`In the matter of:
`Investigation No. 337-TA-1426
`Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.11(b), Complainant Cricut, Inc. (“Cricut”) respectfully
`submits this motion to seek leave to effect personal service through alternative means of the
`Complaint and Notice of Investigation upon three respondents: Respondents Bozhou Wanxingyu
`Technology Co., Ltd. (“Bozhou Wanxingyu”), Bozhou Zhongdaxiang Technology Co., Ltd.
`(“Bozhou Zhongdaxiang”), and Liping Zhan (collectively, “Respondents”). Specifically, Cricut
`seeks to effect service by email to the email addresses provided by Respondents to the United
`States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) in connection with trademark filings for their
`respective marks as described below. Cricut filed its Verified Complaint and three Supplements
`on October 4, 2024, October 24, 2024, October 25, 2024 and October 29, 2024, respectively. EDIS
`Doc. IDs. 834124, 835524, 835691, 835873. This Investigation was instituted on December 6,
`2024 as Investigation No. 337-TA-1426. EDIS Doc. ID. 838725. The Notice of Investigation was
`published in the Federal Register on December 11, 2024. See 89 Fed. Reg. 99905, EDIS Doc.
`Ground Rule 5.1 Certification
`Pursuant to Ground Rule 5.1, Complainant certifies that before filing this motion, counsel
`for Cricut made reasonable, good-faith efforts to resolve this matter with Bozhou Wanxingyu,
`Bozhou Zhongdaxiang, and Liping Zhan. None of the listed Respondents have appeared in the
`Investigation, and to Complainant’s knowledge, they are not represented by counsel. Nevertheless,
`Cricut contacted Bozhou Wanxingyu, Bozhou Zhongdaxiang, and Liping Zhan through the email
`addresses provided by Respondents to the USPTO (discussed below) and asked if each Respondent
`would consent to electronic service. These email messages were delivered, but none of the
`Respondents responded. Respondents Hunan Sijiu Technology, Co., Ltd., Hunan Sijiu Electronic
`Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Rongtu Technology Co., Ltd. and SainStore Technology Co.,
`Ltd. have advised Complainant that they do not oppose this motion. Complainant also consulted
`the Commission Investigative Staff (“Staff”), who advised Complainant that the Staff will respond
`on the papers.
`Under Commission Rule 210.7(a)(1), service of process shall initially be in accordance
`with Commission Rule 201.16, which provides for service on an unrepresented party, other than
`by the Commission, by mailing or delivering a copy to each party or leaving a copy at each party’s
`principal place of business. 19 C.F.R. §§ 210.7(a)(1), 201.16(b)(1)-(2). However, Commission
`Rule 210.7(a)(1) authorizes the Administrative Law Judge to permit deviation from these methods,
`stating: “[t]he service of process… shall be in accordance with 201.16 of this chapter, unless the
`Commission, the administrative law judge, or another section of this part specifically provides
`otherwise.” 19 C.F.R. § 210.7(a)(1).
`Administrative law judges have granted requests to effect service by alternative methods,
`including by email. See, e.g., Certain Self-Balancing Electric Skateboards and Components
`Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-1386, Order No. 8 (Feb. 6, 2024) (EDIS Doc. ID 813456) (authorizing
`service by email and effecting service where delivery of copies by DHL express were refused by
`recipient); Certain Centrifuge utility Platform and Falling Film Evaporator Systems and
`Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-1311, Order No. 6 (May 23, 2022) (EDIS Doc. ID 771344)
`(authorizing service by email and Alibaba.com marketplace contact links); Certain Toner Supply
`Containers and Components Thereof (I), Inv. No. 337-TA-1259, Order No. 6 (June 3, 2021) (EDIS
`Doc. ID 743888) (authorizing service by Amazon.com seller profile page contact links); and
`Certain Toner Cartridges, Components Thereof, and Systems Containing the Same, Inv. No. 337-
`TA-1174, Order No. 7 (Oct. 11, 2019) (EDIS Doc. ID 691057) (authorizing service by electronic
`means including use of FTP link with read receipt).
