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`Case 1:19-cv-11278-RGS Document 33-9 Filed 01/23/20 Page 4 of 5
`refuse • register
`regenerated cellulose n ( 1904) : cellulose obtained in a changed form
`by chemical treatment (as of a cellulose solution or derivative)
`re,gen-er•a•tion \ri-,je-n;:i--'r'1-sh::>n, ,re-\ n (14c) 1 : an act or the pro(cid:173)
`cess of regenerating : the state of being regenerated 2 : spiritual re(cid:173)
`newal or revival 3 : renewal or restoration of a body or bodily part
`after injury or as a normal process 4: utilization by special devices of
`heat or other products that would ordinarily be lost
`re.gcn-er•a•tive \ri-'je-n:,-,ra-tiv, -'je-n:i-r:i-, -'jcn-rn-\ adj 04c) 1 : of,
`relating to, or marked by regeneration 2: tending to regenerate
`re,gen-er•a•tor \ri-'je-na-,ra-tar\ 11 (ca. 1550) 1 : one that regenerates
`2 : a device used esp. with hot-air engines or gas furnaces in which
`incoming air or gas is heated by contact with masses (as of brick) previ(cid:173)
`ously heated by outgoing hot air or gas
` \'re-j:,nt\ n [ME, fr. MF or ML; MF, fr. ML regent-, regens, fr.
`L, prp. of regere to rule - more at RIGHT] (I Sc) 1: one who governs a
`kingdom in the minority, absence, or disability of the sovereign 2
`: one who rules or reigns : GOVERNOR 3 : a member of a governing
`regent adj -
`re,gent•al \-jan-t'l\
`board (as of a state university) -
`reg,gae \'re-(,)ga, 'ra-\ n [origin unknown] ( 1968) : popular music of
`Jamaican origin that combines native styles with elements of rock and
`soul music and is perfonned at moderate tempos with the accent on the
`reg•i•cide \'re-j;i-,sid\ 11 l'L reg-, rex king + E -cide - more at ROYAL]
`(ca. 1548) 1 : one who ·kills a king 2 ; the killing of a king -
`ci,dal \,re-ja-'sI-d01\ adj
`re.gime also re•gime \r'1-'zhem, ri- also ri-'jem\ 11 [F regime, fr. L regi(cid:173)
`mi11-, regimen] (1776) 1 a : REGIMEN I b : a regular pattern of oc(cid:173)
`cui'rence or action (as of seasonal rainfall) c : the characteristic be(cid:173)
`havior or orderly procedure of a natural phenomenon or process 2 a
`: mode of rule or management b : a fonn of government (a socialist
`- ) c : a government in power (predicted that the new ~ would fall)
`li : a period of rnlc
`reg,i-men \'re-j;:,-m:m also 'rc-zha-\ 11 [ME, fr. L regi111i11-, regimen rule,
`fr. regere to rule] (14c) 1 a: a systematic plan (as of diet, therapy, or
`medication) esp. when designed to improve and maintain the health of
`a patient b : a regnlnr course of action and esp. of strenuous training
`of a top ballet dancer) 2 : GOVERNMENT. RULE 3 : RE(cid:173)
`(the daily -
`'reg•i•ment \'re-j::i-mont, 'rej-mant\ 11 [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL regime11tw11,
`fr. L regere] (14c) 1 archaic : governmental rule 2 : a military unit
`consisting usu. of a nnmbcr of battalions
`Zreg•i•ment \'re-j;:i-,ment\ vi 0617) 1 : to form into or assign to a
`regiment 2 a : to organize rigidly esp. for the sake of regulation or
`control(~ an entire country) b: to subject to order or uniformity -
`reg-i,men•ta-tion \,re-j:-i-m~m-'ta-sh:,n, -,men-\ 11
`reg•i•men•tul \,rc-ja-'mcn-t°l\ adj (1659) 1 : of or relatin11 to a regi(cid:173)
`reg•i•men•tals \-t'lz\ n pl (1742) 1 : a regimental uniform 2 : mili(cid:173)
`tary dress
`re.gion \'rc-j;:,n\ 11 [ME, fr. MF, fr. L region-. regio, fr. regcre to rule]
`( 14c) 1 : an administrative area, division, or district; esp : the basic
