`Before the Honorable Clark S. Cheney
`Chief Administrative Law Judge
`In the Matter of
`Inv. No. 337-TA-1426
`Pursuant to the Procedural Schedule set forth in Order No. 6, Complainant Cricut, Inc.
`(“Complainant”) hereby submits its identification of testifying expert witnesses, including their
`expertise and curriculum vitae.
`This identification of expert witnesses is based on Complainant’s current understanding of
`the evidence produced thus far during discovery. As discovery is ongoing, Complainant reserves
`the right to supplement or amend this identification.
`In addition to the expert witnesses identified below, Complainant reserves the right to
`proffer testimony from any expert witness identified by any respondent to this Investigation.
`Charles L. Mauro, CHFP
`Mr. Mauro is a Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional from the Board of
`Certification in Professional Ergonomics (BCPE). Mr. Mauro earned a Bachelor of Science Degree
`in Industrial Design from Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles and received a Master’s
`Degree in Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering from New York University (“NYU”).
`While at NYU, Mr. Mauro was a National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health research
`fellow at the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine. Prior to founding his own firm, Mr. Mauro
`was employed by the design firms of Raymond Loewy International and Henry Dreyfus Associates,
`where he managed large-scale design projects for national and international clients.
`Mr. Mauro’s experience covers both in-depth working knowledge of formal usability
`science and detailed product design for a broad range of consumer software and hardware
`applications spanning many applications. Additionally, his professional background covers new
`product development and product design methodologies related to overall product development
`life-cycle optimization, feature and function definition, consumer testing and human factors
`engineering. Mr. Mauro has an in-depth working knowledge of product production methods and
`processes including prototype, small-sample run and large production piece-part manufacturing
`for metal, plastic, fabric, paper and other combination material assemblies. He has a detailed
`understanding of design and production of consumer products and related variables.
`Mr. Mauro’s curriculum vitae is attached as Exhibit 1.
`Thomas D. Vander Veen, Ph.D.
`Dr. Vander Veen specializes in the application of economics to intellectual property,
`international trade, and complex commercial disputes. Dr. Vander Veen has served as an economic
`expert in U.S. Courts, state courts and before the U.S. International Trade Commission. Dr. Vander
`Veen’s expertise includes valuation of intellectual property; evaluation of economic damages
`related to patent, copyright and trademark infringement, false advertising, breach of contract, and
`theft of trade secrets; and economic analysis in section 337 intellectual property matters before the
`U.S. International Trade Commission. Dr. Vander Veen’s analysis of economic damages has
`included the development and analysis of consumer surveys. Dr. Vander Veen’s intellectual
`property experience also includes the evaluation of commercial success of patented products,
`including in ANDA actions. He has studied market structure, competition, and performance of
`numerous pharmaceutical products, including pricing, marketing and promotion, and regulatory
`approval. Dr. Vander Veen has performed economic analysis in numerous industries, including
`medical devices, pharmaceuticals, consumer retail products, consumer electronic devices,
`semiconductors, software and automotive products.
`Dr. Vander Veen’s curriculum vitae is attached as Exhibit 2.
`Dated: March 11, 2025
`/s/ Jay H. Reiziss
`Jay H. Reiziss
`Alexander P. Ott
`Timothy M. Dunker
`500 North Capitol Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20001
`Telephone: (202) 756-8000
`David J. Tobin
`2501 North Harwood Street Suite 1900
`Dallas, TX 75201
`Telephone: (214) 210-2793
`James M. Oehler
`Tessa M. Kroll
`444 West Lake Street, Suite 4000
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Telephone: (312) 372-2000
`Counsel for Complainant
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`Charles L. Mauro CHFP
`Mauro Usability Science
`130 East 75th Street Suite 6A New York, NY 10021
`212-249-3683 extension 101
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`Detailed Background and Qualifications
`For the past 50 years, Mr. Mauro has been the founder and president of Mauro Usability
`Science, a consulting firm in New York, N.Y. providing product development research
`and design solutions to leading U.S. and international corporations and government
`agencies. He has executed research and development programs for many large
`corporations including AT&T, Apple, Goldman Sachs, Merck, Citibank, Microsoft,
`Nike, Samsung, Motorola, Hewlett Packard, General Motors, General Electric,
`Department of Defense and NASA. He is named inventor on U.S. and foreign utility and
`design patents and currently has before the PTO patents on various product categories.