`Additionally, if a respondent refuses to accept service, this can be grounds for a finding of
`effective service. See, e.g., Certain Toner Cartridges, Components Thereof, and Systems
`Containing Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-1174, Order No. 14 at 2 (Oct. 30, 2019) (EDIS Doc. ID
`692749) (refusal of service is “a sufficient indication of receipt to justify the issuance of a show-
`cause order under Commission Rule 210.16(a)(1).”); Certain Portable Battery Jump Starters and
`Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-1256, Order No. 17 at 2 (May 17, 2021) (EDIS Doc. ID
`742724) (same); Certain Self-Balancing Electric Skateboards and Components Thereof, Inv. No.
`337-TA-1386, Order No. 8 at 6 (Feb. 6, 2024) (EDIS Doc. ID 813456) (“[r]efusal of service has
`been found to be effective service.”).
`Bozhou Wanxingyu and Bozhou Zhondaxiang Contact Information
`As outlined in the Complaint, the “Vevor Respondents” (those who are believed to sell the
`Accused Products under at least the “Vevor” brand name after importation into the United States)
`include Shanghai Sishun E-Commerce Co., Ltd., Bozhou Wanxingyu Technology Co. Ltd., and
`Bozhou Zhongdaxiang Co., Ltd. (EDIS Doc. ID 834124). According to the “WHOIS” internet
`domain search for the http://www.vevor.com website, the “Registrant Organization” is Shanghai
`Sishun E-COMMERCE Co., Ltd. with address at 5th Floor, Building 6, Lane 958, Jinsha Jiangxi
`Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China, 201824. Exhibit 1 at 2. According to USPTO assignment
`records, Shanghai Sishun E-Commerce Co., Ltd. applied for the original trademarks for the
`“VEVOR” name (Registration No. 6225158). Exhibit 2. According to USPTO assignment
`records, on October 16, 2023, Shanghai Sishun E-Commerce Co., Ltd. transferred ownership of
`the “VEVOR” trademarks to Respondent Bozhou Zhongdaxiang Technology Co., Ltd. Id. The
`assignment records for Registration No. 6225158 state that the address for Bozhou Zhongdaxiang
`Technology Co., Ltd. is No. 41 Zhaoyangzhuang Vil, Dawang Xingzheng Vil, Niuji Town,
`Qiaocheng Dist., Bozhou, Anhui, Chine, 236800. Id. Cricut believes that Bozhou Zhongdaxiang
`also operates as Bozhou Wanxingyu Technology Co. Ltd., with an address at No. 26, Guangming
`Rd., Qiaocheng Dist., Bozhou, Anhui, China, 236800.
`The address and contact information that the Respondents provided to the USPTO indicates
`that Bozhou Zhongdaxiang may be contacted at Di Li Law P.C., 17700 Castleton Street Suite 353,
`City of Industry, California, 91748 and at: trademarks@dililaw.com, TMProce@scienbizip.com,
`and ecptm@scienbizip.com.
`Physical Service Attempts on Bozhou Wanxingyu and Bozhou Zhongdaxiang
`Based on the information outlined above, on December 10, 2024, Cricut attempted service
`of its Complaint and the Notice of Institution of Investigation (EDIS Doc. IDs 834124, 838725) to
`the physical addresses in China provided by Bozhou Zhongdaxiang and Bozhou Wanxingyu to the
`USPTO in connection with Registration No. 5415520 for the “VEVOR” name, No. 41,
`Zhaoyangzhuang Vil, Dawang Xingzheng Vil, Niuji Town, Qiaocheng Dist., Bozhou, Anhui,
`China, 236800 and No. 26, Guangming Rd., Qiaocheng Dist., Bozhou, Anhui, China, 236800,
`respectively. Specifically, Cricut sent the identified materials through Federal Express by
`International Priority mail. Exhibit 3; Exhibit 4. The tracking information for this shipment
`indicates that on December 16, 2024, FedEx attempted to deliver the package materials sent to
`Bozhou Zhongdaxiang and Bozhou Wanxingyu, but delivery failed as “[c]ustomer [was] not
`available or business closed.” Exhibit 3 at 5; Exhibit 4 at 5.
