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`Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration Form for ITU-T/ITU-R Recommendation|
`ISO/IEC Deliverable
`Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration
`for ITU-T/ITU-R Recommendation | ISO/IEC Deliverable
`This declaration does not represent an actual grant ofa license
`Please return to the relevant organization(s) as instructed below per documenttype:
`General Secretary
`Radiocommunication Bureau
`International Organization for
`International Electrotechnical
`Standardization Bureau
`International Telecommunication
`International Telecommunication
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`Place des Nations
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`CH-1211 Geneva 20
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`Email: brmail@itu.int
`Email: tsbdir@itu.int
`Patent Holder:
`Legal Name
`Nokia Corporation
`Contact for license application:
`Name &
`Kalle Moilanen
`P.O. Box 86, FIN-24101 Salo (Joensuunkatu 7, 24100 Salo, Finland)
`+358 50 366 2022
`+358 7180 44275
`URL (optional)
`[_Jiru-T Ree.) L_]1s0 Deliverable(*)—[_] IEC Deliverable (*)[_|tTu-R Ree. (*)
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`Commontext or twin text (ITU-T Ree.| ISO/IEC Deliverable (*)) (for commontext or twin text, please
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`[| ISO/IEC Deliverable (*) (for ISO/IEC Deliverables, please return the form to both ISO and IEC)
`H.264 (ISO/IEC 14496-10)
`Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-8 Filed 12/11/23 Page 3 of 4 PagelD #: 1969
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`Licensing declaration:
`The Patent Holder believes that it holds granted and/or pendingapplications for patents, the use of which would be
`required to implement the above documentandhereby declares, in accordance with the CommonPatent Policy for
`ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC, that (check one box only):
`The Patent Holder is prepared to grant a free of charge license to an unrestricted number of
`applicants on a worldwide, non-discriminatory basis and underother reasonable terms and conditionsto
`make, use, and sell implementations of the above document.
`Negotiationsare left to the parties concerned and are performedoutside the ITU-T, ITU-R, ISO or IEC.
`Also mark here [_] ifthe Patent Holder’s willingness to license is conditioned on reciprocityfor the above
`Also mark here (_] ifthe Patent Holder reserves the right to license on reasonable terms and
`conditions (but notfree of charge) to applicants whoare only willing to license theirpatent claims,
`whose use would be required to implement the above document, on reasonable terms and
`conditions (but not free of charge).
`The Patent Holder is prepared to granta license to an unrestricted numberof applicants on a
`worldwide, non-discriminatory basis and on reasonable terms and conditions to make,use andsell
`implementations of the above document.
`Negotiationsare left to the parties concerned and are performed outside the ITU-T, ITU-R,ISO, or IEC.
`Also markhere|X|ifthe Patent Holder’s willingness to license is conditioned on reciprocityfor the above
` document.
`[] 3. The Patent Holder is unwilling to grant licenses in accordance with provisionsof either 1 or 2
`In this case, the following information must be provided to ITU, and is strongly desired by ISO and IEC,
`as part of this declaration:
`granted patent numberorpatent application number(if pending);
`an indication of which portions of the above documentare affected;
`- adescription of the patent claims covering the above document.
`Free of charge: The words “free of charge” do not mean that the Patent Holderis waivingall ofits rights with
`respect to the essential patent. Rather,“free of charge”refers to the issue of monetary compensation;i.e., that the
`Patent Holder will not seek any monetary compensationaspart of the licensing arrangement (whether such
`compensationis called a royalty, a one-timelicensing fee, etc.). However, while the Patent Holder in this situation is
`committing to not charging any monetary amount, the Patent Holderis still entitled to require that the implementer
`of the above documentsign a license agreementthat contains other reasonable terms and conditions such as those
`relating to governing law,field of use, reciprocity, warranties,etc.
`Reciprocity: As used herein, the word “reciprocity” meansthat the Patent Holdershall only be required to license
`any prospective licensee if such prospective licensee will committo licenseits essential patent(s) or essential patent
`claim(s) for implementation of the same above documentfree of charge or under reasonable terms and conditions.
`Patent Holder
`Nokia Corporation
`Name of authorized person
`Kalle Moilanen
`Title of authorized person
`IPR Manager
`Lathe loin i
`Place, Date
`11th of October 2010
`FORM: | March 2007
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`Patent Information (desired but not required for options 1 and 2; required in ITU for option 3 (NOTE))
`[granted/ pending]
`Granted Patent Number
`Application Number(if
`Method for coding sequences of
`Foroption 3, the additional minimum information that shall also be providedis listed in the option 3 box