Case 1:19-cv-01937-RGA-JLH Document 42 Filed 12/07/20 Page 1 of 19 PageID #: 603
`Civil Action No.1:19-cv-01937-RGA
`Pursuant to Paragraph 7 of the Scheduling Order (Dkt. No. 14), Plaintiff Express Mobile,
`Inc. (“Express Mobile”) and Defendant, LLC (“GoDaddy”) hereby submit this
`Joint Claim Construction Chart identifying for the Court the claim terms of U.S. Patent No.
`6,546,397, U.S. Patent No. 7,594,168, U.S. Patent No. 9,063,755, U.S. Patent No. 9,471,287, and
`U.S. Patent No. 9,928,044, for which the parties have reached agreed-upon constructions, as well
`as claim terms for which the parties have a dispute together with the parties’ proposed
`constructions of the disputed claim terms and citations to the supporting intrinsic evidence. For
`several additional terms, the parties have agreed to defer resolution of several indefiniteness issues
`that arose during the meet and confer process, and will submit a separate stipulation and proposed
`order to the Court on this issue. If the Court would like to resolve these issues as part of claim
`construction, however, the parties’ respective positions are set forth below.
`Additionally, via meet and confer process the parties have agreed to withdraw certain terms
`from requiring construction with the agreed stipulation, similar to the Court’s May 20, 2020 Order
`(D.I. 126) in the case of Shopify Inc. et al v Express Mobile, Inc. (19-439), that should any of these
`terms in fact become dispositive, the parties will address them in the alternative in expert discovery


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-RGA-JLH Document 42 Filed 12/07/20 Page 2 of 19 PageID #: 604
`and argue their different positions in connection with summary judgement briefing. The list of
`withdrawn terms to which the stipulation applies is as follows:
`’397 Family
`• associated with a style that includes values defining transformations and time lines
`• browser
`• defined entirely
`• element style; style; style data
`• external database
`internal database
`• means for storing information representative of said selected description [in said
`• means for storing information representative of selected style [in said database]
`• objects
`• said [one or more] run time files utilize information stored in said external database to
`generate virtual machine commands for the display of at least a portion of said one or
`more web pages
`• substantially contemporaneously / contemporaneously
`• values defining transformations and time lines; values defining time lines
`’755 Family
`• activated and runs in a web browser
`• associate the selected symbolic name with the defined UI object
`• associated output symbolic name
`• automatically selected by the system
`• data format class; associated data format class type corresponding to a subclass of User
`Interface (UI) objects that support the data format type of the symbolic name
`• persistent address
`• pointer to an output value
`• said code


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-RGA-JLH Document 42 Filed 12/07/20 Page 3 of 19 PageID #: 605
`Exhibit No.
`U.S. Patent No. 6,546,397
`U.S. Patent No. 7,594,168
`U.S. Patent No. 9,063,755
`U.S. Patent No. 9,471,287
`U.S. Patent No. 9,928,044
`Excerpt from 6,546,397 File History, Amendment, June 5, 2001
`Excerpt from 6,546,397 File History, Amendment, Dec. 13, 2001
`Excerpt from 9,063,755 File History, Amendment, Jan. 16, 2014
`Excerpt from 6,546,397 File History, Office Action, Feb. 5, 2001
`Excerpt from 6,546,397 File History, Office Action, Aug. 12, 2001
`Excerpt from 6,546,397 File History, Amendment After Final, Jan. 17,
`Excerpt from 6,546,397 File History, Feb. 13, 2018 Certificate of
`Excerpt from 9,063,755 File History, Office Action Response, March 6,
`Excerpt from 9,063,755 File History, Amendment “A” Under 37 C.F.R. §
`1.111, Mar. 6, 2013
`Excerpt from 9,063,755 File History, Reply “B” Under 37 C.F.R. §
`1.116(e), May 30, 2013
`Excerpt from 9,063,755 File History, Response to Office Action After
`Final, Sept. 26, 2013
`Excerpt from 9,063,755 File History, Amendment Under 37 C.F.R. §
`1.111, Jan. 17, 2014
`Excerpt from 9,063,755 File History, Appeal Brief, Nov. 26, 2014
`Excerpt from 9,471,287 File History, Preliminary Amendment “B”, July
`16, 2015
`U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl. No. 61/123,438, Apr. 7, 2008
`U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl. No. 61/166,651, Apr. 3, 2009
`‘755 File History: U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl. No. 61/113,471, Nov. 11, 2008
`Excerpt from 9,928,044 File History, Notice of Allowance


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-RGA-JLH Document 42 Filed 12/07/20 Page 4 of 19 PageID #: 606
`Dated: December 7, 2020
`/s/ Brian Auerbach
`Beth Moskow-Schnoll (No. 2900)
`Brittany Giusini (No. 6034)
`Brian S.S. Auerbach (No. 6532)
`919 N. Market Street, 11th Floor
`Wilmington, DE 19801-3034
`(302) 252-4465
`Brian W. LaCorte (pro hac vice)
`Jonathon A. Talcott (pro hac vice)
`1 East Washington Street, Suite 2300
`Phoenix, AZ 85004-2555
`(602) 798-5400
`Counsel for Defendant/Counterclaimant
`, LLC
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Timothy Devlin
`Timothy Devlin (#4241)
`1526 Gilpin Avenue
`Wilmington, Delaware 19806
`Telephone: (302) 449-9010
`Facsimile: (302) 353-4251
`James R. Nuttall (pro hac vice)
`Michael Dockterman (pro hac vice)
`Robert F. Kappers (pro hac vice)
`Tron Fu (pro hac vice)
`Katherine H. Johnson (pro hac vice)
`227 West Monroe, Suite 4700
`Chicago, IL 60606
`Telephone: (312) 577-1300
`Facsimile: (312) 577-1370
`Christopher A. Suarez (pro hac vice)
`1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC 20036
`Telephone: (202) 429-8131
`Facsimile: (202) 429-3902
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Express Mobile, Inc.


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`Patent and Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Agreed Construction
`multi-dimensional array(s) / multidimensional array(s)
`storing information representative of said one or more user
`selected setting in a database
`authoring tool / authoring tool configured to
`device-dependent code
`device-independent code
`where said application is device-dependent code
`a uniquely identifiable indexed set of related elements, wherein
`each element is addressed by a set of two or more indices, each
`index corresponding to a dimension of the array
`storing data in a database, which data pertains to one or more
`attributes of an object available for selection by a user
`the changing of an object from one state to another based on a
`timer control, subject to user settings
`attributes of an object available for selection
`a system, with a graphical interface, for generating code to
`display content on a device screen
`code that is specific to the operating system,
`programming language, or platform of a device
`code that is not specific to the operating system, programming
`language, or platform of a device
`where said Application is a device-independent code


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`U.S. Patent No. 6,546,397 and U.S. Patent No. 7,594,1681
`’397 and ’168 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction
`and Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`at least one run time file /
`one or more run time files
`’397 Patent: Claims 1-2 and
`one or more files, including a run time engine,
`that are downloaded or created when a
`browser is pointed to a web page or website
`See e.g., ’397 Patent at 2:60-66, 5:48-62,
`7:61-8:9, 40:56-65, 62:29-40. (Ex. 1).
`one or more files, including a run time engine,
`that are downloaded or created and executed
`by a browser when a browser is pointed to a
`web page or website
`See, e.g., ’397 patent at Abstract, 1:11-3:6,
`5:48-63, 7:61-8:64, 9:39-45, 22:51-65, 28:34-
`38, 33:8-13, 40:56-61, 41:63-67, 43:8-48:46,
`52:54-64, 62:15-39, 62:41-67, 64:52-65:26,
`65:44-66:2; 66:3-23, Figs. 1, 2, 4a, 4b, 9, 25,
`26, 27, 28, 29 (Ex. 1).
`See, e.g., ’397 File History: Office Action,
`Feb. 5, 2001, at 2 (Ex. 9); Applicant
`Amendment, June 5, 2001, at 1-2, 6, 8, 9-11
`(Ex. 6); Office Action, Aug. 12, 2001, at 3-4,
`12 (Ex. 10); Amendment After Final, Jan. 17,
`2002, at 5-8 (Ex. 11).
`1 Because the specifications of the ’168 and ’397 patents are substantively identical, the parties omit parallel citations to the ’168
`patent. Citations to the ’397 patent’s specification should be understood to identify corresponding portions of the ’168 patent’s
`specification. Throughout, citations to figures should be understood to also encompass portions of the specification referencing the
`cited figures.


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`’397 and ’168 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction
`and Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`run time (runtime) engine
`’168 Patent: Claim 1
`file that is executed at runtime that reads
`information from the database and generates
`commands to display a web page or website
`See e.g., ’397 Patent at 2:39-41, 2:60-66,
`5:48-62, 7:61-8:9, 32:21-25, 40:56-65, 62:33-
`36, 62:29-40. (Ex. 1).
`See e.g., ’397 File History, Jan. 17, 2002
`Amendment at 5-6. (Ex. 7).
`file that is executed at runtime that reads
`information from the database and generates
`virtual machine commands to display a web
`page or website
`See, e.g., ’397 patent at Abstract, 1:11-3:6,
`5:48-63, 7:42-8:64, 9:39-45, 22:51-65, 28:34-
`38, 33:7-13, 35:40-45, 40:56-61, 41:63-67,
`43:8-48:46, 52:54-64, 62:15-39, 62:41-67,
`64:52-65:26, 65:44-66:2; 66:3-23, 67:54-63,
`68:24-30; 68:44-69:4, Figs. 1, 2, 4a, 4b, 9, 16,
`24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 (Ex.1)
`See, e.g., ’397 File History: Office Action,
`Feb. 5, 2001, at 2 (Ex. 9); Applicant
`Amendment, June 5, 2001, at 1-2, 6, 8, 9-11
`(Ex. 6); Office Action, Aug. 12, 2001, at 3-4,
`12 (Ex. 10); Amendment After Final, Jan. 17,
`2002, at 1-13 (Ex. 11).


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-RGA-JLH Document 42 Filed 12/07/20 Page 8 of 19 PageID #: 610
`’397 and ’168 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction
`and Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`abstract machine emulated in software or
`software that emulates a physical machine
`software that emulates a physical processor
`See, e.g., ’397 patent at 1:11-3:6, 3:64-67;
`9:1-35; 22:17-58; 35:34-45, 43:8-17, 43:28-
`32, 44:36-59; 65:44-66:2, 66:3-23, 68:43-
`69:4, Figs. 2, 4a-b, 5, 6, 9, 25, 27, 33-35 (Ex.
`See, e.g., ’397 File History: Applicant
`Amendment, June 5, 2001, at 1-2, 6, 8, 9-11
`(Ex. 6); Office Action, Aug. 12, 2001, at 3-4,
`12; Amendment After Final, Jan. 17, 2002, at
`1-13 (Ex. 10).
`an electronic information storage system
`offering data storage and retrieval and that
`stores information on a record-by- record
`basis, each record divided into one or more
`See, e.g., ’397 patent at Fig. 29, 22:61–65,
`41:30–43:7, 45:44-46:8 (Ex. 1).
`virtual machine
`’397 Patent: Claims 1-2 and
`an electronic information storage system
`offering data storage and retrieval
`’397 Patent: Claims 1-3, 9,
`14, 23, and 37
`’168 Patent: Claim 1


