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`ment 79-3Filed 11/10/22 Page 4 of
`—pethan [i or e-li-za-be'than/ adj relating to or associated
`m Ela'hist n the writer or writers of the passages of the Old Testament
`CEtmetlchen ate8
`in which the Hebrew name Elohim (for God) is used instead of
`603) oF her
`}, applied to dress,
`a ‘na person, esp a poet or dramatist, of thatage. erature,
`Yahweh(Jehovah). Elshist'ic adj relating to these passages.
`eloin or eloign /e-loin'/ (archaic) vt to convey to a distance; to
`jzabéth'anism n.
`separate and remove. [Ofesloignier(Fr éloigner), from LL élongare;
`glizabethan architecture n the mixed style that sprang up on the
`see elongate]
`Gothic, marked by Tudo
`decline of
`Tudor bow windows
`gecoraed with classic comices and pilasters, ale
`= eloln'er or eloign'er n. eloin'mentor eloign'mentn.
`elongate /é'/ong-gat ori-long'gat/ vt to makelonger; to extend. ¢ vito
`ous square windows,
`engcompartments, et hatments, plasterceilings divided
`grow longer. [LL élongare, -atum, froméfrom, and fongus long]
`® e'longate or e'longated adj long and narrow. elonga'tion n the
`f elk or elks) a deer of N E
`elk [elk] 0 (P'
`urope and Asia,
`act of lengthening out; distance (obs); the angular distance of amoon
`closely related to the moose of N America, the largest aah:
`or planet from the sun.
`jes the wapit(NAm.[Poss OF ely (WSax cof)
`elope /e- or -lép'/ vito run away secretly, esp with a lover (usu to get
`gelkhom fem na fem
`the genusPlatycerium,tropi
`‘ems with a large leaflike an elk’s roi ia
`married); to run away orbolt. [Cf ODu ontlopen, Ger entlaufen to run
`Norwegian spitz pe of dog with aie coat and curled tail
`# elope'mentn. eld'per n.
`jrish elk
`a giant
`deer now extinct,
`known fi
`pee pleistocene, esp in Ireland.
`rom the remains found
`elops/el'ops/ n sce ellops; (with cap) a genus offish (family Elopidae)
`related to the tarpon. [See ety of ellops]
`ell’ jel na varying measure of length originally taken from the =
`eloquent /el'a-kwant/ adj having eloquence; persuasive; strongly
`cloth measure equal to 1zyd (obs). [OE ein; Du el, GerElle, L ulna,
`expressive. [L éloquéns, -entis, prp of @loqutto utter]
`Gr olené elbow]
`mel'oquence n the power, art or practice of expressing strong
`pell'wand na measuring rod.
`emoticn in correct, appropriate, expressive andfluent language; the
`a give him aninch andhe'lltake an ell a concession will encourage
`art of such language; persuasive speech.el'oquently adv.
`the taking ofliberties.
`elpee fel-p2'/ (inf) na long-playing record, a phonetic representation
`al? [ell sameas el’
`of LP.
`flagic /e-laj'ik/ adj relating to gallnuts, applied to an
`: Fesalle gall, spelt backwards]
`Elsan® /el'san| na type of portable lavatory in which chemicals are
`used tokill bacteria and destroy smell. [EL Jackson, the manufacturer,
`ellipse /i- or e-lips'/ (geor) na figure produced bythe section of one
`branch of a right circular cone by a planepassing obliquely and
`else /els/ adj (or adv) other(in addition orinstead). # adv otherwise;
`besides; except that mentioned. [OEelles otherwise, orig genitive of
`failing to meet the other branch.
`[Lellipsis, from Grelleipsis from
`elleipeinto fall short, from en in, and leipein to leave] ;
`el other; cf OHGeralles orelles, L alius, Gr allos other]
`pellip'sis n (pl ellip'sés) a figure of syntax by which a word or
`m elsewhere’ adv in or to anotherplace. elsewhith'er adv. else'wise
`advinadifferent manner; otherwise.
`words are left out and merely implied (grammar); the mark (...)