`Electronic Service on Bozhou Zhongdaxiang and Bozhou Wanxingyu
`Following shipment of the materials by Federal Express, Cricut additionally attempted to
`serve Bozhou Zhongdaxiang and Bozhou Wanxingyu on December 13, 2024 with the Cover
`Letter, Notice of Institution and Assignment of OUII Attorney, Public Complaint, Public Exhibits,
`NOI Enclosures Packet, Assignment of CALJ, Complainant Cricut’s Notice of Appearance and
`Designation of Lead Attorney, and Complainant Cricut’s First Sets of Requests for Production of
`Documents and Things and First Sets of Interrogatories via email and TitanFile transfer (FTP) to
`all three of Respondents’ email addresses that were provided to the USPTO in connection with
`Registration No. 6225158 for the ”VEVOR” name. Exhibit 5.
`On January 2, 2025, Cricut received an email from Alan Tan, who is purportedly Chinese
`counsel engaged by the Vevor Respondents. Exhibit 6 at 3. Mr. Tan indicated that he was
`responding to the “337 claim on behalf of Cricut for certain relief to be granted.” Id. In response,
`Cricut provided to Mr. Tan the Cover Letter, Notice of Institution and Assignment of OUII
`Attorney, Public Complaint, Public Exhibits, NOI Enclosures Packet, Assignment of CALJ,
`Complainant Cricut’s Notice of Appearance and Designation of Lead Attorney, and Complainant
`Cricut’s First Sets of Requests for Production of Documents and Things and First Sets of
`Interrogatories via email and TitanFile transfer (FTP). Id. at 2. Mr. Tan responded, indicating that
`his “client has determined to refrain from importing into the US the accused products.” Id. Cricut
`requested that Mr. Tan agree to accept electronic service of the materials sent to him on behalf of
`Vevor Respondents Shanghai Sishun E-Commerce Co., Ltd., Bozhou Wanxingyu Technology
`Co., and Bozhou Zhongdaxiang Technology Co.1 Id. at 1. Mr. Tan agreed to accept service of the
`materials on behalf of Shanghai Sishun E-Commerce Co. and represented that Bozhou Wanxingyu
`and Bozhou Zhongdaxiang “are not in association with Sishun and [he] cannot represent them in
`this case.” Id.
`LiPing Zhan Contact Information
`Respondent LiPing Zhan is believed to be a resident of China who does business under the
`“Konduone” name, one of the brands believed to be selling the Accused Products after importation
`into the United States. According to USPTO records for the “Konduone” trademark (Registration
`No. 5415520) LiPing Zhan (who applied for the trademark) has an address at No. 187,
`Yanglinguan Street, Xingou Town, Jianli County, Jingzhou, China 433300. Exhibit 7 at 2. In
`connection with the “Konduone” trademark (Registration No. 5415520), LiPing Zhan also
`provided the USPTO with a contact address at Shiyong Ye, 250 West 34th Street, One Penn Plaza,
`Suite 2015, New York, New York, 10119 and at the email addresses syetm@reidwise.com and
`atmtrademarks@hotmail.com. Id. The USPTO records for Registration No. 5415520 further
`indicate that LiPing Zhan authorized the USPTO to communicate by email and provided the
`following email addresses: 2850826959@qq.com and bjspbrand@126.com. Exhibit 8.
`According to the above information, Cricut listed the address No. 187, Yanglinguan Street,
`Xingou Town, Jianli County, Jingzhou, China 433300 on its Complaint and initially attempted
`service to this address. Exhibit 9.
`1 Ordinarily, Complainant must seek leave to effect service by alternative means on a
`Respondent. However, in the present matter, counsel for Shanghai Sishun E-Commerce Co.
`reached out to Cricut independently. Necessarily, someone at Shanghai Sishun E-Commerce Co.
`must have received the service package sent by Cricut and Cricut requested Mr. Tan confirm
`receipt and to accept service on Vevor’s behalf. Mr. Tan confirmed receipt and accepted service
`on behalf of Shanghai Sishun E-Commerce Co.
`Physical Service Attempts on LiPing Zhan
`Based on the information outlined above, on December 10, 2024, Cricut attempted service
`of its Complaint and the Notice of Institution of Investigation (EDIS Doc. IDs 834124, 838725) to
`the physical address in China provided by LiPing Zhan to the USPTO in connection with
`Registration No. 5415520 for the “Konduone” name, No. 187, Yanglinguan Street, Xingou Town,
`Jianli County, Jingzhou, China 433300. Specifically, Cricut sent the identified materials through
`Federal Express by International Priority mail. Exhibit 9. The tracking information for this
`shipment indicates that on December 17, 2024, the “[d]elivery was refused by the recipient.”
`Exhibit 9 at 5.
`Electronic Service on LiPing Zhan
`Following shipment of the materials by Federal Express, Cricut additionally attempted to
`serve LiPing Zhan on December 13, 2024 with the Cover Letter, Notice of Institution and
`Assignment of OUII Attorney, Public Complaint, Public Exhibits, NOI Enclosures Packet
`including USITC Mediation materials and Commission Rules, Assignment of CALJ, Complainant
`Cricut’s Notice of Appearance and Designation of Lead Attorney, and Complainant Cricut’s First
`Sets of Requests for Production of Documents and Things and First Sets of Interrogatories via
`email and TitanFile transfer (FTP) to all four of LiPing Zhan’s email addresses that were provided
`to the USPTO in connection with Registration No. 5415520 for the “Konduone” name.
`Complainant respectfully moves the Chief Administrative Law Judge to find that
`Complainant effected service on Bozhou Wanxingyu by alternative means on December 13, 2024,
`when Cricut served Bozhou Wanxingyu via email and TitanFile
`transfer (FTP)
`trademarks@dililaw.com, TMProce@scienbizip.com, and ecptm@scienbizip.com, the email
`addresses provided by Respondents to the USPTO in connection with Registration No. 6225158
`for the “VEVOR” name, with the post-institution service package materials including Cricut’s
`Cover Letter, Notice of Institution, Public Complaint, Public Exhibits, NOI Enclosures Packet,
`Assignment of CALJ, and Complainant Cricut’s Notice of Appearance and Designation of Lead
`Attorney, and Complainant Cricut’s First Sets of Requests for Production of Documents and
`Things and First Sets of Interrogatories, and did not receive an email bounce back notice.
`Similarly, Complainant respectfully moves the Chief Administrative Law Judge to find
`that Complainant effected service on Bozhou Zhongdaxiang by alternative means on December
`13, 2024, when Cricut served Bozhou Zhongdaxiang via email and TitanFile transfer (FTP) to
`trademarks@dililaw.com, TMProce@scienbizip.com, and ecptm@scienbizip.com, the email
`addresses provided by Respondents to the USPTO in connection with Registration No. 6225158
`for the “VEVOR” name, with the post-institution service package materials including Cricut’s
`Cover Letter, Notice of Institution, Public Complaint, Public Exhibits, NOI Enclosures Packet,
`Assignment of CALJ, Complainant Cricut’s Notice of Appearance and Designation of Lead
`Attorney, and Complainant Cricut’s First Sets of Requests for Production of Documents and
`Things and First Sets of Interrogatories, and did not receive an email bounce back notice.
`Additionally, Complainant respectfully moves the Chief Administrative Law Judge to find
`that Complainant effected service on Liping Zhan by alternative means on December 13, 2024,
`when Cricut served Liping Zhan via email and TitanFile transfer (FTP) to system@reidwise.com,
`atmtrademarks@hotmail.com, 2850826959@qq.com, and bjspbrand@126.com, Liping Zhan’s
`email addresses provided to the USPTO in connection with Registration No. 5415520 for the
`“Konduone” name, with the post-institution service package materials including Cricut’s Cover
`Letter, Notice of Institution, Public Complaint, Public Exhibits, NOI Enclosure Packet,
`Assignment of CALJ, Complainant Cricut’s Notice of Appearance and Designation of Lead
`Attorney, and Complainant Cricut’s First Sets of Requests for Production of Documents and
`Things and First Sets of Interrogatories, and did not receive an email bounce back notice.
