Case 1:22-cv-00252-MSG Document 85 Filed 04/19/23 Page 1 of 33 PageID #: 1420
`C.A. No. 22-252-MSG
`Disclosure and discovery activity in the above-captioned action may call for the production
`or disclosure of trade secret or other proprietary or confidential research, development, or
`commercial information within the meaning of Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c), other private or competitively
`sensitive information, and/or personally identifiable information for which protection from public
`disclosure and from use for any purpose other than prosecuting and defending the above-captioned
`action is warranted. Accordingly, Plaintiffs Arbutus Biopharma Corporation (“Arbutus”) and
`Genevant Sciences GmbH (“Genevant”) and Defendants Moderna, Inc. and ModernaTX, Inc.
`(collectively, “Moderna”) (Plaintiffs and Defendants may be referred to herein as individually as


`Case 1:22-cv-00252-MSG Document 85 Filed 04/19/23 Page 2 of 33 PageID #: 1421
`a “Party,” or collectively as the “Parties”), hereby stipulate to and ask the Court to enter this
`Stipulated Protective Order (“Order”) pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c) and Fed. R. Evid. 502(d).
`The Court retains the right to allow disclosure of any subject covered by this Order or to modify
`this Order at any time in the interest of justice.


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`Challenging Party means a Party or Non-Party that challenges the designation of
`information or items under this Order.
`“CONFIDENTIAL” Material means any Discovery Material a Producing Party
`has, subject to the provisions of this Order, designated as “CONFIDENTIAL,” based on the
`Producing Party’s reasonable and good faith belief that the Discovery Material constitutes or
`reveals information or material not generally known and which the Producing Party would
`normally not reveal to third parties, including but not limited to:
`Confidential business information;
`projections, which will
`the lipid molar ratio of the Accused Products and the lipid molar ratio of
`products developed or licensed by Plaintiffs (for clarity, the lipid molar ratio itself will be treated
`CONFIDENTIAL, but not necessarily documents that disclose such lipid molar ratios, which are
`to be designated according to the criteria in this paragraph 1.2 and paragraph 1.8);
`Non-public communications with regulators or other governmental bodies
`that are protected from disclosure by statute or regulation;
`Information, materials, and/or other documents reflecting non-public
`business or financial strategies, and/or confidential competitive information which, if disclosed,
`could result in competitive harm to the disclosing party;
`Sensitive, non-public personal, client, or customer information concerning
`individuals or other entities.
`Information as to which applicable law ‒ foreign or domestic, including but
`not limited to the EU General Data Protection Regulation ‒ requires the equivalent of
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`“CONFIDENTIAL” treatment or other protection from unauthorized disclosure as set forth in this
`Counsel (without qualifier) means Outside Counsel and In-House Counsel.
`Designating Party means any Party or Non-Party that designates Discovery
`Material produced by itself or any other Producing Party as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY
`Designated In-House Counsel means In-House Counsel who seek access to
`“CONFIDENTIAL” information in this action. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties,
`Designated In-House Counsel means up to two (2) in-house attorneys for Arbutus, (2) in-house
`attorneys for Genevant, and two (2) in-house attorneys for Defendants. Designated In-House
`Counsel for Genevant may be employed by Genevant Sciences Ltd., Genevant Sciences, Inc.,
`Genevant Sciences Corporation, or Genevant Sciences GmbH. If Designated In-House Counsel
`ceases to be employed by the respective party, that party may substitute Designated In-House
`Counsel with written notice to all other Parties, which shall include the name, job title, and
`affiliation of the Designated In-House Counsel to be substituted. In the event of such a
`substitution, the new Designated In-House Counsel may not receive “CONFIDENTIAL”
`information for seven (7) days after the notice is provided. In the event of an objection to the
`substitution of Designated In-House Counsel during this period, the Parties will meet-and-confer
`and the objecting party will have seven (7) days after the objection to initiate the applicable dispute
`resolution mechanism. Initial Designated In-House counsel, and their present job titles and
`affiliations, are set forth below:
`For Arbutus:
`[To be named at a later date].
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`[To be named at a later date].
`For Genevant:
`Peter Zorn, President and Chief Legal Officer, Genevant Sciences, Inc.
`[To be named at a later date].
`For Defendants:
`[To be named at a later date].
`[To be named at a later date].
`Discovery Material means all items or information, regardless of the medium or
`manner in which it is generated, stored or maintained (including, among other things, testimony,
`transcripts, and tangible things), that are produced in this action.
