`Domestic Mail Only
`For delivery information, visit our website at www.usps.com®.
`Certified Mail Fee
`xtra Services & Feesytheck box, add fee as appropriate)
`Return Receipt (hardcopy)
`OReturn Receipt (electronic)
`OCentified Mait RestrictedDolivery
`(Adult Signature Required
`[Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$
`Total Postage anorees
`NG, or
`2 Areceipt (this portion of the Certified Mail tabel.
`0 A unique identifier for your mailpiece.
`0 Electronic verification of delivery or attempted
`©Arecord of delivery (including the recipient's
`signature) that is retained by the Postal Service™
`for a specified period,
`mportant Reminders:
`# You may purchase Certified Mail service with
`First-Class Mail®, First-Class Package Service®,
`or Priority Mail? service,
`8 Certified Mail service is notavailable for
`international mail.
`1 Insurance coverage is not available for purchase
`with Certified Mail service. However, the purchase
`of Certified Mail service does not change the
`insurance coverage automatically included with
`certain Priovity Mail items.
`® For an additional fee, and with a proper
`endorsement on the mailpiece, you may request
`the following services:
`~ Retum receipt service, which provides a record
`of delivery (including the recipient's signature).
`You can request a hardcopy retum receipt or an
`electronic version, For a hardcopy return receipt,
`complete PS Form 3811, Domestic Return
`IMPORTANT: Save his recat for your records.
`Receipt; attach PS Form 3811 to your mailpiece;
`2g Form 3800. .tannarv 2029 Ravereal PSN 7AAN-ND-NNN.ONAT
`for an electronic return receipt, see a retail
`associate for assistance. To receive a duplicate
`return receipt for no additional fee, present this
`USPS®-postmarked Certified Mail receipt to the
`retail associate.
`Restricted delivery service, which provides
`dellvery to the addressee specified by name, or
`to the addressee's authorized agent.
`- Adult signature service, which requires the
`signee to be at least 2t years of age (not
`available at retail).
`- Adult signature restricted delivery service, which
`Tequires the signee to be at least 21 years of age
`and provides delivery to the addressee specified
`by name, or to the addressee's authorized agent
`(not available at retail).
`® To ensure that your Certified Mail recelpt is
`accepted as tegal proof of mailing, it should beara
`USPS postmark. If you would like a postmark on
`this Certified Mail receipt, please present your
`Certified Mail item at a Post Office™ for
`postmarking. If you don't need a postmark on this
`Certified Mail receipt, detach the barcoded portion
`of this abel, affix it to the mailpiece, apply
`appropriate Ne postage, and deposit the mailpiece.
`@ Complete items 1, 2, and 3,
`, @ Print your name and address on the reverse
`$0 that we can return the card to you,
`i @ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
`or on the front if space permits.
`1. Article Addressed to:
`1313 New York AVE NW
`Washington DC 20005
`A. Signature
`B. Received by (Printed Name)
`o Agent
`C. Date of Delivery h
`D. Is delivery address different from item 1? CI Yes
`If YES, enter delivery address below:
`CI No
`9590 9402 8756 3310 5734 20
`(Transfer.from.service label)
`9589 0710 S270
`5 3 5 0 7
`06 Caen AQAA ihe ANNAN Men!
`3. Service Type
`G Adult Signature
`duit Signature Restricted Delivery
`Certified Mall®
`rtified Mail Restricted Delivery
`Collect on Delivery
`0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery
`yred Mall
`fed Mail Restricted Delivery
`Priority Mait Express®!
`0 Registered Mali™
`Mail Restricted i
`© Signature Confirmation™ :
`O Signature Confirmation
`Restricted Delivery
`First-Class Mail
`Postage & Fees Paid
`Permit No. G-10
`9590 9402 &75b 3310 $7314 00
`United States
`Postal Service
`© Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4° in this box®
`District Of Columbia Superior Court
`Small Claims and Conciliation Branch
`510 4" Street, N.W., Building B, Room120
`Washington, D.C. 20001
`5889 Pld Seed Obl 4305
`1313 New York AVE NW
`Washington DC 20005
`Superior Court of the District of Columbia
`Civil Division - Small Claims and Conciliation Branch
`510 4th St NW, Room 120, Washington DC 20001
`202-879-1120 | www.dccourts.gov
`Case Number: 2024-SCB-002162
`Ricky Smith v. USA
`Case Style:
`You are notified that Plaintiff has made a claim and is requesting judgment against you, as shown by the attached
`Statement of Claim. The Statement of Claim provides the reasons the Plaintiff is seeking a judgment from you. You are
`required to participate in the Initial Hearing at the date and time below.