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`’397 and ’168 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction
`and Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`multidimensional array
`structured database
`‘397 Patent: Claim 3
`No construction necessary
`See e.g., ’397 Patent at 2:5-10, 2:33-39, 5:52-
`62, 6:33-36, 22:30-46, 27:1-28, 42:1-43:7,
`52:48-50, Fig. 24. (Ex. 1).
`independent process that defines one or more
`values for an object, including its appearance,
`animation, speed, and/or resolution over time
`See e.g., ’397 Patent at 30:50-52, 31:22-40,
`36:50-52, 52:38-43, 52:54-59, Fig. 33. (Ex.
`an object that is related to another object
`timeline / time line(s)
`’397 Patent: Claims 11, 13-
`15 19, and 23
`’168 Patent: Claims 1, 3
`child [object(s)]
`’397 Patent: Claims 12, 13,
`and 19
`’168 Patent: Claims 2, 3
`database that adheres to a data model
`structured in the form of a multidimensional
`array, where the different dimensions of the
`array each correspond to a different layer of
`the overall web site stack and where each
`layer has fields for each of its attributes
`See, e.g., ‘397 patent at Abstract, 2:5-14,
`2:32-42, 3:60-63, 4:57-60, 5:8-11, 5:48-62,
`5:64-6:9, 6:33-42, 8:9-64, 14:64-15:41,
`16:27-45, 22:6-65, 27:11-3133:27-34, 40:62-
`43:7, 42:15-67, 44:36-66, 45:14-46:29, 65:44-
`66:2, 66:3-23, 66:24-25, 66:45-49, 66:60-65,
`68:43-69:4, Figs. 2, 3a-b, 4a-b, 8, 13, 17, 18,
`19, 20, 22, 24, 27-29 (Ex. 1).
`sequence of changes that define the attributes
`of a text button or image object as the changes
`’397 patent at 4:40-42, 7:67-8:9, 31:23-40,
`31:22-39, 36:40-37:33, 38:25-36, 48:17-23,
`52:30-53:37, 60:11-41, 60:58-62:7, Figs. 19,
`20, 31-35, 61, 62, 63 (Ex. 1).
`element/object/button/style that is spawned by
`another element/object/button/style (i.e., the
`parent element/object/button)
`See, e.g., ’397 patent at 12:2-8, 30:52-58,
`31:22-40, 36:54-64, 37:15-34, 52:66-53:6,
`53:33-37, 61:10-14, 61:23-61 (Ex. 1)


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`’397 and ’168 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction
`and Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`child button; child image
`object; child element;
`child element style; child
`’397 Patent: Claims 12, 13,
`and 19
`’168 Patent: Claims 2, 3
`an element with one or more properties that
`depends on another element / a style related to
`a child element / no construction necessary /
`an object with one or more properties that
`depends on another object / a button with one
`or more properties that depends on another
`object / an image object with one or more
`properties that depends on another object
`See e.g., ’397 Patent at 31:22-40, 52:66-53:3,
`53:28-37, 61:23-61, 64:16-23, Fig. 34. (Ex.
`element/object/button/style that is spawned by
`another element/object/button/style (i.e., the
`parent element/object/button)
`See, e.g., ’397 patent at 12:2-8, 30:52-58,
`31:22-40, 36:54-64, 37:15-34, 52:66-53:6,
`53:33-37, 61:10-14, 61:23-61 (Ex. 1)