`administrative unit for local government in Scotland 2 a: an indefi(cid:173)
`nite area of the world or universe (few unknown ~s left on earth) b
`: a broad geographical area distinguished by similar features (the Ap(cid:173)
`palachian -> c ( I) : a major world area that supports a characteris(cid:173)
`tic fauna
`(2) : an area characterized by the prevalence of one or more
`vcgetational climax types 3 a : any of the major subdivisions into
`which the body or one of its parts is divisible b : an indefinite area
`surrounding a specified body part (a pain in the ~ of the heart) 4 : a
`sphere of activity or interest : FIELD 5 : any of the zones into which
`the atmosphere is divided according to height or the sea according to
`depth 6 : an open connected set together with none, some, or all of
`the points on its boundary (a simple closed curve divides a plane into
`tre-gion-al \'rcj-n:il, 'rc-j:i-n'l\ adj (I Sc)
`1 : affecting a particular
`region : LOCALIZED 2 : of, relating to, characteristic of, or serving a
`region (a - high school) 3 : marked by regionalism (- art)
`'regional 1> ( 1936) : something (as a branch of an organization or an
`edi'tion of a magazine) that serves a region
`re-gion,al•ism \'rcj-n;:,-,li-z;im, 're-j:i-n'l-,i-\ n (1881)
`a : con(cid:173)
`sciousness of and loyalty to a distinct region with a homogeneous pop(cid:173)
`ulation b : development of a political or social system based on one
`or more such areas 2: emphasis on regional locale and characteristics
`in art or literature 3 : a characteristic feature (as of speech) of a geo(cid:173)
`graphic area -
`re,gion°al-ist \-list, -ist\ 11 01· adj -
`\,rcj-n:,-'lis-tik, ,re-j:,-n'l-'is-\ adj
`re.gion•al-ize \'rcj-na-,llz, 're-ja-n°1-,,z\ vt -ized; -iz-ing (1921) : to
`divide into regions or administrative districts : arrange regionally -(cid:173)
`re•1Jio110al,,tio11 \,rej-n.i-1.i-'zii-sh.m, ,re-j:i-n'J-:,-\ 11
`re-g1on-ai.Iy \'rej-n;i-le, 're-jo-n•J-e\ adv 0879): on a regional ba.~is
`re,gis-seur or re.gis•seur \,ril-zhi-'s<>r\ 11 [F riigisse11r, fr. 1·6gi1· to direct,
`fr. L regere to rnlc] (1828) : a director responsible for staging a theatri-
`cal work (as a ballet)
`trcg 0 is•tcr \'re-j:i-stor\ 11 [ME registrc, fr. MF, fr. ML registmm, alter.
`of LL regesta, pl., register, fr. L, neut. pl. of regestus, pp. of regerere t.o
`bring back, pile up, collect, fr. re- + gerere to benrl 04c)
`l. : ti written
`record containing regular entiies of items or details 2 11: a book or
`system of public records b: a roster of qualified or available individu(cid:173)
`als (a civil service--> 3 : an entry in a register 4 a: a set of organ
`pipes of like quality : STOP b
`(I) : the range of a human voice or a
`musical instrument (2) : a portion of such a range similarly produced
`or of the same quality c : any of the varieties of a language that a
`speaker uses in a particular social context 5
`11 : a dcvit.:e regulating
`admission of air to fuel b : a grille often with shutters for admitting
`heated air or for ventilation 6 : REGISTRATION, REGISTRY 7 a : an
`automatic device registe1ing a number or a quantity b : a number or
`quantity so registered 8 : a condition of correct alignment or proper
`relative position 9 : a device (as in a computer) for storing small
`amounts of data; esp : one in which data can be both stored and oper(cid:173)
`ated on
`21·egister vb reg,is•tercd; reg•is,te1·•ing \-st(a-)riIJ\ w (14c) 1 a: to
`make or secure official entry of in a register b: to enroll formally esp.
