`Washington, D.C.
`INV. NO. 337-TA-1242
`In the Matter of
`(June 17, 2021)
`On June 9, 2021, complainants SkyBell Technologies, Inc., SB IP Holdings, LLC, and
`Eyetalk365, LLC, and respondents Vivint Smart Home Inc., SimpliSafe, Inc., and Arlo
`Technologies, Inc. (collectively, the “Parties”) filed a joint motion (“Mot.”) seeking to amend the
`Protective Order (Order No. 1) to include enhanced confidentiality provisions for source code
`produced in this investigation. Motion Docket No. 1242-003. The Parties also seek an amendment
`to the Protective Order that would bar persons who review source code from participating in certain
`patent prosecution activities concerning related subject matter. See Mot. Ex. A ¶ 21.
`Motion No. 1242-003 is granted-in-part. Good cause has been shown for the additional
`source code provisions set forth in the Parties’ proposed addendum to the protective order. Those
`provisions, appended to this order as Attachment A, are hereby incorporated into the Protective
`The Parties’ request for a prosecution bar is denied without prejudice. To demonstrate the
`need for a patent prosecution bar in this investigation, the Parties must show that (1) the


`information triggering the bar is confidential, relevant to patent prosecution, and is of the kind that
`may pose a heightened risk of inadvertent disclosure; (2) a particular patent prosecution attorney
`having access to the information is involved in competitive decision making; and (3) the risk of
`inadvertent disclosure by that person outweighs the burden a prosecution bar would impose on that
`individual. See, e.g., Certain Consumer Electronics, Including Mobile Phones and Tablets, Inv.
`No. 337-TA-839, Order No. 28, at 4 (Jan. 7, 2013) (discussing In re Deutsche Bank Tr. Co.
`Americas, 605 F.3d 1373 (Fed. Cir. 2010)); see also Certain Multi-Domain Test and Measurement
`Instruments, Inv. No. 337-TA-1104, Order No. 9, at 3 (Jun. 11, 2018) (applying Deutsche Bank to
`determine whether a prosecution bar is warranted).
`The Parties have not demonstrated that a particular patent prosecution attorney has access
`to confidential information in this investigation such that there is a risk of inadvertent disclosure.
`Compare Certain Pre-Filled Syringes for Intravitreal Injection and Components Thereof, Inv. No.
`337-TA-1207, Order No. 17, at 3–4 (Nov. 17, 2020) (four attorneys subscribed to the
`administrative protective order also represented the same client in pending inter partes review
`petitions before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office) with Certain Multi-Domain Test and
`Measurement Instruments, Inv. No. 337-TA-1104, Order No. 9, at 3 (prosecution bar unwarranted
`without a showing related to a particular attorney).




`“Outside Counsel” means (i) outside counsel who appear on the pleadings as
`counsel for a Party and (ii) partners, associates, and staff of such counsel to whom it is reasonably
`necessary to disclose the information for this litigation, including supporting personnel employed
`by the attorneys, such as paralegals, legal translators, legal secretaries, and legal clerks. However,
`“Outside Counsel” expressly precludes any attorneys who also serve as In-house Counsel and/or


`who are members, officers, or directors of a Party or anyone who is an employee of a Party even
`if that person appears on the pleadings as counsel for a Party.
`“In-house Counsel” means attorneys who are employees of a Party, and includes
`supporting personnel employed by those counsel, such as paralegals.
`“Party” means any party to this Investigation, including all of its officers, directors,
`employees, consultants, retained experts, and Outside Counsel and their support staff.
`“Producing Party” means any Party or non-party that discloses or produces any
`Discovery Material in this case.
`“Receiving Party” means any Party who receives Discovery Material from a
`Producing Party.
`“Source Code” means data that defines software, firmware, and/or circuits (“source
`code”), including computer code, object code (i.e., computer instructions and data definitions
`expressed in a form suitable for input to an assembler, compiler, or other translator), microcode,
`pseudocode, source code listings, software code for performing numerical or data analysis,
`mathematical modeling, or simulations (e.g., scripts, algorithms, and/or functions), register
`transfer language (“RTL”), source code for firmware, drivers, controllers, and hardware
`description language (“HDL”), as well as any and all programmer notes, annotations, revision
`histories, and other comments related thereto and directly associated with and accompanying the
`code. For avoidance of doubt, this includes, but is not limited to, source files, project files, make
`files, intermediate output files, executable files, header files, resource files, binaries, scripts,
`algorithms, library files, module definition files, map files, object files, linker files, and debug


