`November 16, 2022
`The Honorable Katherine M. Hiner
`Acting Secretary to the Commission
`500 E Street, SW, Room 112-A
`Washington, DC 20436
`Certain Location-Sharing Systems, Related Software, Components Thereof, and Products
`Containing Same; Inv. No. 337-TA-____
`Dear Acting Secretary Hiner:
`In accordance with the Commission’s Temporary Change to the Filing Procedures, dated
`March 16, 2020, enclosed for filing on behalf of Complainants Advanced Ground Information
`Systems, Inc. and AGIS Software Development LLC (“AGIS” or “Complainants”) are the
`following documents in support of Complainants’ request that the Commission commence an
`investigation pursuant to Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended:
`1. One (1) electronic copy of the verified Non-Confidential Complaint and the Public
`Interest Statement. (19 C.F.R. §§ 210.8(a)(1)(i) and 210.8(b));
`2. One (1) electronic copy of Complainants’ letter and certification requesting
`confidential treatment for the information contained in the Confidential Exhibit Nos. 136C - 144C.
`(19 C.F.R. §§ 210.5(d) and 201.6(b));
`3. One (1) electronic copy of the accompanying Non-Confidential Exhibits and public
`versions of the Confidential Exhibits. (19 C.F.R. § 210.8(a)(1)(i));
`4. One (1) electronic copy of the Confidential Exhibits Nos. 136C - 144C. (19 C.F.R.
`§§ 210.8(a)(1)(ii) and 201.6(c));
`5. One (1) electronic copy of the certified version of U.S. Patent Nos. 8,213,970 (“the
`’970 Patent); 9,467,838 (“the ’838 patent”); 9,445,251 (“the ’251 patent”); 9,749,829 (“the ’829
`patent”); and 9,820,123 (“the ’123 patent”) (collectively, “the Asserted AGIS Patents”) cited in
`the Complaint as Exhibits 1-5. (19 C.F.R. § 210.12(a)(9)(i));




`November 16, 2022
`6. One (1) electronic copy of the certified version of each of the assignments for the
`Asserted AGIS Patents cited in the Complaint as Exhibits 71 - 75. (19 C.F.R. § 210.12(a)(9)(ii));
`7. One (1) electronic copy of the certified version of the prosecution history for the
`Asserted AGIS Patents included as Appendix Nos. A1, B1, C1, D1, and E1 to the Complaint. (19
`C.F.R. § 210.12(c)(1));
`8. One (1) electronic copy of the patent and technical reference documents identified in
`the prosecution history of the Asserted AGIS Patents, included in the Complaint as Appendix Nos.
`A2, B2, C2, D2, and E2 (19 C.F.R. § 210.12(c)(2)).
`Please contact me with any questions regarding this submission. Thank you for your
`attention to this matter.
`Respectfully Submitted,
`Evan H. Langdon
`Counsel for Complainants AGIS Software
`Development LLC and Advanced Ground
`Information Systems, Inc.



`November 16, 2022
`The Honorable Katherine M. Hiner
`Action Secretary to the Commission
`500 E Street, SW, Room 112-A
`Washington, DC 20436

`Certain Location-Sharing Systems, Related Software, Components Thereof, and Products
`Containing Same; Inv. No. 337-TA-____
`Dear Acting Secretary Hiner:
`Pursuant to Commission Rules 210.5(d) and 201.6(b)(1), Complainants Advanced Ground
`Information Systems, Inc. and AGIS Software Development LLC (“AGIS” or “Complainants”)
`respectfully request confidential treatment of the business information contained in Exhibit Nos.
`136C – 144C (“Conf. Exhibits”) to the Verified Complaint.
`The information contained in the Conf. Exhibits qualifies as confidential business
`information pursuant to Commission Rule 201.6(a) because:
` 
`It is not available to the general public;
` The disclosure of such information would cause substantial harm to AGIS and to the
`competitive position of AGIS; and
` Unauthorized disclosure of the information could impair the Commission’s ability to
`obtain information necessary to perform its statutory function.




