Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 1 of 28 PageID #: 39330
`Civil Action No.1:19-cv-01937-MFK
`) )
`Timothy Devlin (No. 4241)
`1526 Gilpin Avenue
`Wilmington, DE 19806
`Telephone: (302) 449-9010
`Facsimile: (302) 353-4251
`James R. Nuttall
`Michael Dockterman
`John L. Abramic
`Katherine H. Tellez
`Robert F. Kappers
`Tron Fu
`227 West Monroe, Suite 4700
`Chicago, IL 60606
`(312) 577-1300
`Christopher A. Suarez
`1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
`Beth Moskow-Schnoll (No. 2900)
`Brittany Giusini (No. 6034)
`Brian S.S. Auerbach (No. 6532)
`919 N. Market Street, 11th Floor
`Wilmington, DE 19801-3034
`Telephone: (302) 252-4465
`Brian W. LaCorte
`Jonathon A. Talcott
`Andrew H. Hensley
`1 East Washington Street, Suite 2300
`Phoenix, AZ 85004-2555
`Telephone: (602) 798-5400
`Counsel for Defendant, LLC


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 2 of 28 PageID #: 39331
`Washington, DC 20036
`(202) 429-8131
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Express Mobile, Inc.


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 3 of 28 PageID #: 39332
`NATURE OF THE CASE AND THE PLEADINGS ...........................................................1
`Statement Regarding the Scope of the Issues to be Tried ........................................3
`JURISDICTION ...................................................................................................................7
`JOINT STATEMENT OF ADMITTED FACTS .................................................................7
`PARTIES’ TRIAL EXHIBITS .............................................................................................8
`Stipulations Concerning Trial Exhibits ....................................................................8
`Procedures for the Disclosure of Trial Exhibits and Demonstrative Exhibits .......12
`VII. TRIAL WITNESSES ..........................................................................................................14
`List of Witnesses to be Called ...............................................................................14
`Testimony by Deposition .......................................................................................16
`VIII. PARTIES’ BRIEF STATEMENT OF INTENDED PROOFS ..........................................18
`Express Mobile’s Statement ..................................................................................18
`GoDaddy’s Statement ............................................................................................18
`IX. AMENDMENTS TO PLEADING .....................................................................................18
`X. MOTIONS IN LIMINE .......................................................................................................18
`XI. CERTIFICATION OF GOOD FAITH SETTLEMENT EFFORTS ..................................19
`XII. OTHER MATTERS............................................................................................................19
`Jury Trial ................................................................................................................19
`B. Witness Sequestration ............................................................................................19
`Length of Trial .......................................................................................................20
`Order of Presentation .............................................................................................20
`Handling of Confidential Information at Trial .......................................................22
`Updates to Proposed Pretrial Order .......................................................................23
`Supplemental Damages Calculations .....................................................................23


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 4 of 28 PageID #: 39333
`This is a patent infringement case. Express Mobile, Inc. (“Express Mobile” or
`“Plaintiff”) filed a Complaint against, LLC (“GoDaddy” or “Defendant”) on
`October 11, 2019 (D.I. 1) which alleged infringement of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,546,397 (“the ’397
`patent”), 7,594,168 (“the ’168 patent”), 9,063,755 (“the ’755 patent”), 9,471,287 (“the ’287
`patent”), and 9,928,044 (“the ’044 patent”) (collectively, the “Asserted Patents”).
`On December 12, 2019, GoDaddy filed its Answer, Affirmative Defenses and
`Counterclaims (D.I. 9), denying infringement, raising various affirmative defenses, and asserting
`counterclaims for a declaratory judgment of non-infringement and a declaratory judgment of
`invalidity of the ’397 patent, the ’168 patent, the ’755 patent, the ’287 patent and the ’044 patent.
`On January 2, 2020, Express Mobile filed its Answer and Affirmative Defenses to GoDaddy’s
`Counterclaims (D.I. 11).
`On January 19, 2021, Express Mobile filed its First Amended Compliant (D.I.
`47). On February 2, 2021, GoDaddy filed its Answer, Affirmative Defenses, and Counterclaims
`to Express Mobile’s First Amended Complaint (D.I. 49). On February 23, 2021, Express Mobile
`filed its Answers and Affirmative Defenses to GoDaddy’s Counterclaims (D.I. 53).
`Both Express Mobile and GoDaddy demanded a jury trial on all issues triable by a
`Express Mobile’s original Complaint and First Amended Compliant asserted
`infringement of at least claim 1 of the ’397 patent; at least claim 1 of the ’168 patent; at least
`claim 12 of the ’755 patent; at least claim 15 of the ’287 patent; and at least claim 15 of the ’044
`Express Mobile later identified the asserted claims as at least claims 1, 2, 3, 11,


