
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 80 Filed: 01/09/18 Page 1 of 12 PageID #:2436
`Docket No. 16 C 651
`Chicago, Illinois
`December 11, 2017
`9:20 a.m.
`For the Plaintiff:
`353 North Clark Street
`Chicago, Illinois 60654
`For the Defendant:
`233 South Wacker Drive, Suite 6600
`Chicago, Illinois 60606
`Court Reporter:
`Official Court Reporter
`219 S. Dearborn Street, Suite 2144D
`Chicago, Illinois 60604
`(312) 435-5561
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 80 Filed: 01/09/18 Page 2 of 12 PageID #:2437
`THE CLERK: 16 C 651, Hospira versus Fresenius Kabi
`USA for status.
`MS. HORTON: Good morning, your Honor.
`Sara Horton and Yusuf Esat for Hospira.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`MR. WALLACE: Joel Wallace on behalf of Fresenius
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`Okay. We are here for status. What's our status?
`MS. HORTON: Your Honor, the status is that you
`issued a Markman ruling about a month ago.
`THE COURT: Right.
`MS. HORTON: And in the interim, also, Hospira
`filed suit on a related patent against Fresenius Kabi, and
`then the parties agreed to file a joint consolidation motion,
`which you granted.
`THE COURT: Correct.
`MS. HORTON: So we have that added into this case.
`In its answer, Fresenius Kabi counter-claimed
`adding an additional patent. So there are now two additional
`patents, aside from the four that were involved in the
`underlying case -- the first case, I should say.
`We have discussed with Fresenius Kabi a schedule
`going forward and how to work these other two patents into
`the case.
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`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 80 Filed: 01/09/18 Page 3 of 12 PageID #:2438
`THE COURT: These are patents held by Fresenius
`MS. HORTON: No. Held by Hospira.
`THE COURT: Held by Hospira. Okay.
`So the counterclaim is for invalidity?
`MS. HORTON: The counterclaim is for invalidity. I
`believe we have not yet answered the counterclaim. But
`it's -- in short, it's a patent that issued sometime between
`the time that Hospira first sued Fresenius Kabi and between
`the second case that we filed against them. And I believe
`Fresenius just wants it litigated all at the same time.
`THE COURT: Sure. Okay. We did grant the motion
`for reassignment. Remind me of the number of that case so I
`can get them both on the same track. We will assume this is
`a status in that case as well.
`MR. WALLACE: The other case was 17 CV 7903.
`THE COURT: Okay. So this will -- today's status
`will be deemed a status in 17 C 7903 as well.
`Does that include the -- that includes the same
`patents that are at issue in this case.
`MR. WALLACE: It includes only two more patents
`that were part of the same family of the four patents that
`are in the original case. And there are two more patents
`from the same family, same inventor, same specification that
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`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 80 Filed: 01/09/18 Page 4 of 12 PageID #:2439
`issued later, and those have now been all consolidated.
`The parties have agreed that the claim construction
`from the first case applies to the later, because they
`share -- all of the -- I guess two of the terms are in all of
`the patent claims as well.
`THE COURT: And does the addition of two patents in
`the original case -- actually, does the addition of any of
`these patents involve additional claims as well?
`MS. HORTON: Additional claim terms?
`THE COURT: Additional claim terms, yes.
`MS. HORTON: Yes, your Honor, they do. It's
`unclear, to Hospira at least, whether or not there will need
`to be additional claim construction briefing. We actually
`assume that there will not be, but we haven't done any
`discovery on them yet to understand that.
`THE COURT: All right. Well, what we need to do,
`then, is get a revised Rule 16 schedule in place based
`upon -- I am assuming you are going to at least factor in the
`local patent rule schedule, but recognizing that some of the
`things that have happened already would eliminate that need
`in this case.
`So can we set a date for that to happen, for you to
`develop a proposed schedule?
`MR. WALLACE: We have discussed a proposed
`schedule. Right now this is the overarching situation. It's
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`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 80 Filed: 01/09/18 Page 5 of 12 PageID #:2440
`sort of the impasse between the two parties on setting a
`schedule, because of the delay between the claim construction
`hearing and the ruling.
`THE COURT: A lot of the dates should change,
`MR. WALLACE: Well, the issue for Fresenius Kabi is
`that its 30-month stay on regulatory approval is expiring in
`Fresenius Kabi is interested in launching as soon
`as possible at that time. It also implicates whether or not
`Hospira would be looking to file a preliminary injunction
`motion at that time.
`So the two options are, we can either compress our
`schedule now to try to get everything prepared and get
`everything before the Court for a trial in, for example,
`early April, and give the Court enough time to hear all the
`evidence and then issue a ruling before the June date
`The other alternative, which is what Hospira is
`proposing, is to take a more traditional schedule at this
`time, following the local patent rules more closely, which
`then would push trial out to probably late summer, early --
`around early autumn, late summer. But there is this high
`risk that partway through the proceeding everything is going
`to put on a fast track when we get around the end of the
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`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 80 Filed: 01/09/18 Page 6 of 12 PageID #:2441
`exclusivity period.
`THE COURT: Of those two options -- you probably
`won't like hearing this, but I prefer the first. I would
`like to try it in April, if we could.
`MS. HORTON: So the issue with that, your Honor,
`from Hospira's standpoint, is, that requires, under the
`schedule that Fresenius has proposed to us -- what they are
`proposing is that all discovery on the two new patents and
`any updated discovery on the other four patents, after claim
`construction, be completed by January 11th.
`That would include any depositions on these two new
`patents, one of which Hospira didn't even assert against
`Fresenius Kabi, that they are asserting against us. So they
`brought this into the case.
`They are also proposing that they get a summary
`judgment motion in January, but Hospira does not get one
`We are just not sure how it's actually going to
`work, to do all of the discovery on these two new patents
`from the other case.
`THE COURT: I can short-circuit this by saying that
`if we want to try it -- if you want to try it in April, we
`can't have any summary judgment proceeding. It wouldn't
`It seems to me you have time to get your discovery
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`done between now and April, and January 11th seems
`extraordinarily aggressive to me, given the holidays.
`If I said, get discovery done by middle to the end
`of February, that seems slightly more realistic, and I think
`that could easily accommodate a trial date in April.
`MS. HORTON: That might work for fact discovery. I
`think the other issue is that we think that there will be
`significant expert discovery that hasn't happened yet.
`We have infringement issues in this case and
`invalidity issues in this case. It's going to be -- there
`will be damages experts on secondary considerations of
`commercial success. I think there will be probably, at least
`on Hospira's side, three or four experts that will be
`testifying and having expert reports due and needing to be
`deposed. I assume the same on Fresenius Kabi's side.
`When we lay out the dates, which we have tried to
`do, it seems really aggressive to be able to do contentions,
`fact discovery and expert discovery, and a pretrial order
`before April.
`MR. WALLACE: Your Honor, we have had discussions
`with Hospira about this, but the two new patents -- one
`patent literally adds -- it includes everything from all the
`other patents and merely narrows from any type of
`dexmedetomidine to one salt form. And there's really no
`dispute that's the only one that's been used by anyone. The
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`other patent adds a few other steps.
`We discussed with Hospira. If they will narrow the
`scope of the claims that they want to assert, Fresenius Kabi
`is willing to discuss stipulations on infringement to
`streamline the case as much as possible, that perhaps this
`can be an invalidity-only case, which would make it more
`amenable to an April trial.
`MS. HORTON: That's true.
`MR. WALLACE: I believe those discussions, they
`wanted -- in any event, the parties -- what Fresenius Kabi is
`proposing is that we do contentions in the month of January.
`Basically at the beginning of January, Fresenius Kabi would
`send its -- we would simultaneously exchange their
`infringement contentions on the new patents, and we would
`propose our invalidity contentions, amending the old
`contentions and adding in the new patents as well.
