Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 1 of 61 PageID #: 30515
`Case 1:18—cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 1 of 61 PageID #: 30515


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 2 of 61 PageID #: 30516
`. fourth
`e d
`o n
`Bruce Alberts
`Alexander Johnson
`Julian Lewis
`Martin Raff
`Keith Roberts
`Peter Walter
`GS Garland Science
`Taylor & Francis Group
`APPX 0099


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 3 of 61 PageID #: 30517
`Cell Biology Interactive
`Artistic and Scientific Direction: Peter Walter
`Narrated by: Julie Theriot
`Production, Design, and Development: Mike Morales
`Vice President: Denise Schanck
`Managing Editor: Sarah Gibbs
`Senior Editorial Assistant: Kirsten Jenner
`Managing Production Editor: Emma Hunt
`Proofreader and Layout: Emma Hunt
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`Text Editors: Marjorie Singer Anderson and Betsy Dilernia
`Copy Editor: Bruce Goatly
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`Designer: Blink Studio, London
`Illustrator: Nigel Orme
`Indexer: Janine Ross and Sherry Gran um
`Manufacturing: Nigel Eyre and Marion Morrow
`Bruce Alberts received his Ph.D. from Harvard University and is
`President of the National Academy of Sciences and Professor of
`Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of California, San
`Francisco. Alexander Johnson received his Ph.D. from Harvard
`University and is a Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at
`the University of California, San Francisco. Julian Lewis received
`his D.Phil. from the University of Oxford and is a Principal
`Scientist at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London.
`Martin Raff received his M.D. from McGill University and is at the
`Medical Research Council Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology
`and Cell Biology Unit and in the Biology Department at University
`College London. Keith Roberts received his Ph.D. from the
`University of Cambridge and is Associate Research Director at the
`John Innes Centre, Norwich. Peter Walter received his Ph.D. from
`The Rockefeller University in New York and is Professor and
`Chairman of the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at
`the University of California, San Francisco, and an Investigator of
`the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
`© 2002 by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis,
`Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter.
`© 1983, 1989, 1994 by Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julian Lewis,
`Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and James D. Watson. ·
`All rights reserved. No part of this book covered by the copyright
`hereon may be reproduced or used in any format in any form or
`by any means-graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including
`photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and
`retrieval systems-without permission of the publisher.
`,. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicaton Data
`Molecular biology of the cell / Bruce Alberts .. _- [et al.].-- 4th ed.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-8153-3218-1 (hardbound) -- ISBN 0-8153-4072-9 (pbk.)
`1. Cytology. 2. Molecular biology. I. Alberts, Bruce.
`[DNLM: 1. Cells. 2. Molecular Biology. )
`QH581.2 .M64 2002
`2001054471 CIP
`Published by Garland Science, a member of the Taylor & Fra~cis Group,
`29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001-2299
`Printed in the United States of America
`15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
`Front cover Human Genome: Reprinted by permission
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`Ltd. Adapted from an image by Francis Collins, NHGRI;
`Jim Kent, UCSC; Ewan Birney, EBI; and Darryl Leja,
`NHGRI; showing a portion of Chromosome 1 from the
`initial sequencing of the human genome.
`Back cover In 1967, the British artist Peter Blake created
`· a design classic. Nearly 35 years later Nigel Orme
`(illustrator), Richard Denyer (photographer), and the
`authors have together produced an affectionate tribute
`to Mr Blake's image. With its gallery of icons and
`influences, its assembly created almost as much
`complexity, intrigue and mystery as the original.
`Drosophila, Arabidopsis, Dolly and the assembled
`company tempt you to dip inside where, as in the
`original, "a splendid time is guaranteed for all."
`(Gunter Blobel, courtesy of The Rockefeller University; ~ai:1e
`Curie, Keystone Press Agency Inc; Darwin bust, by permission
`of the President and Council of the Royal Socie)Y; Rosalin~
`Franklin, courtesy of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives,
`Dorothy Hodgkin,© The Nobel Foundation, 1964; James Joyce,
`etching by Peter Blake; Robert Johnson, photo booth
`self-portrait early 1930s, © 1986 Delta Haze Corporation all
`rights reserved, used by permission; Albert L Lehninger,
`(unidentified photographer) courtesy of The Alan Mason
`Chesney Medical Archives of The Johns Hopkins Medical ,
`Institutions; Linus Pauling, from Ava Helen and Linus Pauhng
`·p_apers, Special Collections, Oregon State University; Nicholas
`Poussin, courtesy of; Barbara McClintock,
`© David Micklos, 1983; Andrei Sakharov, courtesy of Elena
`Bonner; Frederick Sanger, © The Nobel Foundation, 1958.)
`APPX 0100


