Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-7 Filed 10/07/19 Page 1 of 39 PageID #: 30754
`o t J1,.ylam1110 ._ ____ _,
`I \.ltl
`Ill()( Ill \11( ,\I I N(;INI I IUM, I l ' NIMt-11 NI Al ~
`1)1 ~l(;N .\s; I) .\ l'f \l \ !>IS 0 1 11101 OGll Al
`Ill ,\("lOlt!>
`' .• , nd 1; O(q ; cdl g , uh, tn11c. plot (cl\' .in,, . ., "
`<I• (cid:141) If ,,. .. 05 h
`0 .2 !,! L. /,,. o I h
`'. /.: ,
`" · , and prove h) d1rcc1 , oh1t1oll of 1hc .,hovl) equation~ th;H cl, ,Ir O for low .\ and for V ,
`D (1\ a,h1nH).
`(c ) D~tcrminc the , t:1hiht~ of ead1 slead y state to small pcrturh,ll ions.
`I) 1.:; \\·he\· fcrmcnt:11ion The fcrmcnla lion of 11 he> l.oclos,; to lawc acid hy I.,1110/,<1, 11/um lml11arn " ·'
`:,; ~-I (. a;id pl! S (> h,is h~en oh,cr1ed to Iii the modcl of Lucdeking ;1n<l Pirct [f.q (193)1 pr01 idcd
`the foll(m 111[! motlilk:111011, arc made:
`I. l he 111.n nnal gr1l\\lh r.1tc is /Im,- 1
`I' .• )
`2 11. ,.
`0.$8 h
`' . />, • .,.
`5 ",. ;II /'• 18 ".,
`11,,. ,
`1.lh 1.1•~ •
`.$.1'., at /• ,lX ",.
`1. 1'.1r,11nc1cr, f, ,, continu,,u, krmc111:1tion :m: 7
`/I 0.2 h 1
`r O HX l! prod ucl !! , uh,t ra lc
`'iOmg l
`(II ) Write d1,wn the c:qu.,tion, for .,. 1 • • ,nd 1• in ~ontinu,,u, fcr me111a11on
`(/ 1) ,\ ssunung , 1c.1dy-, 1ate hch.1\ior. ,how th:11 a l a h>l,11 re1c1111011 lime of 1 'i h. lwo cqu;ol ,_tage.,
`.ire hcth:r lh:m on.:. hnl three prodm:e es,c111i.1lly no further 1111provcmc111 in the rc·duc11011 ol suh(cid:173)
`I'" 0 ).
`slr,ile lc1el. h 1hc ,amc n:,ult true for hiomas, 1 (( nnw lcr thc c. isc \ ,
`'O",., 1 .,
`1, J Keller .11111 ( oerhardl ("( 'o ntinuou, I ac11e Acid I ermenlation of Whey to Produce ,1 R11m1•
`11anl J CL'<l ',upp!cmcnl lligh 111 ( rude l'r<>ld n " Jliot,·c/1. /li,1<·11,1 . 17. '>'>7. 1'175.) note th.II when""
`is less than ~ pcrL"cnl. product 111l11h1tion is not par11cularly strong. thus ,1 rg111ng th,11 " lrom a
`, , l.1ctose. 0.2 ",. lactiL :Kid) 11111,!hl he fcr~nciuc,t
`praclkal standpoint .. ... d 1cddar d1C1.:sc whey (-l<J 0
`:Hlcqu,llcly in a ,inglc slagc fi.:rn1c111 nr. whereas collage d 1cese whey (5 X' .. l,1ch ise. 0:7' .. l;1c1u: aud)
`hcndi1 s from an addi1,onal stage.'' Illustrate the 111.1gnil11de of this henclil hy repea ling part (/,) de•
`5 I(' • . />.,
`ll.7 ",..
`sign using,.,
`(/•) I hcse :iuthor~ also poull 0111 thal addil i1>n ,,f ·"itiar woul1I red uce the amount of 1~ater
`wludt 11 1,oul<l be ne..:.;ss:,ry h> Jl'lllO VC 10 get a 111;1,s of product !lo w woul,1 sugar ,tddllton
`alli:~l a rc.1cwr desti,m , tra lcgy'?