`And then that would put us at the end of January
`for -- or the beginning of February for the responsive
`contentions. And then at that point, all that would really
`be left is expert discovery.
`MS. HORTON: That's actually not at all
`inconsistent with what Hospira has agreed with Fresenius
`Where, I guess, the rubber hits the road is whether
`or not, based on those contentions and what happens there, if
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`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 80 Filed: 01/09/18 Page 9 of 12 PageID #:2444
`the local rules would then contemplate Markman proceedings.
`We don't think there is going to be a need to
`construe any other claims, but we just don't know how they
`are going to be construing terms.
`And then after that, the expert discovery -- you
`know, after the contentions, then you do expert reports, and
`then you have to depose all these people. And then you have
`to do a pretrial order.
`So what we were -- what we had proposed to
`Fresenius was -- frankly, they had expressed in our
`meet-and-confers that -- and Mr. Wallace will correct me if
`I'm wrong -- that they were keen to have an early summary
`judgment or an early trial.
`We, Hospira, thought, okay, well, if you want an
`early summary judgment, we wouldn't oppose that. I don't
`know what the summary judgment will actually be on, but if
`they wanted to do that quickly, we said, go for it,
`If that's case-dispositive, as they think it is,
`then that might get us to their end goal anyway.
`The other thing I wanted to alert your Honor,
`because I should have said it earlier, is, the underlying
`four patents from the first case have been -- gone through a
`trial in Delaware --
`THE COURT: Right.
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`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 80 Filed: 01/09/18 Page 10 of 12 PageID #:2445
`MS. HORTON: -- in front of Judge Andrews. We are
`expecting a ruling in that case this month.
`So I think there is probably a high likelihood,
`depending on what happens in this case, the parties might be
`rushing around trying to figure out how that implicates what
`they are doing in this case.
`MR. WALLACE: From Fresenius Kabi's point of view,
`it's, in many ways, irrelevant. If the patents are found
`invalid, we are sure that Hospira would probably appeal that
`ruling, which means that Fresenius Kabi still doesn't have
`certainty on launching whenever it gets final approval or
`If Hospira prevails, then Fresenius Kabi, of
`course, would still want to go forward, because we have
`unique and separate theories -- I think both parties would
`agree with that -- than from what was going on in the
`Delaware trial.
`THE COURT: If the judge declares parts or all of
`the Hospira patent invalid, wouldn't that at least militate
`in favor of a settlement of this case?
`I mean, it will make a difference however the judge
`MR. WALLACE: Yes, your Honor. It could make a
`There have not been settlement discussions between
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`the parties. So we are not at this point sure what Hospira's
`position is.
`THE COURT: And if you try to settle it now, are
`you going to be saying, we need to wait until the judge rules
`in Delaware?
`THE COURT: That's what I think, too.
`All right. Here is what I am going to do. I think
`we should develop a schedule that gets us ready for trial by
`the end of April. If it is just a validity trial, that could
`be fine. It could work out very well.
`It sounds to me like both parties agree that we are
`not going to need further claims construction proceedings in
`this case. So we could probably jettison the whole Markman
`issue, and obviously that, unfortunately, generates delay.
`I would also heavily discourage any summary
`judgment briefing unless it's a straight, single issue that
`actually could dispose of the whole case.
`Let's set it for status -- I will ask you to
`develop a schedule along those lines, and let's set it for
`status at the end of January.
`In the meantime, as soon as the judge out in
`Delaware rules, you can let me know, and let me know whether
`or not it makes sense now to start talking about a settlement
`at that point.
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`So January 31st for status? 9 o'clock?
`In the meantime, within the next, say, 10 days, if
`you could get a schedule to us, we will enter it.
`MS. HORTON: Thank you, your Honor.
`MR. WALLACE: Thank you, your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right. Thank you. I will see you
`in January.
`* * * * *
`I certify that the foregoing is a correct transcript from the
`record of proceedings in the above-entitled matter.
`/s/ Frances Ward_________________________January 9, 2018.
`Official Court Reporter
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