`Washington, D.C.
`In the Matter of
` Inv. No. 337-TA-1242
`(January 26, 2021)
`WHEREAS, documents and information may be sought, produced or exhibited by and
`among the parties to the above captioned proceeding, which materials relate to trade secrets or
`other confidential research, development or commercial information, as such terms are used in
`the Commission’s Rules, 19 C.F.R. § 210.5;
`Confidential business information is information which concerns or relates to the
`trade secrets, processes, operations, style of work, or apparatus, or to the production, sales,
`shipments, purchases, transfers, identification of customers, inventories, amount or source of any
`income, profits, losses, or expenditures of any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other
`organization, or other information of commercial value, the disclosure of which is likely to have
`the effect of either (i) impairing the Commission’s ability to obtain such information as is
`necessary to perform its statutory functions; or (ii) causing substantial harm to the competitive
`position of the person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other organization from which the
`information was obtained, unless the Commission is required by law to disclose such


`information. The term “confidential business information” includes “proprietary information”
`within the meaning of section 777(b) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. § 1677f(b)).
`2(a). Any information submitted, in pre-hearing discovery or in a pleading, motion, or
`response to a motion either voluntarily or pursuant to order, in this investigation, which is
`asserted by a supplier to contain or constitute confidential business information shall be so
`designated by such supplier in writing, or orally at a deposition, conference or hearing, and shall
`be segregated from other information being submitted. Documents shall be clearly and
`prominently marked on their face with the legend: “CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS
`information, whether submitted in writing or in oral testimony, shall be treated in accordance
`with the terms of this protective order.
`The Administrative Law Judge or the Commission may determine that
`information alleged to be confidential is not confidential, or that its disclosure is necessary for
`the proper disposition of the proceeding, before, during or after the close of a hearing herein. If
`such a determination is made by the Administrative Law Judge or the Commission, opportunity
`shall be provided to the supplier of such information to argue its confidentiality prior to the time
`of such ruling.
`In the absence of written permission from the supplier or an order by the
`Commission or the Administrative Law Judge, any confidential documents or business
`information submitted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 above shall not be
`disclosed to any person other than: (i) outside counsel for parties to this investigation, including
`necessary secretarial and support personnel assisting such counsel; (ii) qualified persons taking
`testimony involving such documents or information and necessary stenographic and clerical


`personnel thereof; (iii) technical experts and their staff who are employed for the purposes of this
`litigation (unless they are otherwise employed by, consultants to, or otherwise affiliated with a
`non-governmental party, or are employees of any domestic or foreign manufacturer, wholesaler,
`retailer, or distributor of the products, devices or component parts that are the subject of this
`investigation); (iv) the Commission, the Administrative Law Judge, the Commission staff, and
`personnel of any governmental agency as authorized by the Commission; (v) the Commission, its
`employees, and contract personnel who are acting in the capacity of Commission employees, for
`developing or maintaining the records of this investigation or related proceedings for which this
`information is submitted, or in internal audits and investigations relating to the programs and
`operations of the Commission pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Appendix 3; and (vi) by U.S. government
`employees and contract personnel, solely for cybersecurity purposes.1
`Confidential business information submitted in accordance with the provisions of
`paragraph 2 above shall not be made available to any person designated in paragraph 3(i)2 and
`(iii) unless he or she shall have first read this order and shall have agreed, by letter filed with the
`Secretary of this Commission: (i) to be bound by the terms thereof; (ii) not to reveal such
`confidential business information to anyone other than another person designated in paragraph 3;
`(iii) to utilize such confidential business information solely for purposes of this investigation;
`and (iv) including the following acknowledgment:
`I, the undersigned, acknowledge that information submitted in response to this
`request for information and throughout this investigation or other proceeding may
`be disclosed to and used:
`(i) by the Commission, its employees and Offices, and contract personnel (a) for
`developing or maintaining the records of this or a related proceeding, or (b) in
`internal investigations, audits, reviews, and evaluations relating to the programs,
`1 See Commission Administrative Order 16-01 (Nov. 7, 2015).
`2 Necessary secretarial and support personnel assisting counsel need not sign onto the protective
`order themselves because they are covered by counsel’s signing onto the protective order.


