`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, SW
`Washington, DC 20436
`United States
`Phone: 202-205-2595
`Fax: 202-205-2104
`Action Jacket Approval Record
`USITC-001C (OUII) (Rev. 6/2024)
`November12, 2024, or Expedite
`3. Due Date orCode
`Postponementof a Vote on Whethera Section 337 Investigation Should Be Instituted Concerning Certain Crafting Machines and Components
`Thereof (Dkt. 3774)
`5. SignatureofInitiator:
`Digitally signed by MARGARET
`Date: 2024.11.12 16:29:59 -05'00'
`6. Initiating Office:
`Office of Unfair Import Investigations (OUII)
`7. Chair or Circulating Official:
`© Circulation
`© Recirculation
`[_] Circulating Official
`8. Commissioner Action
`ommissioner Kearns
`For Commissioner Kearns
`Date: 2024.11.12 17:15:01 -05'00'
`For Self
`O Approved
`For Commissioner Schmidtlein
`ommissioner Schmidtlein
`Recused|STEPHEN DOVE faeacerrramensoe|["] disapproved
`ommissioner Johanson
`signed by ERIN JOFFRE
`ERI N JOFFRE pave:20281112 17:59:56-05'00'
`CO Disapproved
`q Approved
`For Chair Karpel
`jigitally signed by
`[_] Disapproved
`Date: 2024.11.12 18:09:11 -05'00"
`Disapproved [ore C] Approved
`Disapproved [ForCommissioneriohanson|approved (ar Se
`For Self
`= Approved
`U pp
`For Self
`9. Nature of Commission Action
`[] Disapproved
`[| Other:
`For Chair Amy A Gwendolyn Diggs
`1. ACommissioner wishing to make a commentavailable to the public in conjunction with this Approval Record should file a memorandum containing
`the commentwith the Secretary.
`Ifa Commissioner changeshis or her vote during the jacket's circulation, the Chair will circulate a new Approval Record, and markthe prior
`Predecisional communications should be entered only on page 2.
`4. If the Chair is not the Circulating Official, indicate the nameof the Official in block 7; showcirculation byinitials and date.
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