`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 1 of 24
`WENDY J. OLSON, Bar No. 7634
`101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 1900
`Boise, ID 83702
`Telephone: 208.389.9000
`LINDSAY C. HARRISON (pro hac vice forthcoming)
`JESSICA RING AMUNSON (pro hac vice forthcoming)
`SOPHIA W. MONTGOMERY (pro hac vice forthcoming)
`RUBY C. GIAQUINTO (pro hac vice forthcoming)
`1099 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 900
`Washington, D.C. 20001
`Telephone: 202.639.6000
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Case No.
`RAÚL LABRADOR, Attorney General of the
`State of Idaho,
`Plaintiff, by and through undersigned counsel, brings this civil action for declaratory and
`injunctive relief, and alleges as follows:


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 2 of 24
`Under federal law, hospitals that receive federal Medicare funds—like Plaintiff St.
`Luke’s Health System, Ltd. (St. Luke’s)—are required to provide necessary stabilizing treatment
`to patients who arrive at their emergency departments while experiencing a medical emergency.
`Under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), 42 U.S.C. § 1395dd, if a
`person with an “emergency medical condition” seeks treatment at an emergency department at a
`hospital that accepts Medicare funds, the hospital must provide medical treatment necessary to
`stabilize that condition before transferring or discharging the patient. Crucially, “emergency
`medical conditions” under the statute include not just conditions that present risks to life but also
`those that place a patient’s “health” in “serious jeopardy” or risk “serious impairment to bodily
`functions” or “serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.”
`In some circumstances, medical care that a state may characterize as an “abortion”
`is necessary emergency stabilizing care that hospitals are required to provide under EMTALA.
`Such circumstances may include, but are not limited to, severe preeclampsia and preterm
`premature rupture of membranes (PPROM). These conditions can sometimes threaten the life of
`the mother, but they can also cause severe consequences short of death, including loss of
`reproductive organs or fertility, sepsis, kidney failure, liver damage, stroke, brain damage,
`increased risk of future cardiovascular disease and heart failure, and severe pain.
`The State of Idaho has passed a near-absolute ban on the termination of a
`pregnancy. Idaho Code § 18-622 makes it a felony to terminate pregnancy in all but extremely
`narrow circumstances. The Idaho law makes it a criminal offense for medical providers to comply
`with EMTALA’s requirement to provide stabilizing treatment, even where a doctor determines


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 3 of 24
`that termination is the medical treatment necessary to prevent a patient from suffering severe health
`consequences, if the consequences are short of death.
`The law contains certain narrow exceptions, including, as relevant here, an
`exception permitting termination of pregnancy where “[t]he physician determine[s], in his good
`faith medical judgment and based on the facts known to the physician at the time, that the abortion
`was necessary to prevent the [mother’s] death.” Idaho Code § 18-622(2)(a)(i) (2023).1 The law
`does not permit termination of pregnancy when necessary to stabilize other serious and debilitating
`health conditions. And, even in dire situations that might qualify for the Idaho law’s limited
`“necessary to prevent the [mother’s] death” exception, providers have no way of knowing if a
`prosecutor will agree that the exception applies, and so they may feel it necessary to withhold care
`based on a well-founded fear of criminal prosecution.
`Before Idaho Code § 18-622 went into effect, this Court preliminarily enjoined it
`to the extent that it conflicts with EMTALA. For two periods of time, that injunction was
`temporarily stayed. During those periods of time, St. Luke’s saw firsthand how the conflict
`operated to prevent its physicians and other medical providers from providing the stabilizing care
`required by EMTALA to prevent severe risk to patients’ health, and how the conflict thus impeded
`St. Luke’s in its ability to properly treat patients. During those times, six different St. Luke’s
`patients were airlifted to neighboring states so that they could have available to them the full range
`1 The law originally provided an affirmative defense requiring medical providers to prove that any
`abortion they provided or assisted with “was necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant
`woman” or that, before performing the abortion, the pregnant patient (or, in some circumstances,
`their parent or guardian) reported an “act of rape or incest” against the patient to a specified agency
`and provided a copy of the report. Idaho Code § 18-622(3). Idaho’s legislature amended the law
`in 2023 to convert this affirmative defense to exceptions, including the “necessary to prevent the
`[mother’s] death” exception described above.


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 4 of 24
`of stabilizing care required by EMTALA. If the injunction were vacated, that conflict would arise
`To the extent Idaho’s law prohibits medical providers from providing medically
`necessary treatment that EMTALA requires as emergency medical care, Idaho law directly
`conflicts with EMTALA. See 42 U.S.C. § 1395dd(f) (EMTALA preempts state laws “to the extent
`that the [state law] requirement directly conflicts with a requirement of this section”). To the extent
`Idaho’s law renders compliance with EMTALA impossible or stands as an obstacle to the
`accomplishment of federal statutes and objectives, EMTALA preempts the Idaho law under the
`Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution.
`In this action, Plaintiff seeks a declaratory judgment that Idaho’s law is invalid under
`the Supremacy Clause and is preempted by federal law to the extent that it conflicts with
`EMTALA. Because the existing injunction could be vacated if the United States were to dismiss
`its related lawsuit, Plaintiff also seeks an order preliminarily and permanently enjoining Idaho’s
`law to the extent it conflicts with EMTALA.
`This Court has jurisdiction over this action under 28 U.S.C. § 1331.
`Venue is proper in this judicial district under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) because
`Defendant resides within this judicial district and because a substantial part of the acts or omissions
`giving rise to this action arose from events occurring within this judicial district.
`Pursuant to District of Idaho Local Civil Rule 3.1, venue is proper in the Southern
`Division because Defendant legally resides in Ada County, Idaho, and because that is where the
`claim for relief arose.


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 5 of 24
`Plaintiff St. Luke’s Health System, Ltd., is the largest Idaho-based, not-for-profit,
`community-owned and community-led health system. Its mission is to improve the health of
`people in the communities it serves. To fulfill that mission, St. Luke’s operates hospitals, clinics,
`and other health facilities across Southwest and South-Central Idaho, including eight emergency
`departments. Nine trauma centers in Southwest and South-Central Idaho are designated Time
`Sensitive Emergency centers; St. Luke’s operates six of them. St. Luke’s employs more than
`18,000 people and is the largest private employer in Idaho. St. Luke’s medical providers treat
`patients millions of times each year, including over 740,000 hospital visits, 242,000 emergency
`department visits, and 2.2 million clinic visits in 2024 alone. Many of those patients are pregnant
`women: In 2023, St. Luke’s helped welcome more than 8,920 newborns, representing 40% of live
`births in Idaho.2 In 2024, St. Luke’s helped welcome 9,455 newborns.
`St. Luke’s is certified as a Medicare provider by the United States Department of
`Health and Human Services. Nearly a quarter of St. Luke’s patients have Medicare coverage; if St.
`Luke’s did not participate in Medicare, 144,200 people St. Luke’s cared for in 2024 would have had
`to seek primary care, specialty clinic care, emergency care, and inpatient care alike elsewhere.
`Because St. Luke’s participates in Medicare, it is required to comply with EMTALA.
`And because Idaho Code § 18-622 creates a direct conflict with EMTALA, it places hospitals,
`including the ones operated by St. Luke’s, in the precarious position of risking the criminal liability
`and medical licenses of their providers simply for complying with federal law. Alternatively,
`2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital
`Statistics System, Natality on CDC WONDER Online Database. Data are from the Natality
`Records 2016-2023, as compiled from data provided by the 57 vital statistics jurisdictions through
`the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program. Accessed at https://bit.ly/3ZE4rEh (last visited Dec. 20,


