`Before the Honorable Clark S. Cheney
`Chief Administrative Law Judge
`In the Matter of
`Inv. No. 337-TA-1426
`(Motion Docket No. 1426-002)
`Ground Rule 5.1 Certification
`Pursuant to Ground Rule 5.1, Complainant certifies that it made reasonable, good-faith
`efforts to resolve the matter with the other parties prior to filing this motion. Respondents Hunan
`Sijiu Technology, Co. Ltd., Hunan Sijiu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Rongtu
`Technology Co., Ltd. (collectively, the “HTVRONT Respondents”) do not oppose this motion.1
`The Commission Investigative Staff (“Staff”) indicated that it does not oppose this motion.
`Complainant Cricut, Inc. (“Cricut” or “Complainant”) respectfully submits this Motion to
`Amend the Complaint and Notice of Investigation to: (1) add a new HTVRONT Respondent, HK
`Sijiu International Share Co., Ltd. (“HK Sijiu”), and (2) terminate a current HTVRONT
`Respondent, Hunan Sijiu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (“HSET”).
`There is good cause for the proposed addition of HK Sijiu as an HTVRONT Respondent.
`Specifically, according to non-public information obtained after the filing of the Complaint
`1 Respondent SainStore Technology Co., Ltd. (“OffNova”) has entered a Consent Order and took no position on this
`motion. Respondents LiPing Zhan (“Kunduone”), Shanghai Sishun E-commerce Co., Ltd., Bozhou Wanxingyu
`Technology Co. Ltd., and Bozhou Zhongdaxiang Technology Co., Ltd. (collectively, “Vevor”) have not yet appeared
`in this investigation.
`through discovery responses served by the other HTVRONT Respondents, HK Sijiu
` of the
`accused products in this investigation. See Exhibit 1 at 8–9.
`There is good cause for the proposed termination of the investigation as to HSET.
`Specifically, according to information obtained after the filing of the Complaint by the verified
`response of the HTVRONT Respondents, HSET is the former name of current HTVRONT
`Respondent Hunan Sijiu Technology Co., Ltd. (“HST”). See EDIS Doc. ID 840191. HST is
`participating, and will continue to participate, in this investigation.
`“After an investigation has been instituted, the complaint or notice of investigation may be
`amended only by leave of the Commission for good cause shown and upon such conditions as are
`necessary to avoid prejudicing the public interest and the rights of the parties to the investigation.”
`19 C.F.R. § 210.14(b)(1). Good cause to amend the Complaint after institution exists when new
`information is obtained during discovery that was not known to the complainant prior to institution.
`Certain Smart Thermostat Systems, Smart HVAC Systems, Smart HVAC Control Systems, and
`Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA1258, Order No. 4 at 3 (Apr. 20, 2021).
`Complainant has good cause to amend, because it obtained new information regarding the
`HTVRONT entities through discovery that had not been uncovered earlier despite a diligent and
`good faith pre-filing investigation. See Certain Portable Battery Jump Starters & Components
`Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-1256, Order No. 13, ID at 2–3 (Apr. 23, 2021) (“[T]he Commission
`generally finds good cause to amend the complaint to reflect the correct name of a respondent
`learned through discovery.”). Neither the public interest nor the rights of the parties to this
`proceeding will be prejudiced by the proposed amendment. In particular, the other HTVRONT
`Respondents do not oppose this motion.
`A proposed Amended Complaint is attached hereto as Exhibit 2, along with a redlined
`version attached hereto as Exhibit 3.
`Pursuant to 19 CFR 210.21(a)(1), Complainant states that there are no agreements, written
`or oral, express or implied between the parties concerning the subject matter of the investigation,
`beyond the fact that the HTVRONT Respondents agreed to the addition of HK Sijiu along with
`the termination of HSET.
`III. Conclusion
`For the foregoing reasons, Complainant respectfully requests leave to amend the Complaint
`and Notice of Investigation to: (1) add HK Sijiu as a respondent as part of the HTVRONT
`Respondents group, and (2) terminate HSET as a respondent.
