`Washington, D.C.
`In the Matter of
`Inv. No. 337-TA-1347
`ORDER NO. 15:
`(May 12, 2023)
`WHEREAS, documents and information may be sought, produced or exhibited by and
`among the parties to the above captioned proceeding, which materials relate to trade secrets or
`other confidential research, development or commercial information, as such terms are used in the
`Commission’s Rules, 19 C.F.R. § 210.5;
`1. Confidential business information is information which concerns or relates to the trade
`secrets, processes, operations, style of work, or apparatus, or to the production, sales, shipments,
`purchases, transfers, identification of customers, inventories, amount or source of any income,
`profits, losses, or expenditures of any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other organization,
`or other information of commercial value, the disclosure of which is likely to have the effect of
`either (i) impairing the Commission’s ability to obtain such information as is necessary to perform
`its statutory functions; or (ii) causing substantial harm to the competitive position of the person,
`firm, partnership, corporation, or other organization from which the information was obtained,
`unless the Commission is required by law to disclose such information. The term “confidential
`business information” includes “proprietary information” within the meaning of section 777(b) of
`the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. § 1677f(b)).


`2(a). Any information submitted, in pre hearing discovery or in a pleading, motion, or
`response to a motion either voluntarily or pursuant to order, in this investigation, which is asserted
`by a supplier to contain or constitute confidential business information shall be so designated by
`such supplier in writing, or orally at a deposition, conference or hearing, and shall be segregated
`from other information being submitted. Documents shall be clearly and prominently marked on
`PROTECTIVE ORDER,” or a comparable notice. Such information, whether submitted in writing
`or in oral testimony, shall be treated in accordance with the terms of this protective order.
`(b). The Administrative Law Judge or the Commission may determine that information
`alleged to be confidential is not confidential, or that its disclosure is necessary for the proper
`disposition of the proceeding, before, during or after the close of a hearing herein. If such a
`determination is made by the Administrative Law Judge or the Commission, opportunity shall be
`provided to the supplier of such information to argue its confidentiality prior to the time of such
`3. In the absence of written permission from the supplier or an order by the Commission
`or the Administrative Law Judge, any confidential documents or business information submitted
`in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 above shall not be disclosed to any person other
`than: (i) outside counsel for parties to this investigation, including necessary secretarial and
`support personnel assisting such counsel; (ii) qualified persons taking testimony involving such
`documents or information and necessary stenographic and clerical personnel thereof; (iii) technical
`experts and their staff who are employed for the purposes of this litigation (unless they are
`otherwise employed by, consultants to, or otherwise affiliated with a non-governmental party, or
`are employees of any domestic or foreign manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, or distributor of the
`products, devices or component parts which are the subject of this investigation); (iv) the


`Commission, the Administrative Law Judge, the Commission staff, and personnel of any
`governmental agency as authorized by the Commission; (v) the Commission, its employees and
`Offices, and contract personnel (a) for developing or maintaining the records of this investigation
`or related proceedings, or (b) in internal investigations, audits, reviews, evaluations relating to the
`programs, personnel, and operations of the Commission including under to 5 U.S.C. Appendix 3;
`and (vi) U.S. government employees and contract personnel, solely for cybersecurity purposes.1
`4. Confidential business information submitted in accordance with the provisions of
`paragraph 2 above shall not be made available to any person designated in paragraph 3(i)2 and (iii)
`unless he or she shall have first read this order and shall have agreed, by letter filed with the
`Secretary of this Commission: (i) to be bound by the terms thereof; (ii) not to reveal such
`confidential business information to anyone other than another person designated in paragraph 3;
`and (iii) to utilize such confidential business information solely for purposes of this investigation.
`The letter shall also include the following acknowledgement:
`I, the undersigned, on behalf of__, acknowledge that information submitted for
`purposes of this Investigation may be disclosed to and used:
`(i) by the Commission, its employees and Offices, and contract personnel (a) for
`developing or maintaining the records of this or a related proceeding, or (b) in
`internal investigations, audits, reviews, and evaluations relating to the programs,
`personnel, and operations of the Commission including under 5 U.S.C. Appendix
`3; or
`(ii) by U.S. government employees and contract personnel, solely for cybersecurity
`purposes. I understand that all contract personnel will sign appropriate
`nondisclosure agreements.
`5. If the Commission or the Administrative Law Judge orders, or if the supplier and all
`parties to the investigation agree, that access to, or dissemination of information submitted as
`1 See Commission Administrative Order 16-01 (Nov. 7, 2015).
`2 Necessary secretarial and support personnel assisting counsel need not sign onto the protective
`order themselves because they are covered by counsel’s signing onto the protective order.