`November 16, 2022
`Please contact me with any questions regarding this submission. Thank you for your
`attention to this matter.
`Respectfully Submitted,
`Evan H. Langdon
`Counsel for Complainants AGIS Software
`Development LLC and Advanced Ground
`Information Systems, Inc



`In the Matter of:
`Investigation No. 337-TA-_____
`I, Evan H. Langdon, counsel for Complainants Advanced Ground Information Systems,
`Inc. and AGIS Software Development LLC (“AGIS” or “Complainants”), declare as follows:
`I have reviewed Complainants’ Verified Complaint and Confidential Exhibit Nos.
`136C – 144C. (“Conf. Exhibits”) filed concurrently with this Certification.
`Conf. Exhibits contain the following confidential business information of
`proprietary information not available to the public;
`information regarding AGIS Inc.’s confidential and proprietary technical
`requirements and confidential descriptions of the program instructions the
`covered products;
`activities related to AGIS Inc.’s domestic industry investments such as labor
`and capital, plant and equipment, and research and development.
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this
`16th day of November, 2022 in Arlington, VA.
`Evan H. Langdon


`1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 300
`Washington, DC 20004
`Telephone: (202) 507-4899
`Counsel for Complainants AGIS Software Development
`LLC and Advanced Ground Information Systems, Inc.


`Investigation No. 337-TA-____
`In the Matter of:
`Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.8(b), 19 C.F.R. § 210.8(b), Complainants AGIS
`Software Development LLC (“AGIS Software”) and Advanced Ground Information Systems, Inc.
`(“AGIS, Inc.”) (collectively, “Complainants”) respectfully submit this Statement Regarding the
`Public Interest. By filing its Complaint, Complainants seek the Commission’s assistance in
`protecting Complainants’ domestic industry and its intellectual property from companies
`importing infringing products into the U.S. market that use the technology protected by the
`Asserted Patents.
`Complainants seek a limited exclusion order directed to each of the proposed Respondents1
`excluding from entry into the United States certain location-sharing systems, related software,
`components thereof, and products containing same (the “Accused Products”) that infringe certain

`1 The proposed Respondents are Google LLC, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and its wholly owned
`subsidiary Samsung Electronics America, Inc., OnePlus Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd, TCL
`Technology Group Corporation, TCL Communication Technology Holdings Limited, TCL
`Electronics Holdings Limited, TCT Mobile (US) Inc., Lenovo Group Ltd. and its wholly owned
`subsidiaries Lenovo (United States) Inc. and Motorola Mobility LLC, HMD Global, HMD Global
`OY, HMD America, Inc., Sony Corporation, Sony Mobile Communications, Inc., ASUSTek
`Computer Inc., ASUS Computer International, Caterpillar Inc., BLU Products, Inc., Panasonic
`Corporation, Panasonic Corporation of North America, Kyocera Corporation, Xiaomi
`Corporation, Xiaomi H.K. Ltd., Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd., and Xiaomi Inc.


`claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 8,213,970 (the “’970 Patent”); 9,445,251 (the “’251 Patent”); 9,467,838
`(the “’838 Patent”); 9,749,829 (the “’829 Patent”); and 9,820,123 (the “’123 Patent”) (collectively,
`the “Asserted Patents”). Complainants also seek cease and desist orders prohibiting the proposed
`Respondents, their subsidiaries, parents, related companies, and agents from engaging in the
`importation, sale for importation, marketing and/or advertising, distribution, offer for sale, sale,
`use after importation, sale after importation, or other transfer within the United States of certain
`location-sharing systems, related software, components thereof, and products containing same,
`that infringe one or more claims of the Asserted Patents. Exclusion of such products from the
`United States will not have an adverse effect on the public health and welfare in the United States,
`competitive conditions in the United States economy, the production of like or directly competitive
`articles in the United States, or United States consumers.
`Exclusion of the Proposed Respondents’ infringing certain location-sharing systems,
`related software, components thereof, and products containing same, including mobile devices,
`tablets, computers, and products containing location-sharing software, would not “deprive the
`public of products necessary for some important health or welfare need.” Spansion, Inc. v. U.S.
`Int’l Trade Comm’n, 629 F.3d 1331, 1360 (Fed. Cir. 2010). Further, because AGIS, Inc. and AGIS
`Software’s licensees supply the market for certain location-sharing systems, related software,
`components thereof, and products containing same, including mobile devices, tablets, and
`computers, consumers would not face any substantial shortage of like or competitive products in
`the United States. As described in the Complaint, AGIS, Inc.’s licensees, as well as third-parties,
`supply location-sharing systems, related software, products containing same to the U.S. market.
`Thus, this Investigation does not present an instance where a compelling public interest would
`supersede entry of the requested remedial orders.