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 4 of 61 PageID #: 30518
`When_ we loo_k. at a cell through a microscope or analyze its electrical or bio(cid:173)
`chemical act~vity, we are, in essence, observing proteins. Proteins constitute
`most ~fa cells dry mass. They are not only the building blocks from which cells ·
`are bmlt; they also execute nearly all cell functions. Thus, enzymes provide the
`intricate molecular surfaces in a cell that promote its many chemical reactions.
`Proteins embedded in the plasma membrane form channels and pumps that
`control the passage of small molecules into and out of the cell. Other proteins
`carry messages from one cell to another1 or act as signal integrators that relay
`sets of signals inward from the plasma membrane to the cell nucleus. Yet others
`serve as tiny molecular machines with moving parts: kinesin, for example, pro(cid:173)
`pels organelles through the cytoplasm; topoisomerase can untangle knotted
`DNA molecules. Other specialized proteins act as antibodies, toxins, hormones,
`antifreeze molecules, elastic fibers, ropes, or sources ofluminescence. Before we
`can hope to understand how genes work, how muscles contract, how nerves
`conduct electricity, how embryos develop, or how our bodies function, we must
`attain a deep understanding of proteins.
`From a chemical point of view, proteins are by far the most structurally complex
`and functionally sophisticated molecules known. This is perhaps not surprising,
`once one realizes that the structure and chemistry of each protein has been
`developed and fine-tuned over billions of years of evolutionary history. We start
`this chapter by considering how the location of each amino acid in the long
`string of amino acids that forms a protein determines its three-dimensional
`shape. We will then use this understanding of protein structure at the atomic
`level to describe how the precise shape of each protein molecule determines its
`function in a cell.
`The Shape of a Protein Is Specified by Its Amino Acid Sequence
`R~call from Chapter 2 that there are 20 types of amino acids in proteins, each
`With different chemical properties. A protein molecule is made from a long
`chain of these amino acids, each linked to its neighbor through a covalent pep(cid:173)
`tide bond (Figure 3-1). Proteins are therefore also known as polypeptides. Each
`type of protein has a unique sequence of amino acids, exactly the same from one
`?'1olecule to the next. Many thousands of different proteins are known, each with
`its own particular amino acid sequence.
`l If.
`APPX 0101


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 5 of 61 PageID #: 30519
`~ water
`Figure 3-1 A peptide bond. This
`covalent bond forms when the carb
`atom from the carboxyl group of on
`amino acid shares electrons With the
`nitrogen atom (blue) f~om ~e arnino
`group of a second ammo acid.As
`indicated, a molecule of water is los .
`this con ensat1on reaction.
`·peptide bond in glycylalanine
`The repeating sequence of atoms along the core of the polypeptide chain is
`referred to as the polypeptide backbone. Attached to this repetitive chain are
`those portions of the amino acids that are not involved in making a peptide
`bond and which give each amino acid its unique properties: the 20 different
`amino acid side chains (Figure 3-2). Some of these side chains are non polar and
`hydrophobic ("water-fearing"), others are negatively or positively charged, some
`are reactive, and so on. Their atomic structures are presented in Panel 3-1, and
`a brief list with abbreviations is provided in Figure 3-3.
`As discussed in Chapter 2, atoms behave almost as if they were hard spheres
`with a definite radius (their van der Waals radius). The requirement that no two
`atoms overlap limits greatly the possible bond angles in a polypeptide chain
`(Figure 3-4). This constraint and other steric interactions severely restrict the
`variety of three-dimensional arrangements of atoms ( or conformations) that are
`possible. Nevertheless, a long flexible chain, such as a protein, can still fold in an
`enormous number of ways.
`The folding of a protein chain is, however, further constrained by many dif(cid:173)
`ferent sets of weak non covalent bonds that form between one part of the chain
`and another. These involve atoms in the polypeptide backbone, as well as atoms
`in the amino acid side chains. The weak bonds are of three types: hydrogen
`bonds, ionic bonds, and van der Waals attractions, as explained in Chapter 2 (see
`p. 57). Individual noncovalent bonds are 30-300 times weaker than the typical
`covalent bonds that create biological molecules. But many weak bonds can act
`in parallel to hold two regions of a polypeptide chain tightly together. The sta(cid:173)
`bility of each folded shape is therefore determined by the combined strength of
`large numbers of such noncovalent bonds (Figure 3-5).
`A fourth weak force also has a central role in determining the shape of a pro(cid:173)
`tein. As described in Chapter 2, hydrophobic molecules, including the nonpolar
`side chains of particular amino acids, tend to be forced together in an aqueous
`environment in order to minimize their disruptive effect on the hydrogen-bond(cid:173)
`ed network of water molecules (seep. 58 and Panel 2-2, pp. 112- 113). Therefore,
`an important factor governing the folding of any protein is the distribution of its
`polar and nonpolar amino acids. The nonpolar (hydrophobic) side chains in a
`protein-belonging to such amino acids as phenylalanine, leucine, valine, and
`tryptophan-tend to cluster in the interior of the molecule (just as hydrophobic
`oil droplets coalesce in water to form one large droplet). This enables them to
`Chapter 3 : PROTEINS
`APPX 0102


