Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-1 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 1 of 8 PageID #:6346
`C.A. No. 1:16-cv-00651
`C.A. No. 1:17-cv-07903
`Hon. Rebecca R. Pallmeyer
`I, Joel M. Wallace, hereby declare as follows:
`I am a partner at the law firm of Schiff Hardin LLP and represent Fresenius Kabi
`USA, LLC in the above-captioned action. I am a member in good standing of the State Bar of
`Illinois, and the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.
`Attached as Exhibit 1 to Fresenius Kabi’s Bill of Costs and Disbursements is a
`true and correct copy of this Court’s Final Judgment in favor of Fresenius Kabi and against
`Plaintiff Hospira, Inc. with respect to the invalidity of U.S. Patent Nos. 8,648,106 and 9,616,049.
`(16-651, D.I. 177; 17-7903, D.I. 110.) The Court found all claims asserted by Hospira against
`Fresenius Kabi at trial invalid as obvious.
`Attached as Exhibit 2 is a true and correct copy of this Court’s signed Consent
`Judgment and Stipulated Dismissal indicating the dismissal with prejudice of Hospira’s U.S.
`Patent Nos. 8,242,158; 8,338,470; 8,455,527; and 9,320,712. (16-651, D.I. 184; 17-7903, D.I.
`116.) All patents asserted by Hospira during this litigation against Fresenius Kabi have been
`found to be invalid or not infringed by Fresenius Kabi’s ANDA Product.


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-1 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 2 of 8 PageID #:6347
`Attached as Exhibit 3 to Fresenius Kabi’s Bill of Costs are true and correct copies
`of the docket entries relevant to the fees for the payment of fees for the admission pro hac vice
`for Ms. Gina Bassi and Mr. Ahmed Riaz. (16-651, D.I. 13, 14, 16.) The applications for Mr. Riaz
`and Ms. Bassi were necessary to the litigation. Mr. Riaz was essential to the litigation. He took
`fact and expert witness depositions, conducted critical research and legal strategy throughout the
`case, and presented at trial. Ms. Bassi oversaw the litigation in its pretrial and early pleading
`stages until she left the firm, including preparing the original Answer and Counterclaims for
`Fresenius Kabi. The total cost of clerk fees was $100.00.
`Attached as Exhibit 4 to Fresenius Kabi’s Bill of Costs are true and correct copies
`of the court reporters’ invoices for transcripts of the trial proceedings held in this litigation on
`July 16-20, 2018 and other court proceedings, totaling $5,232.13. Daily trial transcripts were
`necessary due to the technical nature of the witness testimony and the large quantity of exhibits
`that were admitted into evidence. Daily trial transcripts were used in this case, inter alia, to
`prepare for witness examination and to ensure that exhibits were properly admitted into
`evidence. Daily trial transcripts were also referred to during subsequent trial days during witness
`examinations. The trial transcripts were also cited extensively during post-trial briefing and by
`the Court in its Opinion. Invoices for transcripts of the pretrial hearing on July 6, 2018, claim
`construction hearing on December 11, 2017, and discovery hearings on August 10, 2017,
`February 4, 2016, September 19, 2017, January 25, 2018, October 4, 2018, and November 13,
`2018 are included in this total. Transcripts of these hearings were used at trial, for trial
`preparation, for compliance with the Court’s oral rulings on discovery motions, to provide out-
`of-state counsel with a record of the hearings, and for use in filing and responding to various
`motions filed in the case. Also included is the invoice for the transcript of the Pretrial Conference


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`from the Amneal litigation in Delaware, which was obtained and used for preparation of trial
`strategy and in the preparation of discovery motions and hearings.
`Attached as Exhibit 5 to Fresenius Kabi’s Bill of Costs are true and correct copies
`of invoices for the recording and transcribing of the depositions of Hospira’s expert witnesses,
`Christopher Seaton, Dr. Robert Linhardt, Dr. Stephan Ogenstad, Dr. Eric Sheinin, James White,
`Andrew Carter, and Dr. Michael Ramsay totaling $17,199.57. The depositions transcripts for
`these witnesses were necessarily obtained for use in this case, including in preparation for and
`during examination of these witnesses at trial. Expedited delivery fees have been included
`because of the truncated schedule and timing of the depositions. Most depositions were taken in
`June 2018, and trial was scheduled for July 2018. Given the need to prepare the Pretrial Order
`and to prepare trial examinations, waiting for normal delivery of the transcripts was not possible.
`Fees associated with the video transcription have been included. At the time the depositions were
`taken, Fresenius Kabi did not know if each expert would be available to testify at trial. In fact,
`the deposition video of Dr. Sheinin was played at trial because of his unavailability.
`Additionally, each expert witness was included on the parties’ “may call” or “will call” lists in
`the Final Pretrial Order. (D.I. 114-6 at 2-3; 114-7 at 2-3.) Realtime fees, rough draft fees,
`shipping and handling fees, DVD media costs, and fees for litigation packages were excluded
`from the Bill of Costs.
`Attached as Exhibit 6 to Fresenius Kabi’s Bill of Costs are true and correct copies
`of invoices for the recording and transcribing of the depositions of Fresenius Kabi’s expert
`witnesses, Peter Lankau, Dr. James Kipp, Dr. Michael Maile, and Ivan Hofmann, totaling
`$5,912.65. The depositions transcripts for these witnesses were necessarily obtained for use in
`this case, including in preparation for and during examination of these witnesses at trial. Fees for


