`December 6, 2024
`Via email: jreiziss@mwe.com
`Jay H. Reiziss
`500 North Capitol Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20001
`Complaint filed by Cricut, Inc. Concerning Certain Crafting Machines and Components
`Thereof (Docket No. 3774)
`Dear Mr. Reiziss:
`Under 19 C.F.R. §§ 210.9, 210.10, and 210.12(a)(3), the Commission has determined not
`to institute an investigation as to proposed respondents Shanghai Sishun Co., Ltd. and Wuyi Bohai
`Electric Tools Co., Ltd.
`The complaint alleges a violation of 19 U.S.C. § 1337(a)(1)(B) based upon the importation,
`the sale for importation, and the sale after importation into the United States of certain crafting
`machines and components thereof by reason of infringement of certain claims of of U.S. Patents
`Nos. D893,563 (“the ’D563 Patent”), D910,724 (“the ’D724 Patent”), D926,237 (“the ’D237
`Patent”), 11,905,646 (“the ’646 Patent”), 11,208,758 (“the ’758 Patent”) and D1,029,090 (“the
`’D090 Patent”). The information, however, provided with the complaint, supplements, and
`exhibits does not sufficiently allege unfair acts in the importation of the accused articles by the
`proposed respondents identified above, as required by the statute and the Commission’s rules. The
`Commission has determined to institute an investigation with respect to the remaining proposed
`Documents relating to this institution determination can be found on the Commission’s
`Electronic Document Information System (EDIS) under Docket Number 3774 or the Investigation
`Number assigned to the investigation after institution.
`cc: Proposed respondents
`Lisa R. Barton
`Secretary to the Commission