Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 1 of 34
`Case 1:17-cv-12194—RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 1 of 34


`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 2 of 34
`Exhibit 15 - Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 9,292,660
`Defendant Foundation Medicine Inc. makes, uses, offers for sale, and/or sells the subject matter
`claimed in U.S. Patent Number 9,292,660 with its “FoundationOne®” and “FoundationACT®”
`products (collectively referred to as the “Accused Products”).
`The following chart compares the claims of the ’660 patent and the Accused Products solely for
`the purposes of providing the description of Plaintiff’s claim required by Rule 8 of the Federal
`Rule of Civil Procedures, the Local Rules, and any relevant legal precedent. Plaintiff reserves the
`right to modify and/or supplement these charts with additional information as this action



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 3 of 34
`’660 Patent, Claim 1
`A system for generating
`a report identifying a
`therapeutic agent for an
`individual with lung
`cancer comprising:
`To the extent the preamble of claim 1 is a limitation, FoundationOne®
`uses a system for generating a report identifying a therapeutic agent for
`an individual with lung cancer. The system for generating these
`reports is described on Defendant’s website, in Defendant’s public
`documents, and in other materials identified herein.

`one, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 4 of 34
`(FoundationOne® Technical Information and Test Overview, available
`_F1_Tech_Specs.pdf, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 5 of 34
`Case 1:17-cv-12194—RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 5 of 34
`1.0 therapies issgmated and". plzlenlial Elifliial ban-2m
`-‘J therapies assclnalec mlh lath uf r25 Danae
`raunun \Dnm‘isa mummy-um mqummlu [was] mum may ma: mminesgenumanuniam wilhin mum-us ul :am-mmmgenes.
`mm: “INS ”Emma“!
`11 simm‘tfindm,
`Gaminfltninm Idmliliul'
`£8832 amfllflmm—euulml'
`NF) $.27.
`STKJI sflheflLE 921-162:
`Emma ElflSB'll
`FM] E49D‘
`WSC “883°
`SPTAI mum‘s, spin! ska ESMZASI‘
`Additional Fifi-‘5'
`Wm Burden IMB-Hgll; 37.53 Mulsflub
`Additional aim-ldmlllflznfi with Na
`Mandible Muratinns ldcntifiad'
`' ma campus us: Mmunuasgm am pemmancesoenmm
`plm Ma magnum-1|;
`nmwwmwmmmwmmufl Imam
`mmhmslfiunl msmmmm twin-mucma "mm-
`rmanm'mm. \mr‘sm“. zumamdemm | | «Missy:
`GaneanflM: ERMIaIsqu-unma: PERI] suds: mmtiuseufllidl isinflle
`filllEhflI-i'ffls mwmeMMMEn MMWMWW
`filquuqadm:hfll2mmm2inpifimfimnrmflafimmmh 666
`ofhlgadulofimiummsfiimlflmhas hemdnumletflndin llmofnun-slnfllcel
`“gums—mm. in! isl‘l'ghu'in hlgaflulnfiltiumlasflflfilflnn insulin-(usual! [1696] and
`hyacdltllssflmmsujmmdmmmfi beeno‘hsuvuiil mfi‘fll
`met-magi. mmmmuflumh music-15.
`mnrim myflumifiwmmmmrfiflm,ifllfligmi5m“
`mmahfiMJFHmh mmmm,and adumnnmfln
`miefi-mfl“,asml as dual EBFMEIIZkilaseiIhiflmsnfllzs WM“,
`mltw_mafinilltfl_and flammililillfi. hpa‘linllswifll breast-1.,mmmemPIBMor
`PTEIImm mm Halmmmmmwmmmfipfim
`1392! HERZindudnguasumaflhpmiimem,mrmflu [lance-ported
`mnfiuhgm,fimmmflymmflmmHHBMMrPTfllahaafim is initiated Him
`mmhnsimnm“, an]mmm: mafia-1m rim-1mm
`'llcl’aaseddhid mmmfln miflinnnfhmhfluilw.0iialifidsufm a'l'nnd
`at Mgrmflifitfiiflammanfimmflsm underway, Wigwam
`the mummy-swam.



