Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 1 of 16 PageID #:6400
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 1 of 16 PageID #:6400


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 2 of 16 PageID #:6401
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 2 of 16 PagelD #:6401
`Worldwide * 24 Hours
`(877) 702-9580
`I www'tsgreporfing-com
`DATE: two/2016
`CLIENT MATTER # 45807-0028
`Bill To:
`Sohift Hardin LLP
`Joel M. Wallace Esq.
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`, W
`Chicago, iL 60606—6473
`Chlcago. IL
`abl USA. LLC/Hospira. inc v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals. LLC
`Billing Comments ! Instructions:
`Includes shipping for original transcript sent at end of read as sign period.
`Original 8: ‘i Cartlfled Transcript
`Local Real-time Transcription
`Rough Transcript
`Reporter Waiting Time! Hour
`Reporter Appearance Fee / Hour — Videotaped
`Corn pressed tASCiI lWord index - Complimentary
`Exhibits - Scanned 8: Hyperlinked - E&W
`File Creation Fee - Hyperiinlted Exhibits - Complimentary
`Certified Transcript Sold Discount (2)
`Federal lD # 41-2085745
`Please make all checks payable to: TSG Reporting. inc.
`Remit to: TSG Reporting, Inc. 747 Third Avenue. Suite 10A New York, NY 10017
`For prompt payment processing. please include the invoice it with your check. All balances in arrears will be assessed a fate fee of
`1 a F: r175}? per month, not to exceed the legal limit. tiyou have anyquestions. please call TSG.
`- .‘wj'
`JAN 3
`int-f L‘ DAYABLE
`nuuoir‘ ~


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 3 of 16 PageID #:6402
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 3 of 16 PagelD #:6402
`Worldwide ~ 24 Hours
`(877) 702-9580
`ma: 1211912015
`CLIENT MAWEE: 1;;07-0028
`5 1’;
`R E P O RTl N G
`Bill To:
`Joel M. Wallace Esq.
`Schllf Harclln LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`Chicago, IL 60606-6473
`0/ D X07
`Chlcago. lL
`Billing Comments I Instructions:
` 1“. ml}
`Videographer - lst 2 Hours
`Videographer — Additional Hours
`Federal l D # 414085745
`Please make all checks payable to: TSG Reporting. Inc.
`Remit to: TSG Reportingl inc. 7’47 Third Avenue, Suite 10A New York. NY 10017
`For prompt payment processing. please Include the invoice # with your check. All balances in arrears will be assessed a late fee of
`1.6% per monlh. nol lo exceed the legal limit. lfyau have any quesllons, please call TSG.
`F .
`/ hf


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 4 of 16 PageID #:6403
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 4 of 16 PageID #:6403
`Worldwide — 24 Hours
`(87?) 702-9580
`R E F’ 0 RT! N ('5
`DATE: woo/2016
`lNVOlC-‘E if 110916461066
`CLIENT MATTER # 45807-0028
`Bill To:
`Joel M. Wallace Esq.
`Schlfi Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 5600
`Chicago. [L 60606-6473
`°’ WI'
`a Inc v. Fresenlua Kabi USA. LLC i Hcaplra. Inc v, Amneai Pharmaceutrc'al's. LLQf !
`. i"
`. @432.
`(‘3 6‘
`Chicago. lL
`Billing Comments I instructions:
`Includes stripping for criginai transcript sent at end of read '8: sign period.
`Original 8: 1 certified Transcript
`Rough Transcript
`Reporter Appearance Fee 1' Hour - Videotaped
`Compressed i ASCII I Word index - Complimentary
`Exhibits - Scanned & Hyperiinked — 8&W
`File Creation Fee - Hyperlinked Exhibits - Complimentary
`Certified Transcript Sold Discount (2)
`Federal lD # 41~2085745
`Please make all checks payable to: TSG Reporting. Inc.
`Remit to: TSG Reporting. inc. 7'4? Third Avenue, Suite 10A New York. NY 1001?
`For prompt payment processing. please include the invoice it with your check. All balances in arrears will be assessed a late fee or
`1.5% per month. notlc exceed iha legal limit.
`If you have any questions. please call TSG.