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 5 of 28 PageID #: 39334
`and 37 of the ʼ397 patent; at least claims 1, 2, and 3 of the ʼ168 patent; at least claims 1, 3, 12,
`16, and 22 of the ʼ755 patent; at least claims 1 and 13 of the ʼ287 patent; and at least claims 1,
`11, 13, 17, and 19 of the ‘044 patent.
`The ’397 and ’168 patents relate to a web browser-based build tool for allowing a
`user to build a website. The ’397 and ’168 patents describe an architecture that includes a run
`time generation procedure and a database with user selected settings. These patents also describe
`a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) website building process, where the web designer
`is able to see how the website will appear as the design process progresses.
`The ’755, ’287, and ’044 patents relate to a system for allowing the display of
`web service content on a device. The system includes a database of web services obtainable over
`a network and an authoring tool that defines an object for presentation on the display. The ’755,
`’287, and ’044 patents describe the use of symbolic names that are related to inputs and outputs
`of web services and can be associated with user interface objects displayed on the device. The
`system also includes code to be sent to the device, including an application and a player.
`The Honorable Judge Richard G. Andrews held a claim construction hearing on
`April 8, 2021 and issued a Claim Construction Memorandum Opinion on June 1, 2021 (D.I.
`121). The Court entered the Order on Claim Construction on June 8, 2021 (D.I. 129). Per the
`Court’s request, the parties submitted additional claim construction briefing on the terms “virtual
`machine” and “player” (D.I. 120).
`On November 17, 2021, the parties filed Summary Judgment and Daubert
`motions. Express Mobile moved for Summary Judgment of no invalidity under 35 U.S.C. §§
`101 and 112 and of no equitable defenses. Express Mobile moved to exclude certain expert
`testimony from GoDaddy’s damages expert opinions. GoDaddy moved for Summary Judgment


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 6 of 28 PageID #: 39335
`of non-infringement of all of the Asserted Patents relating to certain claim limitations, and that
`there is no direct or indirect infringement. GoDaddy also moved for Summary Judgment of no
`willful infringement. GoDaddy moved to exclude certain expert testimony from Express
`Mobile’s damages expert and technical expert.
`On April 1, 2022, this case was reassigned to visiting Judge Matthew F. Kennelly
`of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.
`The Honorable Judge Matthew F. Kennelly issued a Memorandum Opinion and
`Order on August 8, 2022 (D.I. 261), which addressed claim construction, the parties’ respective
`motions to strike, and the parties’ respective Summary Judgment and Dabuert motions. On
`August 15, 2022, Express Mobile filed a motion for reargument (D.I. 262). On August 22, 2022,
`GoDaddy filed an opposition to Express Mobile’s motion for reargument (D.I. 267). On October
`27, 2022, the Court issued an oral order denying the motion for reargument (D.I. 271).
`There are currently no pending motions or issues for the Court to resolve.
`A. Statement Regarding the Scope of the Issues to be Tried
`The jury trial will address Express Mobile’s claims that GoDaddy infringes
`certain asserted claims of the’755, ’287, and ’044 patents; and whether Express Mobile is
`entitled to damages in the amount of no less than a reasonable royalty for GoDaddy’s
`infringement.1 The jury trial will address claims 1, 3, 12, 16, and 22 of the ’755 patent; claims 1
`and 13 of the ’287 patent; and claims 1, 11, 13, 17, and 19 of the ’044 patent (collectively, the
`“Asserted Claims”).
`[EXPRESS MOBILE’S POSITION: The trial should also address Express Mobile’s claim that
`1 For the purposes of trial, the Asserted Patents are the ’755 patent, the ’287 patent, and the ’044