`indicating ellipsis (printing). ellip'sograph.n an ‘instrument
`elsin /el'sin/ or elshin /el'shin/ (Scot) n an awl. [From ODuelssene
`drawingellipses. ellip'soid n (geom) a surface of which every plane
`(Mod els); cf awl]
`section is an ellipse or a circle; a solid object of this shape.
`ELT abbrev:English language teaching (to non-English speakers).
`ellipsoi'dal adj. ellip'tic or ellip'tical adj of orrelating to anellipse;
`elt /elt/ (dialect) n a young sow. [Cf yelt and gilt?
`oval; having a part understood; concise or comprehensive; obscure or
`eltchi see elchi.
`dubious; (loosely) circumlocutory; rather narrow, slightly acute at
`each end and broadest in the middle (bot); of or relating to ellipsis.
`eluant, eluate see under elution.
`ellip'tically adv. ellipticity /el-ip-tis'i-ti/ n deviation from the form of
`elucidate/é-, i-la'si-dat or -loo'/ vt to make lucid or clear; to throw
`a circle or sphere; the difference between the equatorial and polar
`light upon; toillustrate. [LL élacid3re, -atum, from é- (intens), and
`diameters of the earth.
`lGcidus clear]
`gelliptic geometry or space n Riemannian geometry or space.
`“m elucida'tion n. elu'cidative or elu'cidatory adj making clear;
`ellops /el'ops/ (obs) na kind of snake (Milton); a kind ofsturgeon(also
`explanatory. elu'cidator n.
`el'ops); a sea-serpent (Goldsmith). [Gr ellops, also elops, elaps perh
`elucubration an obsolete form of lucubration.[L é- (intens)]
`mute, perh scaly, also an unknown fish and an unknown snake; cf
`elude /2-, i-lid' or -lood'/ vt to escape in a clever or cunning way; to
`-Elaps, elops]
`baffle; (of a fact, etc) to fail
`to be discovered, remembered, etc.
`elm /elm/ na tree (genus Ulmus) with serrated leaves unequalat the
`[L éladere, éldsum, from é from, and Iddere to play]
`base and small flowers in clusters appearing before the leaves; its
`m elu'der rn.elu'dible adj. elu'sion /-zhan/ n the act of eluding;
`timber (also called elm'wood).
`adj of elm. [OE elm; Ger Ulme,
`evasion. elu'sive -ziv or -siv/ adj practising elusion; difficult
`L ulmus]
`find, catch, understand or remember; deceptive. elu'sively adv.
`: elm'en adj (obs) made of elm. elm'y adj full of or covered with
`elu'siveness n. elu'soriness n. elu'sory adj tending to elude or
`cheat; evasive; deceitful.
`EI Nifio /el nz'nyo/ n a periodic large-scale warming ofthe surface of
`Elul /el'al or -iil/ n the 12th month ofthe Jewish civil year, and 6th of
`the E Pacific Ocean, esp off the coast of Peru and Ecuador, associated
`the ecclesiastical. [Heb, from dial to reap]
`with extreme meteorological phenomenain the Pacific region. [Sp,
`elution /é- or i-loo'shan,or-lii'/ (chem) n purification or separation by
`the child, short for El Nifio de Navidad the Christ Child, denoting a
`washing with a solvent. [L élatid, nis washing, from éluere, éldtum,
`warm current observed at Christmas]
`from & from, and luere to wash]
`n el'uantor el'uent rn a liquid used for elution. el'uate n liquid
`Elo /é'lo/ adj denoting a scale on which the ability of chess-players is
`assessed, devised by Arpad Elo, 20c US professor of physics.
`obtained by eluting. elute’ vt. elu'tor n a vesselfor elution.
`QElo rating n. Elo scale n.
`elutriate /z-, i-l00'tri-at or-la'/ vt to separate by washing into coarser
`elocution jel-o-kii'shan| n the art of effective speaking, “esp public
`andfiner portions.[L élutridre, -atum to washout, from éluere, from é
`from, and /uere to wash]
`in terms of enunciation and delivery; eloquence (obs).
`nm elutria'tion n. elu'triator n an apparatusforelutriating.