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 6 of 34
`(Sample FoundationOne® Patient Report, available at
`ort.pdf, last accessed Oct. 25, 2017.)
`“Our FoundationOne reports delivered to physicians provide
`information regarding FDA-approved therapies and clinical trials that
`oncologists may use in making treatment decisions for their patients.”
`(Foundation Medicine, Inc. Form S-1, available at
`95/d553644ds1.htm, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017, at p. 28.)
`FoundationOne® includes at least one device configured to assay a
`plurality of molecular targets in a biological sample from the individual
`with lung cancer to determine molecular profile test values for the
`plurality of molecular targets.
`Specifically, FoundationOne® includes a next-generation sequencing
`assay that identifies genomic alterations within hundreds of molecular
`targets, which currently includes over 300 cancer-related genes. Using
`the next-generation sequencing assay, FoundationOne® determines
`individualized molecular profile values for these molecular targets.
`a. at least one device
`configured to assay a
`plurality of molecular
`targets in a biological
`sample from the
`individual with lung
`cancer to determine
`molecular profile test
`values for the plurality
`of molecular targets,



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 7 of 34


`(Sample FoundationOne® Patient Report, available at
`ort.pdf, last accessed Oct. 25, 2017.)
`one, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 8 of 34
`Case 1:17-cv-12194—RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 8 of 34
`Te: II'I ca
`5e 1' 1
`:Iqml Esmeol'uflcham flMhdI-nalyufl o'ighmfltn‘lfl
`Tim-wound time
`Foundatiorflneé is a oor'rprel'vensiue genomic
`profilefl'a't Eppies neat-generation sequencing
`in a unique mannerto identify all 4 types of
`genomic alterations across all genes known to be
`unambiguous drivers of solid tumors with high
`accuncy. The test sirmIEIneoushr sequences fl've coding nation of 315
`cancer-nelabed genes plus in'lrons from 23 genes often rearmngod or
`altered in cancer to atypical medan dream of omnerage ofgreamr than
`SDOX.Eachcosreredreadreoresa11sa LI'IioueDNAhz-Ignenttoenablethe
`higlijr sensitive and specific detection ofgermmic alterations that occur
`at low frequencies one to tumor I'velserogeneitjt low ‘IJJI'I‘IDI' purity and smal
`tissue samples FoLl'IdationDne debects all classes of QM altera‘lions.
`inclucing base sLIJstitutions. inserlions and deletqu (indels). copy
`number Ellselations {CHAS} and nearrEl'Igements using a smaI. rout'ne
`FFPE sample {induding cone or like rveecle biopsies).
`«mu mu
`KMTZC pun
`szn sun
`"an K2




`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 9 of 34
`(FoundationOne® Technical Information and Test Overview, available
`_F1_Tech_Specs.pdf, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)
`FoundationOne® assays molecular targets comprising PTEN,
`Exemplary Sources:
`wherein the plurality of
`molecular targets
`comprises PTEN,
`and PIK3CA;
`(FoundationOne® Technical Information and Test Overview, available
`_F1_Tech_Specs.pdf, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)
`FoundationOne® includes at least one computer database comprising:
`i. a reference value for each of the plurality of molecular targets; and ii.
`a listing of available therapeutic agents for each of the plurality of
`molecular targets. FoundationOne®, for example, uses what
`Defendants call a molecular information knowledgebase that stores the
`b. at least one computer
`database comprising: i. a
`reference value for each
`of the plurality of
`molecular targets; and ii.
`a listing of available



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 10 of 34
`therapeutic agents for
`each of the plurality of
`molecular targets;
`genomic alteration data along with a database of clinical findings and
`evidence associated with the genomic alteration data.
`Exemplary Sources:
`one, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)