`Alternatively, Complainant respectfully requests that the Chief Administrative Law Judge
`find that service to Liping Zhan was effective on December 17, 2024, when Liping Zhan refused
`delivery of the post-institution service package materials at No. 187, Yanglinguan Street, Xingou
`Town, Jianli County, Jingzhou, China 433300, the address provided to the PTO in connection with
`Registration No. 5415520 for the “Konduone” name.
`Complainant has made reasonable and appropriate efforts to serve Bozhou Wanxingyu,
`Bozhou Zhongdaxiang, and LiPing Zhan by methods explicitly authorized by Commission Rule
`201.16(b). Specifically, Complainant attempted to serve Bozhou Wanxingyu and Bozhou
`Zhongdaxiang via International Priority mail through Federal Express delivery service at the
`addresses provided to the USPTO in connection with Registration No. 6225158 for the “VEVOR”
`name. After these efforts failed, Complainant served Bozhou Wanxingyu and Bozhou
`Zhongdaxiang the Cover Letter, Notice of Institution, Public Complaint, Public Exhibits, NOI
`Enclosure Packet, Assignment of CALJ, Complainant Cricut’s Notice of Appearance and
`Designation of Lead Attorney, and Complainant Cricut’s First Sets of Requests for Production of
`Documents and Things and First Sets of Interrogatories through the email addresses provided to
`the USPTO for contact in connection with Registration No. 6225158 for the “VEVOR” name and
`did not receive an email bounce back notice. Accordingly, Complainant submits this motion to
`effect personal service of the Complaint and Notice of Institution upon Bozhou Wanxingyu and
`Bozhou Zhongdaxiang on December 13, 2024 via the email addresses trademarks@dililaw.com,
`TMProce@scienbizip.com, and ecptm@scienbizip.com.
`Complainant has made reasonable and appropriate efforts to serve LiPing Zhan by methods
`explicitly authorized by Commission Rule 201.16(b). Specifically, Complainant attempted to
`serve LiPing Zhan via International Priority mail through Federal Express delivery service at the
`addresses provided to the USPTO in connection with Registration No. 5415520 for the
`“Konduone” name. LiPing Zhan refused delivery of the package. After these efforts failed,
`Complainant served LiPing Zhan the Cover Letter, Notice of Institution, Public Complaint, Public
`Exhibits, NOI Enclosure Packet, Assignment of CALJ, Complainant Cricut’s Notice of
`Appearance and Designation of Lead Attorney, and Complainant Cricut’s First Sets of Requests
`for Production of Documents and Things and First Sets of Interrogatories through the email
`addresses provided to the USPTO for contact in connection with Registration No. 5415520 for the
`“Konduone” name and did not receive an email bounce back notice. Accordingly, Complainant
`submits this motion to effect personal service of the Complaint and Notice of Institution upon
`LiPing on December 13, 2024 via
`atmtrademarks@hotmail.com, 2850826959@qq.com, and bjspbrand@126.com, or alternatively
`to effect personal service of the Complaint and Notice of Institution on December 17, 2024 by
`virtue of LiPing Zhan’s refusal to accept delivery of the service package.
`Dated: January 24, 2025
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/s/ Jay H. Reiziss
`Jay H. Reiziss
`Alex P. Ott
`Timothy M. Dunker
`500 North Capital Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20001
`Telephone: (202) 756-8000
`David J. Tobin
`2501 North Harwood Street Suite 1900
`Dallas, TX 75201
`Telephone: (214) 210-2793
`James M. Oehler
`Tessa M. Kroll
`444 West Lake Street, Suite 4000
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Telephone: (312) 372-2000
`Counsel for Complainant
`Cricut, Inc.
`1/21/25, 1:30 PM
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`Full Address:
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`201824, CN
`Tech Contact Information:
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`Shanghai Sishun E-COMMERCE Co., Ltd.