`IL élocati6, -dnis, from éloqui, -catus, from é from, and loqui to
`eluvium /i-, é&loo'vi-am or -la'] n an accumulation of rock debris
`"el'ocute vi
`(often facetious)
`to declaim. eloci''tionary adj.
`formed onthe spot or moved by windonly, suchas loess. [Formed on
`eloci'tionist na person trained or expert in or practising elocution; a
`the analogy of alluvium and diluvium; L é from, and /uere to wash]
`a elu'vial adj.
`teacherof elocution; a reciter. eloc'dtory adj (rare).
`ELV abbrev: expendable launch vehicle (see under, expend).
`Elodea /e-la'di-a
`nan American genus of Hydrocharitaceae, to
`Which te ada waterweed belongs (also called allan
`elvan’/el'van/ na granularcrystalline dyke rock, composed of quartz
`Anacharis and Phyllotria). [Gr helodés marshy or marsh-dwelling,
`and orthoclase (also elv'anite). [Cornish miners’ name; prob Comish
`elven spark]
`. from helos marsh, and eidos form]
`tloge /a-lozh'/, elogium /2-la'ji-am/ (obs), oF elogy/el'a-j!/ aig oA
`elvan?, elven, elves,elvishsee elf.
`luneral oration; a panegyric. [Fr éloge andits source L slog 7
`elver /el'var/ na youngeel. [eelfare (see eel)]
`statement or an inscription on a tomb, perh confused with eulogy
`Elysium /é-, + or e-liz(h)'i-am/ n the abode of the blessed dead (Gr
` el'ogist n someone whodelivers an éloge-
`myth); any delightful placeorstate. [L, from Gr elysion (pedion), the
`[Heb pl of Eloah,
`Elohim e-l6'him] n a Hebrew name for God.
`Elysian (plain)]
`Plained as a plural of intensity]
`(then); el'a-mont (element) + For other sounds see detailed chart of pronunciation
`Sate;ftir; me;fir: mine; méte;for; mille; piu; dhen
`ocument 79°83 Filed 11/10/2
`elD #
`Case 1:21-cv-01445-JPM Document 79-3 Filed 11/10/22 Page 5 of 5 PageID #: 1858
`riod for which accounts are made up;
`financial year n any annualpe!
`thy luere
`(humorous) money;
`sordid gain.
`Oegustingly) wealthy.
`|, functioning as the income-tax year,
`the annual period ending 5 Apri
`policies and estimates are
`over which the Government's financial
`tre (Fr) See café filtre under café.
`blic bodies, on 31
`the annual period ending, for many pu!
`ie [fim'bl] nthe male plant of hemp, weaker and shorter
`es cari-hemp(see undercarl). [Du femel female] ies
`finasteride /fi-nas'ta-rid/ na drug, an enzyme inhibitor, used to treat
`fimbria |fim'bri-a] n (anat) a fringing filament.
`[L fimbriae fibres or
`enlarged prostates and male baldness.
`finbacksee underfin’.
`: priate adj fringed (anat); having a narrow border (heraldry).
`finch /finch, -sh/ n a name applied to many passerine orperching
`* vt
`to fringe;
`to hem.
`fim'briated adj.
`birds, esp to those of the genus Fringilla or family Fringillidae,
`includingthe bullfinch, chaffinch, goldfinch,etc. [OEfinc; Ger Fink]
`fimbria'tion n
`olous /fi-mik's-las} (bot) adj growing on dung.
`[L fi
`i colereto inhabit]
`? ae
`m finched adj finch-backed.
`a finch'-backed adj striped or spotted on the back.
`find find) vt (find'ing; found) to come upon or meet with;to discover
`FIN abbrev: Finland (IVR).
