Case 6:17-cv-01217-EFM-ADM Document 106 Filed 01/19/21 Page 1 of 13
` vs.
` Case No. 17-1217-EFM-ADM
`Plaintiff LoganTree LP is the owner of U.S. Patent No. 6,059,576, entitled “Training and
`Safety Device, System and Method to Aid in Proper Movement During Physical Activity” (the
`“Patent”). The Patent claims an electronic device, system, and method that monitors the movement
`of an individual’s body parts during physical activity. LoganTree filed this lawsuit against Garmin
`International, Inc., and Garmin USA, Inc. (“Garmin”) alleging that Garmin’s accelerometer-based
`activity trackers infringe the Patent.
`This matter comes before the Court on the parties’ request that the Court construe certain
`terms in the Patent’s claims as a matter of law pursuant to Markman v. Westview Instruments, Inc.1
`The Court has thoroughly considered the information submitted in the parties’ briefs as well as the
`152 F.3d 967 (Fed. Cir. 1995) (en banc), aff’d, 517 U.S. 370 (1996).


`Case 6:17-cv-01217-EFM-ADM Document 106 Filed 01/19/21 Page 2 of 13
`oral arguments presented at the Markman hearing on December 18, 2020, and construes the
`disputed terms as set forth below.
`Legal Standard
`The first step in a patent infringement action is to determine the meaning and scope of the
`asserted patent’s claims.2 Claim construction is an issue of law for the Court to decide.3 Only
`after the Court has properly construed a patent’s claims may it determine whether the accused
`method or product infringes the claim as properly construed.4
`The Federal Circuit Court of Appeals set forth a comprehensive guide for claim
`construction in Phillips v. AWH Corp.5 In Phillips, the Federal Circuit reiterated that the claims
`of the patent define the patentee’s invention, and to that end, claim construction begins with the
`claim language itself.6 “The words of a claim are generally given their ordinary and customary
`meaning.”7 The “ordinary and customary meaning” is “the meaning that the term would have to
`a person of ordinary skill in the art in question at the time of the invention, i.e., as of the effective
`filing date of the application.”8 “[T]he claims themselves provide substantial guidance as to the
`meaning of particular claim terms.”9 Both “the context in which a term is used in the asserted
`2 Id.
`3 Id. at 979.
`4 Id. at 976.
`5 415 F.3d 1303 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc).
`6 Id. at 1312.
`7 Id. (citation and quotation marks omitted).
`8 Id. at 1313 (citations omitted).
`9 Id. at 1314.


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`claim” and the “[o]ther claims of the patent in question” are helpful for understanding the ordinary
`meaning of a term.10
`“The claims . . . do not stand alone, [and] they are part of ‘a fully integrated written
`instrument.’ ”11 Therefore, “they ‘must be read in view of the specification, of which they are a
`part.’ ”12 The specification “is always highly relevant to the claim construction analysis. Usually,
`it is dispositive; it is the single best guide to the meaning of a disputed term.”13 The specification
`may reveal a special definition that a patentee has given a claim term that is different from the
`meaning the term would otherwise possess.14 In that instance, the patentee’s definition controls.
`Or, the specification may reveal “an intentional disclaimer, or disavowal, of claim scope” by the
`patentee.15 In that instance as well, the patentee’s intention, as expressed in the specification, is
`dispositive.16 The fact, however, that the specification includes preferred embodiments or specific
`examples is not enough to define a term implicitly, and “it is improper to confine the scope of the
`claims to the embodiments of the specification.”17
`10 Id.
`11 Id. at 1315 (quoting Markman, 52 F.3d at 978).
`12 MGP Ingredients, Inc. v. Mars, Inc., 494 F. Supp. 2d 1231, 1234 (D. Kan. 2007) (quoting Phillips, 415
`F.3d at 1315).
`13 Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1315 (quotation omitted).
`14 Id. at 1316.
`15 Id.
`16 Id.
`17 Mars, 494 F. Supp. 2d at 1234 (citing Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1323).


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`A court “should also consider the patent’s prosecution history, if it is in evidence.”18 This
`consists of “the complete record of the proceedings before the PTO and includes the prior art cited
`during the examination of the patent.”19 The prosecution history provides “evidence of how the
`PTO and the inventor understood the patent.”20 Because, however, the prosecution history is an
`ongoing negotiation between the patentee and the patent examiner, it “lacks the clarity of the
`specification and thus is less useful for claim construction purposes.”21 Regardless, “the
`prosecution history can often inform the meaning of the claim language by demonstrating how the
`inventor understood the invention and whether the inventor limited the invention in the course of
`prosecution, making the claim scope narrower than it would otherwise be.”22
`Finally, a court may rely on extrinsic evidence, which consists of “all evidence external to
`the patent and prosecution history, including expert and inventor testimony, dictionaries, and
`learned treatises.”23 The Federal Circuit has found that technical dictionaries may provide a court
`“ ‘to better understand the underlying technology’ and the way in which one of skill in art might
`use the claim terms.”24 And, extrinsic evidence in the form of expert testimony can provide
`background on the technology at issue, explain how an invention works, or establish that a
`18 Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1317 (citation omitted).
`19 Id.
`20 Id.
`21 Id.
`22 Id.
`23 Id.
`24 Id. at 1318 (citing Vitronics Corp. v. Conceptronic, Inc., 90 F.3d 1576, 1584 n.6 (Fed. Cir. 1996)).