`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 11 of 34
`(Sample FoundationOne® Patient Report, available at
`ort.pdf, last accessed Oct. 25, 2017.)
`“Our proprietary sample preparation processes and computational
`biology algorithms allow us to utilize small amounts of tumor tissue
`from a wide variety of sample types, including tissue with low tumor
`purity and from liquid (blood) biopsies, so as to allow for routine
`specimen collection. We detect and report the clinically relevant
`genomic alterations, generally within 11 to 14 days for FoundationOne
`and FoundationACT and generally within 15 to 18 days for
`FoundationOne Heme, in each case from the time the specimen is
`(Foundation Medicine, Inc. Form 10-K filed 03/02/17, available at
`Inc_10-K/, last accessed Oct. 22, 2017, at p. 4.)
`“Our molecular information knowledgebase, FoundationCORE, stores
`this genomic alteration data, along with a highly curated database of
`clinical findings and evidence associated with these genomic results.”
`(Id. at p. 3.)
`FoundationOne® includes a computer-readable program code
`comprising instructions to input the molecular profile test values and to
`c. a computer-readable
`program code



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 12 of 34
`comprising instructions
`to input the molecular
`profile test values and to
`compare each of the
`molecular profile test
`values with a
`corresponding reference
`value from the at least
`one computer database
`in (b)(i);
`compare each of the molecular profile test values with a corresponding
`reference value from the at least one computer database in (b)(i).
`Specifically, FoundationOne®, which incorporates what Defendant
`calls computational biology algorithms, includes computer-readable
`program code with instructions to input the individualized molecular
`profile test values and then to compare those values to the reference
`values for the molecular targets stored in the computer database.
`Exemplary Sources:
`(Sample FoundationOne® Patient Report, available at
`ort.pdf, last accessed Oct. 25, 2017.)
`“Our proprietary sample preparation processes and computational
`biology algorithms allow us to utilize small amounts of tumor tissue



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 13 of 34
`from a wide variety of sample types, including tissue with low tumor
`purity and from liquid (blood) biopsies, so as to allow for routine
`specimen collection. We detect and report the clinically relevant
`genomic alterations, generally within 11 to 14 days for FoundationOne
`and FoundationACT and generally within 15 to 18 days for
`FoundationOne Heme, in each case from the time the specimen is
`(Foundation Medicine, Inc. Form 10-K filed 03/02/17, available at
`Inc_10-K/, last accessed Oct. 22, 2017, at p. 4.)
`“Our molecular information knowledgebase, FoundationCORE, stores
`this genomic alteration data, along with a highly curated database of
`clinical findings and evidence associated with these genomic results.”
`(Id. at p. 3.)
`FoundationOne® includes a computer-readable program code
`comprising instructions to access the at least one computer database in
`(b)(ii) and to identify at least one therapeutic agent if present in the at
`least one computer database for each of the plurality of molecular
`targets wherein said comparison to the reference values in (c) indicates
`a likely benefit of the at least one therapeutic agent.
`Specifically, FoundationOne®, which incorporates what Defendant
`calls computational biology algorithms, includes computer-readable
`program code with instructions to access the computer database to
`identify a therapeutic agent from a list of available therapeutic agents
`for the plurality of molecular targets. FoundationOne® identifies the
`therapeutic agent from the list of available therapeutic agents where
`the comparison to the reference value for the molecular target indicates
`a likely benefit of the therapeutic agent.
`d. a computer-readable
`program code
`comprising instructions
`to access the at least one
`computer database in
`(b)(ii) and to identify at
`least one therapeutic
`agent if present in the at
`least one computer
`database for each of the
`plurality of molecular
`targets wherein said
`comparison to the
`reference values in (c)
`indicates a likely benefit
`of the at least one
`therapeutic agent; and



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 14 of 34
`Exemplary Sources:
`(FoundationOne® Technical Information and Test Overview, available
`_F1_Tech_Specs.pdf, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 15 of 34
`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 15 of 34