`orarrive at; to come to perceive; to experience;to regain (a former
`fin' [fin] nan organ by which an aquatic animalsteers, balances or
`position,state, etc); to determine after judicial inquiry; to supply or
`gwims; a swimmer’s flipper; a fixed vertical surface onthe tail of an
`succeed in getting; to manageto reach, hit, land on,etc. ¢ vito come
`geroplane; a portion of a mechanism like a fish’s fin in shape or
`upon game.¢ nanact offinding; something found, esp something of
`purpose; thin projecting edge or plate; a hand or arm (si). « vt
`value orinterest. [OE findan; Ger finden]
`(finn'ing; finned) to provide with fins; to remove thefins from. ¢ vito
`m find'able adj. find'er n a person whofinds; a small
`gwim using flippers. [OE finn; L pinnaa featheror a fin]
`attached toalarger one, or a lens attached to a camera,to facilitate
`a fin'less adj. finned adj havingfins. finn'er n a finback. finn'y adj
`the directing ofit at the object viewed. find'ing nthe act of any
`person whofinds; that whichis found; a judicial verdict; (usu in pl)a
`afin'back or fin whale na rorqual. fin'fish n a truefish, bearing fins
`Conclusion of research orinvestigation; (in pl)the tools which some
`and breathing throughgills, as opposed to other aquatic animals such
`workmen haveto supply themselves, esp (of shoemakers) everything
`as shellfish. fin'foot n a grebe-like water bird. fin'-foot'ed adj
`except leather (esp US); (in pl) accessories such as buttons and zips
`webfooted; having fringed toes. fin keel na fin-shaped keel. fin'-ray n
`a homy rod supportingafin. fin'-toed’ adj havinglobateorfringed
`O find -fault'n (Shakesp) a person whofinds fault with another.
`finders keepers (inf) those who find something are entitled to
`fin? /fin] (US sl) na five-dollarbill. [Yiddish finf five]
`keepit. find one’s accountin to find satisfactory profit or advantage
`in. find oneselfto feel, as regards health, happiness, etc (formal); to
`FINA (/fe'na] abbrev: Fédération Internationale de Natation (Fr),
`come to terms with oneself;
`to discover one’s tue personality,
`International Swimming Association (formerly known as Fédération
`vocationorinterests. find one’s feet to become ableto stand orable
`Internationale de Natation Amateur).
`to cope readily with new conditions. find out to discoveror detect.
`finable see under fine. '
`find someonein (obs) to supply someonewith.
`finagle [fi-na'gal] (inf). vt and vi to obtain by guile or swindling, to
`fin de siecle /fé d’ sye'kl’/ (Fr) n the end of a century or of an era.
`wangle; to cheat (a person; usu with out of). ¢1n an instance of
`"4 adj characteristic ofthe ideas, etc of the end ofa century, esp the
`finagling. [Eng dialect fainaigue cheatorshirk]
`decadenteleganceofthe late 19c.
`a fina'gler n.
`findon haddockand findram see finnan.
`final /f7'nl/ adj last; decisive or conclusive;relating to or constituting
`fine’ /fin/ adj excellent (often ironic); beautiful or handsome; not
`an end or motive;(of a judgement) ready for execution. ¢ n thelast of
`coarse or heavy; consisting of small particles; subtle; slender; sharp;
`a series (egofletters in a word, games in a contest, examinations in a
`keen; exquisite; nice; delicate; sensitive; over-refined; over-elaborate
`curriculum,etc); in the old church modes, the keynote ortonic,.the
`(obs); pretentious (obs); showy; splendid; striking or remarkable;
`lowest note in the authentic modes, a fourth aboveit in the plagal; (in
`egregious, distinguished (archaic); pure; refined; containing so many
`final examinations;
`(in pl). the deciding rounds.of a sports
`parts of pure metal outof twenty-four (as 22 carats, or ounces, fine,
`(in pl). final approach (inf; aeronautics).