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`particular term in the patent or prior art has a particular meaning in the pertinent field.25 But,
`“conclusory, unsupported assertions by experts as to the definition of a claim term are not useful
`to a court.”26 Overall, although “extrinsic evidence can shed useful light on the relevant art, . . . it
`is less significant than the intrinsic record in determining the legally operative meaning of claim
`III. Analysis
`There are four claim construction disputes for the Court to resolve. The disputed terms are
`found in claims 1 and 20 of the Patent. Claim 1 states as follows, with the disputed terms in bold:
`1. A portable, self-contained device for monitoring movement of body parts during
`physical activity, said device comprising:
` a
` movement sensor capable of measuring data associated with unrestrained
`movement in any direction and generating signals indicative of said movement;
` power source;
` a
` a
` microprocessor connected to said movement sensor and to said power source, said
`microprocessor capable of receiving, interpreting, storing and responding to said
`movement data based on user-defined operational parameters, detecting a first user-
`defined event based on the movement data and at least one of the user-defined
`operational parameters regarding the movement data, and storing first event
`information related to the detected first user-defined event along with first time
`stamp information reflecting a time at which the movement data causing the
`first user-defined event occurred;
`at least one user input connected to said microprocessor for controlling the
`operation of said device;
` a
` real-time clock connected to said microprocessor;
`memory for storing said movement data; and
`25 Id.
`26 Id.
`27 Id. (quotation omitted).


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`an output indicator connected to said microprocessor for signaling the occurrence
`of user-defined events;
`wherein said movement sensor measures the angle and velocity of said movement.
`Claim 20 states as follows, with the disputed terms in bold:
`20. A method to monitor physical movement of a body part comprising the steps
`attaching a portable, self-contained movement measuring device to said body part
`for measuring unrestrained movement in any direction;
`measuring data associated with said physical movement;
`interpreting, using a microprocessor included in the portable self-contained
`movement measuring device, said physical movement data based on user-defined
`operational parameters and a real-time clock;
`storing said data in memory;
`detecting, using the microprocessor, a first user-defined event based on the
`movement data and at least one of the user-defined operational parameters
`regarding the movement data; and
`storing, in said memory, first event information related to the detected first user-
`defined event along with first time stamp information reflecting a time at
`which the movement data causing the first user-defined event occurred.
`In short, the disputed terms are (1) “first time stamp information reflecting a time at which the
`movement data causing the first user-defined event occurred,” (2) “angle,” (3) “velocity,” and (4)
`“unrestrained movement in any direction.” To the extent these terms are used in both claim 1 and
`claim 20, the parties have not offered different constructions depending on the claim. Therefore,
`the Court’s construction is assigned to each term wherever it appears in the claims at issue.


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`“First time stamp information reflecting a time at which the movement data causing
`the first user-defined event occurred”
`Garmin contends that this term should be construed as “first time stamp information
`reflecting a system time at which the movement data causing the first user-defined event occurred.”
`Initially, LoganTree argued that no construction was necessary but proposed an alternate
`construction should the Court construe the term. That construction was “first time stamp
`information reflecting a system time associated with the movement data occurrence causing the
`first user-defined event.” At the Markman hearing, LoganTree withdrew its alternate proposed
`construction and simply asserted that no construction was necessary.
`Garmin argues that the term “system” should be included because the Patent explains that
`the time stamp is a “system time at which” the movement data causing the defined event occurred.
`In support of this argument, Garmin points to the Abstract, which states that the device is meant
`to be worn on an individual and that when a specific goal is recognized, the “device records the
`time and date of the occurrence.”28 Garmin next points to the specification, which states that the
`time and date of a specific event come from a real-time clock connected to the microprocessor,
`which is the clock used by the system.29 Finally, Garmin argues that precision is also important
`because the specification states that one of the “significant features” of the invention is that it
`“gives instant information to the wearer at the moment of incorrect movement and also records the
`information for future reference and analysis.”30
`28 Doc. 85-2, p. 2.
`29 See Doc. 85-2, p. 14, col. 5, ll. 35-47 and p. 14, col. 6, ll. 6-9.
`30 Doc. 85-2, p. 14, col. 6, ll. 15-19.


