Commonwealth vs. Harmon, Michael William

2427CR001746 | Massachusetts State, District Court, Pittsfield

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Filed Nov. 12, 2024
Case Type Criminal
Last Updated: 1 month ago
  • Count #1
  • 90/24/K-6 - More than 100 days incarceration.
    OUI-LIQUOR OR .08%, 2ND OFFENSE c90 §24(1)(a)(1)
    Original Charge: 90/24/K-6 OUI-LIQUOR OR .08%, 2ND OFFENSE c90 §24(1)(a)(1) (Misdemeanor - more than 100 days incarceration)
    Amended Charge:
    Jurisdiction: Pittsfield
    Date of Offense: 11/10/2024
  • Count #2
  • 89/4A-0 - MARKED LANES VIOLATION * c89 §4A
    Original Charge: 89/4A-0 MARKED LANES VIOLATION * c89 §4A (Civil Motor Vehicle Infraction)
    Amended Charge:
    Jurisdiction: Pittsfield
    Date of Offense: 11/10/2024
Filing Date # Docket Text
1/30/2025Event Resulted: Pretrial Hearing scheduled on: 01/30/2025 09:00 AM Has been: Reschedule of Hearing For the following reason: On Order of the Court Hon. Tina Cafaro, Presiding
1/30/2025Pretrial conference report filed. Judge: Cafaro, Hon. Tina
11/12/2024Complaint issued upon new arrest.
11/12/2024Statement of facts filed.
11/12/2024Appearance for filed by Attorney .
11/12/2024Event Resulted: Arraignment scheduled on: 11/12/2024 08:30 AM Has been: Held - Personal Recog. Release Hon. Jennifer Tyne, Presiding
11/12/2024Defendant arraigned before Court, advised of right to counsel. Judge: Tyne, Hon. Jennifer
11/12/2024Plea of Not Guilty entered on all charges. Judge: Tyne, Hon. Jennifer
11/12/2024Bail revocation warning (276/58) given to the defendant Judge: Tyne, Hon. Jennifer
11/12/2024Released on Personal Recognizance Judge: Tyne, Hon. Jennifer

Disposition: Pending