`personnel, and operations of the Commission including under 5 U.S.C. Appendix
`3; or
`(ii) by U.S. government employees and contract personnel, solely for
`cybersecurity purposes. I understand that all contract personnel will sign
`appropriate nondisclosure agreements.
`If the Commission or the Administrative Law Judge orders, or if the supplier and
`all parties to the investigation agree, that access to, or dissemination of information submitted as
`confidential business information shall be made to persons not included in paragraph 3 above,
`such matter shall only be accessible to, or disseminated to, such persons based upon the
`conditions pertaining to, and obligations arising from this order, and such persons shall be
`considered subject to it, unless the Commission or the Administrative Law Judge finds that the
`information is not confidential business information as defined in paragraph 1 hereof.
`6(a). Any confidential business information submitted to the Commission or the
`Administrative Law Judge in connection with a motion or other proceeding within the purview
`of this investigation shall be submitted under seal pursuant to paragraph 2 above. Any portion of
`a transcript in connection with this investigation containing any confidential business
`information submitted pursuant to paragraph 2 above shall be bound separately and filed under
`seal. When any confidential business information submitted in accordance with paragraph 2
`above is included in an authorized transcript of a deposition or exhibits thereto, arrangements
`shall be made with the court reporter taking the deposition to bind such confidential portions and
`PROTECTIVE ORDER.” Before a court reporter or translator receives any such information, he
`or she shall have first read this order and shall have agreed in writing to be bound by the terms
`thereof. Alternatively, he or she shall sign the agreement included as Attachment A hereto.


`Copies of each such signed agreement shall be provided to the supplier of such confidential
`business information and the Secretary of the Commission.
`Suppliers of confidential business information are strongly encouraged to encrypt
`nonpublic documents that are electronically transmitted to the Commission to protect your
`sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure. The USITC secure drop-box system and the
`Electronic Document Information System (EDIS) use Federal Information Processing Standards
`(FIPS) 140-2 cryptographic algorithms to encrypt data in transit. Submitting your nonpublic
`documents by a means that does not use these encryption algorithms (such as by email) may
`subject your firm’s nonpublic information to unauthorized disclosure during transmission. If you
`choose a non-encrypted method of electronic transmission, the Commission warns you that the
`risk of such possible unauthorized disclosure is assumed by you and not by the Commission.
`The restrictions upon, and obligations accruing to, persons who become subject to
`this order shall not apply to any information submitted in accordance with paragraph 2 above to
`which the person asserting the confidential status thereof agrees in writing, or the Commission or
`the Administrative Law Judge rules, after an opportunity for hearing, was publicly known at the
`time it was supplied to the receiving party or has since become publicly known through no fault
`of the receiving party.
`The Commission, the Administrative Law Judge, and the Commission
`investigative attorney acknowledge that any document or information submitted as confidential
`business information pursuant to paragraph 2 above is to be treated as such within the meaning
`of 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(4) and 18 U.S.C. § 1905, subject to a contrary ruling, after hearing, by the
`Commission or its Freedom of Information Act Officer, or the Administrative Law Judge. When
`such information is made part of a pleading or is offered into the evidentiary record, the data set


`forth in 19 C.F.R. § 201.6 must be provided except during the time that the proceeding is
`pending before the Administrative Law Judge. During that time, the party offering the
`confidential business information must, upon request, provide a statement as to the claimed basis
`for its confidentiality.
`Unless a designation of confidentiality has been withdrawn, or a determination
`has been made by the Commission or the Administrative Law Judge that information designated
`as confidential, is no longer confidential, the Commission, the Administrative Law Judge, and
`the Commission investigative attorney shall take all necessary and proper steps to preserve the
`confidentiality of, and to protect each supplier's rights with respect to, any confidential business
`information designated by the supplier in accordance with paragraph 2 above, including, without
`limitation: (a) notifying the supplier promptly of (i) any inquiry or request by anyone for the
`substance of or access to such confidential business information, other than those authorized
`pursuant to this order, under the Freedom of Information Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. § 552) and
`(ii) any proposal to redesignate or make public any such confidential business information; and
`(b) providing the supplier at least seven days after receipt of such inquiry or request within which
`to take action before the Commission, its Freedom of Information Act Officer, or the
`Administrative Law Judge, or otherwise to preserve the confidentiality of and to protect its rights
`in, and to, such confidential business information.
`If while an investigation is before the Administrative Law Judge, a party to this
`order who is to be a recipient of any business information designated as confidential and
`submitted in accordance with paragraph 2 disagrees with respect to such a designation, in full or
`in part, it shall notify the supplier in writing, and they will thereupon confer as to the status of the
`subject information proffered within the context of this order. If prior to, or at the time of such a