`IJ.U, Sl:lJ!Cd fcnm:nt:llions: h~·droc:irhmL~ I.ct us suppo, :.: that you have the halch grm\lh cun c for
`1hc hi dr.>c,irhon fcrmcn,.llion dc, cnhc·d " ' vh•tdly h y M111111ra ct .11. Ill S,;c·. 8 K In l'roh. 8.11. )(1
`idcn1ili.:d the pr<>h.,hlc , ontwlhng. rcsista11ccs of cad1 of the fcrm~111a111>11 ph,,,c, (>h,c r~c,t. Your
`L'Olll p ;tni· ha, decided (m your ahseucc) 10 ,,·ale up llus k rmcnl,tW'.11 hy n tanb
`111 s:.:nc,. whc~c
`11 muuh~r ol' 1,111h, numhcr ,,f dislinct o.:cll-hubhk ,subs1r,11c conhgura 11011al phases rcp,,rted 111
`I ii!. x [.\. I or c.,ch p h.isc. \\file d,,wn the co111r.11l111g rcsl'>lancds) and d " cu, , qu.111111ati1 cl) how ) 11
`w,;ukl , c;olc the rcaclt>r 1olumc. po\1c1 inpuls. clc w oh1ai11 a s~al.: faclt >r ,,f 'i(K)() from lah1>ratory h>
`pn>ccss units.
`•).17 Penicillin fcrmcn t:ition l hc results st11,11 11 in l'ig. l/1'1 7. 1 ,1 cre oh1.1inc,I from .1 /',·11ici//11w1 d 1r1
`.1111111 fermcn talton r,,r pcni..:illin pro,h1et1011. l'hc ,; xpcrimcnt w ,l' run in ,1 1, cll-, 11rrc1I tc_n-lller lcd (cid:173)
`., ,,,
`h;;tdt fc rnu;ntor. acr.11..:d al O 2 VVM (gas ,·,,Jumcs per fcrmcnl ur volume per 11111111te ). I he gnm lh
`;111d prml uctinn n1cd1um c1>11t;1inc·d initially (111 grams per htcr)
`Kil I'<>, \ .fl. Na ,SO, Ol/: '.\lg( I: 0.2'i: M!,!S0, -11 10. OO'i. (iluc,>sc 10. NII,( I 2
`In a,1ti11io11, gluw.,c 11a, kd c,>11li11uo11sly and Nll, 011 \1a, used for pll con1w l Hcn1.1l pcmu ll m
`has the r,,ll,>11111c fonn ula. ( , ,.11 ,.N, O, S.
`(al r xplait~ the pr,,lilcs f, ,r .:di m,iss. penidllin. glucose and NH, in thi, fcd-h.11ch f~r mc111a11,m.
`(/•) Nolie.: 1hat 1.:ry 1111.:, p, Ltt:dly. lhc hiosy111hcsi, of pc1milli11 Lame to a r:'.p1d halt c,·cn
`1h,1uch 1hi, orl!anism has 1hc ..:ap:1hil11 y for sy nth,;si,.ing !he 11111c, lhc a mount of pc111nlhn a,c111HU·
`l;itc,t,11 lhc po;nt oh s}n lhcs1, cc:i~e,l. ;\ s clncf 1r<1uhlc shoo1cr fo r A1111h1,1tics I 'nlnnilcd. I Ill. ~011 arc
`rc,1uc, 1cd 10 s.>h..: the 1mst,;r~ nl' why r~nicillin synthi:si, , topped.
`rnlum n ol
`I JllHf\0 ,ll. ~'lil!.C
`1 ~mun,,
`(wet , ry, 1:1ls(cid:141)
`1-"ii:uro, 1J1•12.1 Ca1.dy1,;d rcsolu11011 of amino a<1d, / ,.,,.,,, r. / i,.1a. /' \Ion \' / us,·. 1111d I. Sl11ba111.
`/"11: rmiJ!Of/111. 1 ol. 3 I. /'· J J ,. IW.f,.f
`1). 12 Optically pun: amino acids fhc pro,:,;ss d..:, d op,;d hy l'osa ,., ,ti ( .. ~ludk, on Co111inuou,
`I 111ym,; R..:,u.:rnrs 11. Prcparati,,n of DI Al'•Cd lulosc Aminoacyl,,sc ( olumn, ;111d Contmuou, Optl•
`l:tl Rcsohllion of Aw1yl-d.l.-111c.:1hiomne; · l·.11:rmolo11ic1. JI, :!25. 1%1>) GIii he rcpn:,cntc.:d , du:m.1ti•
`..-.,lly hy I 1g.. 1)1'12.1. Assumc for the momenl 1ha1 1,,,., b i11depe11den1 of pll. lhe inili,11 r.1ccn11l
`;111111w a1.:1d solulwn is acetylated hy n:.1c1ion wi1h :u.:e1ic anhydride. the I amino,1ql.1, e column
`rnerscs 1hc ao.:c1yla1ion rcacllon for t he I •,unino acid. whid, is 1hen c·r}M,1lli1cd in akohol , olution,.
`· k,,.. dc,elop .111 e\prc,~ion for the
`(<1) Assum,; 1hat lhc inillal amino .1dd com:cnlf;llinn is
`frac1ion.1l 1-amino .icid C(>n,crsion ad1ie,cd hy lhe cn,.yme .:olumn in plug. Jl,m Repc.11 induding
`axial disp.:rsh>n.
`(/,) I'll<: rawmiza1ion rcact1on m.1y he 1aken w he liN order re\'ersihk. ,o 1ha1 the ra1e "
`proportional 10 , ,. ,,. ,1-, ~ ·""'' "here,~""'' is cquilihrium I> acid level ror the ,olutmn. If 'JO perccnl or
`the I aml and 1 pen.en! of the 1> ;1e1d i, rem,>\cd in 1he we1-cryst.1l stream. along 11ith 10 pen:cn, of
`the e111cnng aqueous phase. "hat racemitation CSTR ,olumc is needed lo achicvc '15 pcr..:,;m :,p(cid:173)
`proach to cquilihrnnn'!
`(,) ·1 he cnl.}IIMlic dcacctvl.111011 ,,er releases :u.:e1ic add into the solu11011 If the pl-:'., lc.1ding 10
`cnLyme <lc:1diva11011 arc pl\ 1 S an<l pl\ :
`X. whal cnterin!,! pl I \\ot1ld gnc maximum w111 cr,10n
`' ·\/ feed n11xlurc? (,hsumc plug llow) S1,11e )·our a,s ump11011, d early.
`fi,r a 10 " \/. 10 • .\/. or IO
`1).13 l>iJ!o,stion of insoluble substrnt,-s As an eumplc of procc,~, invol~ed \\ ith dil,!c, 1ion or p.1r11u1
`,.lie suhslrales. the following unll-opcr.111un sequcnw for }cast i;r,mth <>n ne1ispr1111 ha, h~cn , ut!
`J!C.,lcd 1m:chaniL1l )!rimlinµ . .odd h~dri>lvs1s. medium ne111rali1at i1>n. a,1dition of .utd111, minor
`11111nc111., for 1cast µnmth. )Ca,1 fcrmcnlor (acrohid. vacuum liltrat1on h> ,ep;1r.1tc hqmd ln>m cell
`(11) Shc1d1 1he llow scheme .1l1111·c. mdkaling hy arr(rn·, point- of .1dd111on .md h) cirdc, e.od1
`unit operalion. lndude solid., co111eycr, and li,1uid-pump loc.1t1011s \\here needed.
`(/•) I n,111 any human ph)sll>h>g) te, 1. ,ke1d1 1he human food-,h!!e~tu>n pH><.:c" 111 a , 11111l.1r
`(,) Hion1c, 1s 1hc stud) of n.11Ur.1l syslcms with ,Ill C)C lo\\ard dc1elopmc111 ,,f s)nlhellc ,malogs
`Di,cus, si1111briuc, ;ind dilkn.:nccs hclwccn proccs, cs (a) and (/•) I low )1 >11 design a ;.c>lid,
`h,111dlit1!! scheme for p:1r1 t,l (cid:141) u,111g the "co111cycr " t)pC in p.1rl (/,)''
`'J.1.$ C't,11 maintcn:mrc; ":i,1111111 :11 sm:ill S I or some population, . a 111i111mu111 lc1cl of ,uhstr,lte 111;11
`he 11,·c•,kd to ad11.;1c a 111>11tri11al ,te:1dy , 1;1tc. ,\s an c.\amplc. con,1der the ') ',h .'lll w11h kmctk, of 1hc
`I 11.,.. ,"
`l , A.' + '
`k ' r '
`Assumm~ lh:ll the de,ign h:1s1~ undcrly111i; l'roh. 1).10 i, 1ahd
`f11) 8how tli;il ,11 ,uhslr,ltc kvcl hdow k, /..: , '(11,,,,.