`He is a Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional and obtained such
`certification from the Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics (BCPE). His
`certification number is 1312.
`Mr. Mauro earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Design from Art Center
`College of Design in Los Angeles, having been awarded a full tuition scholarship based
`upon recognized academic excellence. In 1976, he received a Master’s Degree in
`Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering from New York University (“NYU”).
`While at NYU, Mr. Mauro was a National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
`research fellow at the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine. Prior to founding his
`own firm, he was employed by the design firms of Raymond Loewy International and
`Henry Dreyfus Associates, where he managed large-scale design projects for national
`and international clients.
`Upon being nominated and appointed to the first Presidential Design Awards Committee
`by the Reagan Administration, Mr. Mauro selected projects that qualified for Presidential
`Design Awards in the category of product design and established the criteria by which
`designs were selected. He has been chairman of two American National Standards
`Institute (“ANSI”) standards committees and has also served on numerous design awards
`committees, including the Industrial Design Magazine Annual Design Review.
`He is a member of numerous professional societies including the Industrial Designers
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`Society of America, the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Association for
`Computing Machinery and the Usability Professionals Association. He has been quoted in
`leading business publications including The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Fortune,
`Science, Scientific American and other publications. He has appeared on national
`television and in documentary films as an expert in product design and human factors
`Mr. Mauro has received leading awards for product design, user interface design and
`human factors/ergonomics research. In 2024 he received the “Titan of Industry for
`Human Factors Research” from the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. He also
`received the Alexander C. Williams award from the Human Factors Society for
`outstanding contributions made to a major operational man-machine system. Mr. Mauro
`received the Lifetime Achievement award from the Industrial Designers Society of
`America (IDSA) for his work on design research. He has also received awards and
`citations from NASA and the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM).
`His experience covers both in-depth working knowledge of formal usability science and
`detailed product design for a broad range of consumer software and hardware
`applications spanning many applications. Additionally, his professional background
`covers new product development and product design methodologies related to overall
`product development life-cycle optimization, feature and function definition, consumer
`testing and human factors engineering. He also has a working knowledge of primary
`issues related to economic modeling of new product features/functions and their
`implications for high level market timing. Mr. Mauro has an in-depth working
`knowledge of product production methods and processes including prototype, small-
`sample run and large production piece-part manufacturing for metal, plastic, fabric,
`paper and other combination material assemblies. He has a detailed understanding of
`design and production of complex consumer electronics and related variables.
`Additional Experience
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`Mr. Mauro’s experience covers formal design research, design methodology, group
`problem solving, usability science, and product design for a broad range of product
`categories spanning commercial, military, and consumer applications. Additionally, his
`professional background covers overall product development life-cycle optimization,
`feature and function definition, consumer testing, and human factors engineering. Mr.
`Mauro has written about and conducted formal research on the business value of design
`with a specific focus on design patent protection on a global basis. He has extensive
`experience in the relationship between brand formation and product design as it relates to
`corporate brand identity. He also has a working knowledge of the primary issues related to
`the economic modeling of new product features/functions and their implications for high
`level market timing and market acceptance by consumers.
`Mr. Mauro’s experience includes developing complex product branding strategies using
`visual product design vocabulary and shape grammar systems, as well as executing
`consumer research to validate brand attribute conveyance as a function of product design
`configurations in the marketplace. He has used validated visual design brand attribute
`testing and consumer ratings systems to assess the visual design of products in competitive
`market settings. Mr. Mauro has designed and managed product design branding and brand
`attribute research for leading corporations and served as an expert resource for brand
`development strategy based on visual product design optimization. He has examined the
`impact of product naming vs. product design on purchase-decision impact and brand
`development for high-technology personal-electronic products. In his capacity as an expert
`in product design and brand attribute development, Mr. Mauro worked as a key member of
`large corporate brand development teams and executive committees. Over his 50-year
`professional career, he managed over 3,000 design research and product design programs
`focused on understanding how visual-design attributes impact consumer product utilization,
`preferences, and decision-making in the marketplace.