`rounda'iionme‘isa neai-gene-rmim innuenci-ng [M65] based assent-1| mmifies genomic alieraiiansm‘min hundredsaf came-r-relaltedge-ne-s.
`1|] therapiasasmciatad with pc-tEntial clinical benefit
`-'J therapies associate-cl with lack clf res pun 5a-
`In: PGK—AK‘I'pafllnuaym-HSHW.
`£12332 ampllflcathn— equlml'
`NF2 E127”
`STKJJ spllne Site 921-162:
`CONNIE EmSt'i-fl
`W18 Inssemns 6-1-1
`SPTM Q131fi5‘3, spllle site 3570-le
`Additional F‘Iidings'
`Tumor Winn M'den TMB-th; 3L9. MWMb
`Additional Dismqelmnttienfi with Illa
`' rota compete list dungens assayed and perhrmamespecll‘icalhn,
`please re‘iei mmenppemlla
`Minimum: mlflsnkflwmas PERI] ma mmi'lmeufllfll isinllre
`Smehmiyas EISFR. wflzionwmwenimanEn hail]:Wmmfl
`qum-lm:hfllemdalasus, Mummmfimvfismh 6%
`afllllgaflmofimirnmamsfi’J-Ellzmhas mmin ill—afloimn-smfllcel
`Inignncelsflllfllfljnflishigilu" inllllgallulm‘sflfilflmhmnflllmlm
`Eugene" {17.9%}mnmrs-‘AAMWMrn-vwa‘”as ”mil [Ellen‘s— Illifll
`menu-hm Elm mififim Hui mngHElflm'lI awash5.
`WTMMW BamdmmmimlmERmflanflfinfimamfilg
`“flat-II" mmmfiiflivmmmwgefirig HmmnumumB
`mthMW-‘lmrflain mfimmmmm,and ath—uasluuunab
`milefrmfl“,aswel as dual EGFRfiEIHIiIBse'IIhmn-ilas WW”,
`damn-w, milk-M,“ dam-Trina. h'pafiulswill hastm,nmummfil3mcr
`FI'EM mum mimllu Pflflwflmavhaw hemanndahuiwifludmnoemfllempisflm
`Ia'get HEIIJ!I inducirgflastuzunaballWW_W,WME havelepnmed
`mnfiuigruifi,wifl1mmflymgmfirgflutfluflfifikmrfifliahuafimkm lflh
`mmbnsislancen, an!mmm:mm HKJCAmlflalinnand
`'llcreasedd'llifil muslin mflmmlw.dmluflsdwfi fine!
`at MMWMMmanfimmmmmM Wigwam



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 16 of 34
`(Sample FoundationOne® Patient Report, available at
`ort.pdf, last accessed Oct. 25, 2017.)
`“Our molecular information knowledgebase, FoundationCORE, stores
`this genomic alteration data, along with a highly curated database of
`clinical findings and evidence associated with these genomic results.”
`(Foundation Medicine, Inc. Form 10-K filed 03/02/17, available at
`Inc_10-K/, last accessed Oct. 22, 2017, at p. 3.)
`“Our proprietary sample preparation processes and computational
`biology algorithms allow us to utilize small amounts of tumor tissue
`from a wide variety of sample types, including tissue with low tumor
`purity and from liquid (blood) biopsies, so as to allow for routine
`specimen collection. We detect and report the clinically relevant
`genomic alterations, generally within 11 to 14 days for FoundationOne
`and FoundationACT and generally within 15 to 18 days for
`FoundationOne Heme, in each case from the time the specimen is
`(Id. at p. 4.)
`FoundationOne® includes a computer-readable program code
`comprising instructions to generate a report that comprises a listing of
`the members of the plurality of molecular targets for which the
`comparison to the reference value indicated a likely benefit of the at
`least one therapeutic agent in (d) and the at least one therapeutic agent
`identified in (d).
`Exemplary Sources:
`e. a computer-readable
`program code
`comprising instructions
`to generate a report that
`comprises a listing of
`the members of the
`plurality of molecular
`targets for which the
`comparison to the
`reference value indicated
`a likely benefit of the at
`least one therapeutic
`agent in (d) and the at
`least one therapeutic
`agent identified in (d).



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 17 of 34
`(FoundationOne® Technical Information and Test Overview, available
`_F1_Tech_Specs.pdf, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 18 of 34
`(Sample FoundationOne® Patient Report, available at
`ort.pdf, last accessed Oct. 25, 2017.)
`“Our proprietary sample preparation processes and computational
`biology algorithms allow us to utilize small amounts of tumor tissue
`from a wide variety of sample types, including tissue with low tumor
`purity and from liquid (blood) biopsies, so as to allow for routine
`specimen collection. We detect and report the clinically relevant
`genomic alterations, generally within 11 to 14 days for FoundationOne
`and FoundationACT and generally within 15 to 18 days for
`FoundationOne Heme, in each case from the time the specimen is
`(Foundation Medicine, Inc. Form 10-K filed 03/02/17, available at
`Inc_10-K/, last accessed Oct. 22, 2017, at p. 4.)