`A Producing Party may designate Source Code as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL –
`SOURCE CODE” if it comprises or includes confidential, proprietary, and/or trade secret Source
`Nothing in this Protective Order shall obligate any Party to produce any Source
`Code, nor act as an admission that any particular Source Code is discoverable.
`Unless otherwise ordered by the Administrative Law Judge or the Commission,
`confidential business information designated as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE”
`shall be subject to the provisions set forth in Paragraph 20 below, and may be disclosed, subject to
`Paragraph 20 below, solely to:
`The Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel;
`Any outside expert or consultant retained by the Receiving Party to assist
`in this Investigation, provided that disclosure is only to the extent necessary to perform such work;
`and provided that: (a) such expert or consultant has agreed to be bound by the provisions of the
`Protective Order by signing a copy of Attachment A to the Protective Order; (b) such expert or
`consultant is not a current officer, director, or employee of a Party or of a competitor of a Party,
`nor anticipated at the time of retention to become an officer, director, or employee of a Party or of
`a competitor of a Party; and (c) no unresolved objections to such disclosure exist after proper notice
`has been given to all Parties as set forth in Paragraph 11 of the Protective Order;
`Court reporters, stenographers, and videographers retained to record
`testimony taken in this action;


`The Commission, the Administrative Law Judge, the Commission
`Investigative Staff, Commission personnel and contract personnel who are acting in the capacity of
`Commission employees as indicated in paragraph 3(iv-v) of the Protective Order.
`Any other person with the prior written consent of the Producing Party.
`Any Source Code that is produced shall be made available for inspection in
`electronic format at the office of the Producing Party’s Outside Counsel, and where available and
`convenient for Respondents, in Dallas, TX, or any other location mutually agreed by the Parties.
`In the event a Respondent agrees to provide Source Code in Dallas, TX, Complainants agree to
`provide Source Code at a convenient location for that Respondent’s experts, consultants, or other
`representatives designated to review and inspect the source code. Source Code will be made
`available for inspection between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on business days (i.e.,
`weekdays that are not Federal holidays), or at other mutually agreeable times.
`Prior to the first inspection of any requested Source Code, the Parties agree to meet
`and confer regarding the review and production of Source Code if requested by either Party.
`Further, the Receiving Party shall provide ten (10) days’ notice for its initial review of any Source
`Code that it wishes to inspect, identifying in writing the person(s) who will be reviewing the Source
`Code. The Receiving Party shall provide two (2) business days’ notice prior to any additional
`inspections, identifying in writing the person(s) who will be reviewing the Source Code.
`Source Code that is designated “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE”
`shall be produced for inspection and review subject to the following provisions, unless otherwise
`agreed by the Producing Party:


`All Source Code shall be made available by the Producing Party to the
`Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel and/or experts in a secure room1 on at least one secured
`computer without Internet access or network access to other computers and on which all access
`ports have been disabled, so that additional peripheral devices cannot be connected to it and as
`necessary and appropriate to prevent and protect against any unauthorized copying, transmission,
`removal, or other transfer of any Source Code outside or away from the computer on which the
`Source Code is provided for inspection but which includes a mouse and keyboard, and if
`practicable an extra monitor) (the “Source Code Computer” in the “Source Code Review Room”).
`Upon ten (10) days’ notice and if practical given Covid-19 restrictions that may be in place, the
`Producing Party shall make a second review computer available. The Source Code Computer shall
`be password protected and shall have the Source Code stored on a hard drive contained inside or
`securely attached to the computer. The supplier shall produce Source Code in computer searchable
`format on the Source Code Computer and in the file format in which the Source Code is kept in
`the ordinary course of the Producing Party’s business. If requested, the Producing Party shall
`provide the Receiving Party with information explaining how to start, log on to, and operate the
`stand-alone computer(s) in order to access the produced Source Code. Proper identification of all
`authorized persons shall be provided prior to any access to the Source Code Review Room or the
`Source Code Computer. Proper identification requires showing, at a minimum, a photo
`identification card sanctioned by the government of any State of the United States, by the
`government of the United States, or by the nation state of the authorized person’s current
`1 The Producing and Receiving Parties shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of
`COVID-19 and/or other viruses by practicing social distancing, wearing face masks, and making cleaning
`and sanitizing supplies available in the area where review and inspection of source code is to take place.


