`Washington, D.C.
`In the Matter of
`INV. NO. 337-TA-1426
`(January 27, 2025)
`On January 16, 2025, complainant Cricut, Inc. (“Cricut” or “complainant”) moved “to
`Amend the Complaint and Notice of Investigation to: (1) add anew HTVRONT Respondent, HK
`Sijiu International Share Co., Ltd. (HK Siu’), and (2) terminate a current HTVRONT
`Respondent, Hunan Sijiu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ((HSET’). Mot. No. 1426-002 at 1. No
`party opposes the requested relief. Jd.
`Commission Rule 210.14(b) governs amending the complaint and notice of investigation
`after an investigation has been instituted. It states, inferalia:
`the complaint or notice of
`After an investigation has been instituted,
`investigation may be amendedonly by leave of the Commission for good cause
`shown and upon such conditions as are necessary to avoid prejudicing the
`public interest and the rights of the parties to the vestigation. A motion for
`amendment must be madeto the presiding administrative law judge. A motion
`to amend the complaint and notice of investigation to name an additional
`respondentafter institution shall be served on the proposed respondent.
`19 C_F.R. § 210.14(b)(1).
`After reviewing Cricut’s motion, I have determined that additional information may be
`beneficial in analyzing Cricut’s request.
`Cricut states that the “HTVRONTRespondents agreed to the addition of HK Sijiu.” Mot.
`No. 1426-002 at 3.
`It is not clear, however, whether HK Sijiu itself agrees to be added to the
`investigation. Noris it clear whether HK Sijiu has been served with a copy of the motion to amend
`as required by Commission Rule 210.14(b)(1) (“A motion to amend the complaint and notice of
`investigation to name an additional respondentafter institution shall be served on the proposed
`respondent.”). Finally, although Cricut’s motion seeks to add “HK Sijiu International Share Co.,
`Ltd.” as a party, Motion No. 1426-002 at 1, the proposed amended complaint appears to also add
`a party called “HK International Share Co.” Motion No. 1426-002, Ex. 3 at 1.
`To clarify the record, Cricut shall file a supplementto its motion by February 3, 2025, with
`the following information:
`e A clarification regarding the name of the party Cricut is seeking to add to the
`e An explanation regarding whether Cricut is asserting that HK Sijiuhas agreed to
`be addedto this investigation along with any support for that assertion.
`e An identification of any evidence indicating that HK Sijiu has been served a copy
`of the motion to amend andthe date of such service. Alternatively, an explanation
`of why such evidenceis not necessary to resolve Cricut’s motion.
`The Office of Unfair Import Investigations and the respondents to this investigation may
`file a response to Cricut’s supplemental filing by February 10, 2025. Motion No. 1426-002 will
`be held in abeyance until the supplementalbriefing 1s received.
`Within seven days of the date of this document, the parties shall jointly submit a single
`proposed public version of this document with any proposed redactions indicated in red. If the
`parties submit excessive redactions, they may be required to provide declarations from individuals
`with personal knowledge, justifying each proposed redaction and specifically explaining why the
`information sought to be redacted meets the definition for confidential business information set
`forth in 19 C.F.R. § 201.6(a). To the extent possible, the proposed redactions should be made
`electronically in a single PDFfile with the proposed redactions submitted as “marked”but not yet
`“applied.” The proposed redactions should be submitted via email to Cheney1426@usitc.gov and
`not filed on EDIS.
`Clark S. Cheney
`Chief Administrative Law Judge