Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 1 of 83 PageID #: 1835
`Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant,
`HP, INC.,
`Defendant/Counterclaim Plaintiff.
`C.A. No. 23-cv-1237-GBW
`Defendant HP Inc. (“HP”), by and through its attorneys, hereby submits its Answer,
`Defenses, and Counterclaims to the Complaint filed by Plaintiff Nokia Technologies Oy
`(“Nokia”). The paragraph numbers in this Answer correspond to the paragraph numbers in the
`Complaint. For convenience and clarity, HP will also use the same headings as set forth in the
`Complaint. In doing so, HP does not admit any of the allegations contained in Nokia’s headings.
`All allegations of the Complaint not expressly admitted in this Answer are denied.
`HP admits that the H.264 and H.265 Standards are promulgated by the
`International Telecommunications Union (“ITU”). HP admits that Nokia has submitted
`declarations that its patent portfolio includes claims essential to decoding video according to the
`H.264 and/or H.265 Standards. HP denies that Nokia has established that any claims of the
`Asserted Patents are, in fact, essential for compliance with the H.264 and H.265 Standards. HP


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 2 of 83 PageID #: 1836
`lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining
`allegations in Paragraph 1, and therefore denies them.
`HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of
`the allegations in Paragraph 3, and therefore denies them.
`HP denies that Nokia has established that claims of the Asserted Patents are
`essential for compliance with the H.264 and H.265 Standards. HP admits that Nokia has
`submitted declarations that its patent portfolio includes claims essential to decoding video
`according to the H.264 and/or H.265 Standards. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to
`form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 4, and therefore denies
`HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of
`the first sentence of Paragraph 6, and therefore denies the allegations therein. The remaining
`allegations in Paragraph 6 are denied.
`HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of
`the allegations in Paragraph 7, and therefore denies them.
`HP admits that it is a Delaware corporation with a principal place of business
`located at 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304.
`The allegations in Paragraph 9 are conclusions of law to which no response is
`required, and they are therefore deemed denied.


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 3 of 83 PageID #: 1837
`HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of
`the second sentence of Paragraph 10, and therefore denies it. HP admits that it is a Delaware
`corporation with a principal place of business in California. The remaining allegations in
`Paragraph 10 state a conclusion of law to which no response is required, and they are therefore
`deemed denied. To the extent that a response may be required, HP does not contest, for purposes
`of this case only, that this Court has federal jurisdiction over the case.
`HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of
`the allegations in Paragraph 11, and therefore denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 12 are conclusions of law to which no response is
`required, and they are therefore deemed denied.
`HP denies that it “has committed acts of infringement in this District.” The
`remaining allegations in Paragraph 13 state a conclusion of law to which no response is required.
`To the extent that a response may be required, HP does not contest, for purposes of this case
`only, that this Court has personal jurisdiction over HP.
`HP admits that it has appointed The Corporation Trust Company, Corporation
`Trust Center, 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE 19801 as a registered agent for service of
`process. The remaining allegations in Paragraph 14 state a conclusion of law to which no
`response is required, and they are deemed denied. To the extent that a response may be required,
`HP does not contest, for purposes of this case only, that this Court has personal jurisdiction over
`The allegations of Paragraph 15 set forth conclusions of law to which no response
`is required, and they are deemed denied. To the extent that a response may be required, HP does
`not contest, for purposes of this case only, that venue is proper in this District.


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 4 of 83 PageID #: 1838
`HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of
`the allegations in Paragraph 16, and therefore denies them.
`HP admits that, in early 1998, the ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization
`Sector (ITU-T) Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) issued a call for proposals on a project it
`called H.26L. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the
`remaining allegations in Paragraph 17, and therefore denies them.
`HP admits that the ITU has published “ITU-T Recommendation H.264” and
`“ITU-T Recommendation H.265.” HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 18, and therefore denies them.
`HP admits that internet traffic has evolved in recent decades, and video use has
`increased. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the
`remaining allegations in Paragraph 19, and therefore denies them.
`HP states that “ITU-T Recommendation H.264” and “ITU-T Recommendation
`H.265” speak for themselves and denies the allegations in Paragraph 20 to the extent inconsistent
`therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the
`remaining allegations in Paragraph 20, and therefore denies them.
`HP states that “ITU-T Recommendation H.264” speaks for itself and denies the
`allegations in Paragraph 21 to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or
`information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph
`21, and therefore denies them.
`HP states that “ITU-T Recommendation H.265” speaks for itself and denies the
`allegations in Paragraph 22 to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 5 of 83 PageID #: 1839
`information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph
`22, and therefore denies them.
`HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of
`the allegations in Paragraph 23, and therefore denies them.
`HP denies that Nokia has established that the Asserted Patents are patents with
`standard essential claims relating to the H.264 and H265 Standards. HP lacks knowledge or
`information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph
`24, and therefore denies them.
`The ITU and the H.264 and H.265 Standardization Process
`HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of
`the allegations in Paragraph 25, and therefore denies them.
`HP admits that the ITU has published “ITU-T Recommendation H.264” and that
`“the H.264 Standard” exists. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to
`the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 26, and therefore denies them.
`HP admits that the H.265 Standard was developed after development of the H.264
`Standard and is titled “High efficiency video coding.” HP otherwise lacks knowledge or
`information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 27, and
`therefore denies them.
`HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of
`the allegations in Paragraph 28, and therefore denies them.
`HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of
`the allegations in Paragraph 29, and therefore denies them.