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`At the Markman hearing, LoganTree agreed with Garmin that the time stamp information
`is from the system. LoganTree also agreed that the claims are precise in nature and require the
`time stamp information to be a time “at which” the movement data causing the defined event
`occurred. LoganTree argued, however, that the inclusion of the term “system” requires the time
`to be measured to a precise degree not required by the claims. According to LoganTree, the term
`“system time” has a certain meaning in the world of technology, and a “system time” is often
`measured to the millisecond or nanosecond. LoganTree thus argued that while the time stamp
`information reflects a time at which the movement data occurred, there must be some flexibility
`in the unit measurement of that time, meaning that the time stamp information could reflect the
`hour or even the day the movement data occurred.
`The Court is not persuaded by LoganTree’s arguments. The use of the term “system time”
`does not mean that the time is automatically measured to the millisecond or nanosecond. A
`“system time” is only this precise if the system itself measures time to that degree of particularity.
`Furthermore, neither the intrinsic nor extrinsic evidence state that there must be flexibility in the
`unit of time measurement. According to the specification, the time stamp information is a
`recording of the time obtained from the system’s real time clock.31 The specification does not
`specify the unit of measurement for that clock. Thus, the time stamp information is going to be
`measured based on the unit of measurement that the real-time clock is programmed to obtain,
`whether that be nanoseconds, seconds, minutes, or some other unit of measurement.
`31 See Doc. 85-2, p. 7, fig. 4 (noting the clock connected to the microprocessor); Id. p. 14, col. 5, ll. 35-37
`(“The clock also serves as a real time clock to provide date and time information to the microprocessor”; Id. p. 15,
`col. 5, ll. 44-47 (“If a recordable event occurs, the microprocessor retrieves the date/time stamp from the clock and
`records the event information along with the date/time stamp in memory.”); Id. p. 16, col. 9, ll. 48-51 (“If the first
`angle limit has been exceeded, the microprocessor . . . records the event along with the date and time.”).


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` After considering the parties’ arguments for construing this term, the Court construes “first
`time stamp information reflecting a time at which the movement data causing the first user-defined
`event occurred” to mean “first time stamp information reflecting the time recorded or noted by the
`system at which the movement data causing the first-user defined event occurred.”
`“Angle” and “Velocity”
`Garmin proposes that the term “angle” should be construed as “the space between two
`intersecting planes at the point where they meet.” LoganTree argues that no construction is
`necessary, but if the Court does construe the term, then the Court should use Garmin’s definition
`along with the following definition: “a measure of the amount of turning necessary to bring one
`line or plane into coincidence with or parallel to another.”
`Garmin proposes that the term “velocity” should be construed as “the speed of something
`in a given direction.” LoganTree argues that no construction is necessary, but if the Court does
`construe the term, it should define it as “rate of change of angular position.”
`Based on the parties’ arguments at the Markman hearing, the Court understands the parties’
`dispute to be whether the term “angle” or the term “velocity” encompasses “angular velocity.”
`During the hearing, LoganTree argued that the term “velocity” is not limited to “linear velocity”
`as Garmin’s proposed definition suggests, and that the patent’s specification describes the device
`as measuring the angular velocity of the user’s movement. In response, Garmin argued that neither
`“angle” nor “velocity” include “angular velocity,” and if LoganTree intended that the patented
`device measure “angular velocity” then it should have included it in the claim language. Garmin’s
`position is somewhat confusing, however, because in its reply, Garmin agreed to LoganTree’s


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`alternate proposed construction for the term “velocity,” and that alternate proposed construction
`incorporates “angular velocity” by definition.32
`The Court agrees with LoganTree that the term “velocity” in the claim language includes
`angular velocity. The specification states that the device measures both linear and angular velocity.
`For example, the specification states that one object of the invention is “to provide a system which
`monitors, records and analyzes the time, date, angle of movement, and angular velocity of physical
`movement for subsequent interpretation.”33 It also states that the device is capable of measuring
`“the distance the wearer walks and how fast he walked.”34 And, it states that in a preferred
`embodiment, the movement sensor on the device is “an accelerometer capable of detecting angles
`of movement in multiple planes as well as velocity at which the movement occurs.”35
`The Court understands the parties’ dispute to arise only in the context where the term
`“velocity” means “angular velocity.” Therefore, the Court limits its construction of the term
`“velocity” to that usage and not others. Within that usage, the Court adopts the parties agreed-
`upon construction and defines “velocity” to mean “rate of change of angular position.”
`As to the term “angle,” the Court declines to construe this term. Having addressed the
`“angular velocity” dispute in the construction of the term “velocity,” the Court sees no dispute
`between the parties regarding the scope of this term. Furthermore, “angle” is not a complicated,
`32 Angular Velocity,, (last visited Jan. 12,
`2021) (defining “angular velocity” as “the time rate of change of angular position of a rotating body, usually expressed
`in radians per second or radians per minute”).
`33 Doc. 85-2, p. 12, col. 2, ll. 38-41.
`34 Doc. 85-2, p. 13, col. 3, ll. 14-16.
`35 Doc. 85-2, p. 13, col. 4, ll. 41-45.