`confidential business information shall be made to persons not included in paragraph 3 above, such
`matter shall only be accessible to, or disseminated to, such persons based upon the conditions
`pertaining to, and obligations arising from this order, and such persons shall be considered subject
`to it, unless the Commission or the Administrative Law Judge finds that the information is not
`confidential business information as defined in paragraph 1 thereof.
`6. (a). Any confidential business information submitted to the Commission or the
`Administrative Law Judge in connection with a motion or other proceeding within the purview of
`this investigation shall be submitted under seal pursuant to paragraph 2 above. Any portion of a
`transcript in connection with this investigation containing any confidential business information
`submitted pursuant to paragraph 2 above shall be bound separately and filed under seal. When any
`confidential business information submitted in accordance with paragraph 2 above is included in
`an authorized transcript of a deposition or exhibits thereto, arrangements shall be made with the
`court reporter taking the deposition to bind such confidential portions and separately label them
`Before a court reporter or translator receives any such information, he or she shall have first read
`this order and shall have agreed in writing to be bound by the terms thereof. Alternatively, he or
`she shall sign the agreement included as Attachment A hereto. Copies of each such signed
`agreement shall be provided to the supplier of such confidential business information and the
`Secretary of the Commission.
`(b). Submitters3 are strongly encouraged to encrypt nonpublic documents that are
`electronically transmitted to the Commission to protect your sensitive information from
`unauthorized disclosure. The USITC secure drop-box system and the Electronic Document
`3 “Submitters” of confidential business information are the same as “suppliers” of confidential
`business information as that term is used in the context of this order. See Commission
`Administrative Order 16-01 (Nov. 7, 2015).


`Information System (EDIS) use Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2
`cryptographic algorithms to encrypt data in transit. Submitting your nonpublic documents by a
`means that does not use these encryption algorithms (such as by email) may subject your firm’s
`nonpublic information to unauthorized disclosure during transmission. If you choose a non-
`encrypted method of electronic transmission, the Commission warns you that the risk of such
`possible unauthorized disclosure is assumed by you and not by the Commission.
`7. The restrictions upon, and obligations accruing to, persons who become subject to this
`order shall not apply to any information submitted in accordance with paragraph 2 above to which
`the person asserting the confidential status thereof agrees in writing, or the Commission or the
`Administrative Law Judge rules, after an opportunity for hearing, was publicly known at the time
`it was supplied to the receiving party or has since become publicly known through no fault of the
`receiving party.
`8. The Commission, the Administrative Law Judge, and the Commission investigative
`attorney acknowledge that any document or information submitted as confidential business
`information pursuant to paragraph 2 above is to be treated as such within the meaning of 5 U.S.C.
`§ 552(b)(4) and 18 U.S.C. § 1905, subject to a contrary ruling, after hearing, by the Commission
`or its Freedom of Information Act Officer, or the Administrative Law Judge. When such
`information is made part of a pleading or is offered into the evidentiary record, the data set forth
`in 19 C.F.R. § 201.6 must be provided except during the time that the proceeding is pending before
`the Administrative Law Judge. During that time, the party offering the confidential business
`information must, upon request, provide a statement as to the claimed basis for its confidentiality.
`9. Unless a designation of confidentiality has been withdrawn, or a determination has been
`made by the Commission or the Administrative Law Judge that information designated as
`confidential, is no longer confidential, the Commission, the Administrative Law Judge, and the


`Commission investigative attorney shall take all necessary and proper steps to preserve the
`confidentiality of, and to protect each supplier's rights with respect to, any confidential business
`information designated by the supplier in accordance with paragraph 2 above, including, without
`limitation: (a) notifying the supplier promptly of (i) any inquiry or request by anyone for the
`substance of or access to such confidential business information, other than those authorized
`pursuant to this order, under the Freedom of Information Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. § 552) and
`(ii) any proposal to redesignate or make public any such confidential business information; and (b)
`providing the supplier at least seven days after receipt of such inquiry or request within which to
`take action before the Commission, its Freedom of Information Act Officer, or the Administrative
`Law Judge, or otherwise to preserve the confidentiality of and to protect its rights in, and to, such
`confidential business information.
`10. If while an investigation is before the Administrative Law Judge, a party to this order
`who is to be a recipient of any business information designated as confidential and submitted in
`accordance with paragraph 2 disagrees with respect to such a designation, in full or in part, it shall
`notify the supplier in writing, and they will thereupon confer as to the status of the subject
`information proffered within the context of this order. If prior to, or at the time of such a
`conference, the supplier withdraws its designation of such information as being subject to this
`order, but nonetheless submits such information for purposes of the investigation; such supplier
`shall express the withdrawal, in writing, and serve such withdrawal upon all parties and the
`Administrative Law Judge. If the recipient and supplier are unable to concur upon the status of the
`subject information submitted as confidential business information within ten days from the date
`of notification of such disagreement, any party to this order may raise the issue of the designation
`of such a status to the Administrative Law Judge who will rule upon the matter. The Administrative


`Law Judge may sua sponte question the designation of the confidential status of any information
`and, after opportunity for hearing, may remove the confidentiality designation.
`11. No less than 10 days (or any other period of time designated by the Administrative Law
`Judge) prior to the initial disclosure to a proposed expert of any confidential information submitted
`in accordance with paragraph 2, the party proposing to use such expert shall submit in writing the
`name of such proposed expert and his or her educational and detailed employment history to the
`supplier. If the supplier objects to the disclosure of such confidential business information to such
`proposed expert as inconsistent with the language or intent of this order or on other grounds, it
`shall notify the recipient in writing of its objection and the grounds therefore prior to the initial
`disclosure. If the dispute is not resolved on an informal basis within ten days of receipt of such
`notice of objections, the supplier shall submit immediately each objection to the Administrative
`Law Judge for a ruling. If the investigation is before the Commission the matter shall be submitted
`to the Commission for resolution. The submission of such confidential business information to
`such proposed expert shall be withheld pending the ruling of the Commission or the Administrative
`Law Judge. The terms of this paragraph shall be inapplicable to experts within the Commission or
`to experts from other governmental agencies who are consulted with or used by the Commission.
`12. If confidential business information submitted in accordance with paragraph 2 is
`disclosed to any person other than in the manner authorized by this protective order, the party
`responsible for the disclosure must immediately bring all pertinent facts relating to such disclosure
`to the attention of the supplier and the Administrative Law Judge and, without prejudice to other
`rights and remedies of the supplier, make every effort to prevent further disclosure by it or by the
`person who was the recipient of such information.
`13. Nothing in this order shall abridge the right of any person to seek judicial review or to
`pursue other appropriate judicial action with respect to any ruling made by the Commission, its


`Freedom of Information Act Officer, or the Administrative Law Judge concerning the issue of the
`status of confidential business information.
`14. Upon final termination of this investigation, each recipient of confidential business
`information that is subject to this order shall assemble and return to the supplier all items
`containing such information submitted in accordance with paragraph 2 above, including all copies
`of such matter which may have been made. Alternatively, the parties subject to this order may,
`with the written consent of the supplier, destroy all items containing confidential business
`information and certify to the supplier (or his counsel) that such destruction has taken place. This
`paragraph shall not apply to the Commission, including its investigative attorney, and the
`Administrative Law Judge, which shall retain such material pursuant to statutory requirements and
`for other recordkeeping purposes, but may destroy such material (including electronic media
`containing such information) in its possession which it regards as surplusage.
`Notwithstanding the above paragraph, confidential business information may be
`transmitted to a district court pursuant to Commission Rule 210.5(c).
`15. If any confidential business information which is supplied in accordance with
`paragraph 2 above is supplied by a nonparty to this investigation, such a nonparty shall be
`considered a “supplier” as that term is used in the context of this order.
`16. Each nonparty supplier shall be provided a copy of this order by the party seeking
`information from said supplier.
`17. The Secretary shall serve a copy of this order upon all parties.
`Source Code:
`“Supplying Private Party” shall mean a Private Party who provides
`discovery or any other information or disclosures in this investigation.


`A Supplying Private Party may designate any materials including but not
`limited to documents, information, or things as “[SUPPLIER’S NAME] CONFIDENTIAL
`BUSINESS INFORMATION - SOURCE CODE,” which shall mean litigation material of the
`Supplying Private Party or of any non-parties that the Supplying Private Party is permitted to
`produce in this investigation that constitutes, contains, includes, or substantially discloses
`nonpublic Source Code (as defined below). This material may include, among things, technical
`design documentation that constitutes, contains, includes, or substantially discloses nonpublic
`Source Code.
`“Source Code” shall mean confidential business information representing
`source code, object code (i.e., computer instructions and data definitions expressed in a form
`suitable for input to an assembler, compiler, or other translator), microcode, register transfer
`language (“RTL”), firmware, hardware description language (“HDL”), revision histories, any and
`all programmer notes, annotations, and other comments of any type related thereto that accompany
`the code. For avoidance of doubt, this includes source files, make files, intermediate output files,
`executable files, header files, resource files, library files, module definition files, map files, object
`files, linker files, browse info files, and debug files, the file names of any such files, and any
`documents that include substantial excerpts of any such files. Source Code is a form of
`confidential business information as defined in Paragraph 1 of the Protective Order, to which, in
`addition to the protections provided for herein, shall be afforded all of the same protections as
`confidential business information. Documents that contain confidential business information that
`defines or otherwise describes in detail the algorithms or structure of software or hardware designs,
`including insubstantial excerpts of source code, formulas, engineering specifications, or
`schematics that define or otherwise describe in detail the algorithms or structure of software or
`hardware designs may be designated by the Supplying Private Party according to Paragraph


`1.A.(b) and produced via secure FTP and must be maintained separately by the Receiving Private
`Party. The Receiving Party shall treat documents produced and designated by the Supplying
`Private Party according to Paragraph 1.A.(b) with the same precautions as are required for printed
`copies of Source Code. Documents designated by the Supplying Private Party according to
`Paragraph 1.A.(b) and produced via secured FTP do not count against consecutive pages or
`aggregate page limits in Paragraph 1.B.(b)(ii).
`“Expert” shall mean a person with knowledge or experience in a matter
`pertinent to the litigation who (1) has been retained by a Private Party or its counsel to serve as an
`expert witness or as a consultant in this action, (2) is not a past or current employee of a Private
`Party or of a Private Party’s competitor, and (3) at the time of retention, is not anticipated to
`become an employee of a Private Party or of a Private Party’s competitor.
`“Receiving Party” shall mean a Private Party or the Office of Unfair Import
`Investigations (OUII) that receives disclosure or discovery material.
`“Outside Litigation Counsel” shall mean outside counsel necessarily
`incident to the litigation of this investigation who have subscribed to this Protective Order,
`including necessary secretarial and support personnel assisting such counsel who are covered by
`counsel’s signing onto the Protective Order.
`“Source Code Qualified Persons” shall mean
`the Receiving Party’s Outside Litigation Counsel in this action;
`up to three Experts4 of the Receiving Party (1) to whom disclosure
`is reasonably necessary for this litigation, (2) who have signed onto the Protective
`4 For the purposes of this paragraph, an Expert includes up to four direct report(s) and/or other
`support personnel (“Expert Staff”). Expert Staff will not count as multiple Experts, provided that
`the number of Expert Staff does not exceed four Expert Staff. For avoidance of doubt, an Expert
`and up to four Expert Staff will count as one Expert under this paragraph. Any Expert Staff that