`k,) 1hc only ,1o:ady s1a1e i11 a <. SlR ,ystclll
`APPX 0334


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-7 Filed 10/07/19 Page 2 of 39 PageID #: 30755
`£ II
`z JO
`= 0
`0) 6
`........ ,
`8 12
`Z (inoculated beads----.
`per hour)
`- - - - - - - - - - -+ - -C e l l mass, g/L
`, __
`'\ ' '
`_________ .,,,._.,,...
`.,,...✓ /NH.1
`Time, h
`Figure 9P17.J Time course of a batch penicillin rcrmentation.
`Figure 9P19.I Fluidized bed microcarricr biorcactor for tissue culture.
`9.18 Cyclic buu:h operations It is difficult to adminisler continuously low, controlled liquid feed rates,
`whereas the comparable periodic stepwise addition of substrate feed removal of formentor nuid is
`easier. Suppose microorganism growth is limited by a single substrate in a Monod fashion, and that
`cell growth is proportional to the time rate of substrate change. Al time "' 0, the formentation is
`begun (negligible lag). Al lime l, a volume V, is removed from the fcrmentor of liquid volume V, it is
`replaced by an identical volume of fresh feed al concentrations,.
`(11) Show that at time t (before volume removal), the substrate concentration s is given by
`1 - s/s0 ]
`[ s ]
`I+ - - - - In I+ - - - --...,....,-- fn -
`(x0 / Y) + S0
`x0 /(Ys0 )
`(x0 / Y) -+ sQ
`(/,) At time I, the volume V 1 is removed, now feed is added, and the process repeal.~. Evaluate
`s 0 , •"o in tenns of s, :c, from this volume operation.
`(c) Then establish that the substrate utilization efficiency
`== 11.,1
`fl= (s, - s1)lsr =- I -
`1 ~ ,f, (e•<•·,,v,,,,.:i..[I - ,f,]'1 '"• - 1)- 1
`where ,f, = V ,IV.
`(d) As ,f, - 0, show that this efficiency becomes identical with the continuous culture result
`fl = I - - - - ' - - - (cid:173)
`s1[µ.,(V/V 1)! -
`where 1'111' 1 is the reciprocal dilution rate.
`(e) Show graphically that at sJIK, = 1.0, finite values of cf> (discrete operation) give higher /1
`values than the continuous reactor if (11,. V1/ V 1) > 4.
`9.19 Fluidized bed tissue culture It is proposed to produce tissue culture biomass continuously on
`nonporous be.ids in a fluidized bed (Fig. 9Pl9.I). The proposed fluidizing nutrient liquid moves
`/ ..
`, ,,,
`I •
`- 2.0 • " I
`4o .__...__1._5_....,__5,_0_..._-=15
`Figure 9Pl9.2 Production of cell number and viral titer vs. time. (11) c, (cells attached al li'."c 1)/ co
`(cells inoculated at time t = 0) vs. time (---75% 0 2 saturation; ·······S'\{. 0 : ~~turallon). _(b)
`( = virus dose yielding SO percent tissue culture infection dose per m!lhhtcr) vs. lime
`" '
`II 1
`. . . I
`(---13 x 10' ccllsfm111iliter initial cell concentration; -----3.S x 10 cc s, m1 1 lier mum cc
`ccntration). { Repri111ed from A. L. t:1111 We:cf, Mia11L·arrier C11/111res of A11i111a/ Cells, i11 "! C11f,
`wre · Met/mil,· um/ Applirntiom," p. 371. Awdemic Pres.I', hie, Nell' York, 1973./
`APPX 0335


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-7 Filed 10/07/19 Page 3 of 39 PageID #: 30756
`upward, passing out of the reactor through a screen to retain beads, and then through a pump. The
`choice of beads with (Pbu d -
`1111,0 ) small allows operation at a low fluidizing volume rate and use of a
`pump which does not damage the macromolecules in the nutrient medium. For liquid fluidized
`reactors, assume that the liquid moves in plug flow while the beads are perfectly mixed and distri•
`buted throughout the reactor. Bi:ads passing over the exit funnel settle into it and are continuously
`removed ; the exit fluid being returned by a subsequent filter.
`(a) Assuming the data of Fig. 9Pl9.2 to typify cell growth kinetics on each bead withµ • 0 for
`t > 160 h [due to achievement of a complete monolayer (contact inhibition)), develop a steady state
`expression for the exit biomass concentration per bead in terms of the fluid bed void volume c, the
`feed rate of inoculated beads (Z per hour), the reactor volume V R and the appropriale growth rate
`law. The entering beads have c0 cellsibead.
