Case 1:19-cv-11278-RGS Document 34-6 Filed 01/23/20 Page 1 of 6
`Case 1:19-cv-11278—RGS Document 34-6 Filed 01/23/20 Page 1 of 6


`Case 1:19-cv-11278-RGS Document 34-6 Filed 01/23/20 Page 2 of 6
`Case 1:19-cv-11278-RGS Document 34-6 Filed 01/23/20 Page 2 of 6
`Dictionary of
`Camputer and
`Internet Terms
`Sixth Ed ifiun
`Dfluglas A. Dawning, PhD.
`file-Fm! ufflflfl'wfl and E-r'mmmi'u
`Harm's Fmrfifir Ufih'i'rfl'fl'
`Michael A. Cmmgmn. Pth
`Arr-“firm: Infrfligmnz Eat-are:
`The Unfwmflj' affimrgid
`Meludy Mauldin Cmingtun
`CHI-“fugi‘t Ifl [Ham‘s-Hun:


`Case 1:19-cv-11278-RGS Document 34-6 Filed 01/23/20 Page 3 of 6
`Case 1:19-cv-11278-RGS Document 34-6 Filed 01/23/20 Page 3 of 6
`LE} Emlyn tm n3 Elm-m1 Eat-canal 5min. Im.
`Fliu'tdlllinm ti} mmr'rsnt I'm. Im. 1992. um. Ind um
`by Harm‘s-Edmund Sui-:1. Inc.
`Hnwnuffll'nshmi maybe mprmlmndmmyfmnhjrflmfllrmhmflm
`mm. nl'lnjr ulhfl' [rum-L. nr Inl.
`:Irlhd in: my inlm'rmflm
`Intrinrll 53:21:11. chat-uni: nr medulla: . wlllluul HIE milieu pun-minim
`al'lllc flflflflfl I'm-cl-
`AH Eng-m}: .Ilmufi'd' 1|: Huh-"fl In!
`Hm 'l Emfinnli Santa. Inc.
`l'rfl Wraith: Baum“!
`w. NH.- TM. HTHEI
`b-bfm' griffin!“ CM; CM Nu. 93m
`hmmlflfll 5W Ell-uh Hrr. fl-THI-flfl-fl-T
`Lin-i1 HEW Emilia-Infill”! [HI
`Elm Mu.
`Dim-1r aim and hmflmflj his!“ A. Dawning.
`mm: A. fill-Mun. m Mmhdln Gunman—H11 ed.
`First-W1 all. pufliahad 'Il'llfl' lint: Bimini"; nf numpukr
`1. MIKE—HEW I. Impuli m nu
`I- Gunman. Ilium flu. lflfl—
`IL farm.
`lu'lflndy III-Mina.
`fl]. Dunning. Baum- Dbl-rm Hun-rpm
`Him-s. W. Tllk.


`Case 1:19-cv-11278-RGS Document 34-6 Filed 01/23/20 Page 4 of 6
`Case 1:19-cv-11278—RGS Document 34-6 Filed 01/23/20 Page 4 of 6
`Anabel-ll 11
`nutchtne. Appleta are mutually “mitten tn lava. See WIDILD WIDE
`WEIR the netwurlt mntmunitralinn nmrnenl huill intu Maulntnal‘t
`application see- apt-Linnea Pennant-t.
`applicati-nn framewnrlt a. set at! predefined pteeedurrs er elm
`the pruyananer mush rlf
`the ararlt at writing a
`putt-glam with a Haphislituled utter
`interfaith: Using an applicatiun
`I‘rnntewu’lt. the prngrammr need nut write mitt In handle menu
`anal-Jets, mnuse retirements. em. because that wall: beta elm“: been
`Examples nf appliantiun Tratnewnrlte are Marhpp fut Maeintufii't.
`Turin Visit-n frrt DDS. and tittfluutt ‘I'I'ltttlnwa nppllraatinn frame-watts
`provided with Harland and Minrnauft milcm- Heat-er fflflgl'll'fl-
`min; lmguager. sue-h as lat-Ia1 Burlantl Delphi fur Withdraws. Mimfi
`Illtt'iauatl Baal: fur W5 anal Wmtluws. tend CA-fleallzet fur DEE have
`applieaflnn frames-mm: built in.
`Applientinn Menu thtaetnlneh} the menu at the far right end his
`urinate-W5 title hat that alluws you In quickly switch braweert nip-en
`applit-Hliun prawns. The lean. turtle Applieatian menu changes he
`shew the active mm
`A. similar Marlowe ll Feature it the Teal-L LIST: fen Walden: '15
`end Winnie-we. 93 name. the TAfillH-fitfl is analageus tn the Macintosh
`Apptleatieat Menu.
`applicaliun program a enmputer man: that performs useful
`Iataltlt not related tn the! computer itself. Examples include wurtl pres
`eesanrs. spreadsheets. antuttnting systems. antl engineering ptugtat'ne.
`Cerium! LmLITT; urea man-u aTaTEt-t.
`applieatians pregammer a present when writeu pmgnma then use
`the can'tpmer as a teal tel selae partieular penblema. rather thatan to
`massage the warmer itself. Contrast araTeata PnflGheHltEE.
`L part at“ a circle.
`a data matures-aim Fragrant fer the IBM PC fnemerly pru-
`elueeu by System Enhameentenl Aaaneiatea tn the mld-lll-tlfls. a pre—
`euranr at‘EJP. See EIP FILE.
`arenas m MIC fflfilNE.
`an: mine the inverse nt' theltigunnntetrie enaiue flatten-eat. [f.r=eue_tl
`than ,t- = ares-est. Many :nmpultl languages pt'u't'ide the an: tangent
`lunetiun but net the an: easine hntefien. ‘t'au can writ armattl title It:
`using the retataan:


`Case 1:19-cv-11278-RGS Document 34-6 Filed 01/23/20 Page 5 of 6
`Crag 1:19-cv-11278—RGS Document34-6 Filed 01/23/20 Pagefi of6
`nun-J. 11m
`Hm. Elm u‘nmpurrrr rhuEI-LI 'rn wL‘ 1Jirl‘lnfll‘ln'r'II'H: mnnhlmn IDES l'i true.
`[HI '5. Then The cnmpulm' will jump In “Moment numher I1“ and. sun
`curl—Inn; Iht'nr.
`mnferenci IIE, lht' UH: ul t'urnilulrzr IVELH mm In Chub]: mrrLcni In mm -
`mun wall: in I[ml lil'l‘lt! I willulul '1:th r whilu u linking lugflllrr .‘irr- ”If.
`1." 'Lil
`mnfidmut faith" icenamly Eilmul .1 mull Till“: hem-aw III
`win] In dchcr'il‘r Ih: rt‘lluhflllji “E .'I. place nl IFIIL'I-n'llillll'I-l'l “mm: mnh
`1: unclear or “mm-lam. The": are Hall-rem! q-uemi at renaming [h'JI
`um: EDI'IILIIEI‘LL'E Mum-s: Iur rum:- eumplu. am: FL'H‘E LI'HTIE'. ['runrruu
`nEFAL'LT LUEIIC. Whirh Limb wuh m‘rrllinnia nilhuut uaing Lunh-
`deuce I'aumn.
`[‘flNFIGJ-iffi '.-I lih: II1'I DUE- USE. :Iml hll'TTH-ll ”priming -1.'n1|:m:n
`lhul calnlmm inhlnnulrnn ul'rnul Ih:
`fl'l-‘rlLlHlW mnflgunnium. “wind--
`ml: device dm'ers.
`the tyre nf kLfi'T-nani rii
`I'In1 1hr unnrlurd LLFI
`mnrlch. mm] ”In: umnunl [11' numnr} In I'M: HE'E umh.‘ In-r ill'lil'. hurr'tn.
`LUNFIGS‘FS ii rand mJ} when lhc mnrhim' hunts up. Err m'IrI
`mflfifilfl‘fl' In 1|:r up .1 L'L'Impulcr :Ir pn‘lgrunl In hr Him! in u plan-HE”-
`L'n may. Han} u'nmrrmcml wf'luun: nnuhdgn hm: In his unufigurrd.
`lnmnlilc-d: Llu'n Inmlvfi yelling lilwnl up I'm u ILLIIIt‘IIIJIL‘ 11IHCIIII1r
`Iim'iuLlin-E min? 6:311] and pnnlurv iLrh’l
`'I'm' a pdnruuhlr “arr a {unfur-
`ll]: mmn huyhmrd and scrum ul' |I mulll-uscl :nrnplncr.
`l .1 lanyhumd and imarailuuphiuuh Ere-uh, u: u wlndclw nun-mt;
`II'H: purpL'Ir-n: Hi wuh u Hint“.
`L’flflfifllfl: Midi u H-flj' III running [Imgmmh MIhIIuI Wilulll'fllng uudtl
`Windnwr. 1:15. Wmdnws- Ell-L USE. and Wmmm » ‘"'«IT A. unnalmmmh:
`wagmm in snarl-ml [mm m: mmmfl iinc. jllhl Mn: :1 DUE pmynm
`but I111:- ms 1:: lb! full [Hamlin ut' the np-eraiing fi'fiW-TFL Including
`lug: nun-aunt: uf mummy-
`Eflflslflnl a 1'u-LIIIJI: Lhnl nth-mini. unuhangt-i EiLu'iur. 1hr: twuhm «.II' n
`jmlgmn. Lil-Hal EHflrtHh'lllh. wth ab 3 . E and "DEL“ MINI" .1113
`flfllililfll'} trans-a: IhL-y all-u. 515:4 alum! fur am: with! vatuc In Fan‘atl nml
`Hum: mhnr languagrn ll
`1-.- rum-THE In :lclin: mum 'rn wrrncm unn-
`III-115m -[ mdmwlng pmgramah m metric: ur limit IJ'IT.’ available mth'c-
`menls ur 5W5- Fur-21mph. Mun-drawing n are]: 'IA'IIJI a: twin iml-
`fun mm'l h-J1d down [he cunlml Eu;- lu msm'm I314: n'HJIIdL'd filmifrt In
`a circle If ynu LEI gu LII' I11: muslminlng icy [an fiuflfl. you may get a
`nu and mute: than: u Whirl cil‘flfi.