`Order, and (3) as to whom the procedures set forth in paragraph 18(B)(a)-(b) below
`and specifically identified as eligible to access “[SUPPLIER’S NAME]
`have been followed, provided that the Private Parties will meet and confer in good
`faith to consider reasonable requests for additional Experts upon showing of good
`cause for such additional Experts, with any remaining disputes being submitted to
`the Administrative Law Judge for resolution;
`court reporters, stenographers, videographers and their respective
`staff who have executed Attachment A to Protective Order and are transcribing or
`videotaping a deposition wherein “[SUPPLIER’S NAME] CONFIDENTIAL
`BUSINESS INFORMATION - SOURCE CODE” material is being discussed,
`provided that such reporters and videographers shall not retain or be given copies
`of any portions of the Source Code, which if used during a deposition, will not be
`attached as an exhibit to the transcript but instead shall be identified only by its
`production numbers;
`the Commission, the Administrative Law Judge, Office of Unfair
`Import Investigations (OUII), Commission personnel and contract personnel who
`are acting in the capacity of Commission employees as indicated in paragraph 3 of
`this Protective Order;
`while testifying at deposition or trial in this action only: (i) any
`current officer, director or employee of the Supplying Private Party or original
`source of the information; and/or (ii) any person who authored, previously received
`fall within this exception must nonetheless comply with the requirements set forth in Section
`18(A)(g)(ii) of the Protective Order.


`(other than in connection with this litigation), or was directly involved in creating,
`modifying, or editing the “[SUPPLIER’S NAME] CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS
`INFORMATION - SOURCE CODE,” as evident from its face or reasonably certain
`in view of other testimony or evidence. Persons authorized to view “[SUPPLIER’S
`pursuant to this sub-paragraph shall not retain or be given copies of the
`SOURCE CODE” except while so testifying. Only printed hard copies of Source
`Code will be provided to testifying witnesses during their testimony. For purposes
`of remote depositions, the following additional restrictions apply: (i) If a Receiving
`Party desires to show a witness Source Code during a remote deposition, the
`Receiving Party taking the deposition must identify Source Code exhibits three
`days prior to the start of the deposition. (ii) Upon the identification of Source Code
`exhibits by the Receiving Party three days prior to the start of the deposition, the
`Supplying Private Party shall prepare a secure folder that contains PDF copies of
`the Source Code exhibits that can be shown to the witness during the deposition.
`For the avoidance of doubt, witnesses shall not be permitted to access live Source
`Code repositories or Source Code Computers during deposition or trial testimony.
`“Notetaking Computer” shall mean a computer comprising word-
`processing software provided by a Supplying Private Party, such that the Reviewing Party can
`create or modify documents directly to take notes while inspecting Source Code provided by the
`Supplying Private Party.
`“Source Code Review Room” shall mean a secure room in which a
`Supplying Private Party shall provide Source Code for inspection to a Reviewing Party. The


`Source Code Review Room shall comprise a secured computer without Internet access or network
`access to other computers and on which all access ports have been disabled, as necessary and
`appropriate to prevent and protect against any unauthorized copying, transmission, removal, or
`other transfer of any Source Code outside or away from the computer on which the Source Code
`is provided for inspection. The taking of photographs or video shall not be permitted in the Source
`Code Review Room.
`Unless otherwise ordered by the Administrative Law Judge or permitted in
`writing by the Supplying Private Party, a Receiving Party may disclose any material designated as
`only to Source Code Qualified Persons. Experts are permitted to review material designated as
`only after the following additional steps have taken place. The Receiving Party must expressly
`identify the Expert to the Supplying Private Party as seeking the Expert’s access to “[SUPPLIER’S
`accordance with paragraph 11 of this Protective Order, including the applicable 10-day waiting
`period. If the Receiving Party wishes an Expert previously disclosed under paragraph 11 to receive
`– SOURCE CODE” but did not specify that the Expert was to receive such material, the Receiving
`Party must re-comply with the provisions of paragraph 11 of this Protective Order and specifically
`identify the proposed Expert as seeking access to “[SUPPLIER’S NAME] CONFIDENTIAL
`BUSINESS INFORMATION - SOURCE CODE” material and allowing the Supplying Private
`Party 10 days to object to the Expert receiving “[SUPPLIER’S NAME] CONFIDENTIAL