`(b) Repeat (a) for the situation where the cells per entering bead have a distribution given by
`where A • normalizing factor
`(c) How would you design a "continuous," sterile transport system for adding new beads and
`for recovering the exit liquid volume as assumed?
`9.20 Tissue culture support inhibition It has been observed that high concentrations (cm2/cm3
`) of
`solid supports for tissue culture may be deleterious to growth because of adsorption on these surfaces
`of growth enhancing factors and scrum protein from the support medium, adsorption rendering these
`factors inaccessible (C. B. Horng and W. McLimcns, Biotech. Bioeng., 17: 713, 1975). Consider a
`well-stirred microcarrier tissue culture reactor employing nearly neutrally bouyant beads as the cell
`(a) Assuming that the cells grow logarithmically (all nutrients present in excess) until the avail(cid:173)
`able surface area is covered (sec Figure 9PI 9.2), develop an expression for the total biomass in the
`system versus lime.
`(h) Now assume that the growth rate also depends in a Monod function fashion upon the
`concentration of a growth-enhancing factor, S,, which is not consumed. Derive the analogous result
`for biomass versus time when the growth enhancing factor S, reversibly adsorbs on the solid in an
`inactive form following a linear partition law:
`s.(I) = Ks,(adsorbed)
`(c) For a batch system, as.suming that growth exhaustion results from luck of further bead
`surface, show that for a finite culture time (say 6 days) there is an optimal initial loading of beads into
`the tissue culture inoculum. Develop an expression for this value.
`(J) Since the beads act in some sense as an inhibitor, it would seem logical to consider several
`stirred tanks in series rather than one tank. What problems would face the experimenter searching to
`sci up such a system?
`9.21 Penicillin-V deacylation: multiple reactions Enzymatic deacylation of penicillin•V to produce the
`desired 6-aminopenicillanic acid (Chap. 12) for production of semisynthetic penicillins involves a
`reaction network represented below:
`A · (pen.-V) ~ p-(6-APA) + QOH(phenoxyucctic acid)
`A · ~ R : - (inactive product) + H •
`..--!.L..... HS- (inactive ring cleavage product)
`Qo- + H •
`QOH ,
`p ·
`p · + H•
`HP (stable pcnicillin-V)
`An optimal pH exists because protonation of p · gives stable HP, but too acidic conditions inhibit
`the reaction rate r 1•
`(a) Assuming r 1 given by Michaclis-Menten kinetics with noncompetitive H • inhibition, and r2
`and r3 given by simple first-order irreversible forms, write down the equations governing these three
`rates and two (assumed) equilibria.
`(h) For a steady-state CSTR system with perfect enzyme recycle, derive an expression giving the
`feed level of A · which maximizes fractional conversion to p · .
`(c) For very high conversion of an expensive starting material, use of several CSTR 's in series
`appears appropriate. Discuss tactically the ad van111ges and disadvantages attending such a series
`arrangement. Assume r2, r3 are about 2- 5 percent of the rate r 1 In the first tank.
`(L. G. Karlsen and J. Villadsen, " Optimization of a Reactor Assembly for the Production of
`6-APA from Pcnicillin-V," Bimech. Bineng., 26: 1485, 1984).
`9.22 Hollow fiber reaclor produclMty Different reactor types can yield profoundly different microbial
`densities and productivities. For eJ1amplc, P-lactamase specific production activity is less in hollow
`fiber systems than in continuous culture by a factor of five :
`(units E/cell-h)
`Shaker flask
`Hollow fiber
`I X 10· 10
`2 X 10· 11
`(a) If the biomass level in the hollow fiber reactor is (typically) 1000 times greater than in
`suspension culture, calculate the productivity of each reactor in units/(reactor volume - h), assuming
`11 shake flask biomass level of x • 109 cells/ ml.
`(b) Cell lysis in the hollow fiber, as well as protein export, accounted for some increases in P·
`lactamase release. Describe a program by which you would determine cell lysis kinetics, which could
`then be used to describe P•lactamase production by excretion and lytic release. (Sec D. S. Inloes et al,
`"Hollow Fiber Membrane Bioreactors Using Immobilized E. coll for Protein Synthesis," Biotech.
`Bioeng., 25: 2653, 1983).
