan
`Monday, April 20, 2015 - 8:28 a.m.
`All rise.
`The United States District
`Court for the Eastern District of Michigan is now in session,
`Honorable Gershwin A. Drain presiding.
`Calling Civil Action Everlight Electronics Company
`verus Nichia Corporation, Number 12-11758.
`You may be seated.
`Please put your appearance on the record.
`Good morning, your Honor.
`Good morning.
`Ray Nimrod from Quinn Emanuel on
`behalf of Everlight.
`With me is Matt Traupman and Anastasia
`Fernands from my firm; Mike Palizzi and Mike Simoni from Miller
`Canfield; and our corporate representative Bernd Kammerer is
`with us today.
`Thank you.
`All right.
`Good morning, your Honor.
`Rizzi of Foley & Lardner on behalf of Nichia.
`With me is Ramy
`Hanna, Lisa Mankofsky, Ryan Schmid and Debra Lange, also of
`Foley & Lardner, and our corporate representative, Dr. Dan
`with the testimony?
`All right.
`Are we ready to continue
`I believe so, your Honor.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44216 Filed 05/22/15 Page 5 of 110
`And there's a few instruction
`issues that need to be resolved, the claim chart has got to
`eventually be resolved, and I think both sides want to put some
`exhibits on the record.
`We can all do that after -- how much
`more evidence and testimony do you have, Mr. Rizzi?
`Or I
`should say, Ms. Mankofsky first.
`Probably only about a half an hour,
`your Honor.
`And let's see, Mr. Nimrod,
`I think that's it.
`Good enough.
`Good enough.
`what about --
`I think we have probably about a half
`an hour of cross for those witnesses and that would be it.
`So maybe about an hour's worth
`of testimony?
`Then we will continue.
`Let's bring the jury in.
`Do you want Mr. Jarosz to go back
`to the witness stand?
`You can, yes.
`All rise for the jury.
`(At 8:31 a.m. jury present)
`All right.
`You can be seated.
`All right.
`Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44217 Filed 05/22/15 Page 6 of 110
`Good morning.
`I hope all
`I think we're ready to go.
`The Tigers
`of you had a good weekend.
`The weather was great.
`did well.
`They have the best record in Major League Baseball
`right now.
`Some of you may or may not be interested or
`concerned about that, but I'm a little bit of a fan.
`Let's continue.
`And so, Ms. Mankofsky, you may
`continue with your examination.
`Thank you, very much.
`Good morning.
`Good morning.
`Good morning to you, your Honor.
`Good morning, Mr. Jarosz.
`Good morning.
`J O H N
`J A R O S Z,
`called by the Defendant at 8:32 a.m., previously sworn by the
`Clerk, testified as follows:
`So just to remind us where we were on Friday when we
`broke, I think we've learned that you're an economist?
`I am.
`And you mentioned that you have formed some opinions on
`the commercial success, and would you remind us what those are?
`The products that use the patents here in suit have been
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44218 Filed 05/22/15 Page 7 of 110
`a marketplace success, and an important reason for that
`marketplace success has been the patents.
`And again, do these Nichia white LEDs include the
`controlled particle size distribution?
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`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44219 Filed 05/22/15 Page 8 of 110
`Yes, that's my understanding.
`And could you remind us why the period starts at 1998?
`That was the first full year of shipment and sales
`And 2012, why was that chosen?
`That's the last year for which I had a complete set of
`I had some data for 2013, but they didn't run all the
`way through the year, so I decided just to report the years
`that are full years for this slide.
`Are you familiar with the phrase, compound annual
`growth rate?
`Yes, I am.
`What is that?
`In essence, it's a way to measure activity from one period
`to the next.
`When we're talking about compound annual, we're
`talking about what's the rate from one year to the next year
`over a period of years.
`Is that sometimes referred to as growth rate?
`Yes, it is.
`That's what I'll use for here.