`Expert and/or Consultant means a person with specialized knowledge or experience
`in a matter pertinent to this action, along with his or her employees and support personnel, who
`has been retained by a Party or its Counsel to serve as an expert witness or a consultant in this
`action, and who is not currently an employee of a Party and who, at the time of retention, is not
`anticipated to become an employee of a Party.
`means any Discovery Material a Producing Party has, subject to the provisions of this Order,
`the Producing Party’s reasonable and good faith belief that the Discovery Material constitutes or
`Confidential trade secret, know-how, personnel, financial, or other
`proprietary information the disclosure of which would result in competitive, commercial, of
`financial harm to the Producing Party or its personnel, clients, or customers;
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`Information that is likely to cause harm to the interests of individuals (e.g.,
`research subjects or patients) who are not parties to this litigation.
`In-House Counsel means the individuals listed in Paragraph 1.5.
`1.10 Non-Party means any natural person or entity that is not a named Party to this
`1.11 Outside Counsel means attorneys, along with their paralegals and other support
`personnel assisting them with this action (including temporary or contract staff, assistants, and
`other employees of the respective law firms of Outside Counsel), who are not employees of a Party
`and who have entered an appearance in this action and did not file a notice of withdrawal before
`February 10, 2023.
`1.12 Party means any party to this action, including all of its officers, directors,
`employees, consultants, retained Experts, and Outside Counsel (and their support personnel).
`1.13 Privileged Material means Discovery Material protected from disclosure under the
`attorney-client privilege, attorney work product doctrine, United States or foreign bank disclosure
`laws or regulations, and/or any other applicable United States or foreign statute, law, regulation,
`privilege, or immunity from disclosure.
`1.14 Producing Party means any Party or Non-Party that produces Discovery Material
`in this action.
`1.15 Professional Vendors means persons or entities that provide litigation support
`services (e.g., photocopying; videotaping; translating; preparing exhibits or demonstrations;
`organizing, storing, or processing data in any form or medium) and their employees and
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`1.16 Protected Material means
`any Discovery Material
`1.17 Receiving Party means any Party or Non-Party that receives Discovery Material
`from a Producing Party.
`The protections conferred by this Order cover not only Protected Material, but also:
`Any information copied or extracted from Protected Material;
`All copies, excerpts, summaries, or compilations of Protected Material; and
`Any testimony, conversations, or presentations by Parties or their Counsel
`that might reveal Protected Material.
`The protections conferred by this Order do not cover the following information:
`Any information that is in the public domain at the time of disclosure to a
`Receiving Party or becomes part of the public domain after its disclosure to a Receiving Party as
`a result of publication not involving a violation of this Order, including becoming part of the public
`record through litigation or otherwise; and
`Any information known to the Receiving Party prior to the disclosure or
`obtained by the Receiving Party after the disclosure from a source who obtained the information
`lawfully and under no obligation of confidentiality to the Designating Party.
`Any use of Protected Material at trial shall be governed by a separate
`agreement or order.
`The confidentiality obligations imposed by this Order shall remain in effect
`(including after an order, mandate, or dismissal terminating this action with prejudice) until the
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`Designating Party agrees otherwise in writing, this Court orders otherwise, or the information is
`made public by the Designating Party.
`4.1 Manner and Timing of Designations: Except as otherwise provided in this Order,
`or as otherwise stipulated or ordered, material that qualifies for protection under this Order must
`be clearly so designated before the material is disclosed or produced. Designation in conformity
`with this Order requires:
`For documents in hardcopy form or any other tangible items, that the
`Producing Party affix the legend “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL –
`OUTSIDE COUNSEL’S EYES ONLY” to each page that contains Protected Material in such a
`way so as not to obscure any part of the text or content or in a prominent place on the item itself
`or exterior of the container or containers in which the information or item is stored.
`In the case of electronically stored documents, that the Producing Party note
`on the image for each document or in the file name when noting on the image is not practicable,
`in any suitable and readily viewable manner, “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL
`– OUTSIDE COUNSEL’S EYES ONLY”. Whenever a Receiving Party to whom electronically
`stored Discovery Material so designated is produced reduces such information to hard copy form,
`to the extent such pages have not previously been marked by the Producing Party, such Receiving
`Party shall mark the hard copy by affixing the designation to such document.
`For deposition transcripts, that the Designating Party or Non-Party identify
`on the record, before the close of the deposition, all protected testimony and specify the level of
`protection being asserted. Alternatively, a Designating Party or Non-Party may specify, at the
`deposition, or up to 30 days after receipt of the final transcript or recording that (1) the entire
`transcript shall be treated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE
`- 6 -


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`COUNSEL’S EYES ONLY”; or (2) the designating Party or Non-Party may designate the specific
`portions of the testimony as to which protection is sought and specify the level of protection being
`asserted. Only those portions of the testimony that are appropriately designated for protection
`within the 30 days, subject to any other time periods agreed upon by the Parties and Non-Parties,
`shall be covered by the provisions of this Protective Order.
`The use of a document as an exhibit at a deposition shall not in any way affect its
`Transcripts containing Protected Material shall have an obvious legend on the title page
`that the transcript contains Protected Material, and when the entire transcript has not been so
`designated the title page shall be followed by a list of all pages (including line numbers as
`appropriate) that have been designated as Protected Material and the level of protection being
`asserted by the Designating Party. The Designating Party shall inform the court reporter of these
`requirements. Any transcript prepared before the expiration of the 30-day period for designation
`shall be treated during that period as if it had been designated “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL –
`OUTSIDE COUNSEL’S EYES ONLY” in its entirety unless otherwise agreed. After the
`expiration of that period, and any extensions agreed upon by the Parties (and Non-Parties where
`applicable), the transcript shall be treated only as actually designated.
`For reports created by an Expert or Consultant relying on or incorporating
`Protected Material in whole or in part, that the Party responsible for its creation include the
`confidentiality designation “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE
`COUNSEL’S EYES ONLY” on the report.
`- 7 -


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`Inadvertent Failures to Designate: If corrected, an inadvertent failure to designate
`qualified information or items does not waive the Designating Party’s right to secure protection
`under this Order for such material of the Producing Party learning of the inadvertent failure to
`designate. The Party discovering such inadvertent failure to designate must promptly notify
`counsel for the Receiving Party in writing. Upon such notification of an inadvertent failure to
`designate, the Receiving Party must make reasonable efforts to assure the material is treated in
`accordance with the provisions of this Order and notify the Producing Party of any disclosure of
`the Protected Material, including identifying the persons or entities to whom the Protected Material
`was disclosed, within ten (10) days of the notification by the Producing Party. The Producing
`Party shall reproduce the Protected Material with the correct confidentiality designation upon its
`notification to the Receiving Party. Upon receiving the Protected Material with the correct
`confidentiality designation, the Receiving Party shall return or securely destroy all Discovery
`Material that was not designated properly.
`A Receiving Party shall not be in breach of this Order for any use of such Discovery
`Material before the Receiving Party receives notice that such Discovery Material is protected under
`one of the categories of this Order.
`Upward Designation of Information or Items Produced by Other Parties or Non-
`Parties: A Party may upward designate (i.e., change any Discovery Material produced without a
`EYES ONLY” to one of those designations, or change any Discovery Material produced as
`EYES ONLY”) any Discovery Material produced by another Party or Non-Party, provided that
`said Discovery Material contains the upward Designating Party’s “CONFIDENTIAL” or
`- 8 -


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`entitled to protective treatment under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c) or other law, foreign
`or domestic, such that the upward designation is appropriate under the terms of this Order. Upward
`designation shall be accomplished by providing written notice to all Parties identifying (by Bates
`number or other individually identifiable information) the Discovery Material to be re-designated.
`Any Party may object to the upward designation of Discovery Material pursuant to the procedures
`set forth in Section V regarding challenging designations.
`Timing of Challenges: Any Party or Non-Party may challenge a designation of
`confidentiality at any time consistent with the Court’s Scheduling Order. A Party does not waive
`its right to challenge a confidentiality designation by electing not to mount a challenge promptly
`after the original designation is disclosed.
`5.2 Meet and Confer: If a Party elects to challenge a Designating Party’s
`confidentiality designation, it must do so in good faith and must begin the process by notifying the
`Designating Party in writing of its challenge and identifying the challenged material with as much
`specificity as reasonably practical, including for example, by production number, and by providing
`a basis for the challenge. The objecting Party and the Designating Party shall, within seven (7)
`days after service of the written objections, meet and confer concerning the objections, unless
`otherwise agreed. The Parties shall meet and confer regarding any challenge to confidentiality
`designations before raising those disputes with the Court.
`Judicial Intervention: If the Parties are not able to resolve a dispute about a
`confidentiality designation during the meet and confer process set forth in Section 5.2, the Party
`challenging the designation may seek relief promptly from the Court in accordance with its rules
`and procedures. At all times, the Designating Party carries the burden of establishing the propriety
`- 9 -


`Case 1:22-cv-00252-MSG Document 85 Filed 04/19/23 Page 12 of 33 PageID #: 1431
`of the designation and protection level. Until the Court rules on the dispute, all Parties shall
`continue to afford the material in question the level of protection to which it is entitled under the
`Designating Party’s designation. In the event the Court rules that the challenged material’s
`designation should be changed, the Designating Party shall reproduce copies of all materials with
`their designations removed or changed in accordance with the ruling.