`Dated: January 15, 2025
`/s/ Jay H. Reiziss
`Jay H. Reiziss
`Alexander P. Ott
`Timothy M. Dunker
`500 North Capitol Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20001
`Telephone: (202) 756-8000
`David J. Tobin
`2501 North Harwood Street Suite 1900
`Dallas, TX 75201
`Telephone: (214) 210-2793
`James M. Oehler
`Tessa M. Kroll
`444 West Lake Street, Suite 4000
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Telephone: (312) 372-2000
`Counsel for Complainant
`Before the Honorable Clark S. Cheney
`Chief Administrative Law Judge
`In the Matter of
`Inv. No. 337-TA-1426
`Pursuant to the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedures, §§ 19 C.F.R. 210.27 and
`210.29, the Chief Administrative Law Judge’s Ground Rules (Order No. 2), and the Protective
`Order (Order No. 1) in this Investigation, Hunan Sijiu Technology, Co. Ltd., and Guangdong
`Rongtu Technology Co., Ltd. hereby provide the following responses to the Complainant’s First
`Set of Interrogatories to Respondents Hunan Sijiu Technology, Co. Ltd., Hunan Sijiu Electronic
`Technology Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Rongtu Technology Co., Ltd. (Nos. 1-11) (collectively,
`“HTVRONT”). HTVRONT’s investigation in this matter is ongoing, HTVRONT reserves the
`right to amend and/or supplement these objections and responses in accordance with the
`Commission’s Rules, the Ground Rules, and any forthcoming Procedure Schedule.
`HTVRONT’s responses are made without waiving or intending to waive any objections
`as to the following, all of which are expressly reserved:
`1 Hunan Sijiu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is the former name of Hunan Sijiu Technology
`Co., Ltd. HTVRONT will work with Cricut and Staff to prepare appropriate papers to have the
`correct parties named in the Investigation.
`Design/development/testing: The Accused Products were designed, developed, and tested
`by Guangdong Rongtu Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong Rongtu Technology Co., Ltd.’s
`address is Block A (third, fourth, and fifth floors), Zhizaohui Factory, No. 8, Huafa Road,
`Huakou Community, Ronggui Street, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province.
`Manufacturing and assembly: The Accused Products are manufactured and assembled by
`Guangdong Rongtu Technology Co., Ltd. in mainland China. Once the Accused Products are
`manufactured, they are exported to
`Sales: The products are sold in the United States by
` Hunan Sijiu Technology Co., Ltd. operates the online marketplace https://www.htvront.com
`which makes the products available for purchase in the United States.
`Discovery continues, and HTVRONT reserves the ability to amend or supplement its
`response based upon further information in discovery.
`Describe when and how You became aware of each of the Asserted Patents, including the
`persons involved.
`HTVRONT objects to this interrogatory on the grounds set forth in the General
`Objections and hereby incorporates each by reference as if fully set forth herein. In addition to its
`General Objections, HTVRONT objects to this interrogatory on the ground that it is overly
`broad, unduly burdensome, and not reasonably calculated to lead to admissible evidence.
`HTVRONT objects to this interrogatory because it seeks information that is irrelevant to the
`issues to be litigated in this Investigation and not reasonably calculated to lead to admissible
`evidence. HTVRONT objects to this interrogatory on the grounds that it seeks privileged
`information, including information protected by the attorney-client privilege, attorney work
`product doctrine, common interest doctrine, joint defense privilege, and/or any other applicable
`privilege, doctrine, or immunity.
`response to this interrogatory, and may include the identification of relevant, non-objectionable,
`non-privileged documents that exist in its possession, custody, or control from which the answer
`to this interrogatory may be derived or ascertained, in accordance with 19 C.F.R. §§ 210.27(f)
`and 210.29(c).
`Discovery continues, and HTVRONT reserves the ability to amend or supplement its
`response based upon further information in discovery.
`Dated: December 23, 2024
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/Helena Kiepura
`Helena Kiepura
`DLA Piper LLP (US)
`500 Eighth Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20004
`Tel: 202.799.4000
`Fax: 202.799.5000
`Matthew Satchwell
`Paulina Starostka
`DLA Piper LLP (US)
`444 West Lake Street, Suite 900
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Tel: 312.368.4000
`Shaobin Zhu
`DLA Piper LLP (US)
`701 Fifth Avenue
`Suite 6900
`Seattle, WA 98104
`Tel: 206.839.4894
`Benjamin Yaghoubian
`DLA Piper LLP (US)
`2000 Avenue of the Stars
`Suite 400 North Tower
`Los Angeles, CA 90067
`Tel: 310.595.3000
`Claire Schuster
`DLA Piper LLP (US)
`33 Arch Street, 26th Floor
`Boston, MA 02110
`Tel: 617.406.6000
`Peter VandeVort
`DLA Piper LLP (US)
`555 Mission St, Suite 2400
`San Francisco, CA 94105
`Tel: 415.836.2500
`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337-TA-
`Cricut, Inc.