`citizenship. Access to the Source Code Review Room or the Source Code Computer may be
`denied, at the discretion of the Producing Party, to any individual who fails to provide proper
`Upon request by the Receiving Party and approval by the Producing Party,
`which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, the Producing Party will make reasonable efforts
`to install reasonable analysis tools appropriate for the type of Source Code supplied by the Producing
`Party, with a license for such tools supplied by the Receiving Party at least five (5) business days in
`advance of the date upon which the reviewer wishes to have the software tools available for use on the
`Source Code Computer. Such software shall not be capable of compiling, assembling or building
`the source code and must otherwise be consistent with the security purposes of this Protective
`Order and, for example, shall not re-activate the computer’s ports, reactivate any of its wireless
`devices or capabilities, re-activate electronic or physical copying, or otherwise defeat the security
`provisions. The Producing Party need not produce source code in executable format absent further
`agreement of the parties or order of the Administrative Law Judge. Approved analysis tools include
`the following:
`Understand by
`SlickEdit Pro
`License key will be
`Free trial version
`No electronic devices, including without limitation laptops, sound
`recorders, personal digital assistants (PDAs), cellular telephones, peripheral equipment, cameras,
`voice recorders, Dictaphones, telephone jacks, CDs, DVDs, or drives of any kind (e.g., USB
`memory sticks and portable hard drives), shall be permitted into the Source Code Review Room.


`No non-electronic devices capable of similar functionality shall be permitted in the Source Code
`Review Room.
`The reviewer shall not take notes electronically on the Source Code
`Computer itself or any other computer or electronic device while conducting a review. The
`reviewer shall be entitled to take handwritten notes relating to the Source Code. Written notes
`relating to the Source Code may be taken only in spiral- or permanently-bound notebooks. The
`Source Code may not be copied into the notes. Notwithstanding this provision, file names, location
`(i.e., directory path), and line numbers as well as function, parameter, and variable names and
`relationship between segments of code may be copied into the notes. Unless otherwise agreed in
`advance by the Parties in writing, following each day on which inspection is done under this Order,
`the Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel and/or experts shall remove all notes, documents, and all
`other materials from the Source Code Review Room and shall maintain any such notes in a manner
`that prevents duplication of or unauthorized access to the Source Code. Any such notes must be
`marked on each page with the designation “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE.”
`The Producing Party may visually monitor the activities of the Receiving
`Party’s representatives during any Source Code review to ensure compliance with these
`restrictions. During the Receiving Party’s review of the Source Code, the Producing Party shall
`not otherwise interfere with the Receiving Party’s review of the Source Code and shall not be
`permitted access to the Receiving Party’s notes, work product, or discussions inside the review
`room or following each day’s inspection of the Source Code.
`During the Source Code review, the Producing Party agrees to make
`reasonable efforts provide a “break-out” room for the Receiving Party’s Source Code reviewer(s)
`to make phone calls, use the Internet, and work. To the extent such a break out room is not


`reasonably available, the Producing Party agrees to notify the Receiving Party in advance of any
`day on which the Receiving Party’s Source Code reviewers are expected to inspect the Source
`Code and to provide alternative arrangements where practical.
`(vii) No copies of all or any portion of the Source Code may leave the Source
`Code Review Room except as otherwise provided herein. Further, no other written or electronic
`record of the Source Code is permitted except as otherwise provided herein. The Receiving Party
`may request a reasonable number of pages of Source Code to be printed by the Producing Party,
`but no more than 37 consecutive pages, or an aggregate total of more than 1125 pages and only
`when reasonably necessary to prepare Commission filings or pleadings or other papers (including
`a testifying expert’s expert report), to prepare for and conduct depositions, and only to the extent
`necessary for use in this Investigation.2 To the extent Receiving Party requires an aggregate total
`of more than 1125 pages of source code, the Receiving Party shall make such request in writing,
`including the good faith basis of such a request. The Producing Party will have 5 business days to
`object and provide basis to object to the request. If Producing Party objects to the request, and the
`parties are not able to resolve the issue within ten (10) business days of the request, Receiving
`Party can move to compel Producing Party to produce the requested source code over the 1125
`page limit. The Receiving Party shall not request printing of Source Code in order to review blocks
`of Source Code elsewhere in the first instance, i.e., as an alternative to reviewing that Source Code
`electronically on the Source Code Computer, as the Parties acknowledge and agree that the purpose
`of the protections herein would be frustrated by printing portions of code for review and analysis
`2 As an alternative, a Producing Party may at its sole discretion, but is not required to, opt to produce its source code
`on CD, DVD, or other storage media as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE.” The Receiving Party may
`copy such produced source code of the Producing Party from the medium to a secured computer without Internet
`access or network access to other computers which must be kept in a secure location at the offices of the Receiving
`Party’s Outside Counsel.