`as a voter or student c : to record automatically : INDICATE d : to
`(assumed) VL refusare, perh. blend of L refutare to refute and recusare
`to demur - more at RECUSE] vt (l4c) 1: to express oneself as unwill(cid:173)
`ing to accept <- a gift) (- a promotion) 2 a : to show or express
`unwillingness to do or comply with (refused to answer the question) b
`: DENY (they were refused admittance to the game) 3 obs : GIVE UP.
`RENOUNCE 4 of a horse : to decline to jump or leap over
`,.., vi ; to
`withhold acceptance, compliance, or permission syn see DECLINE~(cid:173)
`re•fus-er 11
`'ref-use \'re-,fylis. -,fyiiz\ 11 [ME, fr. MF refus rejection, fr. OF, fr.
`refuse,] (14c) 1 ; the worthless or useless part of something : LEAV(cid:173)
`Jref•use \'rc-,fylis, -,fyliz\ adj ( 15c): thrown aside or left as worthless
`re•fnse•nik also re•fns•nik \ri-'fyiiz-(,)nik\ n [part trans. of Russ ot(cid:173)
`kaznik, fr. otlwz refusal] (1974) : a Soviet citizen and esp. a Jew refused
`permission to emigrate
`ref•U•ta•tion \,re-fyti-'ta-sh,m\ n (ca. 1548): the act or process of refut(cid:173)
`re•fute \ri-'fylit\ vt re•fut•ed; re•fut•ing [L refutare to check, sup(cid:173)
`press, refute] ( 1597) 1 ; to prove wrong by argument or evidence
`: show to be false or erroneous 2 : to deny the truth or accuracy of
` \-'fyii-ta-bal\ adj -
`re 0fut(cid:173)
`(ref11tcd the allegations) -
`ably \-ble\ adv -
`re-fut,e1· n
`reg \'reg\ 11 [by shortening] (ca. 1925) : REGULATION (federal -s)
` \'re-g::il\ adj [ME, fr. MF or L; MF, fr. L rega/is - more at
`ROYAL] ( 14c) 1 : of, relating to, or suitable for a king 2 : of notable
`excellence or magnificence: SPLENDID -
`re•gal-i-ty \ri-'ga-1::i-te\ 11 -
`re, \'re-g;:,-le\ adv
`tre•gale \ri-'g,i(a)I\ vb re,galed; re-gal-ing [F regaler, fr. MF, fr. re(cid:173)
`gale, n.] vt (ca. 1656) 1: to entertain sumptuously: feast with delica(cid:173)
`cies 2 : to give pleasure or amusement to (regaled us with tall tales)
`"" vi: to feast oneself : FEED
`'regale n [F regal, fr. MF regale, fr. re- + galer to have a good time -
`more at GALLANT] (1670) 1 : a sumptuous feast 2: a choice piece
`esp. of food
`re•im,lia \ri-'gf1!-y;:,\ 11 pl [ML, fr. L, neut. pl. of regalis] (ca. 1540) 1
`: royal rights or prerogatives 2 a : the emblems, symbols, or para(cid:173)
`phernalia indicative of royalty b: decorations or insignia indicative of
`an office or membership 3: special dress; esp: FINERY
`tre•gard \ri-'giird\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. regarder] (14c) 1 archaic
`given to all facets of the question) b : a protective interest : CARE
`(ought to have more ~ for his health) 3 : LOOK, GAZE 4 a : the
`worth or estimation in which something or someone is held (a man of
`small ~) b (I) : a feeling of respect and affection : ESTEEM (his hard
`work won him the -
`of his colleagues)
`(2) pl : friendly greetings
`implying snch feeling (give him my ~s) 5 : a basis of action or opin(cid:173)
`ion : MOTIVE 6 : an aspect to be taken into consideration : RESPECT (is
`a small school, and is fortunate in this ~) 7 o/Js : INTENTION -
`regard to ; with respect to : CONCERNING -- with regard to : in
`regard to
`'regard vb [ME, fr. MF regarder to look back at, regard, fr. OF, fr. re(cid:173)
`+ garder to guard, look at - more at GUARD] vi (14c) I: to consider
`and appraise usn. from a particular point of view (is highly ~ed as a
`1ncchanic) 2: to pay attention to : take into consideration or account
`3 a: to show respect or consideration for b : to hold in high esteem
`4 : to look at 5 archaic : to relate to ,..., vi 1 : to look attentively
`: GAZE 2 : to pay attention : HEED -
`as regards : with respect to
`SYll Rf:GARO, RESPECT, f,STEEM. ADMIRE mean to recognize the worth of
`a person or thing. REGARD is a general tenn that is usu. qualified (he is
`highly regarded in the profession). RESPECT implies a considered evalu(cid:173)
`ation or estimation (after many years they came to respect her views).