`Explanation of How the Articles Potentially Subject to the Remedial Orders Are
`Used in the United States
`The products at issue in this Investigation include location-sharing systems, related
`software, and products containing same, including smartphone and tablet devices, and computers,
`including notebook and laptop computers. The products at issue in this investigation are generally
`used by the end consumers for personal, business, and communication purposes.
`The Requested Remedial Orders Do Not Pose Any Public Health, Safety, or Welfare
`Issuance of the requested remedial orders would have no adverse effect on the public
`health, safety, or welfare in the United States. In general, concerns about a negative impact on
`public health, safety, or welfare have arisen in cases involving pharmaceuticals, essential
`equipment for medical treatment, or green technology products, such as hybrid cars and solar
`panels. See Spansion, 629 F.3d at 1360. For example, the Commission has previously concluded
`that access to essential medical equipment used to treat burn victims is a significant public interest
`consideration because the equipment “provide[s] benefits unavailable from any other device or
`method of treatment.” Certain Fluidized Supporting Apparatus & Components Thereof, Inv. No.
`337-TA-182/ 188, USITC Pub. 1667, Comm’n Op. at 23-25 (Oct. 1984). None of these concerns
`are present here. And as discussed further below, the requested remedial orders will not
`significantly impact the overall market for location-sharing systems, related software, components
`thereof, and products containing same in the United States.
`Accordingly, access to the Accused Products does not implicate any meaningful public
`health, safety, or welfare concern. Indeed, the requested relief serves the public interest because,
`as previously recognized by the Commission, there is a strong public interest in protecting
`intellectual property rights. See, e.g., Certain Baseband Processor Chips & Chipsets, Transmitter
`& Receiver (Radio) Chips, Power Control Chips, & Prods. Containing Same, Including Cellular


`Phone Handsets, Inv. No. 337-TA-543, Comm’n Op. at 136-37 (June 19, 2007). This strong
`interest in protecting Complainants’ intellectual property rights and the domestic industry set forth
`in the Complaint far outweighs any hypothetical adverse effect on the public.
`III. Alternative Competitive Articles that Could Replace the Subject Article if They
`Were to Be Excluded are Readily Available
`The consumer electronics market for products similar to the Accused Products is diverse and
`highly competitive. For example, location-sharing mobile devices and computers are available
`from multiple sources with which Proposed Respondents compete. As an initial matter, AGIS
`Software’s licensees, including AGIS, Inc. and others2, adequately supply the market and will
`continue to do so irrespective of whether the requested remedial orders are issued. Moreover,
`Proposed Respondents are a subset of suppliers of mobile devices and computers with location-
`sharing technology in the United States market, and Proposed Respondents’ products do not
`contain any unique health or safety-related features. Apple Inc., for example, now accounts for
`over 50% of the smartphone market alone, and will not be effected by the requested remedial
`No public interest concerns exist where the market contains an adequate supply of competitive
`or substitute products for those subject to a remedial order. See, e.g., Certain Elec. Digital Media
`Devices & Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-796, Comm’n Op. at 119–21 (Sept. 6, 2013)
`(finding the availability of adequate competitive products does not warrant denying relief); Certain
`Mobile Devices, Associated Software, & Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-744, Comm’n Op.
`at 30–31 (June 5, 2012). The location-sharing mobile device and computer market is highly

`2 A confidential list of licensees that can adequately supply the market is attached to the Complaint
`as Exhibit 136C.
`3 See
`(last visited November 7, 2022;
`us-market-share (last visited November 7, 2022).