`Mr. Mauro has designed, developed, and managed the implementation of numerous
`industry standard graphical user interfaces (GUI) for software desktop applications
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`involving the complex manipulation of on-screen data. He is an inventor on several GUI
`patents that have become widely used on a global basis. He is an acknowledged expert in
`GUI design and the transfer of physical product features and functions to GUI-based
`desktop applications. His expertise in this area of product development focuses on the
`transfer of physical product features and functions to internet-delivered, screen-based
`features and functions. He has executed such work for Citibank (home banking) and Fuji
`Film (consumer digital online photo retail system), among other clients. Mr. Mauro has
`been an invited lecturer on GUI design and the virtual migration of product features and
`functions at leading design and engineering programs in the U.S., Europe, the Middle East,
`and Asia, including for the USPTO, MIT Sloan School of Business, Stanford Law School,
`and major conferences. In the context of internet-based user interface design, he has
`designed, developed, and tested large scale web-based user experiences across a wide range
`of industry verticals, including consumer, commercial, non-profit, heavy industrial, and
`military applications.
`Mr. Mauro is a formally Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional (CHFP) (BPCE
`#1320) and has been retained by world-class corporations to conduct formal functional,
`ergonomic, and human factors research and analyze the visual design of their products and
`related systems. He possesses a detailed working knowledge of the cognitive, functional,
`and biomechanical limitations of the human mind and body as they impact the design of
`products in the marketplace. The methods he employs can be applied to a wide range of
`products and systems. He has conducted extensive functional and visual design research on
`consumer printers for Hewlett Packard (HP), the world’s largest manufacturer of consumer
`printers and associated cartridges. Mr. Mauro provided HP teams with extensive analysis
`and recommendations on how to improve the usability and visual appeal/design of their
`printer product lines. This directly relevant experience focused on understanding the
`functional and visual design needs of consumers during all critical phases of interaction
`with home printer products. The phases examined included pre-sale, purchase-decision,
`initial unpacking/setup, first-time use, repeated use, troubleshooting, cartridge installation
`and replacement, customer service contact, downloading and installing software updates,
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`and purchasing supplies online and in-store.
`In addition to his background in home consumer printers, he has extensive experience in
`other types of electronic products for personal use, including smartphones and personal
`computers. Mr. Mauro has also undertaken major studies for Singer Sewing Machine
`Company related to the visual design and functionality of programmable consumer sewing
`machines and portable weaving machines sold in the global consumer market. Both
`categories of devices allowed users to select from multiple pattern-generating options by
`interacting with a control interface with a list of pattern options. In these studies, his firm
`conducted extensive consumer testing of sewing and weaving machines that were in actual
`production and prototype phases of development.
`Mr. Mauro has also been retained by FujiFilm Consumer Division to advise them regarding
`the virtual migration from in-person photo processing to a digital online photo processing
`systems. Prior to this program, consumer photographs were physically carried by
`consumers in a cartridge to a FujiFilm processing store, where physical prints were made
`and either mailed back to the consumer or picked up in-person. The customers’ film
`cartridges were plugged into the FujiFilm processing machines, which were not connected
`in any way to the internet. Consumers could order specialty items displaying their
`photographs such as coffee mugs, calendars, birthday cards, T-shirts, candles, and
`numerous other craft-style items. As part of the program, Mr. Mauro developed a detailed
`functional and conceptual understanding of heat press systems utilized in the creation of
`customized items employing customer photography and secondary graphic applications.
`As program manager, he oversaw the development of a new online consumer film
`processing and craft development project system with a desktop GUI application and
`interfaced with a large international team (450+) of developers, executives, marketing
`managers, production experts, and software/hardware developers. This program involved
`extensive analysis of the functions undertaken by the consumer in the traditional system.
`Based on this analysis, he mapped tasks from the physical store experience to a new GUI-
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`based online photo processing system. He was responsible for the creation and management
`of teams focused on human factors, GUI design, the usability of the new internet-based
`system, feature function allocation, error management, and online help support systems.
`The new system allowed the customer to undertake a high degree of customization with
`their digital photos, which dramatically expanded the market for FujiFilm’s digital print
`services and customer use of photos to produce personalized articles of manufacture.
