Allen, Robert v. Washington, Gerald, Jr.

2022-L-004706 | Illinois State, Cook County, Circuit Court

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Division Law Division
Location First Municipal
Filed May 26, 2022

Note: Judges are determined by the assigned courtroom. While the above judge often uses that courtroom, we do not guarantee the judge presides over this case.

Case Type Motor Vehicle - Non Jury
Demand $0.00
Last Updated: 1 year, 10 months ago
Filing Date # Docket Text
4/24/2023Case Continued For Case Management Conference - Allowed - Court room: 2205 Date court: 08/01/2024 Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert Time court: 1000
4/24/2023Strike From Case Management Call - Allowed Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert
4/24/2023Amend Order Or Decree - Allowed - Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert
3/7/2023Continuance - Allowed - Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert
2/3/2023Continuance - Allowed - Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert
1/11/2023Case Continued For Case Management Conference - Allowed - Court room: 2205 Date court: 10/11/2023 Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert Time court: 1000
1/11/2023Strike From Case Management Call - Allowed Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert
1/11/2023Amend Order Or Decree - Allowed - Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert
1/4/2023Strike From Case Management Call - Allowed Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert
1/4/2023File Appearance Or Jury Demand, Answer Or Plead - Allowed - Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert
1/4/2023Continuance - Allowed - Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert
12/19/2022Court Date To Stand - Allowed Filed by: LAWRENCE, MARK DAVID Judge: FLANNERY, JAMES P Participant: Washington, Gerald, Jr.
12/19/2022Case Consolidated For Discovery Purposes - Allowed - Filed by: LAWRENCE, MARK DAVID Judge: FLANNERY, JAMES P Participant: Washington, Gerald, Jr.
12/12/2022Motion Filed Filed by: LAWRENCE, MARK DAVID Participant: Washington, Gerald, Jr.
12/12/2022Notice Of Motion Filed Filed by: LAWRENCE, MARK DAVID Participant: Washington, Gerald, Jr.
10/19/2022Strike Or Withdraw Motion Or Petition - Allowed - Filed by: LAWRENCE, MARK DAVID Judge: SOLGANICK, IRWIN J. Participant: Washington, Gerald, Jr.
10/3/2022Motion Filed Filed by: LAWRENCE, MARK DAVID Participant: Washington, Gerald, Jr.
10/3/2022Notice Of Motion Filed Filed by: LAWRENCE, MARK DAVID Participant: Washington, Gerald, Jr.
9/28/2022Notice Of Filing Filed Filed by: LAWRENCE, MARK DAVID Participant: Washington, Gerald, Jr.
9/28/2022Notice Of Filing Filed Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Participant: Allen, Robert
9/28/2022Affirmative Defense Filed Filed by: LAWRENCE, MARK DAVID Participant: Washington, Gerald, Jr.
9/28/2022Response / Reply - Filed Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Participant: Allen, Robert
9/19/2022Certificate Filed Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Participant: Allen, Robert
9/12/2022Notice Of Filing Filed Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Participant: Allen, Robert
9/12/2022Response / Reply - Filed Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Participant: Allen, Robert
9/1/2022Case Continued For Case Management Conference - Allowed - Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert
9/1/2022Case Continued For Case Management Conference - Allowed - Court room: 2205 Date court: 01/04/2023 Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert Time court: 0930
9/1/2022Notice Of Filing Filed Participant: Participant:
9/1/2022Answer And Copy Filed Participant: Participant:
8/24/2022Hipaa Protective Order - Allowed Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert
8/22/2022File Appearance Or Jury Demand, Answer Or Plead - Allowed - Filed by: LAWRENCE, MARK DAVID Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Washington, Gerald, Jr.
8/22/2022Extend Time - Allowed - Filed by: LAWRENCE, MARK DAVID Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Washington, Gerald, Jr.
8/12/2022Motion Filed Participant: Participant:
8/12/2022Notice Filed Participant: Participant:
8/12/2022Exhibits Filed Participant: Participant:
8/12/2022Exhibits Filed Participant: Participant:
8/12/2022Appearance Filed - Fee Waiver - Participant: Participant:
7/27/2022Exchange Information - Allowed - Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert
7/15/2022Notice Of Filing Filed Participant: Participant:
7/15/2022Affidavit Of Service Filed Participant: Participant:
6/30/2022Alias Summons Issued Participant: Participant:
6/29/2022Issue Alias Summons - Allowed - Filed by: LAWRENCE, MARK DAVID Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Washington, Gerald, Jr.
6/29/2022Appoint Special Deputy - Allowed - Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Judge: JONES, PRESTON, JR. Participant: Allen, Robert
6/27/2022Routine Motion Filed Participant: Participant:
6/27/2022Notice Of Motion Filed Participant: Participant:
6/23/2022Electronic Notice Sent Filed by: ALLEN, ANDREW PHILIP Participant: Allen, Robert
6/18/2022Summons Returned - N.S. Reason: Other Reason Filed by: LAWRENCE, MARK DAVID Participant: Washington, Gerald, Jr.
6/15/2022Summons Served - Corporation/Company/Business Participant: Participant:
6/9/2022Summons Served - Corporation/Company/Business Participant: Participant:
5/26/2022New Case Filing Participant: Participant:
5/26/2022Summons Issued And Returnable Participant: Participant:
5/26/2022Summons Issued And Returnable Participant: Participant:
5/26/2022Summons Issued And Returnable Participant: Participant:
5/26/2022Personal Injury (Motor Vehicle) Complaint Filed Participant: Participant: