Case 1:22-cv-22706-RNS Document 184-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/19/2023 Page 1 of 32
`Civil Action No. 1:22-CV-22706-RNS


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`IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, pursuant to Rule 26(c) of the Federal
`Rules of Civil Procedure and subject to the approval of the Court, by and between the parties and
`by their respective undersigned counsel, that this Stipulation and Order shall govern the handling
`of documents, depositions, deposition exhibits, interrogatory responses, admissions, and any other
`information produced, given, or exchanged by and among the parties and any non-parties to the
`above-captioned action.
`Accordingly, based upon the agreement of the parties, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED
`pursuant to Rule 26(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that the following procedures shall
`be adopted for the protection of confidential and proprietary information:


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`Challenging Party: A Party that challenges the designation of information or items
`under this Order.
`“CONFIDENTIAL” Information or Items: A Party’s information (regardless of
`how it is generated, stored, or maintained) or tangible things that qualify for protection under
`Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c)(1)(G).
`Counsel (without qualifier): Outside Counsel of Record (as well as their support
`Designating Party: A Party or Non-Party that designates information or items that
`it produces in disclosures or in responses to discovery as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY
`Disclosure or Discovery Material: All items or information, regardless of the
`medium or manner in which it is generated, stored, or maintained (including, among other things,
`testimony, transcripts, and tangible things), that are produced or generated in disclosures or
`responses to discovery in the above-captioned action.
`Expert: A person with specialized knowledge or experience in a matter pertinent to
`the above-captioned action who (1) has been retained by a Party or its counsel to serve as an expert
`witness or as a consultant in the above-captioned action, (2) is not a current employee of a Party
`or of a Party’s competitor, and (3) at the time of retention, is not anticipated to become an employee
`of a Party or of a Party’s competitor.


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`Items: A Party’s information that is more sensitive than “CONFIDENTIAL Information or Items,”
`the disclosure of which is likely to significantly harm that Party’s competitive position, or the
`disclosure of which would contravene an obligation of confidentiality, including particularly
`sensitive confidential information that a Party believes in good faith cannot be disclosed without
`threat of injury because such information contains trade secret or other proprietary or commercially
`sensitive information.
`“HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” Information or Items: A Party’s
`information that is more sensitive than “CONFIDENTIAL Information or Items” representing any
`source code, human-readable programming language text that defines software, firmware, or
`electronic hardware descriptions, object code, Register Transfer Level (“RTL”) files, VHDL,
`Verilog, and other Hardware Description Language (“HDL”) files, or other hardware description
`language, live data (i.e., data as it exists residing in a database or databases), or pseudo-source
`code (i.e., a notation resembling a programming language but not intended for actual compilation,
`which usually combines some of the structure of a programming language with an informal
`natural-language description of the computations to be carried out), and associated comments and
`revision histories.
`In-House Counsel: Attorneys who are employees of a Party to the above-captioned
`action. In-House Counsel does not include Outside Counsel of Record or any other outside
`1.10 Non-Party: Any natural person, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal
`entity not named as a Party to an above-captioned action in question.


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`1.11 Outside Counsel of Record: Attorneys who are not employees of a Party to the
`above-captioned action but are retained to represent or advise a Party to that action and have
`appeared in the action on behalf of that Party or are affiliated with a law firm which has appeared
`on behalf of that Party.
`Party: A named party to an above-captioned action, including all of its officers,
`directors, employees, consultants, retained experts, and Outside Counsel of Record (and their
`support staffs).
`Producing Party: A Party or Non-Party that produces Disclosure or Discovery
`Material in an above-captioned action.
`Professional Vendors: Persons or entities that provide litigation support services
`(e.g., photocopying, videotaping,
`translating, oral
`interpreting, preparing exhibits or
`demonstrations, and organizing, storing, or retrieving data in any form or medium) and their
`employees and subcontractors.
`Protected Material: Any Disclosure or Discovery Material that is designated as
`1.16 Receiving Party: A Party that receives Disclosure or Discovery Material from a
`Producing Party.
`1.17 Relevant Technology: System and method for conserving battery power in a mobile
`station; backward-compatible long training sequences for wireless communication networks;
`efficient feedback of channel information in a closed loop beamforming wireless communication
`system; method and system for frame formats for MIMO channel measurement exchange;
`automatic handoff for wireless piconet multimode cell phone; theft alarm in mobile device;