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`complex term, and it is easily understood by a person of minimal education.36 Therefore, the Court
`concludes that no construction is necessary.
`“Unrestrained movement in any direction”
`Garmin contends that the term “unrestrained movement in any direction” is indefinite
`under 35 U.S.C. § 112 because LoganTree has used the term inconsistently before the U.S. Patent
`Trial and Appeal Board and this Court. LoganTree contends that the term is definite but the Court
`should defer ruling on this issue until the summary judgment phase of litigation. Both parties
`agree that if the Court defers ruling on the indefiniteness of the term, then no construction of the
`term is necessary.
`“[A] patent is invalid for indefiniteness if its claims, read in light of the specification
`delineating the patent, and the prosecution history, fail to inform, with reasonable certainty, those
`skilled in the art about the scope of the invention.”37 “The definiteness standard ‘must allow for a
`modicum of uncertainty’ to provide incentives for innovation, but must also require ‘clear notice
`of what is claimed, thereby appris[ing] the public of what is still open to them.’ ”38 Federal district
`courts, however, have found that “ ‘several well-settled principles tend to discourage rulings on
`indefiniteness at the Markman stage.’ ”39 “First, the burden of proof is higher for establishing
`36 See Summit 6, LLC v. Samsung Elec. Co., Ltd., 802 F.3d 1283, 1291 (Fed. Cir. 2015) (noting that the
`district court did not err in declining to construe a term when the term was straightforward); cf. Eon Corp., IP Holdings,
`LLC v. Silver Spring Network, Inc., 815 F.3d 1314, 1320 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (finding that because the scope of the terms
`at issue was disputed during claim construction, the court improperly left the issue of claim scope to the jury when it
`construed the terms as having their plain and ordinary meaning).
`37 Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc., 572 U.S. 898, 901 (2014).
`38 Interval Licensing, LLC v. AOL, Inc., 766 F.3d 1364, 1370 (Fed. Cir. 2014) (quoting Nautilus, 572 U.S. at
`39 Uretek Holdings, Inc. v. YD W. Coast Homes, Inc., 2016 WL 3021880, at *3 (M.D. Fla. 2016) (quoting
`CSB-Sys. Int’l, Inc. v. SAP Am., Inc., 2011 WL 3240838, at *17 (E.D. Pa. 2011)); see also Capstan AG Sys., Inc. v.
`Raven Indus., Inc., 2018 WL 953112, at *14 (D. Kan. 2018).


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`indefiniteness than it is for establishing a term’s construction.”40 “Second, the legal standard for
`is different from [the standard] for determining
`construction.”41 This is because, “unlike a Markman proceeding that gives meaning to patent
`claims, indefiniteness invalidates the claims entirely.”42 Furthermore, the Federal Circuit has
`stated that it “certainly [has] not endorsed a regime in which validity analysis is a regular
`component of claim construction.”43
`Based on these principles, courts often decline to make invalidity determinations at the
`Markman stage.44 These courts have reasoned that “it would be more appropriate and logical to
`defer the full consideration of any potential indefiniteness challenge to the summary judgment
`stage, after all fact and expert discovery has been completed.”45 This Court adopts the same
`reasoning here and declines to rule on Garmin’s indefiniteness argument on the term “unrestrained
`movement in any direction” at this time.
`The parties do not otherwise argue that this claim term is in dispute. In fact, at the Markman
`hearing, both parties agreed that if the Court did not rule on the indefiniteness issue at this time,
`then the Court need not construe the term. Therefore, the Court defines the term “unrestrained
`movement in any direction” according to its plain and ordinary meaning.
`40 Uretek, 2016 WL 3021880, at *3 (emphasis omitted).
`41 Id. (emphasis omitted).
`42 CSB-Sys., 2011 WL 3240838, at *18.
`43 Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1327.
`44 Uretek, 2016 WL 3021880, at *3 (collecting cases).
`45 Id.


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`In summary, the Court construes the term “first time stamp information reflecting a time
`at which the movement data causing the first user-defined event occurred” as “first time stamp
`information reflecting the time recorded or noted by the system at which the movement data
`causing the first user-defined event occurred.” The Court concludes that no construction is
`necessary for the term “angle” and construes the term “velocity” as “rate of change of angular
`position.” The Court declines to rule on Garmin’s argument that the term “unrestrained movement
`in any direction” is indefinite and further concludes that no construction is necessary for this term.
`IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the disputed terms of the Patent are construed as
`set forth in this Order on the 19th day of January, 2021.
`Dated this 19th day of January, 2021.

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