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 6 of 83 PageID #: 1840
`HP admits that the ITU has a “Common Patent Policy.” The terms of the
`Common Patent Policy and the obligations resulting therefrom speak for themselves. HP lacks
`knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations
`in Paragraph 30, and therefore denies them.
`HP admits that the ITU, International Organization for Standardization, and the
`International Electrotechnical Commission published “Guidelines for Implementation of the
`Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC” in December 2022. The Guidelines speak for
`themselves and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 31 to the extent inconsistent therewith.
`HP denies that a document entitled “Guidelines for Implementation of the Common Patent
`Policy for ITUT/ITURIISOIIEC” is available at
` HP lacks knowledge or information
`sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 31, and
`therefore denies them.
`HP states that “Guidelines for Implementation of the Common Patent Policy for
`ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC” speaks for itself and denies the allegations in Paragraph 32 to the extent
`inconsistent therewith. HP denies that a document entitled is available at “Common Patent Policy
`HP states that “Guidelines for Implementation of the Common Patent Policy for
`ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC” and the “Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration Form” speak for
`themselves and denies the allegations in Paragraph 33 to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP
`lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining
`allegations in Paragraph 33, and therefore denies them.


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 7 of 83 PageID #: 1841
`HP states that “ITU-T Recommendation H.264” (“the H.264 Standard”) speaks
`for itself and denies the allegations in Paragraph 34 to the extent inconsistent therewith.
`HP states that “ITU-T Recommendation H.265” (“the H.265 Standard”) speaks
`for itself and denies the allegations in Paragraph 35 to the extent inconsistent therewith.
`Nokia’s Compliance with the ITU Common Patent Policy and Nokia’s
`Relevant Declarations
`HP denies that Nokia has established that claims of the Asserted Patents are
`essential for compliance with the H.264 and H.265 Standards. HP admits that Nokia has
`submitted declarations that its patent portfolio includes claims essential to decoding video
`according to the H.264 and/or H.265 Standards. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to
`form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 36, and therefore denies
`HP admits that Nokia has filed declarations in which it committed that it is
`prepared to grant a license to an unrestricted number of applicants on a worldwide, non-
`discriminatory basis and on reasonable terms and conditions to make, use and sell
`implementations of the H.264 and/or H.265 Standard, subject to reciprocity. HP otherwise lacks
`knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations
`in Paragraph 37, and therefore denies them.
`HP admits that Nokia Corporation submitted Patent Statement and Licensing
`Declarations to the ITU, which speak for themselves. HP denies that these declarations were
`timely submitted and denies that Nokia complied with the ITU Common Patent Policy. HP lacks
`knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations
`in Paragraph 38, and therefore denies them.


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 8 of 83 PageID #: 1842
`Nokia’s Negotiations with HP
`HP admits Nokia has been negotiating with HP since 2019 regarding patents that
`Nokia contends are essential to the H.264 and H.265 Standards, and that the parties have not
`reached an agreement. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegation in Paragraph 39 that “Nokia made offers to HP consistent with licenses
`agreed to by over 50 companies,” and therefore denies it. The remaining allegations of Paragraph
`39 are denied.
`HP admits that Nokia contacted HP in November 2019 regarding patents that
`Nokia contends are related to the H.264 standard. HP admits that Nokia proposed that the parties
`enter into a non-disclosure agreement. HP admits that Nokia delivered a presentation to HP on
`March 12, 2020, which speaks for itself. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 40, and therefore denies them.
`HP admits that on July 22, 2020, Nokia sent documentation to HP. The
`documents speak for themselves, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 41 to the extent
`inconsistent therewith. HP denies that any of its products are infringing products. The remaining
`allegations in Paragraph 41 are denied.
`HP admits that it executed an NDA with Nokia on December 8, 2020. HP admits
`that after the execution of the NDA, Nokia sent HP a license offer, terms and conditions, and
`requested a call. Those documents speak for themselves, and HP denies the allegations in
`Paragraph 42 to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient
`to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 42, and therefore denies


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 9 of 83 PageID #: 1843
`HP admits that representatives of the parties spoke by phone on January 15, 2021.
`HP admits that, thereafter, Nokia provided additional documentation to HP. Those documents
`speak for themselves, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 43 to the extent inconsistent
`therewith. Otherwise, denied.
`HP admits that on May 13, 2021, Nokia sent additional documentation and license
`offers to HP. Those documents speak for themselves, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph
`44 to the extent inconsistent therewith. Otherwise, denied.
`HP admits that on July 9, 2021, Nokia sent additional documentation to HP.
`Those documents speak for themselves, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 45 to the
`extent inconsistent therewith. Otherwise, denied.
`HP admits that on August 13, 2021, Nokia extended offers to HP for patents that
`Nokia contends relate to encoding video into H.265-compliant formats and decoding
`H.265-compliant video at different rates. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 46, and therefore denies them.
`HP denies that it infringes or has infringed Nokia’s Asserted Patents. HP admits
`that on August 27, September 28 and October 1, 2021, Nokia sent additional documentation to
`HP. Those documents speak for themselves, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 47 to the
`extent inconsistent therewith.
`HP admits that between January and March 2022, the parties met seven times and
`engaged in discussions about Nokia’s patents. HP admits that, thereafter, Nokia sent HP a lump
`sum offer for Nokia patent claims. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 48, and therefore denies them.


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 10 of 83 PageID #: 1844
`HP admits that it has not accepted Nokia’s offers. HP also admits it has not paid
`Nokia a royalty. Otherwise, denied.
`HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of
`the allegations in Paragraph 51, and therefore denies them. To the extent the allegations in
`Paragraph 51 are conclusions of law, no response is required, and they are therefore deemed
`U.S. Patent No. 7,532,808 (“the ’808 Patent”)
`The ’808 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 53 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. Otherwise, denied.
`The ’808 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 54 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 54, and therefore denies them.
`The ’808 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 55 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith.
`The ’808 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 56 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 56, and therefore denies them.
`The ’808 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 57 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 57, and therefore denies them.


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 11 of 83 PageID #: 1845
`The ’808 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 58 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 58, and therefore denies them.
`The ’808 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 59 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 59, and therefore denies them.
`The ’808 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 60 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 60, and therefore denies them.
`The ’808 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 61 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 61, and therefore denies them.
`The ’808 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 62 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 62, and therefore denies them.
`HP admits that it sells laptops with graphics processing units that decode
`H.264-compliant video, including the HP Spectre X360 laptop series, which includes an Intel Iris
`XE Graphics Processor. HP admits that certain information regarding these products can be
`found on the and websites. Otherwise, denied.


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 12 of 83 PageID #: 1846
`HP admits that it publishes reviews of some of its products on the
`website. The contents of those reviews speak for themselves, and HP denies the allegations in
`Paragraph 68 to the extent inconsistent therewith.
`HP admits that it sells desktop computers with graphics processing units that
`decode H.264-compliant video, including the HP Pavilion Series of Desktop PC, which includes
`either an Intel UHD Graphics 770 or an AMD Radeon Graphics processor. HP admits that
`certain information regarding these products can be found on the,,
`and websites. Otherwise, denied.
`HP admits that it publishes reviews of some of its products on the
`website. The contents of those reviews speak for themselves, and HP denies the allegations in
`Paragraph 70 to the extent inconsistent therewith.
`HP admits that it advertises some of its Accused Products on its website for
`consumer purchase. Otherwise, denied.
`HP admits that it was aware of the ’808 Patent as of the filing of the Complaint in
`this action. HP admits that Nokia provided a claim chart in July 2020 that included the ’808
`Patent. Otherwise, denied.
`HP admits that the H.264 Standard can be found in Exhibit 1 to the Complaint.
`HP admits that the Complaint attaches a claim chart as Exhibit 12. HP otherwise denies the
`allegations of Paragraph 75, including any allegations of infringement.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,204,134 (“the ’134 Patent”)


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 13 of 83 PageID #: 1847
`The ’134 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 77 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 77, and therefore denies them.
`The ’134 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 78 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 78, and therefore denies them.
`The ’134 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 79 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 79, and therefore denies them.
`The ’134 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 80 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 80, and therefore denies them.
`The ’134 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 81 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 81, and therefore denies them.
`HP admits that it sells laptops with graphics processing units that decode
`H.264-compliant video, including the HP Spectre X360 laptop series, which includes an Intel Iris
`XE Graphics Processor. HP admits that certain information regarding these products can be
`found on the and websites. Otherwise, denied.