`10855 South River Front Parkway
`South Jordan, Utah 84095
`Telephone: (877) 727-4288
`Jay H. Reiziss
`Alexander P. Ott
`500 North Capitol Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20001
`Telephone: (202) 756-8000
`David J. Tobin
`2501 North Harwood Street Suite 1900
`Dallas, TX 75201
`Telephone: (214) 210-2793
`James M. Oehler
`Tessa M. Kroll
`444 West Lake Street, Suite 4000
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Telephone: (312) 372-2000
`HTVRont Respondents
`Hunan Sijiu Technology, Co. Ltd. and
`1301, Building B-8,
`Lugu Yuyuan Production Workshop,
`No. 27 Wenxuan Road, High-tech Zone,
`Changsha, China 410000
`HK Sijiu International Share Co., Ltd..
`19H Maxgrand Plaza,
`No. 3 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon,
`Hong Kong, China 999077
`Guangdong Rongtu Technology Co., Ltd.
`Floor 8, No. 15, Huafa Road, Huakou Community,
`Ronggui Street, Sunde District, Foshan City,
`Guangdong Province, China 528305
`Konduone Respondent
`LiPing Zhan
`No. 187, Yanglinguan Street,
`Xingou Town, Jianli County,
`Jingzhou, China 433300
`OffNova Respondent
`SainStore Technology Co., Ltd
`Room 908, Building 2, No. 16, Keji 4th Road,
`Songshan Lake Park, Dongguan City, Guangdong
`Province, China 523808
`Vevor Respondents
`Shanghai Sishun E-commerce Co., Ltd.
`5th Floor, Building 6, Lane 958, Jinsha Jiangxi
`Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China 201824
`Shanghai Sishun Co., Ltd.
`5th Floor, Building 6, Lane 958, Jinshajiang Road
`West, Jiading District, Shanghai, China 201824
`Bozhou Wanxingyu Technology Co. Ltd.
`5th Floor, Building 6, Lane 958, Jinshajiang Road
`West, Jiading District, Shanghai, China 201824
`Bozhou Zhongdaxiang Technology Co., Ltd.
`No. 41, Zhaoyangzhuang Vil., Dawang Xingzheng
`Vil., Niuji Town, Qiaocheng Dist., Bozhou, Anhui,
`China 236800
`Wuyi Bohai Electric Tools Co., Ltd.
`No. 1, Chementou, Hardware Machinery Industrial
`Park, Tongqin Town, Wuyi County, Jinhua City,
`Zhejiang Province, China 321200
`Non-Confidential Exhibit List ............................................................................... iv
`Confidential Exhibit List..........................................................................................v
`Appendices ............................................................................................................. vi
`Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
`The Parties ...........................................................................................................................3
`Complainant .............................................................................................................3
`Proposed Respondents .............................................................................................7
`The HTVRont Group of Proposed Respondents .........................................7
`The Konduone Proposed Respondent ........................................................10
`The OffNova Proposed Respondent ..........................................................11
`The Vevor Proposed Respondents .............................................................12
`The Products at Issue .........................................................................................................15
`The Patents at Issue ............................................................................................................16
`U.S. Patent No. 11,208,758 (“the ’758 Patent”) ....................................................17
`Identification of the Patent and Ownership by Complainant .....................17
`Non-Technical Description of the ’758 Patent ..........................................17
`Foreign Counterparts .................................................................................17
`U.S. Patent No. 11,905,646 (“the ’646 Patent”) ....................................................18
`Identification of the Patent and Ownership by Complainant .....................18
`Non-Technical Description of the ’646 Patent ..........................................18
`Foreign Counterparts .................................................................................19
`U.S. Patent No. D893,563 (“the D563 Patent”) .....................................................19
`Identification of the Patent and Ownership by Complainant .....................19
`Non-Technical Description of the D563 Patent .........................................20
`Foreign Counterparts .................................................................................20
`U.S. Patent No. D910,724 (“the D724 Patent”) .....................................................21
`Identification of the Patent and Ownership by Complainant .....................21
`Non-Technical Description of the D724 Patent .........................................21
`Foreign Counterparts .................................................................................22
`U.S. Patent No. D926,237 (“the D237 Patent”) .....................................................22
`Identification of the Patent and Ownership by Complainant .....................22
`Non-Technical Description of the D237 Patent .........................................23
`Foreign Counterparts .................................................................................23
`U.S. Patent No. D1,029,090 (“the D090 Patent”) ..................................................24
`Identification of the Patent and Ownership by Complainant .....................24