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`proximity regulation system for use with a portable cell phone and a method of operation thereof;
`multi-chip package having a contiguous heat spreader assembly; multi chip module; method and
`apparatus for channel traffic congestion avoidance in a mobile communication system; prioritizing
`RACH message contents.
`The protections conferred by this Stipulation and Order cover not only Protected Material
`(as defined above), but also (1) any information copied or extracted from Protected Material;
`(2) all copies, excerpts, summaries, or compilations of Protected Material; and (3) any testimony,
`conversations, or presentations by Parties or their Counsel that might reveal Protected Material.
`However, the protections conferred by this Stipulation and Order do not cover the following
`information: (a) any information that is in the public domain at the time of disclosure to a
`Receiving Party or becomes part of the public domain after its disclosure to a Receiving Party as
`a result of publication not involving a violation of this Order, including becoming part of the public
`record through trial or otherwise; and (b) any information known to the Receiving Party prior to
`the disclosure or obtained by the Receiving Party after the disclosure from a source who obtained
`the information lawfully and under no obligation of confidentiality to the Designating Party.
`For clarity, nothing herein shall affect the right of the Designating Party to disclose to its
`officers, directors, employees, attorneys, consultants or Experts, or to any other person, its own
`information. Such disclosure shall not waive the protections of this Protective Order and shall not
`entitle other Parties or their attorneys to disclose such information in violation of it, unless by such
`disclosure of the Designating Party the information becomes public knowledge. Similarly, the
`Protective Order shall not preclude a Party from showing its own information to its officers,
`directors, employees, attorneys, consultants, or experts, or to any other person, which information
`has been filed under seal by another Party.


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`Any use of Protected Material at trial shall be governed by a separate agreement or order.
`Even after final disposition of the above-captioned action, the confidentiality obligations
`imposed by this Order shall remain in effect until a Designating Party agrees otherwise in writing
`or a court order otherwise directs. Final disposition shall be deemed to be the later of (1) dismissal
`of all claims and defenses in an action, with or without prejudice; and (2) final judgment herein
`after the completion and exhaustion of all appeals, rehearings, remands, trials, or reviews of that
`action, including the time limits for filing any motions or applications for extension of time
`pursuant to applicable law.
`Exercise of Restraint and Care in Designating Material for Protection. Each Party
`or Non-Party that designates information or items for protection under this Order must take care
`to limit any such designation to material that qualifies under the appropriate standards. To the
`extent it is practical to do so, the Designating Party must designate for protection only those parts
`of material, documents, items, or oral or written communications that qualify—so that other
`portions of the material, documents, items, or communications for which protection is not
`warranted are not swept unjustifiably within the ambit of this Order.
`4.2 Manner and Timing of Designations. Except as otherwise provided in this Order
`(see, e.g., second paragraph of Section 4.2(a) below), or as otherwise stipulated or ordered,
`Disclosure or Discovery Material that qualifies for protection under this Order must be clearly so
`designated before the material is disclosed or produced.
`Designation in conformity with this Order requires:
`For information in documentary form (e.g., paper or electronic documents,
`but excluding transcripts of depositions or other pretrial or trial proceedings), that the Producing


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`EYES ONLY” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” to each page that contains
`protected material.
`A Party or Non-Party that makes original documents or materials available for inspection
`need not designate them for protection until after the inspecting Party has indicated which material
`it would like copied and produced. During the inspection and before the designation, all of the
`material made available for inspection shall be deemed “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL –
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY.” After the inspecting Party has identified the documents it wants
`copied and produced, the Producing Party must determine which documents, or portions thereof,
`qualify for protection under this Order. Then, before producing the specified documents, the
`Producing Party must affix the appropriate legend (“CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY
`CODE”) to each page that contains Protected Material.
`For testimony given in deposition or in other pretrial or trial proceedings,
`that the Designating Party identify on the record, before the close of the deposition, hearing, or
`other proceeding, or within twenty-one (21) calendar days after receipt of the final transcript, all
`protected testimony and specify the level of protection being asserted. When it is impractical to
`identify separately each portion of testimony that is entitled to protection and it appears that
`substantial portions of the testimony may qualify for protection, the Designating Party may invoke
`on the record (before the deposition, hearing, or other proceeding is concluded, or within twenty-
`one (21) calendar days after receipt of the final transcript) a right to place the entirety of the
`testimony under the protection of this Order. A Party may designate deposition, pretrial, or trial