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`expedited delivery of the transcripts were necessary because of the truncated schedule and timing
`of the depositions. Most depositions were taken in June 2018, and trial was scheduled for July
`2018. Given the need for witnesses to review the final transcripts and prepare errata, and for
`attorneys to prepare the Pretrial Order and trial examinations, waiting for normal delivery of the
`transcripts was not possible. Fees associated with the video transcription of Dr. Kipp have been
`included. Fresenius Kabi did not obtain the videos of Dr. Maile, Mr. Lankau, or Mr. Hofmann,
`so their cost is not requested. Realtime fees, rough draft fees, shipping and handling fees, and
`fees for litigation packages were excluded from the Bill of Costs.
`Attached as Exhibit 7 to Fresenius Kabi’s Bill of Costs are true and correct copies
`of invoices for the recording and transcribing of the depositions of the fact witnesses in this case,
`Dr. Robert Cedergren, Dr. Rao Tata-Venkata, Dr. Priyanka Roychowdhury, Mr. Dave Engels,
`Ms. Shweta Mowli, Dr. Basma Ibrahim, and Ms. Abby Hickman, totaling $8,463.15. The
`depositions transcripts for these witnesses were necessarily obtained for use in this case,
`including in providing to expert witnesses for consideration in forming opinions regarding the
`on-sale bar, obviousness, and secondary considerations, and preparation for and during
`examination of these witnesses at trial. The fact witnesses were identified on the parties’ “may
`call” or “will call” lists and deposition designations were identified in the Pretrial Order. (16-cv-
`651, D.I. 114-6, 114-7, 114-8, 114-9.) At the time the fact depositions were taken, in November
`2016, it was unknown if each witness would be available to appear live at trial. Moreover, the
`parties continued to negotiate which witnesses would appear live or by video designation until
`the eve of trial. Portions of video depositions of Dr. Tata-Venkata and Dr. Ibrahim were played
`at trial. Realtime fees, rough draft fees, shipping and handling fees, and fees for litigation
`packages were excluded from the Bill of Costs.


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-1 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 5 of 8 PageID #:6350
`Attached as Exhibit 8 to Fresenius Kabi’s Bill of Costs are true and correct copies
`of invoices for the travel expenses for testimony of Fresenius Kabi’s witnesses. All of the
`necessary travel expenses of these witnesses in Part III(A) were paid by Fresenius Kabi, totaling
`$3,539.08. For depositions, travel expenses were incurred only by Mr. Lankau, Dr. Maile, and
`Mr. Hofmann. For trial, travel expenses were incurred by Mr. Lankau and Dr. Maile. Fresenius
`Kabi’s fact witnesses and Dr. Kipp all reside in this judicial district, so no travel fees were
`necessary. Expert depositions took place in this judicial district to avoid the need for issuance of
`subpoenas. Fresenius Kabi paid for the lodging for the deposition of Mr. Lankau, Dr. Maile, and
`Mr. Hofmann. The actual cost of lodging exceeded the GSA rate, so Fresenius Kabi requests the
`GSA amount. Fresenius Kabi paid lodging for Ms. Mowli, Mr. Lankau, Dr. Maile, and Dr. Kipp.
`Ms. Mowli required lodging for one night because she came to the courthouse expecting to be
`called on Wednesday, July 18, 2018. However, Hospira did not call her that day, but instead
`called her on Thursday, July 19, 2018. Ms. Mowli lives in a far north suburb and had her infant
`with her because she was breastfeeding at that time. It was infeasible for Ms. Mowli to return
`home after trial then return the next morning. For that reason, Ms. Mowli was provided lodging
`for the night of July 18, 2018. Dr. Kipp lives in the district, but in a distant suburb. In order for
`Dr. Kipp to be available to attend trial and to consult with counsel both before and after trial
`days, it was infeasible for him to return home each evening. For this reason, Fresenius Kabi
`provided lodging for Dr. Kipp in Chicago for the duration of trial. Fresenius Kabi provided
`lodging to Mr. Lankau for the first three nights of trial. Portions of expert fee summaries not
`related to taxable costs have been obscured as irrelevant and implicating protected work product.
`Attached as Exhibit 9 to Fresenius Kabi’s Bill of Costs are true and correct copies
`of invoices for the fees of Fresenius Kabi’s experts Mr. Lankau, Dr. Kipp, Dr. Maile, and Mr.


