1:25-cv-00491 | Indiana Southern District Court

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Division Indianapolis
Judge Judge James Patrick Hanlon
Filed March 13, 2025
Magistrate Magistrate Judge Mario Garcia
Nature of Suit 110 Insurance
Cause 12:635 Breach of Insurance Contract
Jury Demand None
The docket is incomplete. Sign up for verified information.
Filing Date # Docket Text
3/21/2025Notice of Appearance
3/19/2025SCHEDULING Order
3/17/2025Notice of Appearance
3/14/2025Notice to File Rule 7.1 Disclosure Statement. (KLS) (KAA) (Entered: 03/14/2025)
3/14/2025MAGISTRATE JUDGE's NOTICE of Availability to Exercise Jurisdiction issued. (KAA) (Entered: 03/14/2025)
3/14/2025 PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES before Judge James Patrick Hanlon. (KAA) (Entered: 03/14/2025)
3/14/2025Rule 7.1 Disclosure Statement by TRAVELERS PERSONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. (Brown, Stephen) (Entered: 03/14/2025)
3/13/2025NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Hamilton County Superior Court, case number 29D03-2409-PL-010174, filed by TRAVELERS PERSONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. (Filing fee $405, receipt number AINSDC-8585908) (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Exhibit A - State Court Summons and Complaint, # 3 Exhibit B - State Court Record (Appearance by Michael Schultz, Petition to Appoint Umpire, Summons to Travelers, Order Appointing Umpire, Certificate of Issuance of Summons to Travelers, Appearance by Pam Paige, Motion to Set Aside Appointment, Answer to Plaintiffs' Petition to Appoint Umpire and Counterclaim for Declaratory Relief, Objection to Motion to Set Aside Appointment of Umpire, Order Denying Defendant's Motion to Set Aside Appointment of Umpire, Plaintiffs' Reply to Counterclaim for Declaratory Relief, Verified Petition for Temporary Admission of Attorney, Order Granting Verified Petition for Temporary Admission of Attorney, Motion to Withdraw Attorney, Order Granting Motion to Withdraw Attorney), # 4 Exhibit C - Appraisal Award, # 5 Exhibit D - Notice of Filing Notice of Removal of Civil Action)(Brown, Stephen) (Entered: 03/13/2025)