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 5 of 16 PageID #:6404
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 5 of 16 PagelD #:6404
`{ JWW5
`Worldwide ~ 24 Hours (87'!) 702-9580
`www.ts re ortin .com
`DATE: mac/2016
`INVOICE II 110916461067
`CLIENT MATTER I! 45807—0028
`R E P O RTI N (3
`Bill To:
`Joel M. Wallace Esq.
`Sohiff Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 8800
`Chicago. IL 60506-8473
`Hos '
`Hospira. Inc v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals. LLC
`Chicago. IL
`Billing Comments I Instructions:
`Federal ID # 41—2085745
`Please make all checks payable to: TSG Reporting. Inc.
`Remit to: TSG Reporting, Inc. 747' Third Avenue, Suite 10A New York. NY 1001?
`Forprompi payment proces'sing, please Include the Invoice #with your check. All balances In arrears will be assessed a late fee of
`1.5% per month. not to exceed the legal limit. ”you have any questions. piease call TSG.


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 6 of 16 PageID #:6405
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 6 of 16 PagelD #:6405
`Ahmed MT Riaz
`Schiff Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`Chicago, IL 60606
`I N V 0 I C E
`Job Date
`C.A. No. 15‘597-RGA
`Hospira, Inc. v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC
`Payment Terms
`Due upon receipt {1.5%,lmo & collection)
`Priyanka Roychowdhury (Confidential)
`Interactive Real—time with Draft
`Color Exhibits
`Processing Fee
`We appreclate your business.
`AFTER 1/18/2017 PAY
`(-) Payments/Credits:
`(+) Finance Charges/Debits:
`(=) New Balance:
`Tax ID: 530257990
`Ahmed MT Riaz
`'55fo Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`Chicago, IL 60606
`F/ease detach bottom portion and return with payment.
`Job No.
`: 57417
`: DC-Fleld
`Case No.
`: CA. No. 15-697-RGA
`Case Name
`: Hospira, Inc. v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC
`Invonce No.
`Total Due
`9 505
`: $1,281.20
`nv0Ice ate
`'12 19 2
`/ 016
`Remit To: Alderson Reporting Company, Inc.
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Dept. CH 14409
`Palatine, IL 60055
`Cardholder‘s Name:
`Card Number:
`Exp. Date:
`BI ng
`Amount to Charge:
`Cardholder's Signature: Email:
`Card Security Code:


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 7 of 16 PageID #:6406
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 7 of 16 PagelD #:6406
`Bridget Turnelius
`Schif‘f Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Priyanka Roychowdhury (Confidential)
`Hospira, Inc. v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals L_LC
`Payment Terms
`Due upon receipt (1.5%,lmo 81 collection)
`4.00 Hours
`TOTAL our: >>>
`Synchronized vldeo on DVD
`AFl'ER 5/17/2018 PAY
`We appreciate your business.
`Tax ID: 53-0257990
`Bridget Turneiius
`5“” Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Pfease dear/ch bond/i: portion and rem/'11 with payment
`Invoice No.
`Invoice Date
`Total Due
`AFl'ER 8/17/2018 PAY $242.00
`Remit To: Alderson Reporting Company, Inc.
`“dew“ CW” “PM“
`Dept. CH 14409
`Palatine, IL 60055
`Job No.
`Case No.
`C.A. No. 15-697-RGA
`Case Name
`: Hosplra, Inc. v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 8 of 16 PageID #:6407
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 8 of 16 PagelD #:6407
`Joel M. Wallace
`Schlff Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`Chicago, IL 60505
`Dave Engels 30ibxo') (CONFIDENTIAL)
`Draft Transcript (ASCEI)
`Color Exhibits
`Processing Fee
`* * REVISED Invoice ii 91303 * "
`We appreciate your business.
`Invoice Na.
`CA. ND. 15-697-RGA
`Case Name
`Hospira, Inc. v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC
`Payment Terms
`Due upon receipt (1.5%Imo & collection)
`AFTER 12/31i'2015 PAY
`Invoice Date
`Job No.
`Tax ID: 53~0257990
`Joel M. Weliace
`Schll‘f Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`Chicago, IL 60506
`Pia-rm riamci: balm»: porriarr and rerun: with paynmir.
`Job No.
`Case No.
`: 67238
`: GA. No. 15-597-RGA
`BL! 10
`: D-CaFleld
`Case Name
`: Hosplra. Inc. v. Amneal Fharmaceuticais LLC
`Invoice No.
`Total Due
`: 91370
`: $906.36
`Invoice Date
`1 12/1/2016
`,4 '
`AFTER 12/3112016 PAY $995.93
`Palatine, IL 50055
`Cardholder's Name:
`Card Number:
`Exp. Date:
`Billing Address:
`Amount to Charge:
`Card Security Code:
`Cardholder's Signature:
`Remit To: Alderson Reporting Company, Inc.
`Aiderson Court Reporting
`Dept, CH 14409