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-RGA-JLH Document 42 Filed 12/07/20 Page 11 of 19 PageID #: 613
`’397 and ’168 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction
`and Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`build tool
`‘397 Patent: Claim 2 and 37
`a tool operable to facilitate the building of one
`or more webpages or websites
`See e.g., ’397 patent at 5:48-62, 6:4-20, 7:61-
`64, 8:66-10:53, 40:56-61, 43:18-27, Figs. 2,
`3b, 4b, 24, 27. (Ex. 1).
`See e.g., ’397 File History, June 5, 2001
`Amendment at 9-10. (Ex. 6).
`a tool operable to construct one or more run
`time files and an associated database that
`describe, and when the run time file(s) are
`executed, produce web page(s)
`See, e.g., ‘397 patent at Abstract, 1:11-3:6,
`3:20-22; 5:48-62, 5:64-6:3, 7:42-9:45, 10:16-
`53, 14:64-15:14, 22:51-65; 28:34-48; 33:7-13;
`35:40-45, 40:55-48:22, 52:54-64, 62:16-
`65:26, 65:44-66:2, 66:3-23, 66:45-49, 66:60-
`65, 67:8-12. 67:26-30, 67:53-63, 68:35-37,
`Figs. 2, 3a-b, 4a-b, 5, 9, 16, 24-29 (Ex. 1).
`See, e.g., ‘397 File History: Office Action,
`Feb. 5, 2001, at 2 (Ex. 9); Applicant
`Amendment, June 5, 2001, at 1, 9-10 (Ex. 6);
`Office Action, Aug. 12, 2001, at 3 (Ex. 10);
`Amendment After Final, Jan. 17, 2002, at 5-8
`(Ex. 11).


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-RGA-JLH Document 42 Filed 12/07/20 Page 12 of 19 PageID #: 614
`’397 and ’168 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction
`and Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`build engine
`‘397 Patent: Claims 9, 14,
`19, and 23
`‘168 Patent: Claims 1 and 2
`No construction necessary
`‘397 Patent: Indefinite. Alternatively, same
`construction as ‘168 Patent.
`‘168 Patent: component that receives data or
`information regarding the creation, editing
`and/or display of a web page and updates one
`or more databases, including a database
`internal to the build engine, in response to that
`information or data
`See, e.g., ‘397 patent at Abstract, 2:1-4, 2:31-
`42, 5:48-62, 5:64-6:3, 6:10-20, 7:50-9:45,
`10:16-53, 14:64-15:14, 40:55-46:29, 66:3-23,
`66:45-49, 66:60-65, 67:8-12, 67:26-30, 67:53-
`63, 68:35-37, Figs. 2, 3a-b, 5, 9, 24-29 (Ex.
`See, e.g., ‘397 File History: Office Action,
`Feb. 5, 2001, at 2 (Ex. 9); Applicant
`Amendment, June 5, 2001, at 1, 9-10 (Ex. 6);
`Office Action, Aug. 12, 2001, at 3 (Ex. 10);
`Amendment After Final, Jan. 17, 2002, at 5-8
`(Ex. 11); ‘397 patent at Feb. 13, 2018
`Certificate of Correction (Ex. 12).


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-RGA-JLH Document 42 Filed 12/07/20 Page 13 of 19 PageID #: 615
`’397 and ’168 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction
`and Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`No construction necessary
`virtual machine commands /
`commands to said virtual
`‘397 Patent: Claims 1-2 and
`code in the instruction set of the virtual
`machine that directs actions of the virtual
`See, e.g., ‘397 patent at 1:11-3:6, 3:64-67;
`9:1-35; 22:17-58; 35:34-45, 43:8-17, 43:28-
`32, 44:36-59; 65:44-66:2, 66:3-23, 68:43-
`69:4, Figs. 2, 4a-b, 5, 6, 9, 25, 27, 33-35 (Ex.
`See, e.g., ‘397 File History: Applicant
`Amendment, June 5, 2001, at 1-2, 6, 8, 9-11
`(Ex. 6); Office Action, Aug. 12, 2001, at 3-4,
`12 (Ex. 10); Amendment After Final, Jan. 17,
`2002, at 1-13 (Ex. 11).
`See also intrinsic evidence cited for “virtual