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 7 of 28 PageID #: 39336
`GoDaddy willfully infringes the Asserted Patents. The Court denied GoDaddy’s motion for
`summary judgment regarding willfulness. D.I. 261 at 30, 52 (The Court… otherwise denies
`GoDaddy’s motion for summary judgment [including willfulness].”). The Court’s findings
`regarding different notice dates for different patents were not a grant of summary judgment, as
`noted above the Court specifically denied summary judgment. Express Mobile properly plead
`willful infringement for the Asserted Patents, including that, at the very least, GoDaddy willfully
`infringed from the date of the complaint consistent with law of this district and other courts. D.I.
`1 ¶¶ 81-107, 128-132, 158-162; see, e.g., See Extang Corp. v. Truck Accessories Grp., LLC, No.
`CV 19-923 (KAJ), 2022 WL 607868, at *2, n.1 (D. Del. Feb. 18, 2022) (acknowledging that in
`D. Del. post-suit knowledge and post-filing conduct can be willful “particularly if there is no
`evidence that [infringer] halted allegedly infringing activities even after receiving notice”);
`NexStep, Inc. v. Comcast Cable Commc’ns, LLC, CV 19-1031-RGA-SRF, 2019 WL 5626647, at
`*3 (D. Del. Oct. 31, 2019) ), report and recommendation adopted sub nom. Nexstep, Inc. v.
`Comcast Cable Commc'n, LLC, No. CV 19-1031-RGA, 2019 WL 11663798 (D. Del. Nov. 15,
`2019) (denying MTD because complaint states a claim for post-suit willful infringement);
`Finjan, Inc. v. ESET, LLC, No. 3:17-cv-0183-CAB-(BGS), 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 40784, at
`*10-11 (S.D. Cal. Mar. 21, 2017) (denying MTD regarding post complaint willful infringement
`and noting that ESET may introduce evidence of steps it took to address its response to Finjan’s
`notice). GoDaddy makes new arguments that summary judgment should be granted on post
`complaint willfulness, but GoDaddy failed to make that argument or cite the cases it asserts now
`during summary judgment. New motions for summary judgment or reargument of the Court’s


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 8 of 28 PageID #: 39337
`Order denying summary judgment should not be made in a paragraph in the Pretrial Order.2
`GoDaddy’s attempt to reargue summary judgment or seek reconsideration of an issue of law
`through a paragraph in the pretrial order is improper and should be summarily denied. D&M
`Holdings, Inc. v. Sonos, Inc., 1:16-cv-00141-RGA (D. Del. Feb. 22, 2018) (denying MIL to
`exclude willfulness evidence because it is an “untimely summary judgment argument.”).
`Express Mobile seeks treble damages, its costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees as
`provided by 35 U.S.C. §§ 284 and 285. Express Mobile claims that it is entitled to post-judgment
`and pre-judgment interest.]
`[GODADDY’S POSITION: The jury trial should not address Express Mobile’s
`claim that GoDaddy willfully infringes the Asserted Patents, or whether Express Mobile is
`entitled to treble damages for any willfulness. The Court fully disposed of willful infringement
`at summary judgment as to the Asserted Patents. (D.I. 261 at 30 n.4 (“Express Mobile does not
`contend—and the evidence does not support—that [Express Mobile’s willfulness evidence]
`informed GoDaddy of the possibility that it infringed the ‘755, ‘287, or ‘044 patents.”)). The
`Court ruled the totality of Express Mobile’s evidence of willfulness created a triable issue as to a
`potential inference of willfulness, but only as to the first family of patents at issue, the ʼ397 and
`ʼ168 patents, which are now removed from the case for trial given summary judgment of non-
`infringement. Because willfulness is no longer at issue in this case for trial, evidence related to
`willfulness is irrelevant, and the presentation of such evidence would be substantially and
`unfairly prejudicial to GoDaddy. Delaware courts that have dealt with similar cases at this
`2 [GoDaddy’s position: As described below, GoDaddy is not rearguing summary judgement, but
`merely requesting that the issues in the case conform with the summary judgement decision of this
`Court and the removal of the first family of Asserted Patents from the case.]