`Basic Principles. A Receiving Party may access or use Protected Material that is
`disclosed or produced by a Producing Party only in connection with the prosecution of, defense
`of, appeal of, attempted settlement of, or the enforcement of insurance rights with respect to this
`action or any related appellate proceeding. Except as required by law, Discovery Material may
`not be used for any other purpose, including, without limitation, any business or commercial
`purpose, contractual demands, or any purpose related to any other investigation or proceeding.
`With respect to disclosure of Discovery Material as required by law, the party intending to reveal
`such Discovery Material shall provide reasonable notice and opportunity to object to the party that
`produced the Discovery Material, unless consent from the party that produced the Discovery
`Material was previously obtained. Protected Material may be disclosed only to the categories of
`persons and under the conditions described in this Order. Following the termination of this action,
`each Receiving Party must comply with the provisions of Section 12.1, below.
`This Order does not preclude any Party or Non-Party from using Protected Material
`with the consent of the Designating Party or by order of the Court.
`The recipient of any Protected Material shall maintain such material in a secure and
`safe area and shall exercise a standard of due and proper care with respect to the storage, custody,
`use, and/or dissemination sufficient under all applicable laws to safeguard against unauthorized or
`inadvertent disclosure of such material to persons or entities not authorized under this Order.
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`Disclosure of Confidential Material: Unless otherwise ordered by the Court or
`permitted in writing by the Designating Party, material designated “CONFIDENTIAL” may be
`disclosed by a Receiving Party only to the following persons:
`The Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel;
`Designated In-House Counsel of the Receiving Party who have signed the
`“Agreement To Be Bound By Protective Order” (Exhibit A), following the required disclosure
`procedure set forth in Paragraph 1.5;
`Experts and/or Consultants retained by a Party or its Counsel to serve as an
`expert witness or as a consultant in this action, following the disclosure procedure set forth in
`Paragraph 6.6, provided that Counsel, in good faith, requires their assistance in connection with
`this action; and provided further that any part of a report created by such expert or consultant
`incorporating Protected Material in whole or in part shall be designated appropriately by the Party
`responsible for its creation; and provided further that experts or consultants may not use Protected
`Material for any purpose that does not relate to this action (including but not limited to other
`litigations and other work in their respective fields);
`The Court and its personnel;
`Special masters, mediators, or other third parties who are appointed by the
`Court or retained by the Parties for settlement purposes or resolution of discovery or other disputes
`and their necessary personnel and, in the case of persons retained by the Parties, who have signed
`the “Agreement To Be Bound By Protective Order” (Exhibit A);
`Court reporters and/or videographers, their staffs, and Professional Vendors
`to the extent that such disclosure is reasonably necessary for this action and with respect to
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`Case 1:22-cv-00252-MSG Document 85 Filed 04/19/23 Page 14 of 33 PageID #: 1433
`Professional Vendors only, those Professional Vendors must first sign the “Agreement To Be
`Bound By Protective Order” (Exhibit A);
`The author, addressees, or recipients of the document, or any other natural
`person who reviewed or had access to such document during his or her employment as a result of
`the substantive nature of his or her employment position, or who is specifically identified as an
`author, addressee, or recipient in the document or its accompanying metadata;
`Current employees of the Designating Party;
`During their depositions or other evidentiary action, former employees of
`the Designating Party to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary, unless otherwise ordered by
`the Court;
`Professional jury or trial consultants or mock jurors who have signed the
`“Agreement To Be Bound By Protective Order” (Exhibit A);
`Any other person agreed to by the Designating Party in writing; and
`Any other person to whom the Court compels disclosure of the Confidential
`Material or to whom disclosure is required by law.
`ONLY” Material: Material produced and marked as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE
`COUNSEL’S EYES ONLY” may be disclosed by the Receiving Party only to individuals
`identified in Paragraphs 6.4(a), (c)-(l), unless otherwise ordered by the Court or permitted in
`writing by the Designating Party.