`Non-Technical Description of the D090 Patent .........................................24
`Foreign Counterparts .................................................................................25
`Unlawful and Unfair Acts committed by proposed respondentS—Patent Infringement ..26
`Infringement of the ’758 Patent .............................................................................27
`Infringement of the ’646 Patent .............................................................................30
`Infringement of the D563 Patent ............................................................................34
`Infringement of the D724 Patent ............................................................................37
`Infringement of the D237 Patent ............................................................................39
`Infringement of the D090 Patent ............................................................................41
`Specific Instances of Importation and Sale ........................................................................44
`Importation by HTVRont .......................................................................................44
`Importation by Konduone ......................................................................................45
`Importation by OffNova ........................................................................................45
`Importation by Vevor .............................................................................................46
`VII. Licenses..............................................................................................................................46
`VIII. The Domestic Industry .......................................................................................................47
`Technical Prong .....................................................................................................47
`Economic Prong .....................................................................................................48
`A Domestic Industry Relating to the Domestic Industry
`Products Exists ...........................................................................................48
`A Domestic Industry Relating to the Domestic Industry
`Products is in the Process of Being Established ........................................49
`Harmonized Tariff Schedule Information ..........................................................................50
`Related Litigation...............................................................................................................50
`Requested Remedial Orders ...............................................................................................50
`General Exclusion Order ........................................................................................50
`Limited Exclusion Order ........................................................................................59
`Presidential Review Period Bond ..........................................................................59
`Cease & Desist Order .............................................................................................60
`XII. Requested Relief ................................................................................................................60
`Non-Confidential Exhibit List
`Declaration of David Tobin Regarding Importation with Exhibits 1A-1Y
`Certified Copy of U.S. Patent No. 11,208,758
`Certified Copy of U.S. Patent No. 11,905,646
`Certified Copy of U.S. Patent No. D893,563
`Certified Copy of U.S. Patent No. D910,724
`Certified Copy of U.S. Patent No. D926,237
`Certified Copy of U.S. Patent No. D1,029,090
`Certified Copy of Assignment Recorded at Reel/Frame 050781/0609
`Certified Copy of Assignment Recorded at Reel/Frame 054163/0092
`Certified Copy of Assignment Recorded at Reel/Frame 054416/0959
`Certified Copy of Assignment Recorded at Reel/Frame 059181/0580
`Certified Copy of Assignment Recorded at Reel/Frame 061102/0118
`Certified Copy of Assignment Recorded at Reel/Frame 061102/0338
`Notice of Recordation and Assignment Reel/Frame 067641/0514
`Certified Copy of Assignment Recorded at Reel/Frame 068396/0047
`Certified Copy of Assignment Recorded at Reel/Frame 068396/0227
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. 11,208,758 by HTVRont
`Heat Press Machine
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. 11,208,758 by HTVRont
`Heat Press Mini Machine and Mini3 Machine
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. 11,208,758 by HTVRont
`Hat Heat Press Machine
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. 11,208,758 by OffNova
`Comma Mini Heat Press Machine
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. 11,905,646 by HTVRont
`Heat Press Machine
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. 11,905,646 by HTVRont
`Heat Press Mini Machine and Mini3 Machine
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. 11,905,646 by Konduone
`Smart Heat Press Machine
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. 11,905,646 by OffNova
`Impression and Impression 2 Heat Press Machines
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. 11,905,646 by OffNova
`Comma Mini Heat Press Machine
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. D893,563 by HTVRont
`Heat Press Machine
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. D893,563 by Konduone
`Smart Heat Press
`Exhibit No.
`Exhibit No.
