Commonwealth vs. Pandell, Shauna Marie

2329CR000647 | Massachusetts State, District Court, Southern Berkshire

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Filed Nov. 24, 2023
Case Type Criminal
Last Updated: 3 months, 2 weeks ago
  • Count #1
  • 90/24/J-6 - More than 100 days incarceration.
    OUI-LIQUOR OR .08% c90 §24(1)(a)(1)
    Original Charge: 90/24/J-6 OUI-LIQUOR OR .08% c90 §24(1)(a)(1) (Misdemeanor - more than 100 days incarceration)
    Amended Charge:
    Jurisdiction: Lee
    Date of Offense: 11/23/2023
  • Disposition: 8/9/2024 - Dismissed - After Continuance Without a Finding
  • Count #2
  • 89/4A-0 - MARKED LANES VIOLATION * c89 §4A
    Original Charge: 89/4A-0 MARKED LANES VIOLATION * c89 §4A (Civil Motor Vehicle Infraction)
    Amended Charge:
    Jurisdiction: Lee
    Date of Offense: 11/23/2023
  • Disposition: 12/21/2023 - Not Responsible
  • Count #3
    Original Charge: 90/24I-2 ALCOHOL IN MV, POSSESS OPEN CONTAINER OF * c90 §24I (Civil Motor Vehicle Infraction)
    Amended Charge:
    Jurisdiction: Lee
    Date of Offense: 11/23/2023
  • Disposition: 12/21/2023 - Not Responsible
Filing Date # Docket Text
8/9/2024Event Resulted: Continued Without Finding Until scheduled on: 12/19/2024 09:00 AM Has been: Held - No future event Hon. John McKenna, Presiding
8/9/2024Charges Disposed:: Charge # 1 OUI-LIQUOR OR .08% c90 §24(1)(a)(1) On: 08/09/2024 Judge: Hon. John McKenna Dismissed - After Continuance Without a Finding
8/9/2024All charges disposed - No future events - Defendant discharged. Judge: McKenna, Hon. John
8/9/2024Docket report of court proceedings to date Judge: McKenna, Hon. John

Disposition for Charge 1: Dismissed - After Continuance Without a Finding

12/21/2023Event Resulted: Pretrial Hearing scheduled on: 12/21/2023 09:00 AM Has been: Not Held - Disposed by Plea - 24D Hon. Paul M Vrabel, Presiding
12/21/2023Charges Disposed:: Charge # 1 OUI-LIQUOR OR .08% c90 §24(1)(a)(1) On: 12/21/2023 Judge: Hon. Paul M Vrabel Continued without a finding - 24D Program Charge # 2 MARKED LANES VIOLATION * c89 §4A On: 12/21/2023 Judge: Hon. Paul M Vrabel Not Responsible Charge # 3 ALCOHOL IN MV, POSSESS OPEN CONTAINER OF * c90 §24I On: 12/21/2023 Judge: Hon. Paul M Vrabel Not Responsible
12/21/2023One or more charges disposed by tender of plea. Judge: Vrabel, Hon. Paul M
12/21/2023Tender of plea filed and accepted by the Court. Judge: Vrabel, Hon. Paul M
12/21/2023Plea colloquy given. Judge: Vrabel, Hon. Paul M
12/21/2023Change of Plea to Admission to Sufficient facts entered. Judge: Vrabel, Hon. Paul M
12/21/2023Notice of License Loss sent; start date of suspension or revocation: 12/21/2023.
12/21/2023Probation order of conditions imposed or revised Judge: Vrabel, Hon. Paul M
12/21/2023Judicial finding regarding assessment or waiver of monies in criminal case filed. Judge: Vrabel, Hon. Paul M
12/21/2023Court waives fee assessed for driver alcohol or drug abuse education program C90 §24D. Judge: Vrabel, Hon. Paul M
12/21/2023Sentence Imposed:: Sentence Date: 12/21/2023 Judge: Hon. Paul M Vrabel Charge #: 1 OUI-LIQUOR OR .08% c90 §24(1)(a)(1) Financials: OUI Victims Fund assessment ordered. Amount $50.00 Head Injury fee assessed for OUI or negligent operation. Amount $250.00 Victim/Witness Assessment on G.L c.258B §8 Amount $50.00 Further Orders of the Court: License Lost Under Section 24D for 45 days

Disposition: Disposed by Plea


Disposition for Charge 1: Continued without a finding - 24D Program


Disposition for Charge 2: Not Responsible


Disposition for Charge 3: Not Responsible

12/7/2023Defendant's motion to reschedule or continue scheduled court hearing filed and ALLOWED. Judge: Vrabel, Hon. Paul M
12/7/2023Event Resulted: Pretrial Hearing scheduled on: 12/18/2023 09:00 AM Has been: Reschedule of Hearing For the following reason: Both Parties Request Hon. Paul M Vrabel, Presiding
11/27/2023Event Resulted: Arraignment scheduled on: 11/27/2023 09:00 AM Has been: Held - Personal Recog. Release Hon. William A Rota, Presiding
11/27/2023Defendant arraigned before Court, advised of right to counsel. Judge: Rota, Hon. William A
11/27/2023At arraignment, defendant reports that s/he will retain private counsel. Judge: Rota, Hon. William A
11/27/2023Bail revocation warning (276/58) given to the defendant Judge: Rota, Hon. William A
11/27/2023Released on Personal Recognizance Judge: Rota, Hon. William A
11/27/2023Appearance filed On this date Mark T Brennan, Esq. added as Private Counsel for Defendant Shauna M Pandell
11/24/2023Complaint issued upon new arrest.
11/24/2023Statement of facts filed.