`9.23 Batch produelion or non-growth associated product Batch production typically involves biomass
`production and product formation, with substrate being consumed by each process. Suppose that
`batch growth is modelled by the logistic equation, where Xmu is set by the initial value of a second
`, (not used in product formation). Then for a nongrowth associated product (e g.
`substrate s 2
`L-glutamate from Microccocus glutamicus), we may write;
`dx/dt = µx(I - x/x,..,)
`dp/dt = nx
`ds/dt = - (dp/d1)/ Y, - (dx/dr)/ Y x
`(a) Integrate each equation to obtain x(r), p{I), s(t).
`(b) Discuss your strategy in setting Xmu ir your objective is (i) to maximize p(O) or (ii) lo
`maximize p(O)/ tis(O), where O is a fixed, end-of-fermentation time.
`(c) Under what circumstances would you choose objective (i) or (ii) in part (h)'!
`Many or the references given for Chap. 7 contain substanti11l material on reactor design and analysis.
`Additional general presentations are available in the following lexts:
`I. 0. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, 2d ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1972.
`While many other aspects of reactor design are included, this is perhaps the best single source for
`material on mixing and RTDs.
`2. J. M. Smith, Clrcmical Engineering Kinetics, 2d ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York,
`1970. One of the most popular general texts in the field, made richer by many worked examples
`illustrating applications to real reactors.
`APPX 0336


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-7 Filed 10/07/19 Page 4 of 39 PageID #: 30757
`1110< JII '.II( -\I I N( ,J'-JI I IUM, I l '-J(),\~11 ,-. 1-\ l ~
`1 J. 1. ("arhcrry, C/1<miu1/ 1111d ( a111/r1i,
`lk1111io11 /;1111i11cai1111. M.:(iraw-H1II Book ( mupany. New
`York. 1'>7<,. Rid1 in informa11on with ,p~l1,1I c1nphas1., on hclcrogcncous 1.a1;1l:,is and multipha,c
`(cid:157) C. G. Hill. Jr .. .-111 lttr1·0,lrtn11,11 to Clie1111rnl l:.1111111c,ri11q 1'111,·11,, & /fra, 1,.,. /h'.,im1. John Wiley ,I.:.
`Son,. In<.. New Yori.. 1977. l u..:1d p11:~cn1a1io11 of 111,my h>p11.~ from kinclic.~ 10 reactor cn!_!111ccr-
`1 hcsc ,ourl-.:s prmiJc hroad lrc.11111c111 of many .1spc1.1, of hion:a<.lor tksign and anal}sis.
`5, II. Alkinson. Uio/011i1 c1/ /fr,1< tor., . Pion l.11ni1t:J, London. 197(cid:157).
`6 I . r f' ri,bon ,md (j_ S1cph.1nopoulo.,. •· ncac1or,." d1.1p 11 in ( l1,•111ic,1/ u,,,,, 1i1111 ,md
`Um,,.,,. b1r1i11,·,·rill,1 • . I. J ( ".irhcrr} .ind,\ V.1rma (eds.). J\.lilrccl DcHcr. lnl, New Y,,rk. 11)8~.
`\\',11! !.!""' 1h cll;xh in l11olot•1t .. 1I (SIR, .1rc c;,1n,1dcrcd in
`7. J. A. Howell. C T. Chi .• 111J l. Pa1,lm,~ky. "ffTc<.1 of W.111 Grow1h on Slalc:-l p Pn>hlc:ms and
`Dynamii; Opcr.11ing Chara<.1cn,11c~ of the Aeralor.'' Biolnh Hw..:ng .. U. J5J. l'J7J .
`fxcd lcnl 01·cr\'iew, of time anJ lcn!_!th scale, and their 1mpor1a11cc in b1orca,tor, arc L?i,cn hv
`X N. W. I. Ko,,~n. "Model, in D1orcac·tor Design:· p. :!1 in ( 0111p111..,-
`lp1•l1, c/li11m i~ /·,•n11i111r11i11
`fr, /111,./0,1,. Socic1_1 of Chemic.ii ln<lw,try. London. I 1)1!~.
`'! J. A R,1.:I,. •• f1.1a1hc111, Modeb and lhc Dc,i!_!n ,,f ll1od1e1111c:1I Rcallors:· ,/. ( 1,. 111
`1/iot<'dmol .• • l2 · ~•1. l'!X:'.
`le, /
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