`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 1 of 9 PagelD #: 1975
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 2 of 9 PagelD #: 1976
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 2 of 9 PageID #: 1976
`Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration
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`Patent Holder:
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`ISOHEC 23008-2: Information technology -- High efficiency
`coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments--
`Part 2: High efficiency video coding
`ITU-T: H.265 High Efficiency Video Coding
`Joensuunkatu 7E, FIN-24100 Salo, FINLAND
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`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 3 of 9 PagelD #: 1977
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 3 of 9 PageID #: 1977
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`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 4 of 9 PagelD #: 1978
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 4 of 9 PageID #: 1978
`[Patent Information (desired but not required for options | and 2: required in [TUfor option 3 (NOTE))
`Method and device for indicating
`quantizer parameters in a video cading
`; System
`"|Spatial sicicion weaeeal
`Granted Patent Number
`[granted/ pending]
`Application Number(if
`| CN
`! US
`2 Method for coding motioninavider|Pending BR PT0304565.0
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 5 of 9 PagelD #: 1979
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 5 of 9 PageID #: 1979
`Patent Information (desi red but not required for options | and 2; required in ITUfor option 3 (NOTE))
`[granted’ pending]
`Granted Patent Number |
`\pplication Number(if
`[4 AT..|4186177...|AMETHOD AND ASSOCIATEDGranted
`Pe nding
`Method for encoding and decoding video
`information, 2 motion compensated video
`encoder and a corresponding decoder
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 6 of 9 PagelD #: 1980
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 6 of 9 PageID #: 1980
`[ Patent Information (desired but not required for options { and 2; required in ITUfor option 3 (NOTE))
`> oe
`Granted Patent Number
`Application Number(if
`[granted/ pending]
`Method tor randomaccess and gradua
`picture refresh in video coding
`83006909|Granted ac — 2003246988 ")Stream switchingbasedongradual
`i- 2006233279
`| Method, device and system for
`etfectively coding and decodingofvideo
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 7 of 9 PagelD #: 1981
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 7 of 9 PageID #: 1981
`Patent Information (desired but not required for options 1 and 2: required in ITU for option 3 (NOTE))
`{granted/ pending]
`Bf .
`| 11/181690
`247 1/DELNP/2009
`| Granted
`Granted Patent Number
`Application Number(if
`Scalable video coding and decoding
`System and method for using parallelly
`decodable slices for multi-view video
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 8 of 9 PagelD #: 1982
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 8 of 9 PageID #: 1982
`Patent Information (desired but not required for options | and 2; required in ITU for option 3 (NOTE))
`Granted Patent Number
`Application Number (if
`[granted/ pending]
`| Pending
`iL VN
`Penaing POTIFI2014/050245|coupMENT FOR VIDEO ENCODINGwe
`Motion Prediction in Video Coding
`i Apparatus, a method anda ce mputer
`programfor video coding
`Check here ifadditional patent information is provided onadditional pages,
`NOTE:Foroption 3, the additional minimum informationthatshall also be providedis listed in
`the option 3 box above.
`Patent Holder
`Nokia Corporation
`Nameofauthorized person
`Kalle Moilanen
`Title of authorized person
` Manager, Patenting
`he Ee, fren“SalnFinland1@;hOPTWOel_ue¥.,y\|\k®
`Place, Date
`Salo, Finland, 15th of Dec 2014
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 9 of 9 PagelD #: 1983
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-10 Filed 12/11/23 Page 9 of 9 PageID #: 1983
`FORM: 23 April 2012