`Before the Honorable Clark S. Cheney
`Chief Administrative Law Judge
`In the Matter of
`Inv. No. 337-TA-1426
`Ground Rule 5.1 Certification
`Pursuant to Ground Rule 5.1, Complainant certifies that it made a reasonable, good-faith
`effort to resolve this matter with the other parties prior to filing this motion. The HTVRont
`Respondents and the Commission Investigative Staff do not oppose this motion.1
`* * *
`Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.21(a), Complainant Cricut, Inc. (“Complainant”) hereby
`moves for partial termination of the Investigation due to withdrawal of its complainant as to claims
`19 and 20 of U.S. Patent No. 11,208,758 (“the ’758 patent”). Should this motion be granted, the
`remaining asserted claims of the ’758 patent would be claims 18, 21, 22, and 23.
`Permitting withdrawal of these claims will simplify the investigation, narrow the issues for
`the hearing, and conserve judicial resources. Commission Rule 210.21(a)(1) states that “[a]ny
`party may move at any time prior to the issuance of an initial determination on violation of Section
`337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 to terminate an investigation in whole or in part as to any or all
`respondents, on the basis of withdrawal of the complaint or certain allegations contained therein.”
`1 Respondents LiPing Zhan, Shanghai Sishun E-commerce Co., Ltd., Bozhou Wanxingyu Technology Co. Ltd., and
`Bozhou Zhongdaxiang Technology Co., Ltd. have not appeared in the Investigation.
`19 C.F.R § 210.21(a)(1). “In the absence of extraordinary circumstances, termination of an
`investigation will be readily granted to a complainant during the prehearing stage of an
`investigation.” Certain Microfluidic Sys. & Components Thereof & Prods. Containing Same, Inv.
`No. 337-TA-1100, Order No. 27 (Dec. 10, 2018) (citing Certain Television Sets, Television
`Receivers, Television Tuners, & Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-910, Order No. 50 (Nov.
`12, 2014)); see also Certain Subsea Telecommunications Sys. & Components Thereof, Inv. No.
`337-TA-1098, Order No. 52 (Dec. 6, 2018); Certain Memory Modules & Components Thereof,
`Inv. No. 337-TA-1089, Order No. 27 at 2 (Dec. 6, 2018); Certain Toner Cartridges & Components
`Thereof, Inv. No. 337 TA-1106 Order No. 33 (Nov. 26, 2018).
`Partial termination at Complainant’s request with respect to particular patent claims is
`routinely granted. See Certain Laminated Floor Panels, Inv. No. 337-TA-545, Order No. 30 (Apr.
`3, 2006) (granting motion to withdraw patent claims from the investigation); Certain Digital
`Processors and Digital Processing Sys., Components Thereof, and Products Containing Same,
`337-TA-529, Order No. 17 (July 8, 2005) (granting motion to withdraw allegations as to certain
`claims of the patents-in-suit); Certain Power Supply Controllers and Products Containing Same,
`Inv. No. 337-TA-541, Order No. 7 (Nov. 1, 2005) (initial determination granting motion to
`withdraw all allegations with respect to one patent and certain claims as to another patent at issue).
`As required by Commission Rule 210.21(a)(1), Complainant states that there are no
`agreements, written or oral, express or implied, between the Parties concerning the subject matter
`of this Investigation (e.g., no settlement, licensing, or other such agreement). No party opposes
`withdrawal of the allegations based on the claims and patent at issue in this motion, and such
`withdrawal will simplify the investigation, streamline the hearing, and conserve judicial resources.
`See Certain HSP Modems, Software and Hardware Components Thereof, and Products
`Containing Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-439, Order No. 16 (Feb. 16, 2001) (granting complainant’s
`motion for partial termination as to one of the patents at issue in order to “simplify the Investigation
`and permit the parties and the Court to focus their resources on the remaining three patents at
`issue.”). There are no extraordinary circumstances that would justify denying the partial
`termination sought in this motion.
`For the reasons discussed above, Complainant respectfully requests that this Investigation
`be terminated as to claims 19 and 20 of the ’758 patent.
`Dated: March 4, 2025
`/s/ Jay H. Reiziss
`Jay H. Reiziss
`Alexander P. Ott
`Timothy M. Dunker
`500 North Capitol Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20001
`Telephone: (202) 756-8000
`David J. Tobin
`2501 North Harwood Street Suite 1900
`Dallas, TX 75201
`Telephone: (214) 210-2793
`James M. Oehler
`Tessa M. Kroll
`444 West Lake Street, Suite 4000
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Telephone: (312) 372-2000
`Counsel for Complainant
`I hereby certify that, on March 4, 2025, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was
`served upon the following, in the manner indicated below:
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`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`Secretary to the Commission
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, SW, Room 112
`Washington, D.C. 20436
`The Honorable Clark S. Cheney
`Chief Administrative Law Judge
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, SW
`Washington, D.C. 20436
`Yoncha Kundupoglu, Esq.
`Investigative Attorney
`Office of Unfair Import Investigations
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, SW
`Washington, D.C. 20436
`Respondents Hunan Sijiu Technology, Co. Ltd.,
`Hunan Sijiu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., and
`Guangdong Rongtu Technology Co., Ltd.
`Helena D. Kiepura
`DLA Piper LLP (US)
`500 Eighth Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20004
`Proposed Respondent HK Sijiu International
`Share Co., Ltd.
`Helena D. Kiepura
`DLA Piper LLP (US)
`500 Eighth Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20004
`Respondent LiPing Zhan
`No. 187, Yanglinguan Street,
`Xingou Town, Jianli County,
`Jingzhou, China 433300
`Respondent Shanghai Sishun E-commerce Co.,
`5th Floor, Building 6, Lane 958, Jinsha Jiangxi Road
`Jiading District, Shanghai, China 201824
`Respondent Bozhou Wanxingyu Technology Co.
`No. 26, Guangming Rd., Qiaocheng Dist.
`Bozhou, Anhui, China, 236800
`Respondent Bozhou Zhongdaxiang Technology
`Co., Ltd.
`No. 41, Zhaoyangzhuang Vil., Dawang Xingzheng
`Vil., Niuji Town, Qiaocheng Dist.
`Bozhou, Anhui, China 236800
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`/s/ Ethan Song
`Ethan Song