`roSTEEM implies greater warmth of feeling accompanying a high valua(cid:173)
`tion (no citizen of the town was more highly esteemed). ADMIRE sug(cid:173)
`gests usu. enthusiastic appreciation and often deep affection (a friend
`that I truly admire).
`re-gar•dant \ri-'gar-d 0nt\ adj [ME regarcla11d, fr. MF regardcmt, prp. of
`regard er] ( 15c) : looking backward over the shoulder -- used of a he(cid:173)
`raldic animal
`re•gard•ful \ri-'gard-fal\ adj (ca. 1586) 1 : HEEDFUL, OBSERVANT 2
`: full or expressive of regard or respect: RESPECTFUL- re 0 gard,ful•IY
`re•gard•ful•ness 11
`\-fo-lc\ adv -
`re-gard•ing prep ( 1866) : with respect to : CONCERNING
`1re-gard•less \ri-'gi\rcl-1::is\ adj ( 1591) : HEEDLESS. CARELESS -
`less-ly adv -
`re•gard•less•ness n
`'regardless adv (1872) : despite everything (went ahead with their
`plans~) usage sec IRREGARDLE5S
`regardless of prep (1784) : without taking into account (accepts all
`regardless of i1ge); : in spite of (regardless of our mistakes)
`re,gat•ta \ri-'gii-t.>, -'ga-\ 11 [It regata] ( 1652) : a rowing, speedboat, or
`sailing race or a series of such races
`re,gen,cy \ 're-j,m(t)-se\ 11, pl -cies (I Sc) 1 : the office, jurisdiction, or
`government C>f a regent or body of regents 2 : a body of regents 3
`: the period of rule of a regent or body of regents
`Regency adj (1880) : of, relating to, or characteristic of the styles of
`George IV's regency as Prince of Wales during the period 1811-20
`re,gcn,er,a,cy \ri-'je .. na-r:i-sc, -'jen-r:i-\ n 0626) : the state of being
`trc 0 gen•er 0 ate \-rat\ adj [ME regenerai, fr. L regeneratlls, pp. of rege11e-
`1w·e to regenerate, fr. re- + genemre to beget - more at GENERATE]
`(I Sc) 1 : formed or created again 2 : spiritually reborn or converted
`3 : restored to a better, higher, or more worthy state -
`re0 ge11•er.atc(cid:173)
`ly adv -
`rc 0 ge11,er,ate,11ess 11
`2rc 0 gen•er•ate \ri-'jc-n:i-,rat\ vi (1541) 1 : to become formed again 2
`: to become regenerate : REFORM 3 : to undergo regeneration ""' vi
`1 n : to subject to spiritual regeneration b: to change radically and
`for the better 2 n : to generate or produce anew; esp : to replace (a
`body part) by a new growth of tissue b : to produce again chemically
`sometimes in a physically changed fonn 3 : to restore to original
`rc•gen•er-a,ble \·'ie-n;,-ra-bal, -'jen-r.i-\ adj
`strength or properties -
`3re,gen-er.ate \same as I\ 11 (ca. 1569): one that is regenerated: as n
`: 1111 individual who is spiritually reborn b ( I) : an organism that has
`undergone regeneration (2): a regenerated body part


`.··~.·.·.·.· ; l I ,]
`Case 1:19-cv-11278-RGS Document 33-9 Filed 01/23/20 Page 5 of 5