`Initial Hearing Date:
`Thursday, 11/21/2024
`Initial Hearing Time:
`9:00 AM
`Courtroom Location:
`Remote Courtroom B-119
`Please see attached instructions for remote participation.
`Legal Assistance: The court encourages people to reach out to legal services providers who might answer questions
`or provide free legal representation. For free legal assistance, call the Small Claims Resource Center at (202) 849-
`3608. Court employees are not permitted to give advice on legal questions.
`2) Hearing Date: All counsel and unrepresented parties must participate in the hearing at the date and time listed
`above. The judge will establish a schedule and explain what happens next. You may also discuss a possible
`settlement with the other party.
`3) Default/Default Judgment: If you, or your attorney, do not appear on the date and time listed above, a default or
`default judgment may be entered against you without any further court hearings.
`4) Contact Us: If you have questions about participation in the hearing call the Small Claims and Conciliation Branch at
`202-879-1120. For more information or to live chat, please visit:
`: :
`Zabrina W. Dempson, Clerk of the Court
`Superior Court of the District of Columbia
`Page 1 of 6
`Civil Division - Revised July 7, 2023
`To Join by Computer, Tablet, or Smartphone:
`1) Copy and Paste or Type the link into r-a web browser and enter the Webex Meeting ID listed below.
`Link: dccourts.webex.com/meet/ctbb119
`Meeting ID: 129 230 4882
`2) When you are ready, click "Join Meeting".
`3) You will be placed in the lobby until the courtroom clerk gives you access to the hearing.
`Or to Join by Phone:
`1) Call 202-860-2110 (local) or 844-992-4726 (toll-free)
`2) Enter the Webex Meeting ID listed above followed by "##"
`Resources and Contact Information:
`1) For best practices on how to participate in Webex Meetings, click here
`2) For technical issues or questions, call the Information Technology Division at 202-879-1928 and select
`option 2.
`3) For case questions, call the Small Claims and Conciliation Branch Clerk's Office at 202-879-1120.
`4) To change your method of hearing participation, visit www.dccourts.qov/hearing-information for
`instructions and forms.
`Page 2 of 6
`Civil Division - Revised July 7, 2023
`Persons with Disabilities:
`If you have a disability as defined by the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and you require an
`accommodation, please call 202-879-1700 or email ADACoordinator@dcsc.gov. The D.C. Courts does not
`provide transportation service.
`Interpreting and Translation Services:
`The D.C. Courts offers free language access services to people having business with the court who are deaf
`or who are non-English speakers. Parties to raa case may request free translations of court orders and other
`court documents. To ask for an interpreter or translation, please contact the Clerk's Office listed for your
`case. For more information, visit https://www.dccourts.qov/lanquage-access.
`Servicios de interpretacion y traduccién:
`Los Tribunales del Distrito de Columbia ofrecen servicios gratuitos de acceso al idioma a las personas
`sordas o que no hablan inglés que tienen asuntos que atender en el tribunal. Las partes de un caso pueden
`solicitar traducciones gratuitas de las érdenes judiciales y otros documentos del tribunal. Para solicitar un
`intérprete o una traduccién, péngase en contacto con la Secretaria de su caso.
`Para mas informacion, visite https://www.dccourts.gov/lanquage-access.
`El acceso al idioma es importante para los Tribunales del Distrito de Columbia. Puede dar su opinién sobre
`los servicios de idiomas visitando https://www.dccourts.qov/services/information-and-resources/interpretina-
`25 https://www.dccourts.gov/lanquage-access
`Page 3 of 6
`Civil Division - Revised July 7, 2023
`Tips for Attending Remote Hearings - Civil Division
`Your court hearing may be held remotely. This means that you will participate by phone or by video
`conference instead of coming to the courthouse. Here are some tips on how to prepare.
`Tips. for the Hearing'
`Join the hearing a few minutes early!
`Charge your computer or phone and make sure you have
`enough minutes to join the call Find a private arid quiet
`space If possible, be alone in a room during the hearing. Try
`to limit distractions as much as possible. If otners are in the
`.foom with you, ask if they can be quiet during the hearing.
`Mute your microphone when you are not talking. Mute all
`sounds on your phone or computer
`Say your name before-you speak so the record Ve
`How do | know if | have a remote hearing?
`The Court will contact you to tell you that your hearing is remote
`They may contact you by sending you an email, letter in the mail,
`or by calling you.
`How do | take part in a remote hearing?.
`The Court will give you step-by-step instructions on how to take
`part in the remote hearing. If you lose your written notice, call.the
`Small Claims Clerk's Office for instructions at:
`Is there anything that 1 should do before
`the day of the hearing?
`Let the court know immediately if you cannot join a hearing
`because you do not have a phone or computer.
`Claims Clerk's-Office: 202-879-1120
`You may want to cortact an attorney for legal help
`Ryser Claims Resource Center. 202-849-3608
`You can also find the list of legal services providersra at
`www.dccourts.gov/services/represent-vourself by clicking .
`on the link that says, "List of Legal Service Providers for
`Those Seeking an Attorney or Legal Advice".
`Evidence: if you want the judge to review photos or
`documents, ask.thejudge how-to submit your evidence.
`Witnesses: tell the judge if you want a witness to testify at
`your hearing
`Accommodations & Language Access. let the court know f
`you need an interpreter or other accommodation for your
`clear Be prepared to identify your role in the
`hearing (e.g., observer, plaintiff, defendant, witness, etc )
`Speak slowly and Clearly so eveyone hears.what you are
`Pause before speaking in case there is a lag. Use a headset
`or headphonés-if you can. This will free up your hands and.
`Try not to talk over anyone else. Only one.person can speak
`ata time. if you talk while someone else is talking, the judge
`-Will not be able. to hear you.
`Have alf your.documents for the hearing in front of you. Have
`a pen and paper to take notes
`If you are not ready for your hearing or want toe speak with an
`ttorney, you can ask the judge to postpone your hearing for
`another date
`if your sound or Video freezes during the hearing, use the
`chat feature or callthe Clerk's Office to let them know that
`you are having technica iissues.
`Special Tips for Video Hearings
`(Click here for more information)
`Download the court's hearing software. WebEx. in advance
`and do a test run! The Court will provide you with cea WebEx
`link In advance of the hearing.
`Set up the camera at eye level. If you are using
`prop It up so you can look at it without holding it
`Look at the-camera when you speak and avoid moving
`around on the video.
`Wear what you would normally wear to court.
`Sit in a well-lit room with no bright lights behind you.
`If possible, find a blank wail to sit in front of Remember the
`judge will be able to see everything on your screen, so pick a :
`location that is not distracting
`your phone, .
`Page 4 of 6
`Civil Division - Revised July 7, 2023
`The DC Courts have remote hearing sites available in various locations in the community to help
`persons who may not have computer devices or internet service at home to participate in scheduled
`remote hearings. The Courts are committed to enhancing access to justice for all.
`There are six remote access sites throughout the community which will operate: Monday - Friday,
`8:30 am - 4:00 pm.
`The remote site locations are:
`Remote Site - 1
`Balance and Restorative Justice
`1215 South Capitol Street,
`Washington, DC 20003
`Remote Site - 2
`Balance and Restorative Jus
`1110V Street, SE
`Washington, DC 20020
`Remote Site - 3
`Balance and Restorative Jus
`118Q Street, NE
`Washington, DC 20002
`Remote Site -4
`Balance and Restorative Justice
`hode Island Avenue, NE
`ngton, DC 20018
`Remote Site -5
`es Center
`14th Street, NW, 2"? Floor
`nunity Room
`lington, DC 20009
`Remote Site - 6
`es Center
`2000 14117 Street, NW, Suite 300N
`Office of the Tenant Advocate
`Washington, DC 20009
`*** No walk-ins at this location
`If you want to use a remote site location for your hearing, call 202-879-1900 or email
`DCCourtsRemoteSites@dcsc.gov at least 24 hours before your hearing to reserve a remote access
`If you require special accommodations such as an interpreter for your hearing, please call
`computer station.
`202-879-1900 at least 24 hours in advance of your hearing so the Courts can make arrangements.
`*You should bring the following items when you come to your scheduled site location*
`1. Your case number and any hyperlinks provided by the Courts for your scheduled hearing.