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 19 of 34
`’660 Patent, Claim 5
`The system of claim 1,
`wherein the at least one
`computer database
`further comprises data
`corresponding to at least
`one clinical trial of a
`member of the plurality
`of the molecular targets.
`See Claim 1.
`FoundationOne® includes a computer database that also has data
`corresponding to at least one clinical trial of a member of the plurality
`of the molecular targets.



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 20 of 34
`(Sample FoundationOne® Patient Report, available at
`ort.pdf, last accessed Nov. 3, 2017.)




`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 21 of 34
`’660 Patent, Claim 1
`A system for generating
`a report identifying a
`therapeutic agent for an
`individual with lung
`cancer comprising:
`To the extent the preamble of claim 1 is a limitation, FoundationACT®
`uses a system for generating a report identifying a therapeutic agent for
`an individual with lung cancer. The system for generating these
`reports is described on Defendant’s website, in Defendant’s public
`documents, and in other materials identified herein.
`Exemplary Sources:
`last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 22 of 34
`(FoundationACT® Technical Information, available at
`ACT_TechnicalSpecsOverview_FINAL.pdf, last accessed Oct. 20,
`(FoundationACT® Sample Report, available at
`5D.pdf?t=1493919601061, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 23 of 34
`a. at least one device
`configured to assay a
`plurality of molecular
`targets in a biological
`sample from the
`individual with lung
`cancer to determine
`molecular profile test
`values for the plurality
`of molecular targets,
`FoundationACT® includes at least one device configured to assay a
`plurality of molecular targets in a biological sample from the individual
`with lung cancer to determine molecular profile test values for the
`plurality of molecular targets.
`Specifically, FoundationACT® includes a next-generation sequencing
`assay that identifies genomic alterations within hundreds of molecular
`targets, which currently includes over 300 cancer-related genes. Using
`the next-generation sequencing assay, FoundationACT® determines
`individualized molecular profile values for these molecular targets.
`Exemplary Sources:
`last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 24 of 34
`(FoundationACT® Technical Information, available at
`ACT_TechnicalSpecsOverview_FINAL.pdf, last accessed Oct. 20,






`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 25 of 34
`(FoundationACT® Sample Report, available at
`5D.pdf?t=1493919601061, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)
`FoundationACT® assays molecular targets comprising PTEN,
`Exemplary Sources:
`wherein the plurality of
`molecular targets
`comprises PTEN,
`and PIK3CA;



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 26 of 34
`b. at least one computer
`database comprising: i. a
`reference value for each
`of the plurality of
`molecular targets; and ii.
`a listing of available
`therapeutic agents for
`each of the plurality of
`molecular targets;
`(FoundationACT® Technical Information, available at
`ACT_TechnicalSpecsOverview_FINAL.pdf, last accessed Oct. 20,
`FoundationACT® includes at least one computer database comprising:
`i. a reference value for each of the plurality of molecular targets; and ii.
`a listing of available therapeutic agents for each of the plurality of
`molecular targets.
`FoundationACT®, for example, uses what Defendants call a molecular
`information knowledgebase that stores the genomic alteration data
`along with a database of clinical findings and evidence associated with
`the genomic alteration data.
`Exemplary Sources:



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 27 of 34
`last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)
`(FoundationACT® Sample Report, available at
`5D.pdf?t=1493919601061, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)
`“Our proprietary sample preparation processes and computational
`biology algorithms allow us to utilize small amounts of tumor tissue
`from a wide variety of sample types, including tissue with low tumor
`purity and from liquid (blood) biopsies, so as to allow for routine
`specimen collection. We detect and report the clinically relevant
`genomic alterations, generally within 11 to 14 days for FoundationOne
`and FoundationACT and generally within 15 to 18 days for