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. D893,563 by OffNova
`Impression and Impression 2 Heat Press Machines
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. D910,724 by HTVRont
`Heat Press Mini Machine and Mini3 Machine
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. D910,724 by OffNova
`Impression and Impression 2 Heat Press Machines
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. D926,237 by HTVRont
`Heat Press Mini Machine and Mini3 Machine
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. D926,237 by OffNova
`Impression Heat Press and Impression 2 Heat Press Machine
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. D1,029,090 by HTVRont
`LOKLiK Cutting Machine
`Claim chart showing infringement of U.S. Patent No. D1,029,090 by Vevor
`Desktop Vinyl Cutting Machine
`Claim chart showing technical prong of domestic industry for U.S. Patent No.
`Claim chart showing technical prong of domestic industry for U.S. Patent No.
`Claim chart showing technical prong of domestic industry for U.S. Patent No.
`Claim chart showing technical prong of domestic industry for U.S. Patent No.
`Claim chart showing technical prong of domestic industry for U.S. Patent No.
`Claim chart showing technical prong of domestic industry for U.S. Patent No.
`Declaration of Alexander P. Ott
`Cricut has included photographs of Respondents’ infringing products in its claim charts (Ex. 17-
`19 and 21-35) and photographs of Complainant’s domestic industry products (Ex. 36-
`41). Physical samples of each of the products are available upon request.
`Confidential Exhibit List
`Exhibit No.
`Declaration of Benjamin Wenzel on Behalf of Complainant re Domestic
`Industry (with Exhibits A-E)
`United States Patent No. 11,208,758 Certified Prosecution History
`United States Patent No. 11,208,758 Technical References Cited during
`United States Patent No. 11,905,646 Certified Prosecution History
`United States Patent No. 11,905,646 Technical References Cited during
`United States Patent No. D893,563 Certified Prosecution History
`United States Patent No. D893,563 Technical References Cited during
`United States Patent No. D910,724 Certified Prosecution History
`United States Patent No. D910,724 Technical References Cited during
`United States Patent No. D926,237 Certified Prosecution History
`United States Patent No. D926,237 Technical References Cited during
`United States Patent No. D1,029,090 Certified Prosecution History
`United States Patent No. D1,029,090 Technical References Cited during
`Complainant Cricut, Inc. (“Cricut”) requests that the United States International
`Trade Commission institute an Investigation pursuant to Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
`amended, 19 U.S.C. § 1337 (“Section 337”), to remedy the unlawful importation into the United
`States, the sale for importation into the United States, and/or the sale within the United States after
`importation of certain crafting machines and components thereof.
`The first group of proposed respondents does business as HTVRont, and this group
`includes Hunan Sijiu Technology, Co. Ltd., HK International Share Co.,Ltd., and Guangdong
`Rongtu Technology Co., Ltd. (collectively, “HTVRont”). The second respondent does business
`as Konduone and this includes an individual named LiPing Zhan (“Konduone”). The third group
`does business as OffNova and includes SainStore Technology Co., Ltd. (“OffNova”). The fourth
`group does business as Vevor and includes Shanghai Sishun E-commerce Co., Ltd.; Shanghai
`Sishun Co., Ltd.; Bozhou Wanxingyu Technology Co. Ltd.; Bozhou Zhongdaxiang Technology
`Co., Ltd.; and Wuyi Bohai Electric Tools Co., Ltd. (“Vevor”). Collectively, HTVRont, OffNova,
`Konduone, and Vevor are referred to as “Proposed Respondents.”
`Proposed Respondents import into the United States, sell for importation into the
`United States, and/or sell after importation into the United States certain crafting machines and
`components thereof, including cutting machine crafting devices and heat press devices
`(collectively, the “Accused Products”), that infringe one or more claims of U.S. Patents Nos.
`D893,563 (“the ’D563 Patent”), D910,724 (“the ’D724 Patent”), D926,237 (“the ’D237 Patent”),
`11,905,646 (“the ’646 Patent”), 11,208,758 (“the ’758 Patent”) and D1,029,090 (“the ’D090
`Patent”) (collectively “the Asserted Patents”) either literally or under the doctrine of equivalents.
`As explained below, the Accused Products are manufactured abroad in China and are imported for
`sale into the United States.