`Address Line 1:
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`Contact Us
`FAQs Terms of Service
`Electronic Version v1.1
`Stylesheet Version v1.2
`ETAS ID: TM849397
`Shanghai Sishun E-commerceBe 10/16/2023
`Co., Ltd.
`limited company(Itd.): CHINA
`(Name: Bozhou Zhongdaxiang Technology Co., Ltd
`limited company (Itd.): CHINA
`REEL: 008241 FRAME: 0537
`Serial Number:
`Fax Number:
`Correspondencewill be sent to the e-mail addressfirst; if that is unsuccessful, it will be sent
`using a fax number, if provided; if that is unsuccessful, it will be sent via US Mail.
`Correspondent Name:
`Zhao, Shuai
`AddressLine 1:
`No.41, Zhaoyangzhuang Vil, Dawang
`AddressLine 2:
`Xingzheng Vil,Niuji Town,Qiaocheng Dist,
`AddressLine 4:
`Bozhou, Anhui, CHINA
`source=VEVOR 348类 97045193 Trademark Assignment#page'1 .tif
`Total Attachments: 24
`source=VEVOR 128类 97046018 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 138类 97046021 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 15类 97046024 Trademark Assignment#page'1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 168类 97046025 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 17类 97046027 Trademark Assignment#page 1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 18类 97046029 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 198类 97046030 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 208 1867; 88643784 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 208类 97045148 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 21类 88861974 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 228类 88661574 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 238类 97045151 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 248类 97048444 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 258 1867; 97045182 Trademark Assignment#page'1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 268 1867; 97045184 Trademark Assignment#page'1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 27类 88661573 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 28 1867; 88863215 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 298 1867; 97045186 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 308类 97045188 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 31类 97045190 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 328类 97045191 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`source=VEVOR 338类 97048445 Trademark Assignment#page1 .tif
`Zhao, Shuai
`/Zhao, Shuai/
`REEL: 008241 FRAME: 0538
`source=VEVOR 35 1867; 88368899 Trademark Assignment#page 1 .tif
`REEL: 008241 FRAME: 0539
`Trademark Assignment
`The undersigned, Shanghal Sishun E-commerce Co., Lid, with an address at
`BmJtg16,Bldg 3,No.313) finshajiang Rd. Zhenxin StSading Net, Shanghai
`CHINA 201824, the owners of the trademark Serial No97046018- VEVOR, do
`ereby assign the entire interest and the goodwill of the business te Bezhon
`Zhongdaxiang Technology Co., Ltd., with an address at No41, Zhaoyangzhuang
`Vi, Dawang Xingzheng VO,Ninji Town.Qisocheng Dist, Bozhou, Anhui, 236800,
`China, the assignee henceforth having the right to consider himself as the sole owner
`afsame and to use or dispose of sameaa he/they shall deemfit,without any futher
`claim on the part of the assignor/s for any concept whatever.
`Assignor authorizes USPTOto record the transfer ofthe registration set above to
`Assignee of Assignor’s entire interest and the goodwill of the business therein.
`Assignor agrees to further exeente any documents reasonably necessary to effect this
`assignment or to confirrn Assignee’s ownership of the Trademark.
`Given and signed at Bozhou, China on this 16" day of Gctuber the year 2023.
`Signature ofthe assignor:Shanghai Sishun E-commerce Co,, Ltd.
`Ph pe Lebo
`: Fyre
`BP ees cnwoeneene sed
`Name of signatory: Jian, Ruhbac
`Signatory’s Position: President
`Signature of the assignee:Bozhou Zhongdaxiang TechnologyCo., Ltd.
`Name of signatory: haa, Shuai
`Signatory’s Position: President
`REEL: 008241 FRAME: 0540
`Trademark Assignment
`The undersigned, Shanghai Sishun E-commerce Co. Lid. with an address at
`RmJiOlsiNdg 3,No.3131 finshajiang Rd. Zhenxin Sti Jiading PNet, Shanghai
`CHINA 201824, the owners of the trademark Serial No.@7045021- VEVGR, do
`whee EY
`* We
`hereby assign the entire interest and the goodwill of
`the business t Bozhou
`Zhongdaxiang Technology Ce,, Lixl., with an address at No.4], Zhaoyangzhuane
`Vi, Dawang Xingzheng Vi.Ninji Town,Qisscheng INst, Bozhou, Antu, 236800,
`China, the assignee henceforth having theright ia consider himself as the sole owner
`of same and to use or dispose of same as he/they shall deem Ht, without any farther
`claim on the part of the assignor/s for any concept whatever.