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-RGA-JLH Document 42 Filed 12/07/20 Page 14 of 19 PageID #: 616
`U.S. Patent No. 9,063,755; U.S. Patent No. 9,471,287; U.S. Patent No. 9,928,0442
`’755, ’287 and ’044 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`‘755 Patent: Claims 1, 12,
`and 22
`‘287 Patent: Claims 1, 15,
`and 25
`‘044 Patent: Claims 1, 15,
`and 25
`device-independent software code containing
`instructions for a device
`See e.g., ’755 Patent at 4:16-19, 5:34-41, 5:56-59,
`6:48-53, 7:30-36, 11:44-51, 13:46-49, 17:66-18:3.
`(Ex. 3).
`device-independent code which contains
`instructions for a device and which is separate and
`independent from the Player
`See, e.g., ‘755 patent at Abstract, 2:1-3, 5:8-24,
`5:42-6:17, 7:13-20 7:30-40. 7:47-61, 8:27-35,
`8:54-9:3, Figs. 2A, 2B (Ex. 3).
`See, e.g., ‘755 File History: U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl.
`No. 61/123,438, Apr. 7, 2008, at 4, 20-21, 24 (Ex.
`20); U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl. No. 61/166,651, Apr. 3,
`2009 at 4, 24-25, 28 (Ex. 21); Amendment “A”
`Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.111, Mar. 6, 2013, at 2, 4, 8-
`16 (Ex. 14); Reply “B” Under 37 C.F.R. §
`1.116(e), May 30, 2013, at 4 (Ex. 15); Response
`to Office Action After Final, Sept. 26, 2013, at 2-
`4, 6-7, 9-10 (Ex. 16); Amendment Under 37
`C.F.R. § 1.111, Jan. 17, 2014, at 8-14 (Ex. 17);
`Appeal Brief, Nov. 26, 2014, at 3-6, 8-19 (Ex.
`See, e.g., ‘287 File History: Preliminary
`Amendment “B”, July 16, 2015, at 8 (Ex. 19).
`2 Because the specifications of the ’755, ’287, and ’044 patents are substantively identical, the parties omit parallel citations to the
`’287 and ’044 patents. Citations to the ’755 patent’s specification should be understood to identify corresponding portions of the ’287
`and ’044 patents’ specifications.


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`’755, ’287 and ’044 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`‘755 Patent: Claims 1, 12,
`and 22
`‘287 Patent: Claims 1, 13,
`15, 25, and 27
`‘044 Patent: Claims 1, 13,
`15, 25, and 27
`software code that facilitates the execution of an
`application on a device
`See e.g., ’755 Patent at 1:55-62, 6:9-11, 6:51-53,
`13:39-49, 17:66-18:3. (Ex. 3).
`See e.g., ’755 File History, January 17, 2014
`Amendment at 9-11. (Ex. 8).
`device-specific code which contains instructions
`for a device and which is separate and
`independent from the Application
`See, e.g., ‘755 patent at Abstract, 3:58-62, 5:8-24,
`5:42-55, 5:56-6:3, 6:9-17, 7:13-20, 7:30-40, 8:7-
`17, 8:27-35, 9:4-10, 11:41-51, 23:43-46, 33:12-
`15, 33:26-28, Figs. 2A, 2B (Ex. 3).
`See, e.g., ‘755 File History: U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl.
`No. 61/113,471, Nov. 11, 2008, at 11.9 (Ex. 22);
`U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl. No. 61/123,438, Apr. 7,
`2008, at 4, 20-21, 24 (Ex. 20); U.S. Prov. Pat.
`Appl. No. 61/166,651, Apr. 3, 2009 at 4, 24-25,
`28 (Ex. 21); Amendment “A” Under 37 C.F.R. §
`1.111, Mar. 6, 2013, at 2, 4, 8-16 (Ex. 14); Reply
`“B” Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.116(e), May 30, 2013, at
`4 (Ex. 15); Response to Office Action After Final,
`Sept. 26, 2013, at 2-4, 6-7, 9-10 (Ex. 16);
`Amendment Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.111, Jan. 17,
`2014, at 8-14 (Ex. 17); Appeal Brief, Nov. 26,
`2014, at 3-6, 8-19 (Ex. 18).
`See, e.g., ‘287 File History: Preliminary
`Amendment “B”, July 16, 2015, at 8 (Ex. 19).