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`Consulting Clients
`• AccuRay Corporation / ABB
`• ADT
`• Akero
`• Amazon.com
`• Amtech
`• AmeriTrade, Inc.
`• Amgen
`• Apellis
`• Apple
`• AT&T
`• Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd.
`• AustismSpeaks.Org
`• Becton Dickinson
`• Centennial Computer Labs
`• Chase Manhattan Bank
`• Champion International Corp.
`• Citibank of New York
`• Citibank Advanced Development
`• Citicorp Development Center
`• Clairol, Inc.
`• Consolidated Edison of New York
`• Cummins Allison Corporation
`• CustomInk.com
`• Department of Defense (DOD)
`• Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette
`• DLJDirect.com
`• Dyson
`• Ebasco Services, Inc.
`• eMeta Corporation
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`• Estee Lauder
`• Fitch Ratings, Inc.
`• Finanalytica International
`• FUJI FILM North America
`• General Electric
`• General Motors
`• GlobalSpec, Inc.
`• Goldman Sachs & Co.
`• Harvard Management Corporation (Endowment)
`• Haworth
`• Hercules Chemical
`• Herman Miller
`• Hewlett-Packard
`• Howe Furniture Corporation
`International Harvester
`International Rescue Committee
`• J.I. Case International
`• Johnson & Johnson
`• K-Tel Corporation
`• Krueger International (KI)
`• Kikkerland, Inc.
`• Knoll International
`• Lancome
`• Longaberger Company
`• Louisiana Power and Light
`• Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
`• March of Dimes
`• Mattel
`• Mag Instrument
`• McKinsey & Company
`• Medtek Corporation
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`• Merck Pharmaceuticals
`• Microsoft Corporation
`• Mitel Corporation
`• Motorola, Inc.
`• Museum of Modern Art
`• New York Stock Exchange
`• Nevamar Corporation
`• Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
`• Nike
`• Nintendo Corporation
`• Northrop Grumman Corporation
`• Office of Naval Research
`• OKI Electronics of America
`• OnMoney.com
`• Pfizer
`• Philips Corporation NV
`• Philips/Canada
`• Pitney Bowes
`• Public Service Electric/Gas of NJ
`• Radiologic Sciences, Inc.
`• Raytheon Data Systems
`• Raytheon Medical Electronics
`• Rose Johnson
`• Samsung Corporation
`• Saxon Paints
`• Sony Corporation
`• Steelcase
`• Trading Technologies, Inc.
`• Teknion
`• Thinking Machines, Inc.
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`• The Singer Company
`• Technicare Corporation
`• Tesdata Systems Corporation
`• Texas Instruments, Inc.
`• Tiffany & Company
`• Torrington Roller Bearing
`• Tupperware
`• Varian Associates, Inc.
`• Viacom/MTV
`• Weir Minerals
`• Wit Capital/Soundview, Inc.
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`Mr. Mauro is a Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional (BCPE), number 1312.
`Awards and Citations
`2024 Titan of Human Factors and Ergonomics HFES Selection
`The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) selected Charles L. Mauro as a
`“Titan of Human Factors Research”, a significant lifetime achievement award. Charles
`gave a presentation at the Titans of HFES Symposium covering major projects in his
`career, alongside other premier researchers, practitioners, and academicians in HFES.
`2017 IDSA Personal Achievement Award
`The Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) has given its highest recognition
`the 2017 Personal Achievement Award to Charles L. Mauro CHFP, President / Founder
`of MAURO Usability Science. The award specifically recognizes designers or other
`individuals whose involvement in, and support of, design has made the honoree a special
`friend of the profession and a major contributor to industrial design's longevity and
`importance. Historically the Award has been given to leading design luminaries including
`Sir Jonathan Ive of Apple, Raymond Loewy, Henry Dreyfuss and others.
`2013 Stanley H. Caplan User-Centered Product Design Award
`Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Product Design Technical Group (HFES PDTG)
`This award, which recognizes outstanding and innovative product designs and the
`consumer research and design methods used to develop and evaluate them, was presented
`to Charles L. Mauro for the Polisher's Workstation, which solves critical ergonomic
`issues encountered by jewelers. The workstation mitigates repetitive motion injuries,
`improves worker productivity and efficiency, increases polisher career longevity, and
`reduces training time required for new operators.