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 6 of 24
`complying with § 18-622 risks violating EMTALA and the ability of St. Luke’s to participate in
`Medicare. St. Luke’s could also be subject to civil monetary penalties. And complying with § 18-
`622 also exposes St. Luke’s to litigation by private plaintiffs, who may sue them under EMTALA’s
`private right of action. 18 U.S.C. § 1395dd(d)(2). As a result, St. Luke’s and its providers are faced
`with an irreconcilable conflict that compromises their ability to properly treat patients.
`Defendant Raúl Labrador is the Attorney General of the State of Idaho. He is sued
`in his official capacity. As Attorney General, he has the authority to enforce Idaho law, including
`the challenged criminal statute, and is a proper defendant. Planned Parenthood Great Nw., Haw.,
`Alaska, Ind., Ky. v. Labrador, 122 F. 4th 825, 843 (9th Cir. 2024); Planned Parenthood of Idaho,
`Inc. v. Wasden, 376 F.3d 908, 919-20 (9th Cir. 2004).3
`State attorneys general are proper defendants where they “intend[] either to enforce
`a statute or to ‘encourage local law enforcement agencies to do so.”’ Culinary Workers Union,
`Loc. 226 v. Del Papa, 200 F.3d 614, 618-619 (9th Cir. 1999) (quoting Long v. Van de Kamp, 961
`F.2d 151, 152 (9th Cir. 1992)). The Attorney General has made clear, including through his July
`1, 2024, letter, that he intends to “continue to enforce [§ 18-622] in the vast majority of
`3 In a separate case, the Idaho Boards of Medicine and Nursing stipulated that they will take no
`disciplinary action against a licensee pursuant to § 18-622 absent a criminal conviction. Joint
`Stipulation, Planned Parenthood Great Nw., Haw., Alaska, Ind., Ky. v. Labrador, No. 23-cv-
`00142, ECF No. 182-1 (D. Idaho Dec. 18, 2024). The Attorney General’s decision to bring a
`criminal case is therefore also a precondition to imposition of these deterrent licensure penalties.
`4 Raúl Labrador, Labrador Letter: Idaho Is Committed to Protecting Life, OFFICE OF THE
`ATTORNEY GENERAL (July 1, 2024). https://www.ag.idaho.gov/newsroom/labrador-letter-


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 7 of 24
`I. The Supremacy Clause and Preemption
`The Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution mandates that “[t]his Constitution,
`and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof . . . , shall be the
`supreme Law of the Land . . . , any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary
`notwithstanding.” U.S. Const. art. VI, cl. 2.
`“[S]tates have no power . . . to retard, impede, burden, or in any manner control the
`operations of the Constitutional laws enacted by [C]ongress to carry into effect the powers vested
`in the national government.” M’Culloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) 316, 317 (1819). “There
`is no doubt Congress may withdraw specified powers from the States by enacting a statute
`containing an express preemption provision,” and a state law is invalid if it conflicts with such a
`provision. Arizona v. United States, 567 U.S. 387, 399 (2012). Likewise, a state law is invalid if
`compliance with the state and federal law is impossible or if the state law “stands as an obstacle
`to the accomplishment and execution of the full purposes and objectives of Congress.” Hines v.
`Davidowitz, 312 U.S. 52, 67 (1941).
`II. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA)
`18. Medicare, enacted in 1965 as Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C.
`§ 1395 et seq., is a federally funded program, administered by the Secretary of the Department of
`Health and Human Services (HHS), that pays healthcare providers or insurers for healthcare
`services under certain circumstances.
`19. Medical providers’ participation in Medicare is voluntary. When providers agree
`to participate in Medicare, they submit provider agreements to the Secretary of HHS. See 42
`U.S.C. § 1395cc. Hospitals submitting such agreements agree that they will “adopt and enforce a