`Have you calculated the growth rate for the sales
`of Nichia's white LEDs that are made from the InGaN LED and
`YAG-based phosphor and have the controlled particle size
`Yes, I have.
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`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44220 Filed 05/22/15 Page 9 of 110
`And what did you find for U.S. sales?
`For the U.S. activity, the growth rate per year was about
`36 percent.
`And what was the growth rate for worldwide sales?
`Per year, it was about 42 percent from 1998 onward.
`And how would you characterize the size of those growth
`Those are quite healthy growth
`They're substantial.
`Very few products grow at that kind of rate.
`To give you an example, the inflation rate grows
`roughly -- it's even less than three percent a year here in the
`United States.
`The growth of these sales have been ten times
`the growth.
`So it's quite substantial.
`And what do those sales numbers indicate?
`They indicate that the products that incorporate these
`patents have been very successful in the marketplace.
`Let's turn now to licenses.
`And in this case there's
`been testimony about licenses from six companies:
`Electronics, OSRAM, Toyoda Gosei, Philips, Cree, and Seoul
`Are you aware of those?
`Those are among the parties that have entered a
`license with Nichia.
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`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44221 Filed 05/22/15 Page 10 of 110
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`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44222 Filed 05/22/15 Page 11 of 110
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`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44223 Filed 05/22/15 Page 12 of 110
`Let's move on to another topic.
`slide four?
`And would you bring up
`What is this?
`This is a summary of some of the representations that
`Nichia has made about its patented technology.
`I have a couple
`samples from two different sources.
`The one on the top, what is that?
`That is an advertisement that Nichia put in a publication
`called LEDs Magazine.
`It published this advertisement in March
`of 2007.
`I believe that's been designated as D799.
`And in
`that advertisement --
`Before you go on, so let's take a look at D799.
`Is this the magazine that that ad was found in?
`That's the first page of that magazine.
`Now let's go back to the slide.
`And so this text
`was taken from the ad that's in the LEDs Magazine?
`And what was it that you found relevant?
`Well, there were several things, but included was the
`sentence that reads:
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`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44224 Filed 05/22/15 Page 13 of 110
`"Nichia produces the highest efficacy white and
`warm white LEDs which are fabricating using Nichia's
`two key technologies, blue LEDs and phosphors."
`And why was this relevant to your opinion?
`Because it says that Nichia is acknowledging the
`importance of its patents and it is advertising it to the
`world, saying, these make a difference.
`I want to bring your
`attention to these things as Nichia -- is what Nichia is
`The particular technology that uses the blue LED and the
`YAG phosphor?
`Now let's look at the press release that's at the bottom,
`and where did this come from?
`That came from a document that's been designated as D1095.
`It's a press release from Nichia as of February of 2002.
`Would you bring that up, please?
`Is this that document?
`This is the first page of that document, yes.
`And is that the second page?
`Yes, it is.
`Okay. And let's go back to the slide to see the language
`that you highlighted.
`What did you find relevant in the press release?
`It reads:
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`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44225 Filed 05/22/15 Page 14 of 110
`"Increased brightness of Nichia's white LEDs was
`achieved by improvements to both Nichia's InGaN dye and
`Nichia's proprietary phosphor coating."
`And why was that relevant to your opinion?
`Again, Nichia is talking about the significance of the
`patents that are here at issue and is telling the world these
`things do and should matter in your decision making about
`buying white LEDs.
`You referenced a little bit earlier in your testimony
`today some testimony that Dr. Doxsee had given.
`Are you aware
`of the testimony that's been given in this case?
`Yes, I am.
`I've read the transcript from each day's proceedings.
`And are you aware of testimony that's relevant to whether
`there's any relationship between the high sales of the white
`LEDs that are made of the InGaN LED chip and the YAG phosphor
`and that have the controlled particle size distribution?
`I am.
`Sometimes we use the term, "causal nexus", we've
`talked about a little bit, and I'm sure we'll talk about it in
`a moment, what are the things that are important to consumers;
`why did they buy these products?