`make a record of : NOTE e : PERCEIVE; afro : COMPREHEND 2 : to make
`or adjust so as to correspond exactly 3 : to secure special protection
`for (a piece of mail) by prepayment of a fee 4: to convey an impres(cid:173)
`sion of: EXPRESS 5: ACHIEVE (~ed an impressive victory) "'vi 1 a
`: to enroll one's name in a register (~ed at the hotd) b : to enroll
`one's name officially as a prerequisite for voting c : to enroll formally
`as a student 2 a : to correspond exactly b : to be in correct align(cid:173)
`ment or register 3: to make or convey an impression
`Jrcgistcr 11 [prob. alter. of ME registrer] (ca. 1532): REGISTRAR
`1·cgistcrcd adj (1861) 1 a : having the owner's name entered in a
`register ( ~ security) b : recorded as the owner of a security 2 : re(cid:173)
`corded on the basis of pedigree or breed characteristics in the studbook
`of a breed association 3 : qualified formally or officially
`rcgistei·cd mail 11 ( 1886) : mail recorded in the post office of mailing
`and at each successive point of transmission and guaranteed special
`care in delivery
`registered nurse n (1896) : a graduate trained nurse who has been
`licensed by a state authority after qualifying for registration
`register ton n (ca. 1909) : TON I a
`reg-is•tra-blc \'re-j:i-strn-b::il\ also rcg0 is 0 ter 0able \-stfo-)r:i-b;il\ adj
`(1765): capable of being registered
`reg0 is•tTant \ 'rc-ja-str~nt \ n (ca. 1890) : one that registers or is regis(cid:173)
`rcg•is•trar \'rc-j"-,strar\ n [alter. of ME registrer, fr. MF registreur, fr.
`registrer to register, fr. ML registrare, fr. registrum] (1675) : an official
`recorder or keeper of records: as a : an officer of an educational insti(cid:173)
`tution responsible for registering students, keeping academic records,
`and corresponding with applicants and evaluating their credentials b
`: an admitting officer at a hospital c chiefly Brit: RESIDENT 3
`reg0 is•tra0 tio11 \,re-ja-'stra-shan\ I! (ca. 1566) 1 : the act of registering
`2 : an entry in a register 3 : the number of individuals registered
`: ENROLLMENT 4 a : the art or act of selecting and adjusting pipe
`organ stops b : the combination of stops selected for performing a
`particular organ work 5: a document certifying an act of registering
`rcg•is,try \'re-ja-stre\ I!, pl -tries (1589) 1 : REGISTRATION, ENROLL(cid:173)
`MENT 2 : the nationality of a ship according to its entry in a register
`: FLAG 3 : a place of registration 4 a : an official record book b
`: an entry in a registry
`1·c0 gius professor \'re-j(e-);is-\ n [NL, royal professor] (1621) : a
`holder of a professorship founded by royal subsidy at a British univer(cid:173)
`reg.Jct \'re-gl;it\ n [F reg/et, fr. MF reg/et straightedge, fi·. reg/e rule, fr.
`L regu/a -· more at RULE] (1664) 1: a flat narrow architectural mold(cid:173)
`ing 2 : a strip of wood used like a lead between lines of type
`reg•nlll \'rcg-11°1\ adj [ML regna/is, fr. L regnum reign - more at
`REIGN] (1612): of or relating to a king or his reign; specif: calculated
`from a monarch's accession to the throne (in his eighth - year)
`rcg,nant \'reg-n;mt\ adj [L regnant-, regnans, prp. of regnare to reign,
`fr. reg1111111] (1600) 1 : exercising rule : REIGNING 2 a : having the
`chief power : DOMINANT b : of common or widespread occurrence
`1·cg,num \'reg-11::,m\ 11, pl reg0na \-n::,\ [L] (ca. 1890): KINGDOM
`1·cg•o,lith \'re-ga-,lith\ 11 [Gk rhegos blanket + E -lith; akin to Gk rlte-
`zei11 to dye - more at RAGA] (1897) : unconsolidated residual or trans(cid:173)
`ported material that overlies the solid rock on the earth, moon, or a
`reg•O•Sol \'re-g;i-,sal, -,sol\ n [rego- (as in regolitlt) + L so/um soil -
`more at SOLE] (l 949) : any of a group of azonal soils consisting chiefly
`of imperfectly consolidated material and having no clear-cut and spe(cid:173)
`cific morphology
`re.greet \(,)re-'gret\ vt ( 1593) archaic: to greet in return
`regreets n pl ( l 596) obs: GREETINGS
`trc•gress \'rc-,gres\ 11 [ME, fr. L regressus, fr. regredi to go back,.f~. re(cid:173)
`+ gradi to go - more at GRADE] (14c) 1 a : an act or the pnv1lege
`of going or coming back b: REENTRY I 2: movement backward to a
`previous and esp. worse or more primitive state or condition 3 : the
`act of reasoning backward
`21·e,grcss \ri-'gres\ vi (1552) 1 a : to make or Ul!dergo regress : RET(cid:173)
`ROGRADE b : to be subject to or exhibit regression 2 : to tend to
`approach or revert to a mean ,..,,, vi : to induce a state of psychological
`regression in -
`re 0grcs,sor \-'gre-sar\ 11
`re,gres,sion \ri-'gre-sh:)11\ n (1597) 1 : the act or an instance of re(cid:173)
`gressing 2 : a trend or shift toward a lower or less perfect state: as a
`: progressive decline of a manifestation of disease b
`( I) : gradual
`loss of differentiation and function by a body part esp. as a physiologi(cid:173)
`cal change accompanying aging
`(2) : gradual loss of memories and
`acquired skills c: reversion to an earlier mental or behavioral level d
`: a functional l"elationship between two or more correlated variables
`that is often empirically determined from data and is used esp. to pre(cid:173)
`dict values of one variable when given values of the others (the~ of y
`on x is linear); specif: a function that yields the mean value of a ran(cid:173)
`dom variable under the condition that one or more independent varia(cid:173)
`bles have specified values 3 : retrograde motion
`rc•gres,sive \ri-'gre-siv\ adj (1634) 1 : tending to regress or produce
`regression 2 : being, characterized by, or developing in the course of
`an evolutionary process involving increasing simplification of bodily
`structure 3 : decreasing in rate as the base increases (a ~ tax) -
`gres•sive,ly udv -
`rc,grcs 0sive,ness 11 -
`rc 0 grcs 0siv,i,ty \,re-,gre(cid:173)
`'si-v;,-tc\ 11
`trc•gret \ri-'gret\ vb rc,grct•tccl; rc,gret,ting [ME regratte11, fr. MF
`ragreter, fr. OF, fr, re- + -greter (perh. of Gmc origin; 11kin to ON grata
`to weep) - more at GREllT] vt (14c) 1 a: to mourn the loss or death
`of b : to miss very much 2 : to be very sorry for <-s his mistakes)
`re,gret•ter t1
`,..., vi : to experience regret -
`2rcgrct t1 (1590) 1 : sorrow aroused by circumstances beyond one's
`control or power to repair 2 a : an e,i;pression of distressing emotion
`(as sorrow or disappointment) b pl : a note politely declining 1111 invi(cid:173)
`rc,gret,ful \-'gret-fol\ adj -
`tation syn see SORROW -
`ncss 11
`rc, \ri-'gret-fa-le\ adv (1682) 1 : with regret 2 : it is to be