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 8 of 24
`policy to ensure compliance with the requirements of [EMTALA] and to meet the requirements of
`[EMTALA].” Id. § 1395cc(a)(1)(I)(i).
`Under EMTALA, hospitals participating in Medicare are generally required to
`provide stabilizing healthcare to all patients who arrive at an emergency department suffering from
`an emergency medical condition. See id. § 1395dd.
`Specifically, EMTALA requires participating hospitals to “screen” patients who
`request treatment at the hospital’s emergency department and provide “necessary stabilizing
`treatment,” including an appropriate transfer to another facility that is able to provide stabilizing
`care not available at the originating hospital, for any “emergency medical condition” the hospital
`identifies. Id.
`The screening requirement necessitates that hospitals act “to determine whether or
`not an emergency medical condition” exists. Id. § 1395dd(a); see also 42 C.F.R. § 489.24(a)
`(noting that EMTALA requires “an appropriate medical screening examination within the
`capability of the hospital’s emergency department”).
`Congress defined an “emergency medical condition” in EMTALA as:
`(A) a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity
`(including severe pain) such that the absence of immediate medical attention could
`reasonably be expected to result in-
`placing the health of the individual (or, with respect to a pregnant woman,
`the health of the woman or her unborn child) in serious jeopardy,
`serious impairment to bodily functions, or
`serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part …
`(B) with respect to a pregnant woman who is having contractions-


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 9 of 24
`that there is inadequate time to effect a safe transfer to another hospital
`before delivery, or
`that transfer may pose a threat to the health or safety of the woman or the
`unborn child.
`42 U.S.C. § 1395dd(e)(1).
`If the hospital determines an individual has an emergency medical condition, “the
`hospital must . . . either” (1) provide “further medical examination and such treatment as may be
`required to stabilize the medical condition,” or (2) “transfer of the individual to another medical
`facility in accordance with” certain requirements. Id. § 1395dd(b)(1); see also 42 C.F.R.
`§ 489.24(a)(1)(i)-(ii). The hospital may also “admit[] th[e] individual as an inpatient in good faith
`in order to stabilize the emergency medical condition.” 42 C.F.R. § 489.24(d)(2)(i).
`EMTALA defines “to stabilize” to mean “to provide such medical treatment of the
`condition as may be necessary to assure, within reasonable medical probability, that no material
`deterioration of the condition is likely to result from or occur during the transfer of the individual
`from a facility.” 42 U.S.C. § 1395dd(e)(3)(A). The term “transfer” is defined to include
`“discharge” of a patient. Id. § 1395dd(e)(4).
`A hospital may not transfer (including by discharging) an individual with an
`emergency medical condition who has not been stabilized, unless, inter alia, the individual requests
`a transfer or a physician certifies that the benefits of a transfer to another medical facility outweigh
`the increased risks to the patient. Id. § 1395dd(c).
`In short, when an emergency medical condition exists, EMTALA requires
`participating hospitals to provide “stabilizing” treatment, as determined by the particular hospital’s
`facilities and the treating physician’s professional medical judgment.