`22/24 gold orsilver), or out of a thousand. ¢ vt to makefine;to refine;
`L finalis, from finis an end]
`to purify; to change by imperceptible degrees (esp with away or
`a fi'nalismn(philos)teleology, interpretation in terms of purpose;
`down). ¢ adj and adv at a more acuteangle with the line offlight of
`belief that an end has beenreached.fi'nalist na person who reaches
`the ball (eg fine leg); (of a snooker, etc stroke) making very slight
`the final stage in a competition; a student taking his or, her final
`contact.. « adv well or well enough (inf); narrowly; with little to
`examinations; a teleologist
`.(philos); a person who- believes,
`spare;into fine pieces. [Fr fin, prob a back-formation fromLfinitus
`finality has been reached (philos). finality /-al':-ti/ n the state of being
`final; completeness or conclusiveness; a final or conclusive act; the
`finished, pap of finire to finish, from finis an end]
`m fine'ish (also fin'ish) adj somewhatfine. fine'ly adv. fine'ness n
`principle offinal cause (philos); that whichis final. fi'nalize or-ise vt
`state, fact or degree of being fine; state of subdivision; (of gold or
`to complete a commercial agreement, transaction, etc; to decide on
`the definitive versionof: to put thefinishing touches to; to put an end
`silver), number of parts in a thousand.fin'er narefiner. fin'ery n
`splendour; showy adornments; a place where anything is fined or
`to completely.fi'nally adv.
`refined; a furnacefor makingiron malleable.fines n p/ material(ore,
`final approachn(aeronautics) the part of the landing procedure
`coal, etc)ina finestateof division, separated out by screening. fin'ing
`from when the aircraft turnsinto line. with the runwayuntil the flare-
`n the processofrefining or purifying; (often in pl) a clarifying agent
`Outis started (inffi'nals). final cause 7 (philos) the end orobjective
`for which a thing is done, esp the design of the universe. final
`_ Ofine art or arts see under art’. fine chemicals n pl chemicals
`demand or final notice 17alast bill rendered before legal action .is
`in small quantities usu of high purity, opp to heavy
`takento recover a debt.
`chemicals. fine'-draw vt to draw orsew ups0 finely that no seam can
`thefinal solution (hist) the English version of the name (Ger
`be seen;
`to draw outfinely or too finely. fine'-drawn adj. fine
`Endlésung) for the German Nazi policy and process, from 1941, of
`gentlemanorlady n anidle person, usu ostentatiously fashionable,
`exterminating European Jews.
`sometimes refined.fine leg n (cricket) a fielder, ora fielding position,
`finale [fina'la or -li/ n the end or climax; the last movement 1
`on the legside boundary at a more acute angle to the batsman than
`musical composition; the concludingpart of any performance, &6 the
`longleg. fine metal n comparatively pure cuproussulphide obtained
`last song in a stage musical, usu impressively energetic Or lavish.{Ital
`from coarse metal, fine print same as small print (see under small).
`finale final, from L finalis]
`fine'-spoken adj using fine phrases. fine'spun adj finely spun out;
`over-subtle. fine-tooth (or fine-toothed) comb or fine comb na
`finance Ift'nans, orfi-,fi-,fo-nans'| n' money affairs or revenue, esp of
`comb with slender teeth set close together. fine-tune’ vt to make
`a tuler or state; money, esp public money; the art of managing or
`administering public money; a loan to pay for something; (in pl)
`delicate adjustments to. fine-tun‘ing n. fine writing n literary matter
`Money resources. # vt to manage financially; to provide or support
`or style whichis pretentiously ornate. fin'ing-pot n a vessel used in
`= Money. « vito engage in moneybusiness. [Fr, from OFrfinerto
`e, fro
`n cutit fine to do something withlittle time or space to spare. go
`m L finis an end]
`; (Aust and NZ sl) having
`over or through with a fine-tooth (or fine-toothed) comb to
`"finan'cial /-shal/ adj relating
`to financ
`solvent. eeeaEE na financier.
`finan‘cially adv.
`investigate very thoroughly.
`rson engaged in large
`r /-si-ar or (US)
`fin-an-sér'/ 1 a pe
`fine? /fin/ n a monetary penalty; an end or conclusion (obs except in
`financial transactions; a a whoadministers the public revenue.
`the phrase in fine); a finalsettlement; (before 1833) a fictitious suit as
`- and vt /-sér'/ to finance; to swindle. Pe:
`a means of conveying property or barring an entail
`(law); a
`finance company or house n a company specializingin lenaing
`composition, or percentage accepted by a bankrupt’s creditors, given
`Money against collateral, esp to finance hire-purchase agreements.
`Ste;fir: me:fir; mine; mote;for: rte;pit dhen (then); el'a-mant (element) « For other sounds see detailed chart of pronunciation