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`ONLY,” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE,” by making such designations on
`the record at the proceedings or by advising the opposing Party and the stenographer and
`videographer in writing, within twenty-one (21) calendar days after receipt of the final transcript,
`EYES ONLY,” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE.” To the extent that a Party
`does not make a confidentiality designation on the record, all deposition, pretrial, and trial
`testimony will be treated as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” until
`the expiration of the 21-day period for designation of confidentiality.
`To the extent possible, Parties shall give the other parties notice if they reasonably expect
`a deposition, hearing, or other proceeding to include Protected Material so that the other parties
`can ensure that only authorized individuals who have signed the “Acknowledgment and
`Agreement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A) are present at those proceedings. The use of a document as
`an exhibit at a deposition shall not in any way affect its designation as “CONFIDENTIAL,”
`and “HIGHLY
`CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE.” If a person present at a deposition, hearing, or other
`Protective Order
`“HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” information to be disclosed by counsel or the
`witness under the terms of this Protective Order, that person shall leave the room or video while
`such information is being disclosed or used during the deposition, hearing, or other proceeding.
`Transcripts containing Protected Material shall have an obvious legend on the title page
`that the transcript contains Protected Material, and the level of protection being asserted by the
`Designating Party. If a party wishes to disclose purportedly non-confidential material from a


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`ONLY,” the party shall identify the pages and lines in question to obtain agreement on disclosure
`of only those non-confidential lines of transcript.
`For information produced in some form other than documentary and for any
`other tangible items, that the Producing Party affix in a prominent place on the exterior of the
`container or containers in which the information or item is stored the legend “CONFIDENTIAL,”
`– SOURCE CODE.” If only a portion or portions of the information or item warrant protection,
`the Producing Party, to the extent practicable, shall identify the protected portion(s) and specify
`the level of protection being asserted.
`Inadvertent Failures to Designate. If timely corrected after recognition by a
`Producing Party of an inadvertent failure to designate, an inadvertent failure to designate qualified
`information or items does not, standing alone, waive the Producing Party’s right to secure
`protection under this Order for such material. For purposes of clarity, a failure to designate
`ONLY,” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” at the time of production or within
`the 21-day transcription designation period does not constitute forfeiture of a claim of
`confidentiality as to any information, document, thing, interrogatory answer, admission, pleading,
`or testimony. Upon timely correction of a designation after recognition by a Producing Party, the
`Receiving Party must make reasonable efforts to assure that the material is treated in accordance
`with the provisions of this Order.


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`Right to Seek Additional Protections. This Order is entered without prejudice to the
`right of any Party to seek additional protections from the Court as may be necessary under
`particular circumstances.
`Timing of Challenges. Any Party may challenge a designation of confidentiality at
`any time. A Party does not waive its right to challenge a confidentiality designation by electing
`not to mount a challenge promptly after the original designation is disclosed.
`5.2 Meet and Confer. The Challenging Party shall initiate the dispute resolution process
`by providing written notice of each designation it is challenging and describing the basis for each
`challenge. To avoid ambiguity as to whether a challenge has been made, the written notice must
`recite that the challenge to confidentiality is being made in accordance with this specific paragraph
`of the Protective Order. The parties shall attempt to resolve each challenge in good faith and must
`begin the process by conferring (in oral dialogue; other forms of communication are not sufficient)
`within fourteen (14) days of the date of service of notice. In conferring, the Challenging Party must
`explain the basis for its belief that the confidentiality designation was not proper and must give the
`Designating Party an opportunity to review the designated material, to reconsider the
`circumstances, and, if no change in designation is offered, to explain the basis for the chosen
`designation. A Challenging Party may proceed to the next stage of the challenge process only if it
`has engaged in this meet-and-confer process first or establishes that the Designating Party is
`unwilling to participate in the meet-and-confer process in a timely manner.
`Judicial Intervention. If the Parties cannot resolve a challenge without court
`intervention, the Challenging Party shall contact the Court within twenty-one (21) days of the
`initial notice of challenge in accordance with the procedures set forth in Magistrate Judge
`Goodman’s Discovery Procedures Order (Dkt. No. 9). Failure by the Challenging Party to contact