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 10 of 24
`28. As relevant here,
`there are some pregnancy-related emergency medical
`conditions—including, but not limited to, severe preeclampsia and PPROM—for which a
`physician could determine that the necessary stabilizing treatment is care that could be deemed an
`“abortion” under Idaho law. In that scenario, EMTALA requires the hospital to provide that
`stabilizing treatment.5
`EMTALA contains an express preemption provision, which preempts state laws “to
`the extent that the [state law] requirement directly conflicts with a requirement of this section.”
`42 U.S.C. § 1395dd(f).
`In 2020, Idaho enacted a law that severely restricts abortions and threatens criminal
`prosecution against anyone who performs an abortion. The law, codified at Idaho Code § 18-622,
`was initially set to take effect on August 25, 2022, 30 days after issuance of the judgment in Dobbs
`v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 142 S. Ct. 2228 (2022). See Idaho Code § 18-622(1)(a).
`This Court, however, preliminary enjoined § 18-622 on August 24, 2022—the day
`before the law was set to take effect. United States v. Idaho, 623 F. Supp. 3d 1096 (D. Idaho 2022)
`(No. 1:22-cv-329-BLW). After this Court denied reconsideration of its decision, the State of Idaho
`and intervenors, including Republican state legislators and the Idaho legislature, obtained a stay
`5 See Dep’t of Health and Human Servs., Reinforcement of EMTALA Obligations specific to
`Patients who are Pregnant or are Experiencing Pregnancy Loss, CENTERS FOR MEDICARE &
`MEDICAID SERVICES (July 11, 2022), https://www.cms.gov/files/document/qso-22-22-
`hospitals.pdf; see also Reinforcement of EMTALA Obligations specific to Patients who are
`Pregnant or are Experiencing Pregnancy Loss, CENTERS FOR MEDICARE &
`(Sept. 17, 2021), https://www.cms.gov/files/document/qso-21-22-
`hospital.pdf; Biden-Harris Administration Reaffirms Commitment to EMTALA Enforcement,


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 11 of 24
`of the preliminary injunction from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on
`September 28, 2023. United States v. Idaho, 83 F.4th 1130 (9th Cir. 2023). Days later, on October
`10, 2023, the Ninth Circuit granted rehearing en banc and vacated the panel decision granting the
`stay. United States v. Idaho, 82 F.4th (9th Cir. 2023). Shortly thereafter, on January 5, 2024, upon
`request by Idaho and the intervenors, the United States Supreme Court reinstated the stay of the
`district court’s preliminary injunction, treated the stay request as a petition for certiorari before
`judgment, and granted that petition. Idaho v. United States, 144 S. Ct. 541 (2024) (mem.); Moyle
`v. United States, 144 S. Ct. 540 (2024) (mem.). Several months later, however, on June 27, 2024,
`the Supreme Court dismissed the writs of certiorari as improvidently granted and vacated the stay
`of the injunction. Moyle v. United States, 144 S. Ct. 2015 (2024) (mem.). As a result, Idaho’s
`abortion law was briefly in full effect without any limiting injunction in place allowing providers
`to comply with EMTALA between September 28 and October 10, 2023, and again between
`January 5 and June 27, 2024. Since then, the en banc Ninth Circuit has heard argument on the
`appeal of the preliminary injunction, which is again in place, but has yet to issue a decision.
`Under Idaho’s abortion law, “[e]very person who performs or attempts to perform
`an abortion . . . commits the crime of criminal abortion.” Id. § 18-622(1). The crime of “criminal
`abortion” is a felony, punishable by two to five years imprisonment. Id.
`Idaho’s law also requires that “[t]he professional license of any health care
`professional who performs or attempts to perform an abortion or who assists in performing or
`attempting to perform an abortion in violation of this subsection shall be suspended by the
`appropriate licensing board for a minimum of six (6) months upon a first offense and shall be
`permanently revoked upon a subsequent offense.” Id. (emphasis added).