`competitive, and numerous companies, including AGIS Software’s licensees, have the capacity to
`replace Proposed Respondents’ volume of production of infringing products for the United States
`market without delay.
`The Requested Remedial Order Would Not Adversely Impact U.S. Consumers
`Consumers will have available to them in the United States marketplace a wide variety of
`mobile devices and computers including those supplied by AGIS, Inc. and AGIS Software’s
`licensees, as well as other competitive non-infringing products, if the Accused Products are
`excluded from the United States. In view of the availability of commercial alternatives to the
`accused products, the exclusion of the infringing location-sharing devices will not negatively
`impact consumers in the United States. Rather, the requested relief will serve the public interest
`by enforcing United States intellectual-property rights and eliminating the Proposed Respondents’
`unfair competition. See Certain Two-Handle Centerset Faucets & Escutcheons & Components
`Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-422, Comm’n Op. at 9 (July 21, 2000). Precluding the Proposed
`Respondents from importing and selling their infringing location-sharing systems, related
`software, components thereof, and products containing same will benefit the public interest by
`protecting innovators, such as Complainants and its licensees, who invest domestically to research
`and develop new energy-efficient technology. Permitting unlicensed suppliers like the Proposed
`Respondents to import and sell infringing location-sharing products would not only devalue the
`licenses AGIS Software granted to other companies, but would also undermine future investment
`in similar technology. See Certain Display Controllers and Products Containing Same, Inv. No.
`337-TA-491/481, Comm’n Op. at 66 (Feb. 2005).
`Accordingly, there are no public interest concerns preventing issuance of the requested
`remedial orders. The Commission should not direct the Administrative Law Judge to receive
`evidence on the impact of those remedial orders on the public interest.


`Dated: November 16, 2022
`Respectfully submitted,
`Evan H. Langdon
`1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 300
`Washington, DC 20004
`Telephone: (646) 797-4277
`Alfred R. Fabricant
`Peter Lambrianakos
`Vincent J. Rubino, III
`Enrique Iturralde
`Justine Minseon Park
`411 Theodore Fremd Avenue, Suite 206
`South Rye, New York 10580
`Telephone: (646) 797-4277
`Matthew D. Aichele
`800 Maine Ave. SW, Suite 200
`Washington, DC 20024
`Telephone: (202) 664-0623
`Counsel for Complainants AGIS Software
`Development LLC and Advanced Ground
`Information Systems, Inc.


`Investigation No. 337-TA-____
`In the Matter of:
`Advanced Ground Information Systems, Inc.
`92 Lighthouse Dr.
`Jupiter, FL 33469
`Telephone: (561) 744-3213
`AGIS Software Development LLC
`100 West Houston Street
`Marshall, TX 75671
`Telephone: (903) 702-1954
`Counsel for Complainant:
`Evan H. Langdon
`1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 300,
`Washington, DC 20004
`Telephone: (646) 797-4277
`Alfred R. Fabricant
`Peter Lambrianakos
`Vincent J. Rubino, III
`Enrique W. Iturralde
`Justine Minseon Park
`411 Theodore Fremd Avenue, Suite 206
`South Rye, New York 10580
`Telephone: (646) 797-4277
`Proposed Respondents:
`Google LLC
`1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
`Mountain View, CA 94043
`Telephone: (650) 253-0000
`Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd.
`12 Samsung-Ro
`Maetan-3dong, Yeongtong-gu
`Suwon, 443-742, South Korea
`Telephone: (822) 225-0114
`Samsung Electronics America, Inc.
`85 Challenger Rd.
`Ridgefield Park, New Jersey 07660
`Telephone: (201) 229-4000
`OnePlus Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
`18F, Tairan Building, Block C
`Tairan 8th Road
`Chgongmiao, Futian District
`Shenzhen, Guangdong 518040, China
`TCL Technology Group Corporation
`22/F, TCL Technology Building, No. 17
`Huifeng 3rd Road
`Zhongkai High-Tech Development District
`Huizhou, Guangdong, China 516006
`TCL Electronics Holdings Limited
`7th Floor, Building 22E