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 9 of 28 PageID #: 39338
`advanced stage of litigation agree,3 finding the complaint alone fails to provide a basis to assert
`willful infringement. See iFIT Inc. v. Peloton Interactive, Inc., No. 21-507-RGA, 2022 U.S. Dist.
`LEXIS 15843, at *4-5 (D. Del. Jan. 28, 2022) (using the complaint “as a basis to allege
`knowledge for a willful infringement claim” does not sufficiently allege knowledge of the
`asserted patent for willful infringement); see also ZapFraud, Inc. v. Barracuda Networks, Inc.,
`528 F. Supp. 3d 247, 251-52 (D. Del. 2021) (concluding that post-Halo, “pre-suit knowledge of
`the asserted patents [is] especially warranted for enhanced damages” so to preclude
`“opportunistic plaintiffs [from] spring[ing] suits for patent infringement on innocent actors who
`have no knowledge of the existence of the asserted patents.”); Wrinkl, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., No.
`20-cv-1345-RGA, 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 188085, at *22 (D. Del. Sept. 20, 2021) (dismissing
`plaintiff’s willful infringement claims in recognition of the fact that “if all that is required is the
`filing of a complaint and a plausible allegation of infringement, then every case would be a
`willful infringement case.”). That is the case here, for Express Mobile asserts no facts to support
`willfulness other than notice of the patents by virtue of the complaint. GoDaddy is also not re-
`arguing summary judgment, but rather merely following this Court’s prior ruling at summary
`judgment finding that the evidence concerning the first family does not support Express Mobile’s
`argument that GoDaddy willfully infringed the second family. See D.I. 261 at 30, n.4.
`The jury trial will also address GoDaddy’s affirmative defenses and counterclaims to the
`claims. These include the following: GoDaddy claims a) it does not infringe any of the asserted
`claims; b) the asserted claims are invalid under 35 U.S.C. § 103, in view of various prior art
`3 Express Mobile’s cases are distinguishable, including because they largely involve pre-suit
`knowledge of at least one asserted patent or pertain to district courts’ decisions at early stages of
`litigation. See Extang Corp., 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 32542 (defendant had pre-suit notice of two
`of the three asserted patents); NexStep, 2019 WL 5626647 (denying dismissal of willfulness claims
`at motion to dismiss); Finjan, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 40784 (same).


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 10 of 28 PageID #: 39339
`grounds;4 d) Express Mobile is entitled to no damages; and e) GoDaddy is entitled to its costs
`and reasonable attorneys’ fees as provided by 35 U.S.C. §§ 284 and 285.]
`This action arose under the Patent Infringement Act, 35 U.S.C. § 271, and under
`the Patent Laws of the United States, Title 35 of the United States Code.
`The Counterclaims for declaratory judgment of non-infringement and invalidity
`arose under the Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201–2202, and under the patent laws
`of the United States, 35 U.S.C. §§ 1 et seq.
`This Court has jurisdiction over this action under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 1338(a),
`2201, and 2202. No party contests personal or subject matter jurisdiction.
`Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)–(c) and §1400(b).
`The parties’ Joint Statement of Undisputed Facts is attached as Exhibit 1.
`Express Mobile’s statement of facts that remain to be litigated is attached as
`Exhibit 2.
`GoDaddy’s statement of facts that remain to be litigated is attached as Exhibit 3.
`The parties reserve the right to modify or supplement their statements of facts that
`remain to be litigated to the extent necessary to fairly reflect the Court’s rulings on any motions
`or subsequent orders of the Court or by agreement of the parties.
`4 The prior art includes BlackBerry MDS, iWeb, NexaWeb, Arner, Huang, and Stevens. GoDaddy
`asserted twelve different obviousness combinations, but does not intend to present all twelve
`obviousness combinations at trial. The parties agree that GoDaddy will identify the obviousness
`combinations it intends to present at trial at least two weeks before trial (i.e., no later than February
`13, 2023).


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 11 of 28 PageID #: 39340
`Express Mobile’s statement of issues of law that remain to be litigated is attached
`as Exhibit 4.
`GoDaddy’s statement of issues of law that remain to be litigated is attached as
`Exhibit 5.
`The parties reserve the right to modify or supplement their statements of issues of
`law that remain to be litigated to the extent necessary to fairly reflect the Court’s rulings on any
`motions or subsequent orders of the Court or by agreement of the parties.
`The parties’ list of joint exhibits is attached as Exhibit 6.
`Express Mobile’s list of exhibits it may offer at trial, including GoDaddy’s
`objections, is attached as Exhibit 7. A list of GoDaddy’s objection codes is attached as Exhibit
`GoDaddy’s list of exhibits it may offer at trial, including Express Mobile’s
`objections, is attached as Exhibit 8. A list of Express Mobile’s objection codes is attached as
`Exhibit 8A.
`The parties reserve the right to modify or supplement their trial exhibits lists to
`the extent necessary to fairly reflect the Court’s rulings on any motions or subsequent orders of
`the Court or by agreement of the parties.
`A. Stipulations Concerning Trial Exhibits
`Each party may use an exhibit that is listed on the other party’s exhibit list, to the
`same effect as though it were listed on its own exhibit list, subject to evidentiary objections. The
`listing of an exhibit by a party on its exhibit list does not waive any evidentiary or other
`objections to that exhibit should the opposing party attempt to offer it into evidence.