`2. Any documents you need for the hearing (evidence), including exhibits, receipts, photos, contracts, etc.
`3. Materials for notetaking, including pen and paper.
`*Safety and security measures are in place at the remote sites.
`Contact information to schedule your remote access computer station:
`Call: 202-879-1900
`Email: DCCourtsRemoteSites@dcsc.qov
`Page 5 of 6
`Los Tribunales de DC disponen de sitios de audiencia remota en distintos centros de la comunidad para
`ayudar a que las personas que no tienen dispositivos informaticos o servicio de Internet en su casa puedan
`participar en audiencias remotas programadas. Los Tribunales honran el compromiso de mejorar el acceso de
`toda la poblacién a la justicia.
`En toda la comunidad hay seis sitios de acceso remoto que funcionaran de lunes a viernes, de 8:30 am a 4:00
`Los centros de acceso remoto son:
`Sitio Remoto - 1
`Balance and Restorative Justice
`1215 South Capitol Street, SW
`Washington, DC 20003
`Sitio Remoto - 2
`Balance and Restorative Justice
`1110V Street, SE
`Washington, DC 20020
`Sitio Remoto - 3
`Balance and Restorative Justice
`118Q Street, NE
`Washington, DC 20002
`Sitio Remoto -4
`Balance and Restorative Justice
`920 Rhode Island Avenue, NE
`Washington, DC 20018
`Sitio Remoto -5
`Reeves Center
`2000 14' Street, NW, 2° Floor
`Community Room
`Washington, DC 20009
`Sitio Remoto -6
`Reeves Center
`2000 14% Street, NW, Suite 300N
`Office of the Tenant Advocate
`Washington, DC 20009
`*No se puede entrar sin cita previa*
`Si desea usar un sitio remoto para su audiencia, llame al 202-879-1900 o envie un mensaje de correo electronico a
`DCCourtsRemoteSites@dcsc.qov al menos 24 horas antes de la audiencia, para reservar una estacion de
`computadora de acceso remoto. Si necesita adaptaciones especiales, como un intérprete para la audiencia, llame
`al 202-879-1900 al menos 24 horas antes de la audiencia para que los Tribunales puedan hacer los arreglos
`*Cuando concurra al sitio programado debe llevar los siguientes articulos*
`1. Sundmero de caso y todos los hipervinculos que le hayan proporcionado los
`Tribunales para la audiencia programada.
`2. Cualquier documento que necesite para la audiencia (prueba), incluidos documentos
`probatorios, recibos, fotos, contratos, etc.
`3. Materiales para tomar nota, como papel y lapiz.
`*Los sitios de acceso remoto cuentan con medidas de seguridad y proteccion.
`Informacién de contacto para programar su estacién de computadora de acceso remoto:
`Teléfono: 202-879-1900
`Correo electronico: DCCourtsRemoteSites@dcsc.gov
`Page 6 of 6
`OCT22 202%
`Superior Court
`of the District of Columbia
`Small malt Claims Branch
`Case No.
`Civil Division - Small Claims and Conciliation Branch
`510 4th Street, NW, Room 120, Washington, D.C. 20001
`(202) 879-1120 | www.dccourts.gov
`ate. Zia Cod
`Phone Number
`Email Address
`Staterfient of the amou
`owingbythé defen
`being first duly sworn on oath says
`nt to plaintiff, «xclusive of all setoffs and just
`City, State, ZipxCode
`Phone Nu
`Email Address
`Request for Relief:
`the foregoing is
`Just and
`grounds of defense
`PlaintiffAgent Si n and Print Name
`Code Title:
`Subscribed and sworn to before me this
`day of
`4213 Mee
`Phone No
`Attorney or
`CVA4TI/Julv 2023
`2e2- ETT,
`Phone No
`: :
`See the Instructions to Defendants attached to this form, for more information.
`Small Claims Form 1
`Instructions to Defendants
`You must participate in your hearing on the date and time stated on the Notice to avoid the entry. of a
`judgment by default. If you do not come to court for your hearing, a judgment by default may be entered
`.against you for the amount of money demanded in the Statement of Claim. If that happens, the plaintiff
`could take. money from your paycheck oor your bank account, or take and sell your personal.property, to
`pay the claim.
`If you cannot participate in your hearing, call the Small Claims Clerk's Office at (202) 879-1120 as soon
`as you can for more information. You must go to the hearing unless the hearing is continued or cancelled.