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 6 of 61 PageID #: 30520
`ucine (Leu)
`I J
`H H
`" 0
`H CH2

`H CH2 00
`I ~
`H H
`L tyrosine (Tyr)
`polypeptide backbone
`0~ /00
`Cl ~ "d
`h •
`s1 ec ains
`carboxyl terminus
`or C-terminus
`aminoterminus r;,7 _7 ?il l.17 rrn ~,-_ __,/00
`°' N-wm;oo, LLIJ~rr~T!'.J~Yr rcg
`CH2 •c )' CH2
`/ "
`polypeptide backbone
`peptide bond
`Figure 3-2 The
`structural components
`of a protein. A protein
`consists of a polypeptide
`backbone with attached
`side chains. Each type of
`protein differs in its
`sequence and number of
`amino acids; therefore, it is
`the sequence of the
`chemically different side
`chains that makes each
`protein distinct. The two
`ends of a polypeptide chain
`are chemically different: the
`end carrying the free
`amino group (NH/, also
`written NH2) is the amino
`terminus, or N-terminus,
`and that carrying the free
`carboxyl group (COO-,
`also w ritten COOH) is the
`carboxyl terminus or
`C-terminus. The amino acid
`sequence of a protein is
`always presented in the ·
`N-to-C direction, reading
`from left to right.
`Met J- [.-;;j
`- L Leu • • } - [ : : Tyr
`Aspartic acid Asp D
`Glutamic acld
`Arg R
`Lys· K
`His H
`Asn N
`Gin Q
`Ser S
`Thr T
`Tyr Y
`uncharged polar
`uncharged polar
`uncharged polar
`uncharged polar
`uncharged polar
`nonpolar ·
`Ala A
`. nonpolar
`Gly G
`Val V
`Leu L
`Phenylalanine Phe F · nonpolar
`Methionine· Met M nonpolar .
`Trp w nonpolar
`Cys C
`- - - POLAR AMINO ACIDS - - - - - '
`Figure 3-3 The 20 amino acids found in proteins. Both three-letter and one-letter abbreviations are listed.As shown,
`there are equal numbers of po1ar and nonpolar side chains. For their atomic structures, see Panel 3-1 (pp. 132-133).
`APPX 0103


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 7 of 61 PageID #: 30521
`PANEL 3- 1 Th e 20 Amino Acids Found in Proteins
`The general formula of an amino acid is
`The a-carbon atom is asymmetric, Wh'
`allows for two mirror image (or stereo'-~h
`isomers, L and o.
`ex-carbon atom
`H N JJ'LcoOH carboxyl
`[ R ----- 'd h ·
`s1 e-c a1n group
`R is commonly one of 20 different side chains.
`At pH 7 both the amino and carboxyl groups
`are ionized.
`® A"'
`H3N 7..C, rCOO
`Proteins consist exclusively of L-amino acids.
`(Lys, or K)
`(Arg, or R)
`(His, or H)
`The common amino acids
`are grouped according to
`whether their side chains
`uncharged polar
`These 20 amino acids
`are given both three-letter
`and one-letter abbreviations.
`Thus: alanine' = Ala = A
`... ',
`Amino acids are commonly joined together by an amide linkage,
`called a peptide bond.
`Peptide bond: The four atoms in each gray box form a rigid
`planar unit. There is no rotation around the C-N bond.
`H ~
`I I J .A I
`-I j I
`R L2· H
`I t
`amino- or
`I rrJ TH2~
`I ~. ·1 J
`"'-.. +H3N - c - c -N - \ fl c .. ~_-, -c-coo- /
`2 L._li.]
`· .
`/ "-
`CH3 C~
`/ ~
`• 5 of
`These two single bonds ~llow rotation, so that long chain
`l CH
`f~ NI +
`amino acids are very flexible.
`HC- H
`carboxyl- or
`Proteins are long polymers
`of amino acids linked by
`peptide bonds, and they
`are always written with the
`N-terminus toward the left.
`The sequence of this tripeptide
`is histidine-cysteine-valine.
`-N-C -C-
`H CH2
`This group is
`very basic
`because its
`positive chargei
`is stabilized by
`H CH2
`H 0
`H CH2
`HNj (CH
`These nitrogens have a
`relatively weak affinity for an
`Wand are only partly positive
`at neutral pH.
`·~---· -
`APPX 0104