`Alexander C. Williams Award
`Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (USA)
`This citation was presented to Charles L. Mauro (Founder and President) for
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`"Outstanding contributions to a major, operational, man-machine system". The criteria
`for this citation include objective verification of usability performance improvements by
`independent testing.
`ACM Interactions Interface Award
`Association of Computing Machines (ACM)
`Charles L. Mauro cited for outstanding example of the application of user-centered
`design principles in the development and production of a major operational commercial
`user interface. This award represented groundbreaking work on hand-held user interfaces
`and related interaction models.
`NASA Outstanding Service Award
`National Aeronautics and Space Administration
`This citation was awarded to Charles L. Mauro for exceptional contributions made in the
`human factors engineering research and design of major components for the Space
`Shuttle operations control center following the Challenger tragedy.
`Emmy Award
`National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences to MTV Virtual Worlds
`This citation was awarded to the MTV Virtual Worlds Development Team for:
`"outstanding achievement in advanced media technology for creation of nontraditional
`programs or platforms." Charles L. Mauro participated as the primary user experience
`research and optimization consultant providing extensive in-world user engagement
`research in support of the development of this groundbreaking virtual world franchise
`(Virtual Laguna Beach).
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`Product Design and Research Experience
`Over the past 50 years Mr. Mauro has executed hundreds of complex usability and user
`interface optimization projects in the following general categories. The following is a
`partial list.
`• Aerospace vehicles and support equipment
`• Agricultural equipment
`• Aviation instrumentation
`• Banking and securities
`• Commercial communications
`• Commercial interiors
`• Complex text search and databases
`• Complex cell phones and PDA
`• Computer software for inexperienced users
`• Consumer appliances
`• Consumer cameras
`• Consumer communication devices
`• Consumer Printer Products
`• Consumer products and related electronics
`• Consumer product packaging
`• Control display enhancement
`• Corporate communication systems (E-Based)
`• Correctional facilities
`• Defense and military systems
`• Direct mail content analysis
`• Energy management systems
`• Exhibit design and sales delivery systems
`• Executive training systems
`• Electronic Kiosks and ATM Machines
`• Fast food systems
`• Fire safety products
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`• Games and toys (electronic and traditional)
`• Hand-held products
`• Hazardous materials packaging
`• High technology medical systems
`• Home appliances
`Infant Support Products
`Instruction manuals (online and traditional)
`• Large volume equities trading systems
`• Lighting systems and related products
`• Materials handling equipment
`• Medical products and systems (numerous categories)
`• Office equipment and duplicating devices
`• Open office furniture systems
`• Packaging, labeling, and warnings
`• Personal care products
`• Personal computers (software / hardware)
`• Personal printer products
`• Process control and power generation (nuclear / fossil fuels)
`• Production equipment and processes
`• Public spaces and parks
`• Recreational equipment
`• Retail sales environments (layout v motivations)
`• Sales and marketing presentations
`• Securities trading systems (specialist firm)
`• Securities trading systems (broker)
`• Securities trading systems (booth)
`• Securities trading systems (trade desk)
`• Securities trading systems (hand-held)
`• Securities trading systems (reporter devices)
`• Signage systems (information delivery)
`• Slurry pump design and related work environments
`• Systems furniture/training centers
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`• Small business computers (software / hardware)
`• Underwater diving systems
`• Wrist mounted devices (complex multi-function products)
`• Web-based delivery of products and services (wide range of applications)
`• Workstation and workplace optimization
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`Professional Affiliations
`• American National Standards Institute
`• American Society of Mechanical Engineers
`• Association for Consumer Research
`• Environmental Design Research Association
`• Ergonomics Research Society
`• Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
`Industrial Designers Society of America
`Professional Committees
`• ASME C L Mauro, Chairman, Codes and Standards Subcommittee on Industrial
`Terminology: Anthropometry
`• ASME C L Mauro, Founder and Co-Chairman, Official
`• Research Committee on Civilian Anthropometry
`• METRO Metropolitan Chapter of HFES
`• HFES Joint Committee on Human Factors Guidelines
`• HFES Consumer Product Technical Interest Group
`• HFES Forensic Human Factors Special Interest Group
`• MOMA Associate Council of the Museum of Modern Art
`• New York Technology Council User Experience Track (NYTECH UX), Founder
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`Publications of Charles L. Mauro Within the Last Ten Years
`Mauro, C. L. (February 2024). ‘Where are the Designers on This?’: Some Post-Argument Thoughts
`on LKQ v. GM. Available at https://ipwatchdog.com/2024/02/19/designers-post-argument-
`Mauro, C. L., & Morley, C. D. Development and Validation of Neuroscience-Based Human Factors
`and Ergonomic Assessment Methodologies for Measurement of the Impact of Seating System
`Design on Video Gameplay Performance (December 1, 2023). Available at
`SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4650629 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4650629
`Saidman, P.J., Dowd, M.J., & Mauro, C.L. (August 2023). Brief of Amici Curiae Institute for
`Design Science and Public Policy and Thirty-Six Distinguished Industrial Designers in Support of
`Neither Party.
