`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Documenti1-1 Filed 12/11/23 Page 1 of 2 PagelD #: 1918
`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11-1 Filed 12/11/23 Page 2 of 2 PageID #: 1919
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`Co1nmon Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC
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`Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISOnEc
`The lofloW1119 s a '"code Df practice regardln9 palen:s covenno In varyw,9 d99rees the subject matter: of IT\J T Recommendabons ITU-R Recommendations ISO delverables
`ano IEC del"lerables for the purpose of this dOC1Jmen1, ITU-T and ITU~ RecommendatJOns are re'erred to as ·Recornmenda· ons• ISO dei verables and IEC del!llerables ate
`re•ened to as Oel111erables I The nAes of tile ·coe1e of pradlce are srnpie and stralghllorward Recornmendauons Oe•verables are drawn up by technical and not patent
`e,-perts thus lhll'f may not necessarily be very lam 111 Wl\ll lhe complax 11temaoona1 legal srtua'JOn of mtelledual propert, nghls such as patents etc
`RecommendallOllS I Oe1NeraoIes are n011--blnono lher obtectve IS 10 ensure compalb 'Y of tecMOIOO es a~d systems on a woridVfioe basis To meet llltS objecave 1'1ltC11 sin
`tne common r1terests of all tllose partldpabno II must be ensured mat Recommenoauons I De 11eral)les_ lllew appica~ons use etc aie aceessI1>1e to everyl)Ody
`t follows there!ore that a paten! embodied fully or partly 111 a Recommendation I DellVerable must be accessible lo everybody 11,1thOU1 Wldue constr.mts To meet !hrs
`reQUtremen1 n general IS the sole objectrv'e of the code of praaice The deta ed aminoemems ans.io from pa•ei,ts (lcens110 royatties e:c ) are Jell to lhe pan,es conceme<J as
`these airanoements m"9hl dll!er from case to case
`ThtS code of practice ma/ be summanzed as follows
`1 The ITU Te1e<:ommu,Ica11on StandardlzatJOn Bureau CTSB) Ille ITU Rad«OIIIM~r.cai.,on Bweau BR and tl1e offices (I me CEOS of ISO and IEC a!e not In a l)OSlbon to
`o"'e aullOfllall~e 01 comprehe/lSlve .nlonnabOn a.bOut IMdellce va td.cy Of scope Of patents Of slfflllaf rights. but I IS deSltab!e Illa! 11e l1nes1 ava.Jal>le 111forma:.on snould be
`disclosed Therefore. an~ palfy partiapabng ill tile wo,tc of ITU ISO 01 IEC shOuld. from the ootsel draw the a:tenhon of !he O.edof ol ITU· TSB. the Director of ITU-BR Of
`me ofice• of the CEOs of SO or EC respect,vely 10 any knOWn patent or 10 any known pendrig paien1 applleation e<ther tne,r own or of Olher organa.abons aF.llough ITU
`SO °' EC are unat>le 10 venty tt,e val CIIIY of arw such lnformatJOn
`2 If o Rewmmendat.ion I Deliverable Is Cloveloped and such 10lormabon as refened to 11 parao,81)11 1 has been disclosed three cllfferenl s,:Uabons may anse
`2 1 The palanl holder I!' wil ng to negoha1e IIC1mces free of charge w:;n o.ner pa~ on a non--dlsalmIna!ory baSJS on re.isonabk! ten'I'• and concitions Such
`negot ,r.ions are left to Ille parte.s concerned and are l)effomed outside ITU-T /1Tu-RIISOl1EC
`2 2 The patenl helder is wiling to negotiate trcences ,..,lh ether parties on• non-dilsalm11atory basis on reasonable terms and condilons Sueh negot.abons are ien lo Ille
`parties concerned and are pertormed outside ITU-T,HU-R/ISOl1EC
`2 3 The patent hold« as llOI w111incJ to comp!)< With 1lle prOYISIOnS or ei111er paragraph 2.1 Of paraoraph 2.2; 11 sudl case the Recommeooauon I oe1rvetabie Silo, not
`,nciude proviSlorls depending on the patent.
`3 Wha.ewer case al)Obes (21 2 2 or 2 3), the paten1 holder has to PfO\'l<M a wnttM 11a1emen110 be ~led at ITU·TSB. 'l1J..8R or the offices of the CEOs of SO or EC
`respecwely us<ng tile appropna•e Patent Sra•eme111 and ucens1ng Declaraoon" loon TIIIS sui•e--nt must noc "ltluoe addn1onaI pt"o.Is1011s, condmons or any Olhef
`e•dusIon clauses In excess of wllai is PfOVlde<I !or eaeh case In tile corespondlflO bOJ<es of 111e lonn
`FOUOWUS ¼ 11 c .. (m @)
`C ITV 2023 Al lbgllts Rl!HfYld
`Conucl"' Pn ilCY nett• Acces1b l ly Repon nu , conduct