`Let's -- have you pulled together some testimony
`you found relevant?
`Yes, I did.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44226 Filed 05/22/15 Page 15 of 110
`What does this show?
`Let's look at slide five.
`This is examples of some of the testimony that's been
`given here at the trial about the importance of the patents to
`the purchase of Nichia's white LEDs.
`So let's start with some testimony from Dr. Craford from
`What did you find relevant?
`He was asked:
`"And why does Philips use the combination of the
`blue LED and the YAG phosphor in its -- in the majority
`of its white LEDs?"
`And he answered:
`It is
`"It is the best way we found to do that.
`high efficiency, it's reliable, and it gives good
`customer value.
`It's cost-effective."
`And was there testimony from Dr. Doxsee from Nichia that
`you found relevant?
`He was asked:
`"And what do you think caused the increase in
`sales from 1998 to 2012, for example?"
`And he answered:
`"Again, I just think the value of the invention,
`and additionally, the improvements of the technology
`and reduction in prices that occurred as years went by
`after that introduction of the first white LED."
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44227 Filed 05/22/15 Page 16 of 110
`And was there testimony from Mr. Onikiri of Citizen
`Electronics which was read into the record from his deposition?
`Yes, there was.
`And what did you find relevant?
`He was asked:
`"And why did you want to use Nichia's technology
`for making white LEDs?"
`And he answered:
`"At the time there were very few companies that
`had commercialized white light LEDs, and among those,
`Nichia's products were exceptional.
`So they were
`manufacturing superior products."
`He was then asked:
`"Would you please describe some of the ways in
`which Nichia's products were exceptional?
`And he answered:
`"First of all, they had high efficiency, so they
`were bright.
`Their performance was also stable and
`they were reliable.
`And then something I later learned
`in negotiations is that their price was quite
`What conclusions have you drawn from the evidence that
`you've seen?
`The products that have used these patents, the Nichia
`products in particular, have been very successful in the
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44228 Filed 05/22/15 Page 17 of 110
`marketplace and companies have wanted to license that
`technology because of the products' success.
`Secondly, an important reason for the success of
`these products has been the patents.
`They have been important
`in the purchase decision.
`And do you have an opinion as to a causal relationship
`between sales and the success?
`It appears that there is a causal nexus that what these
`patents are about is quite important in the marketplace.
`And what do you understand to be the advantages of the
`inventions of the '925 and '960 patents?
`There are many, but among them are the fact that the
`patents are efficient; they result in good white light; they're
`stable; they're reliable, so they last for a long time; and
`they have been very favorable in terms of costs have lowered
`and prices have become very attractive to users in the
`Thank you, Mr. Jarosz.
`Those are my questions.
`I pass
`the witness.
`You may cross-examine.
`All right.
`Good morning.
`Good morning, your
`Good morning.
`Good morning, Mr. Jarosz.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44229 Filed 05/22/15 Page 18 of 110
`Good morning.
`I'm one of Everlight's counsel in
`I'm Anastasia Fernands.
`this case.
`Pleasure to meet you.
`Nice to meet you.
`I think a pleasure, I don't know what the questions will
`Well, I hope it is.
`I do, too.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


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`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44235 Filed 05/22/15 Page 24 of 110
`You can take that down.
`So you also spent a little time earlier this
`morning talking about the sales volume and dollar value of
`sales of white LEDs and you testified that it's your
`understanding there has to be a causal nexus between any
`commercial success and the patents-in-suit, is that right?
`I believe the law provides that for there to be a finding
`of commercial success there needs to be proof of a causal nexus
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44236 Filed 05/22/15 Page 25 of 110
`between the patents and the products that embody those patents.
`You would agree there have been developments and
`improvements in white LEDs since 1997, right?
`And you would agree that those later research and
`development efforts could have contributed to the success of
`white LEDs in the marketplace, correct?
`Oh, yes.