`Mauro, C. L., & Morley, C. D. (May 2021). How Different is Different? Modern Neuroscience and
`its Impact on Design Law. Research Handbook on Design Law.
`Mauro, C.L., Morley, C.D., & Thurman, P. Development and Initial Validation of an Empirical
`Ordinary Observer Test for Design Patent Infringement (June 5, 2020). Available at
`SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3620088 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3620088
`Mauro, C. (2020). Medical Device Usability Testing In The Age Of COVID-19. Med Device
`Mauro, C., & Neagle, D. (2020). Brief Of Amicus Curiae Industrial Designers Society of America,
`Inc.'s In Support Of The Petition For Rehearing And Rehearing En Banc.
`Mauro, C. (2019). 4 Key Usability Considerations For Biopharmaceutical Delivery Device
`Design. BioProcess Online.
`Mauro, C., Morley, C., & Dalton, K. (2019). Understanding Costs And Risks For Human Factors
`Engineering (HFE) Usability Studies – Part 2: Outsourcing HFE Usability Testing. Med Device
`Mauro, C., Morley, C., & Dalton, K. (2019). Understanding Costs And Risks For HFE Usability
`Studies — Part 1: Testing In-House. Med Device Online.
`Mauro, C., Pirolli, P., & Morley, C. (2019). A Critical Analysis of FDA Guidance for User
`Percentile Device Design Criteria versus Currently Available Human Factors Engineering Data
`Sources and Industry Best Practices. SSRN.
`Mauro, C. (2018). New Neuroscience-Based Human Factors Research Methods Will Improve
`Devices' HFE Performance, Simplify FDA Approval. Med Device Online.
`Mauro, C. (2016). Brief of Amici Curiae 111 Distinguished Industrial Design Professionals
`And Educators In Support Of Respondent.
`Copyright Mauro Usability Science 2025, all rights reserved.
`Charles L. Mauro
`Certified Human Factors Engineering Professional BCPE
`Testimony by Charles L. Mauro Within Last Four Years
`Pantech Corporation and Pantech Wireless, LLC v. LG Electronics INC. and LG
`Electronics U.S.A., INC. Case No. 5:22-cv-00113-RWS-JBB in the United States District
`Court for the Eastern District of Texas Texarkana Division. (Expert Report)
`Pantech Corporation and Pantech Wireless, LLC v. OnePlus Technology (Shenzen) Co.,
`LTD. Case No. 5:22-cv-00069-RWS in the United States District Court for the Eastern
`District of Texas Texarkana Division. (Expert Report, deposition)
`Cricut Inc. v. Enough for Everyone and Desiree Tanner. Case No. 2:21-cv-00601 in the
`United States District Court for the District of Utah, Central Division. (Expert Report and
`Liaigre, Inc. v. California Furniture Collection, Inc., Robert James Collection and Gina B
`& Company, Inc. Case No. 8:19-cv-01160-JAK-KES in the United States District Court
`Central District of California Western Division (Los Angeles). (Expert Rep

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If you do not receive the document in five minutes, contact support at support@docketalarm.com.

Sealed Document
We are unable to display this document, it may be under a court ordered seal.
If you have proper credentials to access the file, you may proceed directly to the court's system using your government issued username and password.
Access Government Site