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-RGA-JLH Document 42 Filed 12/07/20 Page 16 of 19 PageID #: 618
`’755, ’287 and ’044 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`web component
`‘755 Patent: Claims 1, 3, 6-7,
`12, 14, and 17-18
`‘287 Patent: Claims 1, 3, 6-7,
`15, 17, and 20-21
`one or more functionalities associated with one or
`more web page elements to be displayed on a
`See e.g., ’755 Patent at Abstract, 8:22-26, 25:6-
`15, 22:15-17, 22:40-43, Figs. 3E, 3F. (Ex. 3).
`‘044 Patent: Claims 1, 3, 6-7,
`15, 17, and 20-21
`software object, which has a clearly defined
`interface, conforms to a prescribed behavior
`common to all components within an architecture,
`is meant to interact with other components, and
`encapsulates certain functionality or a set of
`See, e.g., ‘755 patent at 7:63-8:17, 8:18-26, 8:36-
`47, 8:48-53, 8:54-65, 9:27-43, 10:4-11, Fig. 2A
`(Ex. 3)
`See, e.g., ‘755 File History: U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl.
`No. 61/113,471, Nov. 11, 2008, at 11.7, Appendix
`C (Ex. 22); U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl. No. 61/166,651,
`Apr. 3, 2009 at 7, 11.8, Appendix C (Ex. 21);
`Amendment “A” Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.111, Mar.
`6, 2013, at 2, 4, 7-16 (Ex. 14); Reply “B” Under
`37 C.F.R. § 1.116(e), May 30, 2013, at 4-11 (Ex.
`15); Response to Office Action After Final, Sept.
`26, 2013, at 2-4, 6-7, 9-17 (Ex. 16); Appeal Brief,
`Nov. 26, 2014, at 3-6 & 8 (Ex. 18).
`See, e.g., ‘287 File History: Preliminary
`Amendment “B”, July 16, 2015, at 8 (Ex. 19).


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-RGA-JLH Document 42 Filed 12/07/20 Page 17 of 19 PageID #: 619
`’755, ’287 and ’044 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`preferred UI object
`‘287 Patent: Claims 1 and 15
`‘044 Patent: Claims 1 and 15
`a UI object associated with a data type that is
`See e.g., ’287 Patent at 14:26-33, 14:64-67, 17:4-
`15, Table I. (Ex. 4).
`No construction necessary
`‘755 Patent: Claims 1 and 12
`‘287 Patent: Claims 1 and 15
`a UI object associated with a data type that is
`favored over the other UI object candidates for
`that data type
`See, e.g., ’755 patent at 13:50-14:4, 14:15-21,
`14:51-15:62, 22:40-43, Table 1 (Ex. 3).
`See, e.g., ’755 File History: U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl.
`No. 61/113,471, Nov. 11, 2008, at 11.8, 11.13-16,
`11.20-22 (Ex. 22).
`a database, XML file, or Portable Description
`Language file that exists on a computer
`See, e.g., ‘755 patent at 6:4-6, 7:63-8:3, 8:18-26,
`8:36-47, 9:16-26, Fig. 2A (Ex. 3)
`See, e.g., ‘755 File History: U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl.
`No. 61/113,471,1 Nov. 11, 2008, at 11.7,
`Appendix C (Ex. 22); U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl. No.
`61/166,651, Apr. 3, 2009 at 7, 11.8 (Ex. 21);
`Office Action Response, March 6, 2013, at 11-12
`(Ex. 13); Amendment “A” Under 37 C.F.R. §
`1.111, Mar. 6, 2013 at 2, 4, 7-12 (Ex. 14); Reply
`“B” Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.116(e), May 30, 2013, at
`4-11 (Ex. 15); Response to Office Action After
`Final, Sept. 26, 2013, at 2-4, 6-7, 9-17 (Ex. 16);
`Appeal Brief, Nov. 26, 2014, at 3-6 (Ex. 18).
`See, e.g., ‘287 File History: Preliminary
`Amendment “B”, July 16, 2015, at 8 (Ex. 19).