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 12 of 24
`The Idaho law defines “[a]bortion” to mean “the use of any means to intentionally
`terminate the clinically diagnosable pregnancy of a woman with knowledge that the termination
`by those means will, with reasonable likelihood, cause the death of the unborn child.” Id. § 18-
`The criminal prohibition in Idaho’s law contains an exception for when abortion is
`necessary to prevent the pregnant patient’s death, but there is no exception applicable in
`circumstances where an abortion is necessary to ensure the health of the pregnant patient—even
`where the patient faces serious medical jeopardy or permanent impairment or disability.
`Thus, the mere act of terminating a pregnancy in an emergency scenario could
`subject a provider to criminal prosecution. Physicians cannot be sure that prosecutors will not
`second-guess their “good faith medical judgments” that termination was necessary to prevent the
`death of a pregnant patient. Id. § 18-622(2)(a)(i). Indeed, both Idaho’s Supreme Court and counsel
`for Idaho before the United States Supreme Court have acknowledged that Idaho prosecutors are
`free to—and very well may—do precisely that. See Planned Parenthood Great Nw. v. Idaho, 522
`P.3d 1132, 1204 (Idaho 2023) (“Of course, a prosecutor may attempt to prove that the physician’s
`subjective judgment … was not made in ‘good faith’ by pointing to other medical experts on
`whether the abortion was, in their expert opinion, medically necessary.”); Tr. of Oral Arg. 29,
`Moyle, 144 S. Ct. 2015, https://tinyurl.com/55h456n7 (hereinafter “Tr. of Oral Arg.”) (Justice
`Barrett: “What if the prosecutor thought, well, I don’t think any good-faith doctor could draw that
`conclusion, I’m going to put on my expert?” Idaho’s Counsel: “[T]hat, Your Honor, is the nature
`of prosecutorial discretion, and it may result in ... a case.”); see also Tr. of Oral Arg. at 31-32
`(Justice Alito: “I would think that the concept of good-faith medical judgment must take into
`account some objective standards .... That was how I interpreted what the—what the state supreme


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 13 of 24
`court said.”). And if a prosecutor does second-guess the physician’s good-faith judgment, an
`accused physician must litigate their subjective judgment and bear the associated expense,
`uncertainty, and risk of imprisonment and license suspension.
`In addition, it is a requirement for the “necessary to prevent the [mother’s] death”
`exception that the physician “performed or attempted to perform the abortion in the manner that,
`in his good faith medical judgment and based on the facts known to the physician at the time,
`provided the best opportunity for the unborn child to survive, unless, in his good faith medical
`judgment, termination of the pregnancy in that manner would have posed a greater risk of the death
`of the pregnant woman.” Id. § 18-622(2)(a)(ii).
`St. Luke’s conscientiously complies with Medicare requirements and operates eight
`emergency departments, including six Time Sensitive Emergency departments.
`Idaho’s criminal prohibition of all abortions, with narrow exceptions, conflicts with
`EMTALA. Idaho’s criminal prohibition extends even to abortions that a physician determines are
`necessary stabilizing treatment that must be provided under EMTALA.
`In particular, EMTALA’s definition of an emergency medical condition—for
`which St. Luke’s would be required to facilitate stabilizing treatment—is broader than just those
`circumstances where treatment is “necessary to prevent . . . death” under Idaho law. For example,
`EMTALA requires stabilizing treatment where “the health” of the patient is “in serious jeopardy,”
`or where continuing a pregnancy could result in a “serious impairment to bodily functions” or a
`“serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.” 42 U.S.C. § 1395dd(e)(1)(A)(i)-(iii). Idaho has
`criminalized terminating a pregnancy in those circumstances, even when a physician has


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 14 of 24
`determined that is the necessary stabilizing treatment for a patient’s emergency medical condition.
`The Idaho law therefore conflicts with federal law and is, in this respect, preempted.
`The Idaho law also conflicts with EMTALA because the only limited protection it
`affords for even life-saving terminations is a narrow exception that potentially requires physicians
`to litigate the line between life-saving care and care that is only necessary for the health of a patient.
`Idaho’s law subjects every provider and employee who performs or assists in terminating a
`pregnancy to potential loss of their professional license unless, as relevant here, that abortion was
`“necessary to prevent . . . death”—and not only necessary to preserve the health of the pregnant
`patient. The Idaho law will deter St. Luke’s physicians from terminating pregnancies even when
`they have determined that care is medically necessary and thus must be provided under federal law.
`This is true even in the limited situations in which terminating the pregnancy was in fact “necessary
`to prevent . . . death,” because physicians may fear that prosecutors or jurors will not agree that
`the circumstances fit into this narrow exception. Here, the law’s obvious chilling effect on
`providers’ willingness to provide care, even when that care is determined to be a necessary medical
`treatment, is itself an impediment to the accomplishment of EMTALA’s goal of ensuring that
`patients receive emergency care. The Idaho law is therefore preempted.
`The Idaho abortion law was initially set to become effective on August 25, 2022; it
`is currently subject to a preliminary injunction.
`Following the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs, the Governor of Idaho issued a
`press release stating that “Idaho has been at the forefront of enacting new laws” to restrict abortion,
`and specifically referencing § 18-622 as a bill that the Governor “signed into law” and “will go