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 12 of 28 PageID #: 39341
`Each exhibit list contains all of the exhibits that a party intends to introduce into
`evidence at trial other than exhibits used solely for impeachment. Exhibits not listed on a party’s
`exhibit list or on the opposing party’s exhibit list will not be admitted into evidence unless good
`cause is shown.
`Neither party will remove a document from its exhibit list without agreement
`from the other party, unless it provides the other party the opportunity to add the document to its
`exhibit list.
`Any description of a document on an exhibit list is provided for convenience only
`and shall not be used as an admission or otherwise as evidence regarding that document or any
`other listed document.
`The parties will meet and confer regarding replacing any poor print or digital
`quality copies of exhibits with substantively identical improved or higher quality or color copies.
`The parties agree that the websites created for this litigation and relied upon by their respective
`experts, including;;
`,, 89d7020d- 2d7d-4a1f-8987-
`, and shall be kept active
`and shall not be modified from the versions upon which their experts relied, until the conclusion
`of trial.
`Legible copies of exhibits may be offered into evidence in lieu of originals,
`subject to all foundational requirements and other objections that might be made to the
`admissibility of originals, and subject to the right of the party against whom it is offered to
`inspect an original upon request reasonably in advance of any proposed use of the copy.
`Electronic versions of document exhibits in their native format, such as spreadsheets or


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 13 of 28 PageID #: 39342
`presentations, may be offered into evidence in lieu of paper or PDF versions. The parties will
`exchange replacement versions and/or native versions of exhibits prior to use in trial.
`Demonstrative exhibits do not need to be included on the parties’ respective trial
`exhibit lists. For purposes of this Pretrial Order, the term “demonstrative exhibits” does not
`include: (1) exhibits created in the courtroom during testimony or opening at trial, (2) the
`enlargement, highlighting, or ballooning of a trial exhibit (or parts of a trial exhibit) or a
`transcript of testimony.
`Joint trial exhibits will be identified with JTX numbers, starting with JTX-001.
`Express Mobile’s trial exhibits will be identified with PTX numbers, starting with
`PTX-001. Express Mobile’s demonstrative trial exhibits will be identified with PDX, starting
`with PDX-001.
`GoDaddy’s trial exhibits will be identified with DTX numbers, starting with
`DTX-001. GoDaddy’s demonstrative trial exhibits will be identified with DDX, starting with
`Any trial exhibit that was produced in discovery in this litigation by a party to this
`litigation and that on its face appears to have been authored by an employee, officer, or agent of
`the producing party, shall be deemed a true and correct copy of a document maintained in that
`party’s files as of the date of the party’s document collection under Federal Rule of Evidence 901
`and a business record for foundation and hearsay purposes,5 with no need for additional proof of
`authenticity or business record status at trial provided that the trial exhibit appear to be unaltered
`5 For clarity, the parties agree that the stipulation as to hearsay in this paragraph only applies to
`the document itself. The parties reserve the right to object to the admission of any statements made
`within a document to the extent they do not otherwise comply with FRE 805 (hearsay within


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 14 of 28 PageID #: 39343
`from the condition in which the document was produced by the producing party.
`The parties further agree that, for purposes of Rule 901 of the Federal Rules of
`Evidence, they will not object on authenticity grounds to any document on either party’s exhibit
`list obtained from the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine or the World Wide Web Consortium
`(W3C), which the parties agree are true and correct copies of what they purport to be. The
`parties further agree not to object on hearsay grounds to those documents, which the parties
`agree are business records under Rule 803(6) of the Federal Rules of Evidence, provided that
`those documents appear on their face to be authored by a party. The parties agree to negotiate in
`good-faith to resolve any objections on authenticity, foundation, or hearsay grounds regarding
`documents on their respective exhibit lists produced by Blackberry, Cameron Bateman, Coach
`Wei, Michael Arner, Ingenico, NexaWeb, or Apple.
` Paragraph 44-45 does not prohibit the parties from objecting to the admission of
`any document or thing on any other grounds, and it is agreed that the parties reserve all rights to
`object to the admission of any exhibit on grounds other than authenticity and the business record
`exception to hearsay, including that nothing prohibits the parties from objecting to the admission
`of any document stipulated herein as a “business record” that itself contains hearsay (e.g.,
`double hearsay). The party that proffers such exhibit bears the burden to establish admissibility
`of the objectionable double hearsay.
`The parties will meet and confer in a further effort to refine and shorten their
`exhibit lists and to resolve objections without the Court’s intervention. On or before the first day
`of trial, each party will deliver to the Courtroom Deputy a completed AO Form 187 (or
`alternatively formatted document or spreadsheet as permitted by the Court) exhibit list
`corresponding to their respective final exhibit lists.