`Case 1:19-cv-11278-RGS Document 34-6 Filed 01/23/20 Page 6 of 6
`Case 1:19-cv-11278-RGS Document 34-6 Filed 01/23/20 Page 6 of 6
`Latin 16;
`pmgrnms wen-it like a ctmpuleriaed t_1."]tte-.trt1'ter+ laTeJi. does the jnh nf
`an expert typist and Jayetu artist.
`LaTcx is especially pepular 'tct' typesetting scientific tut-d mathe-
`matical tit-tilts becttuae the full pnwet cf the Tell tttatltetnatieal type-
`setting system is atraillhie. Marty scholarly jnutnais ate typeset whit.
`LaTel'i. as are must iii the bunks published by seven] majnr publish-
`ers. LaTelt is aim pnpulee with graduate students writing theses and
`dissertations because it is easy In ccnfernt tn slal‘idltfll funnels -—-jttst
`Ilse yen: university's niflcial style she-cl.
`Implementatinrts nf LaTeIIi'. are available fee a wide range nfcnnt-
`putters, This hnnl; was typeset wilfn MEX 3'4; en a Pentium under Wm;
`claws 95. using a highly custumicctl style sheet.
`Latin the language at the ancient Humans: the Emma ulpllaitcl {includ-
`tag i. it. and w. which were added In it in medmn timesl. as nppeeed
`In the Greek nr Russian alphabet.
`In advertise and release a new product. Windnws 95 Was
`launchednn Augusl 3:4. I995.
`In start acctttputet ptegtam. csptsaally in a multitasking epet—
`ating system.
`LCD {Liquid Crystal Display: the type cidispiay used an meat digital
`watches. calculators. and Iaplnp nemfhlters. and inmferlttad-pre-jecmt
`cnrnputer displays-
`LE'Ils constant: much less pewet than any uIlter lttnd clitlispitty'1 but
`tttcyaresctnctimetltard tcteadhecautenfabtclt utenntrmttfilaeld‘
`is net much dukes than ”Willi-Er]. "Supettwist“ LCDs have mete eettt—
`tras'l than earlier types.
`LCDs use liquid crystals, which are chemicals whnse. eesptutse tn
`petaiiecd light can be centre-lied by an electric field. it peiarieing litter
`:is built train the LCD; through this filter. the liquid crystal eetnpcttsnd
`Innlts light er dasle depending nn its. electrical state.
`nflentssedinlah-iesnl’cimtenm. lilee.
`LCD panel see Pentecnnti PANEL.
`lender a line eidttts that custnects tine side efthepage with annther
`leading lprcrnnuneed "ls-titling“) the list-him at extra space between
`lines of type. {in old printing peesses. this was etigbtally date by
`inserting strips nt‘ lead between eew's nt' type cast ill lend. See TYPE-
`......... this.
`These lines
`etc typeset with
`cslta lending-
`in snare cases. it is actually beneficial In use aegnn'ite leading—
`ferieststuae. whensetting type hi all caps. fliflflmmlflm

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