`(b) Material designated as “[SUPPLIER’S NAME] CONFIDENTIAL
`BUSINESS INFORMATION – SOURCE CODE” shall be disclosed to the Receiving Party
`according to the procedures set forth below:
`Any Source Code produced in discovery shall only be made
`available for inspection, not produced except as set forth below, in a format
`allowing it to be reasonably reviewed and searched, during normal business hours
`(e.g., between 9 AM and 6 PM local time) or at other mutually agreeable times, at
`(1) an office of the Supplying Private Party or the Supplying Private Party’s Outside
`Litigation Counsel or (2) another mutually agreed upon location. Any location
`under (1) or (2) shall be within the United States. The Source Code shall be made
`available for inspection on a secured computer (the “Source Code Computer”) in a
`secured, locked room without Internet access or network access to other computers,
`and the Receiving Party shall not copy, remove, or otherwise transfer any portion
`of the Source Code onto any recordable media or recordable device. The secured
`computer shall have disk encryption and be password protected. Other than the
`Notetaking Computer described below, use or possession of any input/output
`device (e.g., USB memory stick, mobile phone or tablet, camera or any camera-
`enabled device, CD, floppy disk, portable hard drive, laptop, or any device that can
`access the Internet or any other network or external system, etc.) is prohibited while
`accessing the computer containing the Source Code. All persons entering the
`locked room containing the Source Code must agree to submit to reasonable
`security measures to ensure they are not carrying any prohibited items before they
`will be given access to the locked room. The computer containing Source Code
`will be made available for inspection during regular business hours, upon


`reasonable notice to the Supplying Private Party, which shall not be less than four
`business days in advance of the requested inspection. The Supplying Private Party
`may visually monitor the activities of the Receiving Party’s representatives during
`any Source Code review, but only to ensure that there is no unauthorized recording,
`copying, or transmission of the Source Code.
`No person shall copy, e-mail, transmit, upload, download, print,
`photograph or otherwise duplicate any portion of the designated as “[SUPPLIER’S
`material, except that the Receiving Party may request paper copies of limited
`portions of Source Code, but only if and to the extent reasonably necessary for the
`preparation of court filings, pleadings, expert reports, or other papers, or for
`deposition or trial. In no event may the Receiving Party print more than 25
`consecutive pages, or an aggregate total of more than 750 pages, of Source Code
`during the duration of the case without prior written approval by the Supplying
`Private Party. The Source Code may only be transported by the Receiving Party
`via hand carry or other similarly reliable courier. The Receiving Party shall not
`request paper copies for the purposes of reviewing the Source Code other than
`electronically as set forth in paragraph 18(B)(b)(i) in the first instance. Within 5
`business days, the Supplying Private Party will provide the requested material on
`watermarked or colored paper bearing Bates numbers and
`SOURCE CODE” unless objected to as discussed below. At the Receiving Party’s
`request, up to four additional sets (or subsets) of printed Source Code may be
`requested and provided by the Supplying Private Party in a timely fashion.


`The Receiving Party shall maintain a record of any individual who has
`inspected any portion of the Source Code in electronic or paper form. The Receiving Party shall
`maintain all printed portions of the Source Code in a secured, locked area under the direct control
`of counsel responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of the designated materials.
`Any paper copies designated “[SUPPLIER’S NAME] CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS
`INFORMATION - SOURCE CODE” shall be stored or viewed only at (i) the offices of Outside
`Litigation Counsel for the Receiving Party, (ii) the offices of Experts who have been approved to
`access Source Code; (iii) the site where any deposition is taken (iv) the Court; or (v) any
`intermediate location necessary to transport the information to a hearing, trial or deposition. Except
`as provided in subsection (i) of this section, the Receiving Party shall not create any electronic or
`other images of the paper copies and shall not convert any of the information contained in the
`paper copies into any electronic format. Any printed pages of Source Code, and any other
`documents or things reflecting Source Code that have been designated by the Supplying Private
`CODE” may not be copied, digitally imaged, or otherwise duplicated, except in limited excerpts
`as provided in subsection (i) below. Any paper copies used during a deposition shall be retrieved
`by the Receiving Party’s Outside Litigation Counsel at the end of each day and must not be given
`to or left with a court reporter or any other unauthorized ind

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