`material produced in discovery shall be made available in an electronic format allowing it to be
`reasonably reviewed and searched. The Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel shall host any
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`material at their offices and/or the offices of any data hosting Professional Vendor employed by
`said Outside Counsel, provided that the following restrictions shall apply:
`Only Outside Counsel of record (and their support staff) and the hosting
`Professional Vendor employed by said Outside Counsel shall have direct access to the database(s)
`that store the entirety of the production of “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE
`The Receiving Party shall store “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – OUTSIDE
`COUNSEL’S EYES ONLY” material in a secure electronic review database in such a manner as
`to allow the Receiving Party, if needed and with respect to a good-faith allegation of improper
`disclosure and upon order of the Court, to generate a list of the specific documents by Bates number
`from a Producing Party that a given individual has accessed or downloaded in the electronic review
`database. Outside Counsel shall be required only to track the identity of Outside Counsel who
`accessed specific documents in a secure electronic review database, but shall not otherwise be
`required to track Outside Counsel who had access to documents by other means such as a print
`copy, email, or the like. For clarity, the Receiving Party shall not be required to log any attorney
`work product or material subject to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(4) that cites, excerpts, or otherwise
`Receiving Party shall, within a reasonable period of time, provide a copy of this log to the
`Producing Party upon request after order of the Court;
`The Receiving Party may provide access to “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL –
`OUTSIDE COUNSEL’S EYES ONLY” material to the individuals identified in Section 6.5.
`Except as otherwise provided herein, the Receiving Party may only provide such access to
`- 13 -


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`individuals identified in Paragraphs 6.4 (c), (f), (j), and (k) through a secured web-based interface,
`a secure electronic review database, or a secure electronic file transfer portal (collectively, “Secure
`File Platforms”) in such a manner as to allow the Receiving Party, if needed and with respect to
`a good-faith allegation of improper disclosure and upon order of the Court, to generate a list of the
`specific documents by Bates number from a Producing Party that a given individual has been
`provided access to and/or downloaded. For clarity, the Receiving Party shall not be required to
`log any attorney work product or material subject to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(4) that cites, excerpts,
`material. The Receiving Party shall, within a reasonable period of time, provide a copy of this log
`to the Producing Party upon request after order of the Court; and
`The Receiving Party shall maintain all paper copies of any printed portions
`secured, locked area when not in use or in transport. When in use or transport, access to such
`materials shall be limited to those persons identified in 6.5. The Receiving Party shall not create
`any electronic or other images of the paper copies and shall not convert any of the information
`contained in the paper copies into any electronic format, except as provided in this section. The
`Receiving Party shall only make additional paper or electronic copies if such additional copies are
`(1) necessary to prepare court filings, pleadings, or other papers (including a testifying Expert’s
`expert report), (2) necessary for deposition, or (3) otherwise necessary for the preparation of its
`case. Subject to Section XI and the foregoing provisions of Section 6.6, all copies of any portion
`whatever form shall be securely destroyed if they are no longer in use.
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`Procedures for Approving or Objecting to Disclosure of “CONFIDENTIAL” or
`Unless otherwise ordered by the Court or agreed to in writing by the
`Designating Party, a Party that seeks to disclose to an Expert any information or item that has been
`EYES ONLY” information first must make a written request to the Designating Party that (1) sets
`forth the full name of the Expert and the city and state of his or her primary residence and (2)
`attaches a copy of the Expert’s most recent curriculum vitae or resume, (3) provides a list of all
`publications the Expert authored in the previous 10 years and a list of all other cases in which the
`Expert testified as an expert at trial or by deposition in the previous 4 years, (4) discloses any work
`the Expert has previously undertaken for any of the Parties, and (5) attaches a copy of the
`“Agreement To Be Bound By Protective Order” (Exhibit A) signed by the Expert. If the most
`recent curriculum vitae or resume of the Expert provides the information required under this
`paragraph, then the information need not be separately provided.
`A Party that makes a request and provides the information specified in the
`preceding paragraph may disclose the subject Protected Material to the identified Expert unless
`the Party receives a written objection from the Designating Party within seven (7) days of
`delivering the request, or as otherwise agreed by the parties. Any such objection must set forth in
`detail the grounds on which it is based.
`A Party that receives a timely written objection must meet and confer with
`the Designating Party to try to resolve the matter by agreement within seven (7) days of the written
`objection, or as otherwise agreed by the parties. If no agreement is reached, the Party seeking to
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`prevent the disclosure to the Expert must initiate the applicable dispute resolution mechanism
`within fourteen (14) days of the written objection, or as otherwise agreed by the parties.
`In any such proceeding, the Party opposing disclosure to the Expert shall bear the burden
`of proving that the risk of harm the disclosure would entail (under the safeguards proposed)
`outweighs the Receiving Party’s need to disclose the Protected Material to the Expert.
`Retention of Exhibit A: Counsel for the Party that obtains the signed “Agreement
`To Be Bound By Protective Order” (Exhibit A), as required above, shall retain the hardcopy or
`electronic copy for six (6) months following the final termination of this action, including any
`appeals, and shall make them available to other Parties or the Court upon good cause shown.
`Absent written consent from the Producing Party, any individual who receives

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