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 15 of 24
`into effect later this summer.”6 The Attorney General has also recently reaffirmed his view that
`“Dobbs clearly allowed states to protect the sanctity of life for unborn children” by enacting laws
`like § 18-622, and made clear that he intends to “enforce [§ 18-622] in the vast majority of
`circumstances” in accordance with his understanding of the limitations in place “while the
`litigation continues.”7
`If the preliminary injunction issued in United States v. Idaho is no longer in place
`and the law goes into full effect, St. Luke’s providers will once again immediately be subject to
`the threat of arrest, imprisonment, criminal liability, and loss of license for providing federally
`required care, and St. Luke’s will immediately be at risk of losing its Medicare funding and facing
`civil litigation and liability.
`Severe harm will result from Idaho’s law, which violates the Supremacy Clause.
`See New Orleans Pub. Serv., Inc. v. Council of City of New Orleans, 491 U.S. 350, 366-67 (1989)
`(assuming that irreparable injury may be established “by a showing that the challenged state statute
`is flagrantly and patently violative of . . . the express constitutional prescription of the Supremacy
`Clause” (citation omitted)).
`Idaho’s Abortion Law Sharply Curtails the Ability of St. Luke’s to
`Properly Care for Patients and thus Threatens Severe Public Health
`If Idaho’s abortion law takes effect without a limiting injunction, St. Luke’s medical
`providers will be threatened with prosecution under a state law that prohibits them from providing
`6 Press Release, Gov. Little Comments on SCOTUS Overrule of Roe v. Wade, Office of the
`Governor (June 24, 2022), https://gov.idaho.gov/pressrelease/gov-little-comments-on-scotus-
`7 Raúl Labrador, Labrador Letter: Idaho Is Committed to Protecting Life, OFFICE OF THE
`ATTORNEY GENERAL (July 1, 2024), https://www.ag.idaho.gov/newsroom/labrador-letter-
`idaho-is-committed-to-protecting-life/ (emphasis added).


`Case 1:25-cv-00015-DKG Document 1 Filed 01/14/25 Page 16 of 24
`necessary stabilizing medical treatment required by EMTALA. St. Luke’s medical providers will
`be faced with an untenable choice—either to withhold critical stabilizing treatment required under
`EMTALA or to risk criminal prosecution and potential loss of their professional licenses.
`If St. Luke’s medical providers faced with this conflict choose the path that risks
`violating § 18-622, St. Luke’s in turn risks losing its medical providers, hampering its ability to
`properly treat patients. If instead St. Luke’s medical providers choose to violate EMTALA, St.
`Luke’s may lose its Medicare funds—which would also jeopardize its ability to properly care for
`patients—or face civil liability and litigation brought by patients.
`48. More fundamentally, this conflict hampers the ability of St. Luke’s to fulfill its
`mission of improving the health of people in the communities it serves because patients will
`suffer—including by losing access to necessary healthcare that is guaranteed under federal law or
`having their care delayed. Such delay may arise when physicians and non-physician attorneys must
`debate whether termination of a pregnancy is truly “necessary to prevent the death” of the patient
`or “only” necessary to avert a serious but non-lethal threat to the patient’s health. Or delay may
`arise when providers wait to provide medically necessary treatment until the patient is close to
`death to avoid prosecution, even though the provider understands that the condition will likely
`worsen and even though the patient suffers in the meantime.
`Particularly in emergency circumstances, or when dealing with considerations of
`risk to an individual’s life or health,

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