`conference, the supplier withdraws its designation of such information as being subject to this
`order, but nonetheless submits such information for purposes of the investigation, such supplier
`shall express the withdrawal, in writing, and serve such withdrawal upon all parties and the
`Administrative Law Judge. If the recipient and supplier are unable to concur upon the status of
`the subject information submitted as confidential business information within ten days from the
`date of notification of such disagreement, any party to this order may raise the issue of the
`designation of such a status to the Administrative Law Judge who will rule upon the matter. The
`Administrative Law Judge may sua sponte question the designation of the confidential status of
`any information and, after opportunity for hearing, may remove the confidentiality designation.
`No less than 10 days (or any other period of time designated by the
`Administrative Law Judge) prior to the initial disclosure to a proposed expert of any confidential
`information submitted in accordance with paragraph 2, the party proposing to use such expert
`shall submit in writing the name of such proposed expert and his or her educational and detailed
`employment history to the supplier. If the supplier objects to the disclosure of such confidential
`business information to such proposed expert as inconsistent with the language or intent of this
`order or on other grounds, it shall notify the recipient in writing of its objection and the grounds
`therefore prior to the initial disclosure. If the dispute is not resolved on an informal basis within
`ten days of receipt of such notice of objections, the supplier shall submit immediately each
`objection to the Administrative Law Judge for a ruling by filing a motion for a protective order
`pursuant to Commission Rule 210.34. If the investigation is before the Commission the matter
`shall be submitted to the Commission for resolution. The submission of such confidential
`business information to such proposed expert shall be withheld pending the ruling of the
`Commission or the Administrative Law Judge. The terms of this paragraph shall be inapplicable


`to experts within the Commission or to experts from other governmental agencies who are
`consulted with or used by the Commission.
`If confidential business information submitted in accordance with paragraph 2 is
`disclosed to any person other than in the manner authorized by this protective order, the party
`responsible for the disclosure must immediately bring all pertinent facts relating to such
`disclosure to the attention of the supplier and the Administrative Law Judge and, without
`prejudice to other rights and remedies of the supplier, make every effort to prevent further
`disclosure by it or by the person who was the recipient of such information.
`Nothing in this order shall abridge the right of any person to seek judicial review
`or to pursue other appropriate judicial action with respect to any ruling made by the Commission,
`its Freedom of Information Act Officer, or the Administrative Law Judge concerning the issue of
`the status of confidential business information.
`Upon final termination of this investigation, each recipient of confidential
`business information that is subject to this order shall assemble and return to the supplier all
`items containing such information submitted in accordance with paragraph 2 above, including all
`copies of such matter which may have been made. Alternatively, the parties subject to this order
`may, with the written consent of the supplier, destroy all items containing confidential business
`information and certify to the supplier (or his counsel) that such destruction has taken place.
`This paragraph shall not apply to the Commission, including its investigative attorney, and the
`Administrative Law Judge, which shall retain such material pursuant to statutory requirements
`and for other recordkeeping purposes, but may destroy such material (including electronic media
`containing such information) in its possession which it regards as surplusage.


`Notwithstanding the above paragraph, confidential business information may be
`transmitted to a district court pursuant to Commission Rule 210.5(c).
`If any confidential business information which is supplied in accordance with
`paragraph 2 above is supplied by a nonparty to this investigation, such a nonparty shall be
`considered a “supplier” as that term is used in the context of this order.
`Each nonparty supplier shall be provided a copy of this order by the party seeking
`information from said supplier.
`The Secretary shall serve a copy of this order upon all represented parties by
`electronic service, and Complainants shall complete service on unrepresented parties, pursuant to
`Ground Rule 1.5.
`Dee Lord
`Administrative Law Judge


`Attachment A
`I, , do solemnly swear or affirm that I will not divulge any
`information communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing in
`the matter of Certain IP Camera Systems Including Video Doorbells and Components Thereof,
`Investigation No. 337-TA-1242, except as permitted in the protective order issued in this case. I
`will not directly or indirectly use or allow the use of such information for any purpose other than
`that directly associated with my official duties in this case.
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any
`person reveal the nature or content of any information communicated during any confidential
`portion of the investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also affirm that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any of the
`participants in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is a
`violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment
`of up to ten (10) years, or both.
`Firm or affiliation


`Inv. No. 337-TA-1242
`I, Lisa R. Barton, hereby certify that the attached ORDER has been served upon the
`following parties as indicated, on January 26, 2021.
`Lisa R. Barton, Secretary
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, SW, Room 112
`Washington, DC 20436
`On Behalf of Complainants SkyBell Technologies, Inc., SB IP
`Holdings, LLC, and Eyetalk365, LLC:
`Rett Snotherly, Esq.
`1101 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 450
`Washington, DC 20036
`Vivint Smart Home, Inc.
`4931 North 300 West
`Provo, UT 84604
`SimpliSafe, Inc.
`294 Washington Street, 9th Floor
`Boston, MA 02108
`Arlo Technologies Inc.
`3030 Orchard Parkway
`San Jose, CA 95134
`☐ Via Hand Delivery
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`Completed by Complainants
`☐ Via Hand Delivery
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`☒ Other: Service to Be
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