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 15 of 28 PageID #: 39344
`No exhibit will be admitted into evidence unless offered through a witness.
`Except as provided below with respect to opening statements, exhibits may not be published,
`displayed, or otherwise shown to the jury until after they have been admitted into evidence.
`Once admitted, counsel may publish exhibits to the jury without requesting to do so.
`B. Procedures for the Disclosure of Trial Exhibits and Demonstrative Exhibits
`[Express Mobile’s Position: To the extent any demonstrative includes code, the
`party must disclose the source, filename, and specific lines of code set forth on the
`demonstrative. GoDaddy’s request for unilateral disclosure of specific source code is unfounded
`and improper. GoDaddy gave no reason why Express Mobile would have to do some special
`disclosure of source code over and above other pretrial disclosures and why GoDaddy does not
`have to provide such similar disclosures. GoDaddy provides no authority or support for such a
`unilateral and burdensome request.]
`[GoDaddy’s Position: To the extent Express Mobile intends to introduce any
`exhibit or demonstrative at trial that includes code (whether it is source code or code viewed
`through the use of third-party tool, such as Chrome DevTools), Express Mobile must disclose the
`source of the code (i.e., where the code was originally disclosed by the party), filename, and
`specific lines of code that will be used no later than two weeks prior to trial (i.e. by February 13,
`2023). To the extent the code to be used was disclosed in a screenshot without specific line
`numbers, Express Mobile shall supplement to identify the line numbers of the code shown in the
`screenshot at the time of disclosure.]
`A party will provide, together with its identification of a witness to be called (as
`provided in section VII below) a list of trial exhibits to be used in connection with a direct
`examination of that witness by 7:00 p.m. E.T. 2 calendar days before their intended use (by way
`of example, for a witness that a party intends to call at any time on Monday, February 27, 2023,


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 16 of 28 PageID #: 39345
`the party shall provide its list of direct examination exhibits by 7:00 p.m. E.T. on Saturday,
`February 25, 2023).
`Any objections by the opposing party will be provided no later than 9:00 p.m.
`E.T. the same day. The parties shall meet and confer by 10:00 p.m. E.T. that same day to resolve
`any objections to the exhibits. If good faith efforts to resolve the objections fail, the party
`objecting to the exhibits shall bring its objections to the Court’s attention the following morning
`(1 day before use). The parties also agree to provide opposing counsel with one set of all exhibits
`to be used in direct and/or cross examination at the time of that examination.
`A party shall provide a color PDF or PowerPoint copy, or for videos or
`animations an appropriate video format, of demonstrative exhibits to be used in connection with
`a direct examination by 7:00 p.m. E.T. 1 calendar day before their intended use (by way of
`example, for a witness that a party intends to call at any time on Monday, February 27, 2023, the
`party shall provide its demonstrative exhibits by 7:00 p.m. E.T. on Sunday, February 26, 2023).
`Objections to any such demonstrative exhibits shall be made by 9:00 p.m. E.T. that same day.
`The parties will meet and confer on any objections by 10:00 p.m. E.T. that same day. If good
`faith efforts to resolve the objections fail, the party objecting to the exhibits shall bring its
`objections to the Court’s attention the following morning.
`50. With respect to opening statements, the parties shall identify any evidence (e.g.,
`trial exhibits or designated deposition testimony, discussed below) and demonstrative exhibits
`they intend to use by 5:00 p.m. E.T. on Sunday, February 26, 2023. The parties will not play any
`deposition testimony during opening statements. The parties shall make objections, if any, to the
`evidence disclosed by 9:00 p.m. E.T. that day and shall promptly meet and confer on any such
`objections. [Express Mobile’s Position: With respect to closing statements the parties do not


`Case 1:19-cv-01937-MFK-JLH Document 276 Filed 01/13/23 Page 17 of 28 PageID #: 39346
`need to exchange any demonstratives prior to closing statements.] [GoDaddy’s Position: With
`respect to closing statements, the parties shall exchange any intended demonstratives one hour
`prior to the start of court on the day the closing statements are to be given, and shall make any
`objections before the Court.]
`A. List of Witnesses to be Called
`A list of witnesses that Express Mobile will or may call in person or by deposition
`at trial is attached as Exhibit 9.
`A list of wi

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