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 9 of 16 PageID #:6408
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 9 of 16 PagelD #:6408
`CA. No. 15-697-RGA
`Case Name
`Hospira, Inc. v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC
`Payment Terms
`Due upon receipt (1.5%lmo & collection)
`4.00 Hours
`Bridget Turnelius
`Schiff Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`Chicago. IL 60606
`Dave Engels 30(b)(6) (CONFIDENTIAL)
`Synchronized video on DVD
`We appreciate your business.
`Tax ID: 53—0257990
`Bridget Turnelius
`Schlff Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Please derach borrow portion and return with payment.
`Invoice No.
`Invoice Date
`Total Due
`AFTER 8/5l2013 PAY $242.00
`Remit To: Alderson Reporting Company, Inc.
`Aldersorl Court Reporting
`Dept. CH 14409
`Palatine, IL 60055
`Job No.
`Case No.
`: DC-Field
`: CA. No. 15-697-RGA
`Case Name
`: Hospira, Inc. v. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 10 of 16 PageID #:6409
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 10 of 16 PagelD #:6409
`0.5. Legai Support - Chicago
`200 WestJackson
`Suite 600
`Chicago, IL 605115
`Phone:312—236—8352 Fawn-2303344
`Ahmed Rlez
`Schlff Hardin
`566 Filth Avenue
`Suite 1700
`New York, NY 10103
`shweta Mcwli
`Color Exhibits
`Litigation Support Package
`707 g
`I N v o I c E
`m Invoice Date
`cm "°'
`Case Name
`Hospira. Inc. vs. Fresenlus Kabl USA, LLC
`56.00 Pages
`145.00 Pages
`AFi'ER1f14/2017 PAY
`Onllne bill pay avallabie at www.musiegalsupporhcom
`Copy electronic transcript with PDF exhibits ordered emai! only and sent to ariaz@sch1m1ardin.cum on November 30, 21116.
`Thank you for choosing u.S. Legal Suppertl
`(-} Payments/Credits:
`{+) Finance Charges/Debits:
`(=} New Balance:
`Tax ID: 75-0523238
`Ahmed Rlaz
`SEN” ”ard'“
`666 Fifth Avenue
`Suite 1700
`New York. NY 10103
`Remit To:
`U.S. Legal support (Chicago, Ill Reporting)
`no. 3“" 4772'”
`HouszanfTX 77210-4772
`Please delach bottom pal-Hon mm' mm: 11-1‘mpnymcm.
`Phone: 212-753-5000
`Invoice No.
`Invoice Date
`Total Due
`Job No.
`EU 10
`Case No.
`Case Name
`: Hosplra, Inc. vs. Fresenius Kain! USA, LLC


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 11 of 16 PageID #:6410
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 11 of 16 PagelD #:6410
`U.S. Legal Support - Chicago
`200 West Jackson
`Sulte 600
`Chicago, IL 60605
`Phone:312-236-8352 Fax:312-236—3344
`Ahmad Riaz
`Schh‘f Hardin
`666 Flfth Avenue
`Suite 1700
`New York, NY 10103
`30 Days
`60 news
`120 Davs mm,-
`Page 1 of 1
`Fffispira", “1'7“" sKablUSA,
`Tax ID: 76-0523238
`Ahmed Rlaz
`Schif‘f Hardin
`565 Fifth AVenue
`Suite 1700
`New York, NY 10103
`Please demch 00mm: poriion and rerm-n with payment.
`' ,-
`,.« \J
`Account No.
`: 2/1/2017
`Total Due
`$ 1,182.66
`Remit To: [15. Legal Support (Chicago, Ill Reporting)
`PO. Box 47?2-11
`Houston, TX 77210-4772


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 12 of 16 PageID #:6411
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 12 of 16 PagelD #:6411
`U.S. Legal Support - Chicago
`200 West Jackson
`Suite 500
`Chicago IL 60606
`Phone1312-236-8352 Fax:312-236-3344
`lmron T. Aly
`Schlff Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 7100
`Chicago IL 60606
`Shweta Mowii/VIdeo
`Video/Text Synch
`Video Rush Charge
`XMEF File
`Video Flash-Pac
`Video Handle and Processing
`Hospira, Inc. vs. Fresenlus Kahl USA, LLC
`Payment Terms
`Due upon receipt
`Ill-“FER 7/19/2018 PAY
`Oniine bill pay available at wwuslegalsupportcom
`Videotaped deposition vvith sync files and linked exhibits with XMEF file sent via Box link to on May 30, 2018.
`Thank you for choosing U.S. Legal Support!
`Tax ID: "PG-0523238
`Phone: 312—258-5500
`P/case demo/i i'mrmm portion and return will: paymeur.
`Imron T. Aly
`Schil‘f Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 7100
`Chicago IL 60606
`Invoice No.
`Invoice Date
`Totai Due
`AFTER 7/19/2018 PAY $866.24
`Remit To:
`U.S. Legal Support (Chicago, Il Reporting)
`P.D. Box 4772-11
`Houston TX 77210-4772
`Job No.
`Case No.
`Case Name
`: Hospira, Inc. vs. Fresenlus Kabi USA, LLC


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 13 of 16 PageID #:6412
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 13 of 16 PagelD #:6412
` Hospira, Inc. vs. Fresenius Kabl USA, LLC
`Payment Terms
`Due upon receipt
`Case Name
`U.S. Legal Support- Chicago
`200 West Jackson
`Suite 500
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Phone:312-236-8352 Fax:312-236~3344
`Joel Wallace
`Schiff Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Litigation Support Package
`Hand lefProcess
` pony. U.S. Legal Support may recover any fees
`Online bill pay available at wwuslegaisupoortcom
`Copy electronic transcript with PDF exhibits ordered email only and sent to on November 23, 2016.
`Thank you for chooing U.S. Legal Support!
`AFFER 1/7/2017 PAY
`out shall be waived by -a or.
`Tax ID: 76~0523238
`Phone: 312-258-5500
`Please detach borrow portion and return with payment
`Joel Wallace
`Schifr' Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`Chicago, IL 50506
`Remit To: U.S. Legal Support (Chicago, Ill Reporting)
`P.O. Box 4772-11
`Houston, TX 77210-4772
`Job No.
`Case No.
`: 535123
`: 1160100651
`: Ell-Chicago
`Case Name
`: Hosplra, Inc. vs. Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC
`: 611005
`Invoice No.
`: 5 353.85
`Total Due
`AFi'ER 1/7/2017 PAY $406.93
`Invoice Date :11/23i2016
`Cardholder's Signature:
`Amggm; to flame:


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 14 of 16 PageID #:6413
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 14 of 16 PagelD #:6413
`U.S. Legal Support - Chicago
`200 West Jackson
`Suite 600
`Chicago IL 60606
`Phone:312-236—8352 Fax:312-236~3344
`Imron T. Aiy
`Schlff Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 7100
`Chicago IL 60506
`Basma Ibrahim/Video
`Videofi‘ext Svnch
`Video Rush Charge
`Case Name
`Hosplra. Inc. vs. Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC
`Payment Terms
`Due upon receipt
`AFTER 7/16/2018 PAY
`Online bill pay available at www.05iegalsu
`Vldeotaped deposition with sync flies and linked exhibits with XMEF file sent via Box to lalv@schlfi‘ on May 29, 2013.
`Thank you for choosing U.S. Legal Support!
`invoice not paid oy due date is subject to interim of 1.5% per month. We wlil make reasonable efforts to allocata pay-manta properly. U15. toga! Support may recover any fees
`and costs It Incuri in collecting any unpaid amounts. Any nohts regarding allocations, refunds or adjustments alter 90 days from pavmmt shall he waived by payer.
`Tax ID: 76-0523238
`Phone: 312-258-5500
`Home demo/i borrmu panic» and rte/um ir/a'h payment.
`Imron T. My
`Schiff Hardin LL?
`233 Scum Wacker Drive
`Suite 7100
`Chicago IL 60606
`Remit To:
`U.S. Legal Support (Chicago, Il Reporting)
`P.O. Box 477’2-11
`Houston TX 77210-4772
`Job No.
`: 535124
`: EO-Chicago
`Case No.
`Case Name
`: 116CV00651
`: Hosolra, Inc. vs. Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC
`1' 110155935
`Invoice No.
`I $309.25
`Total one
`AFTER 7/16/2018 PAY $355.64
`Invoice Date
`: 6/1/2018
`Cardhoider‘s Signature:


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 15 of 16 PageID #:6414
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 15 of 16 PagelD #:6414
`Case Name
`Hosplra, Inc. vs. Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC
`Payment Terms
`Due upon receipt
`US. Legal Support - Chicago
`200 West Jackson
`Suite 600
`Chicago, IL 50606
`Phone:312—236-8352 Fax:312~235-3344
`Joel Wallace
`Schli‘f Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Litigation Support Package
`— @
`— @
`_ @
`73.00 Pages
`AFFER1/14/2017 PAY
` on November 30, 2016.
`Onllne bill payr available at
`“a /
`Copy electronic transcript with PDF exhibits ordered email unmano sang? jwaiiac

`Thank you fer choosing 0.5. Legal Support!
`invoice not paid by due date Is subject to interest of 1.5% per month. We will run
`rhasonable effort» to allocate payments properly. 0.5. Legal Support may recover any fees
`and oosls it Incurs In coliewn an un and amounts.
`l1 his re mm Al cations. refunds or ad usb'nenu after 90 ea 5 from a ment shall be waived b
`Tax ID: 76-0523238
`Phone: 312-258-5500
`Please dome}: boilom porilon and return irr'rii payment.
`Joel Wallace
`56“” Hard'" ”-P
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 5600
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Job No.
`Case No.
`: 538756
`: 116CV00651
`Ca eN
`: H
`aspire, nc vs
`.Frese i
`: 110000915
`Invoice No.
`: $ 559.75
`Total Due
`AFFER1/14/2017 PAY $543.71
`Invoice Date :11/30l2016
`Houston, TX 77210-4772
`Remit To: us. Legal Support (Chicago, Ill Reporting)
`P.O. Box 4772-11
`Amount IQ fihgrge:
`Cardholder's Signature:


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 16 of 16 PageID #:6415
`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-8 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 16 of 16 PagelD #:6415
`U.S. Legal Support - Chicago
`200 West Jackson
`Suite 600
`Chicago lL 60606
`Phone:312-236-8352 Fax:312—236-3344
`Imron T. Aiy
`Schii‘f Hardin LLP
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 7100
`Chicago IL 60606
`Hospira, Inc. vs, Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC
`Payment Terms
`Due upon receipt
`Video Rush Charge
`XMEF File
`Online bill pay available at
`AFTER 711612018 PM
`Videotaped deposition with sync files and linked exhibits with XMEF file sent via Box to on May 29, 2016.
`Thank you for choosing U.S. Legal Support!
`invoice rot paid by due date Is subiect to interest of 1.5% per month. we will make reasonable efforts to allocate payments properly. 0.5. Legal Support may recover any fees
`and costs it incur: in collecting any unpaid amounts. Any fights regarding allocations, rotunda or adjustments after 90 days from payment shall be waived by payer:
`Tax ID: 76-0523238
`Phone: 312-253-5500
`Heme detm'h huimm portion and warm with jJCi'yl'HImI.
`Irnron To Aly
`Schiff Ham" LLP
`233 South Wacker Dnve
`Suite 7100
`Chicago IL 60606
`Remit To:
`U.S. Legal Support (Chicago, Il Reporting)
`P.0. Box 4772-11
`HoustonTX 77210-4772
`Job No.
`: 538357
`: SD-Chicago
`Case No.
`Case Name
`: 1160100651
`: Hospira, Inc. vs. Freseolus Kabi USA, LLC
`: 110155036
`Invoice No.
`: $334.25
`Total Due
`Invoice Date
`Cardholder's Signature:

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