`rc,grct,ta,ble \ri-'gre-t;i-b;,I\ adj (1603): deserving regret
`rc,grct,ta,bly \-ble\ adv (1866) 1 : to a regrettable extent (a -
`decline in wages> 2 : it is to be regretted <-, they could not attend}
`rc,group \(,)re-'griip\ vt (1885) : to form into a new grouping (in order
`register • rehabilitate
`531 into 5 hundreds, 2 tens, and 11 ones)
`to subtract 129 from 531 -
`(- military forces) "" vi 1 : to reorganize (as after a setback) for
`renewed activity 2: to alter the tactical formation of a military force
`rc•grow \(,)rc-'gro\ vb -grew \-'grii\; -grown \-'gron\; -grow•ing vt
`0872) : to grow (as a missing part) anew "' vi: to continue growth
`after interruption or injury
`trcg•u•lar \'rc-gy;i-J;ir, 'rc-g(;,-)J:;ir\ adj [ME regu/er, fr. Ml', fr LL
`regu/aris regular, fr. L, of a bar, fr. regufo rule - more at RU! FI ( 14c)
`1 : belonging to a religious order 2 a : l'ormcd, built, an angcd, or
`ordered according to some established rule, law, principle, or type b
`(l) : both equilateral and equiangular (a -
`(2) : having
`faces that are congruent regular polygons and all the polyhedral ang\..,s
`congment (a~ polyhedron) c of a flower: having the arrangement of
`floral parts exhibiting radial symmetry with members of the same
`whorl similar in form 3 a : ORDERLY, MET!!ODICAL <~ habits) b
`: recurring, attending, or functioning at fixed or uniform intervals (a~
`churchgoer) 4 a : constituted, conducted, or done in
`income) (a -
`conformity with established or prcsc1ibcd usages, rules, or discipline
`(I) : AUSOLUTE, COMPLETE (a ~ fool) (the
`office seemed like a ~ madhouse)
`(2) : thinking or behaving in an
`acceptable, normal, or agreeable manner (was a~ guy) c (l): con(cid:173)
`(2) : WEAK 7 cl
`forming to the normal or usual manner of inflection
`of a postage stamp : issued in large numbers over a long period for
`general use in prepayment of postage 5 : of, relating to, or cons ti tut(cid:173)
`ing the permanent standing military force of a state (- army) <- sol(cid:173)
`syn REGULAR, NORMAL TYPICAL, NATURAL mean being of the sort or
`kind that is expected as usual, ordinary, or average. REGULAR r,tresses
`conformity to a rule, standard, or pattern (the dub's regular monthly
`meeting). NORMAL implies lack of deviation from what has been di:;(cid:173)
`covered or established as the most usual or expected (normal behavior
`for a two-year-old). TYPICAL implies showing all important traits of a
`type, class, or group and may suggest lack of strong individuality (a
`typical small town). NATURAL applies to what conforms to a thing's
`essential nature, function, or mode of being (the natural love of a
`mother for her child).
`2regular 11 (!Sc) 1 : one who is regular: as a : one of the regular
`clergy b : a soldier in fl regular army c : one who _can be trusted or
`depended on (a party ~> d : a player on an athletic team who usu.
`starts every game e : one who is usu. present or participating; e.\1J : n
`long-standing regular customer 2 : something of average or medium
`size; esp: a clothing size designed to fit a person of average height
`rcg,u,lar,i•ty \,re-gya-'lnr-"-te\ 11, pl -tie::; (1603) 1 : the quality or
`state of being regular 2: somethmg that 1s regular
`reg,11,lar•izc \'re-gy:;i-k,-,riz\ vt -ized; -iz0 ing ( 1833) : t~ mak~ regular
`by conformance to Jaw, rules, or custom -
`rcg,u•lm·,1,za,tiou \,rc(cid:173)
`gya-1~-ra-'zr,-sh;m\ n
`reg-u,lar,ly \'re-gya-lar-le, 're-gya(r)-lc\ adv (14e)
`mi111ncr 2 : on a regulur basis : at regular intervals
`regular solid ,r (1841): any of the five possible regular polyhedrons
`that include the regular forms of the tetrahedron, hexahcdron, octahe(cid:173)
`dron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron
`reg,u.Jate \'re-gy"-,lat\ vt -Iat 0 ecl·l -lat0 ing [ME, fr. LL regulatus, pp.