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`the Court within twenty-one (21) days shall automatically waive a challenge to the confidentiality
`designation for each challenged designation.
`The burden of persuasion in any such challenge proceeding shall be on the Designating
`Party. The information shall remain subject to the original designation until the Court rules on the
`dispute. A Party’s failure to contest a designation of information is not an admission that the
`information was properly designated as such, nor is a Party under any obligation to challenge
`designations within a set period of time after production.
`Basic Principles. Absent further Order from the Court, the Receiving Party may use
`Protected Material that is disclosed or produced by another Party or by a Non-Party in connection
`with an above-captioned action only for prosecuting, defending, or attempting to settle that
`particular action. Such Protected Material may be disclosed only to the categories of persons and
`under the conditions described in this Order. When the litigation has been terminated, a Receiving
`Party must comply with the provisions of Section 14 below (FINAL DISPOSITION).
`Protected Material must be stored and maintained by a Receiving Party at a location and in
`a secure manner that ensures that access is limited to the persons authorized under this Order.
`Disclosure of “CONFIDENTIAL” Information or Items. Unless otherwise ordered
`by the Court or permitted in writing by the Designating Party, a Receiving Party may disclose any
`information or item designated “CONFIDENTIAL” only to:


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`the Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel of Record in the action in which it
`is produced, as well as employees of said Outside Counsel of Record to whom it is reasonably
`necessary to disclose the information for the above-captioned action;
`employees of a Party whose primary job responsibility is to handle legal
`matters for the Party (including In-House Counsel, in-house paralegals, and their staff);
`three (3) current officers, directors, or employees (excluding those
`identified in paragraph 6.2(b)) of the Receiving Party to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary
`for the litigation, following identification of such individual to each of the other Parties and
`approval by the other Parties, such approval not to be unreasonably delayed or withheld, and who
`have signed the “Acknowledgment and Agreement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A);
`Experts (as defined in this Order) of the Receiving Party (1) who have
`signed the “Acknowledgment and Agreement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A), and (2) as to whom the
`procedures set forth in paragraph 6.5(a), below, have been followed; and the Experts’ staff;
`the Court and its personnel;
`court reporters and their staff, translators, professional jury or trial
`consultants, and Professional Vendors to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary for the above-
`captioned action; and
`the author or recipient of a document containing the information or a
`custodian or other person who otherwise possessed or knew the information or is employed by the
`Designating Party.
`Information or Items. Unless otherwise ordered by the Court or permitted in writing by the


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`Designating Party, a Receiving Party may disclose any information or item designated “HIGHLY
`the Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel of Record in the action in which it
`is produced, as well as employees of said Outside Counsel of Record to whom it is reasonably
`necessary to disclose the information in the above-captioned action;
`Experts of the Receiving Party (1) who have signed the “Acknowledgment
`and Agreement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A), and (2) as to whom the procedures set forth in paragraph
`6.5(a), below, have been followed; and the Experts’ staff;
`the Court and its personnel;
`court reporters and their staff, translators, professional jury or trial
`consultants, and Professional Vendors to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary for the litigation
`in which it is produced; and
`the author or recipient of a document containing the information or a
`custodian or other person who otherwise possessed or knew the information or is employed by the
`Designating Party.
`Disclosure of “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” Information or
`Items. Unless otherwise ordered by the court or permitted in writing by the Designating Party, a
`Receiving Party may disclose any information or item designated “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL –
`SOURCE CODE” only to the following persons:


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`the Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel of Record in the above-captioned
`action in which it is produced as well as employees of such Outside Counsel of Record to whom
`it is reasonably necessary to disclose the information for that particular litigation;
`Experts of the Receiving Party (1) who have signed the “Acknowledgment
`and Agreement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A), and (2) as to whom the procedures set forth in paragraph
`6.5(a), below, have been followed; and the Experts’ staff;
`the Court and its personnel;
`court reporters and their staff to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary
`for the litigation in which it is produced; and
`the author or recipient of a document containing the information or a
`custodian or other person who otherwise possessed or knew the information or is employed by the
`Designating Party.
`Procedures for Approving or Objecting to Disclosure of “CONFIDENTIAL,”
`– SOURCE CODE” Information or Items to Experts.
`Unless otherwise ordered by the Court or agreed to in writing by the
`Designating Party, a Receiving Party that seeks to disclose to an Expert (as defined in this Order)
`information or
`that has been designated “CONFIDENTIAL,” “HIGHLY
`CODE” pursuant to paragraphs 6.2(d), 6.3(b), and 6.4(b) first must make a written request via e-
`mail to the Designating Party’s Outside Counsel of Record that (1) sets forth the full name of the
`Expert and the city and state of his or her primary residence, (2) attaches a copy of the Expert’s
`current resume, including a list of publications from the past ten (10) years, and (3) identifies (by