`Assignor authorizes USPTO to record the transfer of the registration set above to
`Assignee of Assignor’s entire interest and the goodwill of the business therein.
`Assignor agrees to further execute any documents reasonably necessary to effect this
`assignment or fo confirm Assignee’s ownership of the Trademark.
`Given and signed at Bozhou, China on this 16" day of October the year 2023.
`Signature of the assignor:Shanghai Sishun E-commerce Co., Ltd.
`sf Cae| Bebe
`Name of signatory: Jiao, Rubac
`Signatory's Position: President
`Signature of the assignee:Bozhou Zhongdaxiong Technology Co., Lid.
`Name af signatory: 2hao, Shuai
`Signatory’s Position: President
`REEL: 008241 FRAME: 0541
`Trademark Assignment
`The undersigned, Shanghai Sishun E-comuneree Co. Lid, with an address at
`RmJi016,Bidg S.No3t3iJmshajiang Rd. Zhenxin St Jiading Dist, Shanghai
`CHINA 201824,
`the owners of the trademark Serlal Ne.7046024- VEVYGR, do
`hereby assign the entire interest and the goodwill af the business te Bazhou
`Shongdaxiang Technolegy Co., Lid. with an address at No.41, Zhaovangehuang
`Vu, Dawang Aingzheng ViLNinji Town,Qiaccheng Dist, Bozhou, Anhui, 236860,
`China, the assignee henceforth having the righi to consider himself as the sale owner
`of same and te use or dispose of same as he/they shall deem ft, without any further
`claimon the part of the assignor/s for any concept whatever.
`Assignor authorizes USPTO t record the transier ofthe registration set above to
`Assignee of Assignor’s entire interest and the goscdwill of the business therein.
`Assignor agrees to further execute any documenis reasonably necessary to effect this
`assignment of to confirm Assignee’s ownership of the Trademark.
`Given and signed at Bozhou, Chinaon this 16% day of Qetober the year 20123.
`Signature of the assignor:Shanghai Sishun B-comumerce Ca., Lid.
` 4 oole Fob es
`SSP ene en eRe N EAS meee Bene nw nee
`is Y at
`Name of signatory: Jiae, Rubao
`Signatory's Position: President
`Signature of the assignee:Bozhou Zhongdaxiang TechnologyCe.Lid.
`Name ofsignatory: Zhao, Shuat
`Signatory’s Position: President
`REEL: 008241 FRAME: 0542
`Trademark Assignment
`The undersigned, Shanghai Sisium E-commerce Coa. Lid, with an address at
`RmJiOl6.Bldg S.No3isiJinshajiang Rd, Zhenxin SiNading Odst, Shanghai
`CHINA ZO1824,
`the owners of the trademark Serial NuO7046025. VEVOR, do
`hereby assign the entire interest and the goodwill of the business te Bezhou
`fhongdaxigng Technolegy Ce., Lid. with an address at No.4i, Zhaoyangzhuang
`Vi, Dawang Aingzheng VUJNin}i Town,Qiaccheng Dist, Bozhou, Ambul, 236800,
`China, the assignee henceforth having the righi to consider himself as the sole owner
`of same and to use or dispose of samme as he/they shall deem fit, without any further
`claim on the part of the assignor/s for any concept whatever.
`Assigior authorizes USPTO to record the transferofthe registration set above to
`Assignee of Assignor’s entire interest and the goodwill of the business therein.
`Assignor agrees to farther execute any documenis reasonably necessaryto effect this
`assignment or fo confirm Assignee’s ownership of the Trademark.
`Given and signed at Bozhou, China on this 16" day of October the year 2023.
`Signature of the assignor:Shanghai Sishan E-commerce Co., Ltd.

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