`1 a : to govern or direct accord(cid:173)
`of regulare, fr. L regula rule] (1 Sc
`ing to rule b
`(I) : to bring un.der the control of l_aw or const_itutcd
`(2) : to make regulations for or conccrnmg (- the mdus(cid:173)
`tries of a country) 2 : to bring order, method, or uniformity to <-~
`one's habits) 3 : to fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of
`<- the pressure of a tire) -- reg-u,la,tive \-,la-tiv\ adj -- rcg-u,la,to(cid:173)
`ry \-la-,tor-c, -,tor-\ adj
`Ircg•u•la•tion \,re-gy::i-'la-sh"n, ,re-g:,-\ n (1665) 1: the act of regulat(cid:173)
`ing : the state of being regulated 2 a : an authoritative rule dealing
`with details or procedure (safety ~s) b : a rule or order issued by an
`executive authority or regulatory agency of a government and having
`the force of law 3 a: the ··process of redistributing material (as in an
`embryo) to restore a damaged or lost part independent of new tissue
`growth b : the mechanism by which an early embryo maintains nor(cid:173)
`mal development sy11 sec LAW
`Zrcgulation adj (ca. 1839): conforming to regulations : Ol'FICIAL
`reg:u,la•tor \'re-gy;i-,la-t;ir\ 11 (1655) 1: one that regulates 2: REG·
`regulatory gene or regulator gene n (1961): a gene that regulates
`the expression of one or more structural genes by controlling the pro(cid:173)
`duction of a protein (as a genetic repressor) which regulates their rate
`of transcription
`rcg•u•lus \'re-gya-1;,s\ 11 [NL, fr. L, petty kmg, fr. reg-, rex kmg -(cid:173)
`more at ROYAL] 1 cap: a first-magnitude star in the constellation Leo
`2 [ML, metallic ,rntimony, fr. L] : the more or less impure mass of
`metal for,ncd beneath the slag in smelting and reducing ores
`re,gur,gi,tate \(,)re-'g;ir-ja-,tat\ vb -tat,ed; -tat,ing [ML regurgitcuus,
`Pl'· of regurgitare. fr. L re- + LL gurgitare to engulf, fr. L gurgit-,
`gurges whirlpool - more at VORACIOUS] vi (1653): to become t.Jirowu
`or poured back _, vt: to throw or pour back or out from or as if from
`a cavity<- food) (memorized facts to~ on the exam)
`rc-gur•gf.ta•tion \(,)rc-,g::,r-j.i-'ta-shon\ n (1601): an act of rcr,urg1tat(cid:173)
`ing: as n : the casting up of incompletely digested food (as by some
`birds in feeding their young) b: the backward flow of blood through
`a defective heart valve
`re,hab \ 're-,hab\ 11, 0Jte11 cmrib [short for rehabilitation or rehabilitate]
`(1941) 1: the action or process of rehabilitating: REIIAllIL!TATION 2
`rehab l't ·- re•lmb,bm· \-,hn(cid:173)
`: a rehabilitated building or dwelling -
`bQr\ 11
`re,ha,biU,tm1t \,re-;,-'bi-1;,-t;mt, ,re-h::i-\ 11 0 961) : a disabled person
`undergoing rehabilitation
`,re-h;,-\ vt -tnt·~<!; -tnt 0 mg_ .[MI,,
`re,hn,biloi•tate \,re-a-'bi-1::i-,tat,
`rehabilitatus, pp. of rehabilitare, fr. L re- + LL habzhtare to hab1htate]
`(ca. !581) 1 a: to restore to a former capacity: REINSTATE b: to
`1 : in a regular
`\a\ abut \ 0\ kitten, F table \;,r\ further \a\ ash \ii\ ace \ii\ mop, mnr
`\i\ hit
`\j\ job
`\e\ easy
`\i\ ice
`\g\ go
`\e\ bet
`\ai1\ out
`\ch\ chin
`\1J\ sing \o\ go \6\ law \cii\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \ii\ loot \u\ foot
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision \ti, k, ", re, ffi, tc, i:E, Y\ see Guide to Pronunciation

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