`Matthew D. Aichele
`800 Maine Ave. SW, Suite 200
`Washington, DC 20024
`Telephone: (202) 664-0623
`22 Science Park East Avenue
`Hong Kong Science Park
`Hong Kong
`TCL Communication Technology Holdings
`5/F, Building 22E,
`22 Science Park East Avenue
`Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin,
`New Territories, Hong Kong
`TCT Mobile (US) Inc.
`25 Edelman, Suite 200
`Irvine, CA 92618
`Telephone: (949) 892-2990
`Lenovo Group Ltd.
`6 Chuang ye Road, Haidian District
`Beijing 100085, China
`Telephone: (852) 2590-0228
`Lenovo (United States) Inc.
`1009 Think Place, Building One
`Morrisville, NC 27560
`Telephone: (855) 253-6686
`Motorola Mobility LLC
`222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 1800
`Chicago, IL 60654
`Telephone: (800) 668-6765
`HMD Global
`Karaportti 2, FIN-02610
`Espoo, Finland
`HMD Global OY
`Bertel Jungin aukio 9, 02600
`Espoo, Finland
`HMD America, Inc.
`1200 Brickell Ave., Suite 510
`Miami, FL 33131
`Sony Corporation
`1-7-1 Konan Minato-ku
`Tokyo, 108-0075, Japan


`Telephone: 81-3-6748-2111
`Sony Mobile Communications, Inc.
`4-12-3 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku
`Tokyo, 140-0002, Japan
`Telephone: (855) 806-8464
`ASUSTek Computer Inc.
`No. 15, Li-Te Rd.
`Beitou Dist., Taipei 112, Taiwan
`Telephone: (866) 2-2894-3447
`ASUS Computer International
`48720 Kato Rd.
`Fremont, CA 94538
`Telephone: (510) 739-3777
`Caterpillar Inc.
`100 NE Adams St.
`Peoria, IL 61629
`Telephone: (309) 675-2337
`BLU Products
`10814 NW 33rd Street
`Doral, FL 33172
`Telephone: (877) 639-6393
`Panasonic Corporation
`1006 Oaza Kadoma-shi
`Kadoma 571-8501
`Osaka, Japan
`Phone: +81-6-6908-1121
`Fax: +81-6-6908-2351
`Panasonic Corporation of North America
`1 Panasonic Way
`Secaucus, New Jersey 07094
`Phone: (201) 348-7000
`Fax: (201) 348-7016
`Kyocera Corporation
`6 Takeda Tobadono-cho, Fushmi-ku
`Kyoto, Japan 612-8501
`Xiaomi Corporation
`Maples Corporate Services Limited


`P.O. Box 309
`Ugland House
`Grand Cayman, KY1-1104, Cayman Islands
`68 Qinghe Middle Street
`Haidian District
`Beijing, China 100085
`Xiaomi H.K. Ltd.
`Unit 806, Tower 2 8/F
`Cheung Sha Wan Plaza
`833 Cheung Sha Wan Road
`Kowloon City, Hong Kong
`Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
`Xiaomi Office Building
`68 Qinghe Middle Street
`Haidian District
`Beijing, China 100085
`Xiaomi Inc.
`Xiaomi Office Building
`68 Qinghe Middle Street
`Haidian District
`Beijing, China 100085


`INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 16 
`THE PARTIES.................................................................................................................. 18 
`The Complainant ................................................................................................... 18 
`The Proposed Respondents ................................................................................... 20 
`Google LLC .............................................................................................. 20 
`Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and Samsung Electronics America,
`Inc. ............................................................................................................ 21 
`OnePlus Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. .............................................. 22 
`TCL Technology Group Corporation, TCL Communication
`Technology Holdings Limited, TCL Electronics Holdings Limited,
`and TCT Mobile (US) Inc. ........................................................................ 22 
`Lenovo Group Ltd., Lenovo (United States) Inc., and Motorola
`Mobility LLC ............................................................................................ 25 
`HMD Global, HMD Global OY, and HMD America, Inc. ...................... 26 
`Sony Corporation and Sony Mobile Communications, Inc. ..................... 27 
`ASUSTek Computer Inc. and ASUS Computer International .................. 27 
`Caterpillar Inc. .......................................................................................... 28 
`BLU Products, Inc. ................................................................................... 29 
`Panasonic Corporation and Panasonic Corporation of North
`America ..................................................................................................... 29 
`Kyocera Corporation ................................................................................. 30 
`Xiaomi Corporation, Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd., Xiaomi
`H.K. Ltd., and Xiaomi Inc. ....................................................................... 30 
`THE TECHNOLOGY AND PRODUCTS AT ISSUE .................................................... 32 