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-1 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 6 of 8 PageID #:6351
`Hofmann for the time taken during deposition and preparing for depositions requested by
`Hospira, totaling $26,882.50. The fees were incurred by Fresenius Kabi’s experts in response to
`Hospira’s request for expert discovery by deposition. These fees were billed at each expert’s
`normal rates for deposition and preparation. The amount of preparation fees only includes time
`spent by each expert reviewing documents for the deposition the day before the deposition and
`does not include time spent in conversation with counsel. Portions of expert fee summaries not
`related to taxable costs have been obscured as irrelevant and implicating protected work product.
`Attached as Exhibit 10 to Fresenius Kabi’s Bill of Costs are true and correct
`copies of invoices for costs incurred in the conversion of native files to TIFF format and OCR
`conversion to produce documents requested by Hospira, totaling $2,585.82. These costs were
`necessarily incurred by Fresenius Kabi in this litigation for production of documents to Hospira
`in response to its request for the production of documents and things. The rate charged is
`reasonable and consistent with industry-wide practice. The production of documents in TIFF
`format was agreed by the parties. Where only some fees have been included in Fresenius Kabi’s
`Bill of Costs from a particular invoice, the non-relevant fees have not been included.
`Attached as Exhibit 11 are true and correct copies of invoices incurred for
`photocopying at trial. The total requested cost is $11,215.05. The invoices reflect necessary and
`reasonable expenses for deposition transcripts, exhibits, and materials for witness binders
`submitted to the (1) Court, (2) witness, (3) court reporter, and (4) opposing counsel during trial.
`The invoices also include other ordinary copying expenses reasonably incurred in the trial. The
`rates charged for copying are consistent with rates approved in this district—$0.08 per page for
`black and white and $0.50 per page for color copies. Fresenius Kabi has requested half its costs
`for witness demonstratives and binders to exclude copies made for its counsels’ convenience.


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-1 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 7 of 8 PageID #:6352
`The invoices also include costs for providing a complete set of admitted exhibits and
`demonstratives to the Court at the conclusion of trial. For purposes of witness examination, there
`was no single set of exhibit binders for reference, rather, each individual witness binder would
`contain new copies of any exhibits that may have been used previously with another witness,
`consistent with typical practice in patent litigations.
`Attached as Exhibit 12 are true and correct copies of invoices incurred for
`necessary photocopying for depositions taken in this case, totaling $9,691.15. The requested
`amount is half this total, or $4,845.58. The invoices include photocopying of potential exhibits
`and materials needed for the preparation for, taking, and defending of fact and expert witness
`depositions in this litigation. The rates charged for copying are consistent with rates approved in
`this district, i.e. $0.08 per page for black and white and $0.50 per page for color copies by
`outside vendors. Schiff Hardin’s in-house copying rate of $0.15 per page for black and white and
`$0.65 per page for color copies is also reasonable and consistent with fees awards in this district.
`Fresenius Kabi reduced its costs by creating a single set of exhibits for the depositions of
`Hospira’s fact witnesses taking place in Chicago. During the fact deposition period, the parties
`agreed to coordinate discovery with the Amneal litigation taking place in Delaware, further
`reducing the overall cost of copying for the fact depositions. Hospira identified Ms. Zboril as a
`30(b)(6) witness to testify on behalf of Hospira in response to Fresenius Kabi’s deposition
`request related to agreements at issue in the litigation. A time had been set, but the deposition
`was not taken because Hospira later stated that she had no corporate knowledge related to the
`topics. Hospira stated that it “may call” Ms. Zboril live at trial in drafts and the final version of
`the Pretrial Order. (D.I. 114-6, at 2.) Fresenius Kabi requested a deposition of Ms. Zboril and a
`time had been set. At the last moment, the deposition was postponed, and Hospira continued to


`Case: 1:16-cv-00651 Document #: 185-1 Filed: 01/16/19 Page 8 of 8 PageID #:6353
`equivocate as to whether she would be called at trial until July 5, 2018. At the time Fresenius
`Kabi incurred the costs, they were reasonable believed to be necessary for trial because Ms.
`Zboril’s deposition had been scheduled, and Hospira indicated she may be called at trial.
`Portions of expert fee summaries not related to taxable costs have been obscured as irrelevant
`and implicating protected work product.
`Attached as Exhibit 13 are true and correct copies of invoices of charges for
`exemplification necessarily for the presentation of exhibits and demonstratives at trial, totaling
`$46,726.70. These costs were incurred for the preparation and presentation of demonstratives
`that were necessarily and reasonably obtained in this case. The demonstratives were provided to
`aid the Court in its review of the numerous technical exhibits and concepts discussed in the
`litigation. The invoices also include time for trial consultant Ted Haw, who presented exhibits to
`the Court to increase the efficiency of the trial presentation. The charges for Mr. Haw’s lodging,
`travel, and subsistence have been excluded from the requested costs. The invoice from Strut
`Legal was for the creation of the hyperlinked post-trial briefs submitted to the Court. The
`hyperlinked briefs were submitted to provide a more efficient and time-saving method for the
`Court to evaluate the complex evidence and extensive record.
`I have reviewed Fresenius Kabi’s Bill of Costs and all of its exhibits. Each item
`stated therein is true and correct, and was necessarily incurred in this case and the services for
`which fees have been charged were actually and necessarily performed.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America
`that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Executed on January 16, 2019
`__/s/ Joel M. Wallace___________
`Joel M. Wallace

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