`elsewhere, and printing is permitted only when necessary to prepare filings or pleadings or other
`papers (including a testifying expert’s expert report.).
`(viii) The Producing Party shall Bates number, copy, and label “HIGHLY
`CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” any pages requested by the Receiving Party. Within five
`(5) business days, the Producing Party shall either (i) provide up to three (3) copy sets of such
`pages to the Receiving Party, or (ii) inform the Requesting Party that it objects that the printed
`portions are excessive and/or not done for a permitted purpose. If, after meeting and conferring
`within three (3) days of any objections, the Producing Party and the Receiving Party cannot resolve
`the objection, the Receiving Party shall within five (5) business days of the meet and confer move
`for an Order compelling production and shall agree to expedited briefing of the motion.3
`Access to the Source Code Computer shall be limited to Outside Counsel
`representing the Reviewing Party and three (3) outside consultants or experts retained by the
`Reviewing Party and qualified pursuant to paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Protective Order.
`The Producing Party may maintain a log identifying: (a) the name of each
`person who accessed the Source Code Review Room; (b) the date and time of access; (c) the length
`of time of access; and (d) whether any pages were printed. The Producing Party may also retain
`copies of any printed pages of the Source Code.
`The copy sets of the Source Code must be kept in a locked storage container
`where they will not be accessible to persons other than those allowed access under this order.
`3 Both Parties agree that the briefing period and page-limits for such motions for a protective order shall be
`as follows: (1) Producing Party shall file the motion by 5:00 PM EST no later than five (5) business days
`after the meet and confer with an agreed motion for expedited briefing as set forth herein; (2) Receiving
`Party’s Response shall fall due within ten (10) days. Both the Producing and Receiving Party further agree
`that briefing for such motions shall be limited to no more than five (5) pages for the motion and five (5)
`pages for the response to the motion. The Parties further agree that neither reply nor sur-reply briefs shall
`be filed in connection with such motions.


`Except as explicitly permitted below, the Receiving Party is prohibited from making additional
`copies or scanning the printouts.
`The Receiving Party must maintain a log identifying each person who
`reviews the printouts. The Receiving Party must provide the Producing Party with a copy of the
`log on seven (7) business days’ notice.
`(xiii) A Receiving Party may make copies of source code for outside counsel and
`its experts’ use at a deposition or hearing. The Receiving Party will notify the Producing Party
`three days in advance of a deposition to provide the Producing Party the option of making a Source
`Code Computer available at a deposition or hearing or printed copies for witnesses, the Producing
`Party’s counsel, and the Court as appropriate (and identify the required pages by production
`number). At the conclusion of the deposition or hearing, the additional copies will be returned to
`the Producing Party or destroyed. Copies shall not be attached to deposition transcripts.
`(xiv) Except as provided herein, absent express written permission from the
`Producing Party, the Receiving Party may not create electronic images, or any other images, or
`make electronic copies of the Source Code from any paper copy of Source Code for use in any
`manner (including by way of example only, the Receiving Party may not scan the Source Code to
`a PDF or photograph the code) except in preparation for or in connection with: (i) filing (under
`seal) and service of papers, motions, and pleadings; (ii) expert reports and contentions; and (iii) a
`hearing in this Investigation. Any such electronic copies shall be included in the log generated
`pursuant to subsection (xiii). Images or copies of Source Code shall not be included in
`correspondence between the Parties (references to production numbers shall be used instead) and
`shall be omitted from pleadings and other papers whenever possible.


`(xv) A Receiving Party that wants to serve, file, or otherwise submit Source
`Code in connection with a filing or document served may, no earlier than 72 hours prior to the
`relevant filing, make only as many copies, and only of the specific pages as needed, for submission.
`It must file the materials under seal and must notify the Producing Party upon filing. To the extent
`it is necessary to reference Source Code in an expert report, filing, or other discovery document,
`the excerpts must be limited to the minimum amount necessary to support the specific argument
`made. Documents containing excerpts must be designated “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL –
`(xvi) Access to and review of the Source Code shall be strictly for the purpose of
`investigating the claims and defenses at issue in the above-styled case. No person shall review or
`analyze any Source Code for purposes unrelated to this case, nor may any person use any knowledge
`gained as a result of reviewing Source Code in this case in any other pending or future dispute,
`proceeding, or litigation.


`I, Lisa R. Barton, hereby certify that the attached ORDER has been served upon the
`following parties as indicated, on June 17, 2021.
`Inv. No. 337-TA-1242
`On Behalf of Complainants SkyBell Technologies, Inc., SB IP
`Holdings, LLC, and Eyetalk365, LLC:
`Rett Snotherly, Esq.
`1101 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 450
`Washington, DC 20036
`On Behalf of Respondent Arlo Technologies, Inc.:
`Sean C. Cunningham, Esq.
`401 B Street, Suite 1700
`San Diego, California 92101
`On Behalf of Respondent SimpliSafe, Inc.:
`Adam R. Alper, Esq.
`555 California Street
`San Francisco, CA 94104
`On Behalf of Respondent Vivint Smart Home, Inc.:
`Charles Barquist, Esq.
`300 South Grand Ave., Suite 1400
`Lisa R. Barton, Secretary
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, SW, Room 112
`Washington, DC 20436
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`Inv. No. 337-TA-1242
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