`THE ASSERTED AGIS PATENTS ................................................................................. 33 
`The ’970 Patent ..................................................................................................... 33 
`Identification of the Patent and Ownership .............................................. 33 
`Nontechnical Description of the Patent .................................................... 33 
`Foreign Counterparts of the Patent ........................................................... 34 
`Licensees ................................................................................................... 34 
`The ’838 Patent ..................................................................................................... 35 
`Identification of the Patent and Ownership .............................................. 35 
`Nontechnical Description of the Patent .................................................... 35 
`Foreign Counterparts of the Patent ........................................................... 36 
`Licensees ................................................................................................... 37 
`The ’251 Patent ..................................................................................................... 37 
`Identification of the Patent and Ownership .............................................. 37 
`Nontechnical Description of the Patent .................................................... 38 
`Foreign Counterparts of the Patent ........................................................... 38 
`Licensees ................................................................................................... 38 
`The ’829 Patent ..................................................................................................... 38 
`Identification of the Patent and Ownership .............................................. 38 
`Nontechnical Description of the Patent .................................................... 39 
`Foreign Counterparts of the Patent ........................................................... 40 
`Licensees ................................................................................................... 40 
`The ’123 Patent ..................................................................................................... 40 
`SPECIFIC INSTANCES OF IMPORTATION AND SALE ........................................... 41 
`Google ................................................................................................................... 42 
`Samsung Respondents .......................................................................................... 42 


`OnePlus ................................................................................................................. 43 
`TCL Respondents.................................................................................................. 43 
`Lenovo Respondents ............................................................................................. 44 
`HMD Respondents ................................................................................................ 44 
`Sony Respondents ................................................................................................. 45 
`ASUS Respondents ............................................................................................... 45 
`Caterpillar ............................................................................................................. 46 
`BLU....................................................................................................................... 46 
`Panasonic .............................................................................................................. 47 
`Kyocera ................................................................................................................. 47 
`Xiaomi................................................................................................................... 48 
`Google ................................................................................................................... 51 
`Samsung Respondents .......................................................................................... 53 
`OnePlus ................................................................................................................. 56 
`TCL ....................................................................................................................... 58 
`Lenovo .................................................................................................................. 60 
`HMD ..................................................................................................................... 62 
`Sony ...................................................................................................................... 64 
`ASUS .................................................................................................................... 66 
`Caterpillar ............................................................................................................. 68 
`BLU....................................................................................................................... 70 
`Panasonic .............................................................................................................. 72 
`Kyocera ................................................................................................................. 74 
`Xiaomi................................................................................................................... 76 


`HARMONIZED TARIFF SCHEDULE ........................................................................... 77 
`VIII.  RELATED LITIGATION ................................................................................................ 78 
`THE DOMESTIC INDUSTRY ........................................................................................ 81 
`Technical Prong .................................................................................................... 81 
`Economic Prong .................................................................................................... 82 
`RELIEF REQUESTED ..................................................................................................... 83 


`Non-Confidential Exhibits
`Ex. No.
`Copy of U.S. Patent No. 8,213,970
`Copy of U.S. Patent No. 9,467,838
`Copy of U.S. Patent No. 9,445,251
`Copy of U.S. Patent No. 9,749,829
`Copy of U.S. Patent No. 9,820,123
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing Google Pixel 6 to the ’970 Patent
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing Google Pixel 6 to the ’838 Patent
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing Google Pixel 6 to the ’251 Patent
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing Google Pixel 6 to the ’829 Patent
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing Google Pixel 6 to the ’123 Patent
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing Samsung Galaxy S22+ to the ’970
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing Samsung Galaxy S22+ to the’838
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing Samsung Galaxy S22+ to the ’251
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing Samsung Galaxy S22+ to the ’829
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing Samsung Galaxy S22+ to the ’123
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing OnePlus 8T to the ’970 Patent
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing OnePlus 8T to the ’838 Patent
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing OnePlus 8T to the ’251 Patent
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing OnePlus 8T to the ’829 Patent
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing OnePlus 8T to the ’123 Patent
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing TCL 10L to the ’970 Patent 
`Representative Claim Chart Comparing TCL 1

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