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 14 of 83 PageID #: 1848
`HP admits that it publishes reviews of some of its products on the
`website. The contents of those reviews speak for themselves, and HP denies the allegations in
`Paragraph 86 to the extent inconsistent therewith.
`HP admits that it sells desktop computers with graphics processing units that
`decode H.264-compliant video, including the HP Pavilion Series of Desktop PC, which includes
`either an Intel UHD Graphics 770 or an AMD Radeon Graphics processor. HP admits that
`certain information regarding these products can be found on the,,
`and websites. Otherwise, denied.
`HP admits that it publishes reviews of some of its products on the
`website. The contents of those reviews speak for themselves, and HP denies the allegations in
`Paragraph 88 to the extent inconsistent therewith.
`HP admits that it advertises some of its Accused Products on its website for
`consumer purchase. Otherwise, denied.
`HP admits that it was aware of the ’134 Patent as of the filing of the Complaint in
`this action. HP admits that Nokia provided claim charts in July 2020 and May 2021 that included
`the ’134 Patent. Otherwise, denied.
`HP admits that the H.264 Standard can be found in Exhibit 1 to the Complaint.
`HP admits that the Complaint attaches a claim chart as Exhibit 13. HP otherwise denies the
`allegations of Paragraph 93, including any allegations of infringement.
`U.S. Patent No. 7,724,818 (“the ’818 Patent”)


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 15 of 83 PageID #: 1849
`The ’818 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 95 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 95, and therefore denies them.
`The ’818 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 96 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 96, and therefore denies them.
`The ’818 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 97 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 97, and therefore denies them.
`The ’818 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 98 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 98, and therefore denies them.
`The ’818 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 99 to
`the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief
`as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 99, and therefore denies them.
`The ’818 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 100
`to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 100, and therefore denies them.
`The ’818 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 101
`to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 101, and therefore denies them.
`102. Denied.
`103. Denied.


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 16 of 83 PageID #: 1850
`104. Denied.
`105. HP admits that it sells laptops with graphics processing units that decode
`H.264- and H.265-compliant video, including the HP Spectre X360 laptop series, which includes
`an Intel Iris XE Graphics Processor. HP admits that certain information regarding these products
`can be found on the and websites. Otherwise, denied.
`106. Denied.
`107. HP admits that it publishes reviews of some of its products on the
`website. The contents of those reviews speak for themselves, and HP denies the allegations in
`Paragraph 107 to the extent inconsistent therewith.
`108. HP admits that it sells desktop computers with graphics processing units that
`decode H.264- and H.265-compliant video, including the HP Pavilion Series of Desktop PC,
`which includes either an Intel UHD Graphics 770 or an AMD Radeon Graphics processor. HP
`admits that certain information regarding these products can be found on the,
`, and websites. Otherwise, denied.
`109. HP admits that it publishes reviews of some of its products on the
`website. The contents of those reviews speak for themselves, and HP denies the allegations in
`Paragraph 109 to the extent inconsistent therewith.
`110. Denied.
`111. HP admits that it advertises some of its Accused Products on its website for
`consumer purchase. Otherwise, denied.
`112. HP admits that it was aware of the ’818 Patent as of the filing of the Complaint in
`this action. Otherwise, denied.


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 17 of 83 PageID #: 1851
`113. HP admits that it was aware of the ’818 Patent as of the filing of the Complaint in
`this action. HP admits that Nokia provided claim charts in July 2020 and July 2021 that included
`the ’818 Patent. Otherwise, denied.
`114. Denied.
`115. HP admits that the H.264 and H.265 Standards can be found in Exhibits 1 and 2 to
`the Complaint. HP admits that the Complaint attaches claim charts as Exhibits 14A and 14B. HP
`otherwise denies the allegations of Paragraph 115, including any allegations of infringement.
`U.S. Patent No. 10,536,714 (“the ’714 Patent”)
`116. Admitted.
`The ’714 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 117
`to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 117, and therefore denies them.
`The ’714 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 118
`to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 118, and therefore denies them.
`The ’714 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 119
`to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 119, and therefore denies them.
`The ’714 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 120
`to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 120, and therefore denies them.


`Case 1:23-cv-01237-GBW Document 11 Filed 12/11/23 Page 18 of 83 PageID #: 1852
`The ’714 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 121
`to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 121, and therefore denies them.
`The ’714 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 122
`to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 122, and therefore denies them.
`The ’714 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 123
`to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 123, and therefore denies them.
`The ’714 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 124
`to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 124, and therefore denies them.
`The ’714 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 125
`to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 125, and therefore denies them.
`The ’714 Patent speaks for itself, and HP denies the allegations in Paragraph 126
`to the extent inconsistent therewith. HP lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 126, and therefore denies them.
`127. Denied.
`128. Denied.

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