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-RGA-JLH Document 42 Filed 12/07/20 Page 18 of 19 PageID #: 620
`’755, ’287 and ’044 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`related settings
`’044 Patent: Claims 1 and 15
`No construction necessary
`No construction necessary
`symbolic name(s)
`‘755 Patent: Claims 1 and 12
`‘287 Patent: Claims 1 and 15
`‘044 Patent: Claims 1 and 15
`for calling up one or more web components
`for evoking one or more web
`‘755 Patent: Claims 1 and 12
`‘287 Patent: Claims 1and 15
`‘044 Patent: Claims 1 and 15
`settings for a particular UI object
`See, e.g., ’044 Patent, Claims 1 and 15
`See, e.g., ‘044 File History: Notice of Allowance,
`at 2 (Ex. 23).
`parameters specifying inputs and/or outputs
`associated with web services
`See, e.g., ‘755 patent at 9:11-16, 9:17-26 (Ex. 3)
`See, e.g., ‘755 File History: U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl.
`No. 61/113,471, Nov. 11, 2008, at 11.3, 11.13,
`Appendix C (Ex. 22); U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl. No.
`61/166,651, Apr. 3, 2009 at 11.8, Appendix C
`(Ex. 21); Amendment “A” Under 37 C.F.R. §
`1.111, Mar. 6, 2013, at 2, 4, 5, 7-16 (Ex. 14);
`Reply “B” Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.116(e), May 30,
`2013, at 4-11 Ex. 15); Response to Office Action
`After Final, Sept. 26, 2013, at 2-4, 6-7, 9-17 (Ex.
`16); Appeal Brief, Nov. 26, 2014, at 3-6 (Ex. 18).
`See, e.g., ‘287 File History: Preliminary
`Amendment “B”, July 16, 2015, at 8 (Ex. 19).
`to call up or activate one or more web
`See intrinsic evidence for “web component.”


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-RGA-JLH Document 42 Filed 12/07/20 Page 19 of 19 PageID #: 621
`’755, ’287 and ’044 Patents
`Claim Term(s) / Phrase(s)
`Express Mobile Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`GoDaddy Proposed Construction and
`Supporting Intrinsic Evidence
`A software system designed to support
`interoperable machine-to-machine interaction
`over a network. It has an interface described in a
`machine-processable format called “WSDL” (web
`service description language). Other systems
`interact with the web service in a manner
`prescribed by its description using Simple Object
`Access Protocol (“SOAP”) messages, typically
`conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization
`in conjunction with other web-related standards.
`See, e.g., ‘755 patent at 8:18-22, 8:36-47, 8:48-53,
`9:27-43, 10:4-11, Fig. 2A (Ex. 3)
`See, e.g., ‘755 File History: U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl.
`No. 61/113,471, Nov. 11, 2008, at Appendix C
`(Ex. 22); U.S. Prov. Pat. Appl. No. 61/166,651,
`Apr. 3, 2009, at Appendix C (Ex. 21); Reply “B”
`Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.116(e), May 30, 2013, at 4-
`11 (Ex. 15); Response to Office Action After
`Final, Sept. 26, 2013, at 2-4, 6-7, 9-17 (Ex. 16);
`Appeal Brief, Nov. 26, 2014, at 3-6 (Ex. 18).
`See, e.g., ‘287 File History: Preliminary
`Amendment “B”, July 16, 2015, at 8 (Ex. 19).
`No construction necessary
`Alternative: A software system that supports
`interaction between devices over a network
`See ’755 patent at 28:14-18 (Ex. 3).
`web service
`‘755 Patent: Claims 1, 5, 7,
`12, 16, and 18
`‘287 Patent: Claims 1, 5, 7,
`15, 19, and 21
`‘044 Patent: Claims 1, 5, 7,
`15, 19, and 21

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