Soulas v. Juul Labs, Inc. et al

2:20-cv-00489 | Louisiana Eastern District Court

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Division New Orleans
Judge Judge Lance M Africk
Filed Feb. 12, 2020
Magistrate Magistrate Judge Janis van Meerveld
Nature of Suit 360 Personal Injury - Other
Cause 00:0000 Cause Code Unknown
Jury Demand Plaintiff
Last Updated: 5 years ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
2/24/2020Notice of Conditional Transfer Order from MDL
2/12/20202Initial Case Assignment to Judge Lance M Africk and Magistrate Judge Janis van Meerveld. (aj) (Entered: 02/12/2020)
2/12/2020Application for Refund of Electronic Fees filed by Sebastian Soulas for the following reason: duplicate charge; receipt number 8144463. (Belin, Eric) (Entered: 02/12/2020)
2/12/2020Initial Case Assignment
  • Complaintby Π
COMPLAINT with jury demand against Juul Labs, Inc., Pax Labs, Inc. (Filing fee $ 400 receipt number ALAEDC-8144552) filed by Sebastian Soulas. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Exhibit Notice of Collateral Proceedings)Attorney Eric R.G. Belin added to party Sebastian Soulas(pty:pla).(Belin, Eric) (Entered: 02/12/2020)