`Neo Wireless, LLC,
`American Honda Motor Co Inc,
`et al.,
`Case No. 2:22−md−03034−TGB
`Hon. Terrence G. Berg
` PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a video conference has been rescheduled before Judge
`District Judge Terrence G. Berg as follows:
`SCHEDULING CONFERENCE: September 16, 2022 at 10:00 AM
` The Court will host the conference. The conference information is listed below.
`Passcode: 997124 Or One tap mobile : US: +16692545252,,1610466093# or
` Attorneys must review and comply with the attached Zoom Video Conference Policies and
` The public may request access to in−court proceedings by visiting the Court's website:
` I hereby certify that this Notice was electronically filed, and the parties and/or counsel of
`record were served.
`Certificate of Service
`Dated: August 24, 2022
`By: s/A Chubb
`Case Manager
`Case 2:22-md-03034-TGB ECF No. 57, PageID.2188 Filed 08/24/22 Page 2 of 2
`General Court Policies:
`All in−court proceedings will be considered the same as if held in the courtroom and an official record
`will be made. Appropriate attire is required.
`The judge has authority over the proceeding and participants as if they were physically present in
`chambers or the courtroom.
`The judge may terminate the proceeding if the video conference experience is not acceptable.
`Appropriate conduct is required. Be courteous and patient.
`For in−chambers conferences, an official record will not be made, unless the judge determines one is
`necessary. Connection information may not be forwarded, distributed or shared with non−parties without
`the Court’s advance approval.
`Broadcasting, recording or photographing, including "screenshots" or other visual copying of a
`proceeding, is strictly prohibited.
`Technical Responsibilities:
`The court will not provide technical assistance for testing or troubleshooting equipment or connections,
`nor provide time during the proceeding to troubleshoot issues.
`Participants should take time prior to the proceeding to become familiar with Zoom. Directions, tutorials
`and support can be found at https://zoom.us. Devices and connections can be tested at
`Participants should use a good LAN, WiFi, or substantial LTE connection to ensure a quality connection.
`Connecting to the Proceeding:
`If a connection link has been provided, click the link to join (or copy and paste the link into a web
`browser). If prompted, download or launch Zoom and join with video and audio.
`Alternatively, visit https://zoom.us/join from a computer and enter the Meeting or Webinar ID. If
`prompted, download or launch Zoom and join with video and audio.
`For Apple/Android tablets and phones, install the Zoom App from the Apple or Android Store prior to the
`proceeding. Launch the Zoom App and join using the Meeting or Webinar ID.
`Best Practices:
`Use your full name in the display of the video window.
`Mute sound when not speaking to eliminate background noise.
`Unmute only when necessary to speak. Press the space bar to temporarily unmute.
`Avoid rustling papers and other extraneous noises.
`Speak one at a time.
`Spell proper names.
`Position the camera at eye level or slightly above eye level.
`Remember to look directly at the camera, not at the screen.
`Be mindful of what is behind you. Choose a solid neutral wall, if possible.
`Have proper lighting, ideally where light is directly on your face.