`Proposed Respondents’ and their customers’ sale, importation, and use of the
`Accused Products directly infringes at least one claim of each Asserted Patent, and Proposed
`Respondents indirectly infringe by inducing infringement and/or contributing to infringement, as
`explained in detail below. The presently Asserted Claims of the Asserted Patents are as follows:
`Asserted Patents
`Asserted Claims1
`Claims 18, 19-23
`Claims 1, 2, 8, 9, 10-11, 12, 14, 15-16
`design patent has only a single claim, which is not numbered
`design patent has only a single claim, which is not numbered
`design patent has only a single claim, which is not numbered
`design patent has only a single claim, which is not numbered
`Certified copies of the Asserted Patents are attached to this Complaint as Exhibits
`2 – 7. Cricut owns all rights, title, and interest in each of the Asserted Patents. Certified copies of
`the recorded assignments of the Asserted Patents are attached as Exhibits 8 – 16.2 The table below
`correlates the assignment records with the Asserted Patents.
`Asserted Patents
`Reel/Frame of Assignment Record
`061102/0118; 054416/0959
`061102/0118; 059181/0580
`061102/0118; 050781/0609
`061102/0338; 061102/0118; 054163/0092; 067641/0514
`061102/0118; 067641/0514
`068396/0047; 068396/0227
`Certified copies of the prosecution history for the Asserted Patents along with non-
`patent literature, as well as the technical references cited during prosecution are also attached as
`Appendices A – L.
`1 Bolded numbers denote independent claims.
`2 The assignment history provided in Exhibit 14 is a non-certified copy of 067641/0514. A
`certified copy has been ordered from the USPTO and will be provided upon receipt.
`A domestic industry as required by 19 U.S.C. § 1337(a)(2) and (3) exists and/or is
`in the process of establishment in the United States relating to the technology protected by Cricut’s
`Asserted Patents, including significant investments in plants and equipment, significant
`employment of labor and capital, and substantial investment in the exploitation of the inventions
`claimed in the Asserted Patents, including through engineering, research, and development.
`Complainant Cricut, Inc. (“Cricut”) is a publicly traded corporation (NASDAQ:
`CRCT) having its principal place of business at 10855 South River Front Parkway, South Jordan,
`Utah 84095.
`Cricut is an American company that is dedicated to helping people lead creative
`lives. Cricut’s platform and ecosystem of interrelated devices enables its engaged and loyal
`community of over 8.9 million users (as of December 31, 2023) to turn ideas into “I Did It” —
`Do-It-Yourself goods from custom greeting cards and apparel to on-demand gifts and large-scale
`decor. Cricut created an ecosystem of interconnected cutting machine crafting devices, heat-press
`crafting machines, accessories, and consumable materials for scalability and seamless integration,
`allowing Cricut to both introduce new products as well as continuously update the functionality
`and features of existing physical and digital products. This makes the Cricut ecosystem broadly
`extensible and empowers its users to unlock ever-expanding creative potential.
`The CRICUT® ecosystem of crafting devices consists of interconnected cutting
`machines, heat presses, and other crafting tools and accessories that provide seamless integration,
`allowing users to create custom crafts, including greeting cards, apparel, on-demand gifts,
`wedding-related services, and large-scale decor. The Cricut crafting devices allow users to create
`their own professional-looking home-made goods, from start to finish, instead of purchasing
`manufactured goods from a third-party.
`The Cricut cutting machines—such as the CRICUT EXPLORE® line—can cut,
`score, and create decorative effects using a wide array of materials including paper, vinyl, wood,
`and leather. Cricut’s cutting machines have adopted an innovative look and feel, embodied in
`design patents, that spans across multiple models of cutting machines. This look and feel enables
`its users to instantly recognize the cutting machines as authentically “Cricut®” and promotes
`consumer awareness.
`The Cricut heat press devices—including the CRICUT EASYPRESS® line—allow
`users to take patterns created with the Cricut Explore line of cutting machines and then evenly
`adhere those patterns onto T-shirts, totes, or tags. The heat presses provide uniform, consistent
`and optimal heat in a safe and convenient handheld manner. The heat presses have also adopted
`an innovative look and feel, embodied in design patents, that spans across multiple models of heat
`presses. Before Cricut launched its first line of heat press devices, no other products had the
`innovative look and feel of the Cricut EasyPress devices. This look and feel enables its users to
`instantly recognize the heat presses as authentically “Cricut®” and promotes consumer awareness.
`The Cricut ecosystem includes its cloud-based app, CRICUT DESIGN SPACE®
`or DESIGN SPACE®, which gives users access to create and to work on their projects anywhere,
`at any time, across desktop and mobile devices. In Cricut Design Space, users find inspiration,
`purchase content, and even upload th

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