`And in forming your opinions you did not do any separate
`analysis to determine if the later developments after 1997
`contributed to that success, correct, any quantitative
`Not a quantitative analysis, but sure, I'm aware that
`later improvements did add to the success.
`There were at least
`three things that added to the success.
`One is the more wide-scale adoption of the
`technology by consumers.
`We saw the value of LEDs
`and have increasingly seen the value.
`There were improvements
`in the product, and associated with those improvements were
`lower costs, and therefore, lower prices to all of us, either
`in direct prices, what's in a monitor, or direct prices in an
`LED bulb, which I first bought over the weekend.
`And those later developments certainly have contributed to
`the sales of LEDs that you were describing earlier?
`Yes, that's right.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44237 Filed 05/22/15 Page 26 of 110
`Now, the Nichia white LEDs you were discussing earlier,
`those all contain InGaN LED chips, is that right?
`Yes, as I understand it.
`Those are blue LED chips?
`As I understand, yes.
`Though I'm not a technology expert,
`that's my economist's understanding.
`And you understand that Nichia also had patents relating
`to their blue LED chips, right?
`I don't know that it licensed out those patents, but
`it did have patents.
`And there is no question that the technology related to
`those blue LED chips has contributed to the success of white
`Yes, because I think you need a blue chip plus a YAG-based
`phosphor to make white light.
`So the blue chips have contributed to the success of white
`And you did not do any quantitative analysis of the value
`contributed by the blue LED technology versus the phosphor
`technology to the white LED, correct?
`I haven't done a separate quantitative analysis, but if
`you just had a blue chip and nothing else, that doesn't produce
`white light.
`May I have just a moment?
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`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44238 Filed 05/22/15 Page 27 of 110
`No further questions.
`All right.
`Any redirect?
`Very short.
`All right.
`Would you put back up Exhibit D121 that Ms. Fernands used
`with Mr. Jarosz, and go to the second page, which is the actual
`press release.
`And would you highlight the third paragraph,
`starting with San Francisco.
`It's the first one, so it's the
`cooperation paragraph.
`This cooperation, the third paragraph,
`Could you read what that says, Mr. Jarosz?
`I assume out loud?
`Yes, please.
`"This cooperation also offers the opportunity to open a
`dialogue between Nichia and Lumileds on the establishment of
`industry standards that will help promote the adoption of
`high-power LEDs in the general lighting market."
`Is it your understanding that the cooperation between
`Philips and Nichia was on the establishment of industry
`That would help foster the industry standards, yes.
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`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44239 Filed 05/22/15 Page 28 of 110
`Thank you.
`No further questions.
`All right.
`Mr. Jarosz, you may step
`down, sir.
`(At 8:59 a.m. witness excused)
`Can we move into evidence D121?
`Any objection?
`And we have some to
`No, we don't.
`read into the record, as well.
`Would you like us to do that
`If it relates directly to this
`particular witness, you can do it now.
`It does.
`It's D834 through 838, D684 to
`693, D833, D799, and D1095.
`And it's a short list.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44240 Filed 05/22/15 Page 29 of 110
`Mr. Hanna will be
`No objection.
`Those will be received.
`(Whereupon Plaintiff's Exhibit D121 received into
`(Whereupon Defendant's Exhibit D834 through 838, D684
`to 693, D833, D799 and D1095 received into evidence)
`All right.
`Are you ready to call your
`next witness?
`Yes, your Honor.
`calling our next witness.
`Nichia calls Mr. Kammerer, your Honor.
`All right.
`Sir, you're still under
`oath, keep that in mind.
`You can just take the witness chair and continue
`to speak up so we can all hear you.
`Good morning.
`Good morning.
`Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
`Good morning, your Honor.
`Good morning.
`B E R N D
`K A M M E R E R,
`called by the Defendant at 9:01 a.m., previously sworn by the
`Clerk, testified as follows:
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM ECF No. 534, PageID.44241 Filed 05/22/15

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