`To find out if your hearing is still scheduled call the Small Claims Clerk's Office. Even if you want to
`admit the claim, and just need more time to pay, you must still come to court to explain your situation.
`Before any case goes to trial in the Small Claims and Conciliation Branch, a trained mediator will meet with the
`parties to see if they can agree to a settlement. If the parties cannot reach a settlement with the mediator, then
`the case can be scheduled for a trial on another day.
`If the plaintiff in your case has a lawyer, that lawyer's name and contact information are on the Statement of
`Claim. You may contact the plaintiff's lawyer about this case. You do not have to have a lawyer, but you may
`choose to get a-lawyer or look for legal advice about this matter.
`If you want a lawyer, but cannot afford to pay one, there are many organizations that may be able to help you,
`Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia: (202) 628-1161
`Legal Counsel for the Elderly (if age 60+): (202) 434-2120
`Tzedek DC: (202) 274-7386
`Neighborhood Legal Services Program: (202) 832-6577
`DC Law Students in Court: (202) 638-4798
`If you have witnesses, books, receipts, or other documents that relate to this case, you should bring them with
`you to court. If you want to have witnesses summoned to come to court, contact the Small Claims Clerk's
`Office for more information.
`When you contact the Small Claims Clerk's Office about your case, remember to include your case number,
`contact information, and court date. Please know that court employees are not allowed to give you legal advice.
`Usted puede obtener copias en espaiiol de este formulario en el Tribunal Superior del Distrito de
`Columbia, Edificio B, 510 4th Street, NW, Cuarto 120, Washington, D.C. 20001, 0 en: www.dccourts.gov.
`You can get a copy of this form in Spanish at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Building B,
`510 4th Street NW, Room 120, Washington, D.C. 20001, or at: www.dccourts.gov.
`Civil Division - Small Claims and Conciliation Branch
`510 4" Street, N.W., Court Building B, Room 120, Washington, D.C. 20001
`Telephone Number: (202) 879-1120 Website: www.dccourts.gov
`£7 of co
`y A
`ame (please print or
`Firm me (ifapplicable)
`Telephone NNo.
`(The information collected on thisform is
`used solelyfor court administration and
`statistical purposes.)
`Relationship to Lawsuit:
`Attorney for Plaintiff.
`Self (Pro Se / No Attorney)
`ce Method
`Certified Mail by Clerk (How many?
`With Restricted Delivery (check ifapplicable)
`Registered Mail by Clerk (How many?
`(] With Restricted Delivery (check ifapplicable)
`cial Process Server (You must file an
`Application for Approval of Special Process Server)
`yes, which language(s)?
`(t-s3,500.01 -$10,000
`Do you need an interpreter? [] Yes
`$1 -$500
`Amount in Controversy:
`$500.01 -$2,500
`Pending or re-filed case(s) related to the action being filed:
`Case No.:
`Case No.:
`NATURE OF SUIT: (Check ONE box only that most accurately describes your primary case)
`A. CONTRACTS ~a a claim based on-an agreement between parties made either orally or in writing
`[Breach of Warranty
`Breach of Contract
`C1 Personal Property
`[] Loan
`Rent Due
`Negotiable Instrument
`Services Rendered
`Unpaid Wages
`Security Deposit
`Debt Suit
`Home Improvement Contract
`B. PROPERTY TORTS a claim for an injury or wrong committed on the property of another
`Shop Lifting
`[] Destruction of Property
`Property Damage
`or wron committed on the person of another
`C.. PERSONAL TORTS - a claim for an iniu
`] Libel and Slander
`Assault and Battery
`Personal Injury
`Fraudulent Misrepresentation
`D. [] UNIFORM ARBITRATION ACT - an action based
`SUBROGATION - a claim filed by one
`person in the place of another
`on an arbitration agreement
`COLLECTION ~ a claim filed by a
`seller / lender to collect a consumer debt
`judgment, decree or order filed from another jurisdiction
`FOREIGN JUDGMENT (INTERNATIONAL) - judgment, decree or order filed from another country
`L [MEDICAL MALPRACTICE - a claim against a healthcare provider for professiopatmisconduct
`[] Yes
`gven notice of intention to file your lawsuit 90 days prior to filing?
`Have you
`CV-3046/Rev. Sept. 2018