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 28 of 34
`FoundationOne Heme, in each case from the time the specimen is
`(Foundation Medicine, Inc. Form 10-K filed 03/02/17, available at
`Inc_10-K/, last accessed Oct. 22, 2017, at p. 4.)
`“Our molecular information knowledgebase, FoundationCORE, stores
`this genomic alteration data, along with a highly curated database of
`clinical findings and evidence associated with these genomic results.”
`(Id. at p. 3.)
`FoundationACT® includes a computer-readable program code
`comprising instructions to input the molecular profile test values and to
`compare each of the molecular profile test values with a corresponding
`reference value from the at least one computer database in (b)(i).
`Specifically, FoundationACT®, which incorporates what Defendant
`calls computational biology algorithms, includes computer-readable
`program code with instructions to input the individualized molecular
`profile test values and then to compare those values to the reference
`values for the molecular targets stored in the computer database.
`Exemplary Sources:
`c. a computer-readable
`program code
`comprising instructions
`to input the molecular
`profile test values and to
`compare each of the
`molecular profile test
`values with a
`corresponding reference
`value from the at least
`one computer database
`in (b)(i);



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 29 of 34
`Stephens et al., “Analytic Validation of a Clinical Circulating Tumor
`DNA Assay for Patients with Solid Tumors,” available at
`0364079, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.
`(FoundationACT® Sample Report, available at
`5D.pdf?t=1493919601061, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)
`“Our proprietary sample preparation processes and computational
`biology algorithms allow us to utilize small amounts of tumor tissue
`from a wide variety of sample types, including tissue with low tumor
`purity and from liquid (blood) biopsies, so as to allow for routine
`specimen collection. We detect and report the clinically relevant
`genomic alterations, generally within 11 to 14 days for FoundationOne
`and FoundationACT and generally within 15 to 18 days for
`FoundationOne Heme, in each case from the time the specimen is
`(Foundation Medicine, Inc. Form 10-K filed 03/02/17, available at
`Inc_10-K/, last accessed Oct. 22, 2017, at p. 4.)



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 30 of 34
`“Our molecular information knowledgebase, FoundationCORE, stores
`this genomic alteration data, along with a highly curated database of
`clinical findings and evidence associated with these genomic results.”
`(Id. at p. 3.)
`FoundationACT® includes a computer-readable program code
`comprising instructions to access the at least one computer database in
`(b)(ii) and to identify at least one therapeutic agent if present in the at
`least one computer database for each of the plurality of molecular
`targets wherein said comparison to the reference values in (c) indicates
`a likely benefit of the at least one therapeutic agent.
`Specifically, FoundationACT®, which incorporates what Defendant
`calls computational biology algorithms, includes computer-readable
`program code with instructions to access the computer database to
`identify a therapeutic agent from a list of available therapeutic agents
`for the plurality of molecular targets. FoundationACT® identifies the
`therapeutic agent from the list of available therapeutic agents where
`the comparison to the reference value for the molecular target indicates
`a likely benefit of the therapeutic agent.
`Exemplary Sources:
`d. a computer-readable
`program code
`comprising instructions
`to access the at least one
`computer database in
`(b)(ii) and to identify at
`least one therapeutic
`agent if present in the at
`least one computer
`database for each of the
`plurality of molecular
`targets wherein said
`comparison to the
`reference values in (c)
`indicates a likely benefit
`of the at least one
`therapeutic agent; and



`Case 1:17-cv-12194-RGS Document 1-15 Filed 11/07/17 Page 31 of 34
`(FoundationACT® Technical Information, available at
`ACT_TechnicalSpecsOverview_FINAL.pdf, last accessed Oct. 20,
`(FoundationACT® Sample Report, available at
`5D.pdf?t=1493919601061, last accessed Oct. 20, 2017.)
`“Our molecular information knowledgebase, FoundationCORE, stores
`this genomic alteration data, along with a highly curated database of
`clinical findings and evidence associated with these genomic results.”
`(Foundation Medicine, Inc. Form 10-K filed 03/02/17, available at
`Inc_10-K/, last accessed Oct. 22, 2017, at p. 3.)
`“Our proprietary sample preparation processes and computational
`biology algorithms allow us to utilize small amounts of tumor tissue
`from a wide variety of sample types, including tissue with low tumor
`purity and from liquid (blood) biopsies, so as to allow for routine
`specimen collection. We detect and report the clinically relevant
`genomic alterations, generally within 11 to 14 days for FoundationOne
`and FoundationACT and generally within 15 to 18 days for


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