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`name and number of the case and location of court) any litigation in connection with which the
`Expert has offered expert testimony, including through a declaration, report, or testimony at a
`deposition or trial, during the preceding four (4) years. The Designating Party shall have seven (7)
`business days after such notice is given to object in writing via e-mail to the Receiving Party’s
`Outside Counsel of Record that made the written e-mail request disclosing the Expert.
`A Receiving Party that makes a request and provides the information
`specified in the preceding’s respective paragraphs shall not disclose the subject Protected Material
`to the identified Expert until expiration of the 7-day notice period. Any such objection must set
`forth in detail the grounds on which it is based. If during the notice period the Designating Party
`serves an objection upon the Receiving Party desiring to disclose Protected Material to the Expert,
`there shall be no disclosure of Protected Material to such individual pending resolution of the
`A Receiving Party that receives a timely written objection must meet and
`confer with the Designating Party (through oral dialogue) to try to resolve the matter by agreement
`within seven (7) business days after the written objection is served. The Designating Party shall
`then have ten (10) business days after such objection is served to, if no agreement is reached,
`contact the Court in accordance with the procedures set forth in Magistrate Judge Goodman’s
`Discovery Procedures Order (Dkt. No. 9), and no Protected Material from the Designating Party
`shall be disclosed to the Expert without the Court’s approval. Any motion filed pursuant to this
`paragraph must describe the circumstances with specificity and set forth in detail the reasons why
`the disclosure to the Expert should not be made. Furthermore, the Designating Party opposing
`disclosure to the Expert shall bear the burden of proving that the risk of harm that the disclosure


`Case 1:22-cv-22706-RNS Document 184-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/19/2023 Page 17 of
`would entail (under the safeguards of this Protective Order) outweighs the Receiving Party’s need
`to disclose the Protected Material to its Expert.
`No document designated by a Designating Party as Protected Material shall be disclosed
`by a Receiving Party to an Expert until after the individual has signed the “Acknowledgment and
`Agreement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A). Such written agreement shall be retained by the Outside
`Counsel of Record for the party that has retained the Expert but need not be disclosed to any other
`It is understood that Outside Counsel of Record for a Party may give advice and
`opinions to his or her client based on his or her evaluation of information designated
`“HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” which is provided from the opposing Party to
`such Outside Counsel of Record in his or her respective action, provided that such rendering of
`advice and opinions shall not reveal the content of such information except by prior written
`agreement with counsel for the Producing Party.
` Prosecution Bar. Individuals associated with Plaintiff Bell Northern Research,
`including Outside Counsel, who personally
`review any
`technical HIGHLY
`CODE Material are prohibited from participating in an administrative proceeding for the
`examination and reexamination of a patent or patent application insofar as the participation
`involves input into the drafting, revising or amending of a patent claim related to the Relevant
`Technology, if such administrative proceeding (e.g., patent application filing) was commenced
`less than two years following the final termination of this action (including any appeals). This
`prosecution bar does not prevent an individual from participating in a reexamination, inter partes


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`review, or other post-grant review proceedings involving the patents-at-issue or patents related
`thereto, except that the individual is prohibited from participating in the drafting of any claim or
`amendment to any claim of the patents-at-issue or patents related thereto.
`To the extent production of source code becomes necessary in this case, a
`Producing Party may designate source code as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - SOURCE CODE”
`if it comprises or includes confidential, proprietary or trade secret source code. Source code
`includes, but is not limited to, files in programming languages such as C++, Java, and Flash. For
`the avoidance of doubt, the Producing Party may designate as source code make files, link files,
`algorithms, pseudocode, and other human-readable files used in the generation, building or
`compiling of software or firmware and includes all directory and folder structures in which such
`files are maintained. For clarity, Source Code filenames and directory structures are accorded the
`same protection that is accorded to actual Source Code. Production or designation of information
`as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - SOURCE CODE” shall not be construed as a representation or
`admission by a party that such information is properly discoverable in this action, nor does the
`inclusion of the “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - SOURCE CODE” designation as part of this
`Protective Order obligate any party to produce source code.
`Protected Material designated as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE”
`may be disclosed only to the individuals as set forth in Paragraph 6.4. The following additional
`restrictions shall apply to the inspection and production of HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - SOURCE
`CODE, unless otherwise advised by the Producing Party or otherwise Ordered by the Court:
`Any source code produced in discovery shall be made available for inspection, in
`electronic (e.g., native) format. The Producing Party shall produce source code for

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