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 8 of 61 PageID #: 30522
`aspartic acid
`(Asp, or D)
`H 0
`H CH2
`,f' "
`glutamic acid
`(G lu, or E)
`H 0
`- N-C-C-
`H CH2
`,f' "
`(Asn, or N )
`H 0
`- N- C - C-
`H CH2
`,f' "
`(Gin, or Q )
`-N-C - C-
`H CH2
`,f' "
`Alt hough the am ide N is not charged at
`neutral pH, it is polar.
`(Ser, or S)
`t hreonine
`(Thr, or T)
`H 0
`-N- C - C-
`H CH2
`O H
`H O
`- N- C-C-
`Th,~H gi ;, po~
`(Tyr, or Y)
`- N-C-C -
`H CH2

`(Ala, or A)
`H 0
`H CH3
`(Leu, or L)
`H 0
`- N-C - C-
`H CH2
`/ "
`CH3 CH3
`(Pro, or P)
`- N- C- C-
`~ /
`(actually an CH2
`imino acid)
`(Met, or M)
`- N- C- C-
`H CH2
`CH 2
`(Gly, or G)
`H 0
`- N- C- C-
`H H
`(Val, or V)
`- N-C-C-
`/ "
`CH3 CH3
`(lie, or I)
`- N-C - C-
`/ "
`CH3 CH2
`(Phe, or F)
`H 0
`- N-C - C-
`I H6'
`(Trp, or W )
`- N-C-C-
`I oJH;
`(Cys, or C)
`H 0
`-N- C- C-
`H CH2
`Disulfide bonds can form between two cysteine side chains in proteins.
`- CH2- S - 5 - CH2 -
`APPX 0105


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 9 of 61 PageID #: 30523
`amino acid
`----- I /
`·c la
`peptide bonds
`N " -
`I -----
`. . :
`• • •
`~ . . ..
`... , .
`t ••
`,,1 • • ·:.~ :
`· .. ,~ '!: . ..
`.. · . .
`r ..
`-18_~·~0; ... , .. .-~-__ _,_,_,_..J_o.-.-,_......._.--L....._.__~+- 1.J80°
`h ·
`(A) Each amino acid contributes three bonds
`Figure 3-4 Ster'ic limitations on the bond angles m a polypeptt . e c am. s not e rmit rotation. By contrast, rotation
`(red) to the backbone of the chain. The peptide bond is planar (gray shading) and doe
`can occur about the Cc:,-C bond, whose angle of rotation is called psi ('JI), and about the N-Ca bon ' w 0
`seThang e of ro ~on isf
`hain tgreen circles) ( )
`e con ormat,on o

`·d ·d
`called phi (<!>)- By convention, an R group is often used to denote an amino ac1 SI e c
`_ •
`the main-chain atoms in a protein is determined by one pair of <j) and \j/ angles for each amino acid; because of ste n c collisions
`between atoms within each amino acid, most pairs of qi and 'V angles do not occur. In this so-called Ramachandran plo~, each dot
`represents an observed pair of angles in a protein. (8, from J. Richardson, Adv. Prot. Chem. 34: 174-175, 1981. © Academic Press.)
`avoid contact with the water that surrounds them inside a cell. In contrast,
`polar side chains-such as those belonging to arginine, glutamine, and histi(cid:173)
`dine-tend to arrange themselves near the outside of the molecule, where they
`can form hydrogen bonds with water and with other polar molecules (Figure
`3-6). When polar amino acids are buried within the protein, they are usually
`hydrogen-bonded to other polar amino acids or to the polypeptide backbone
`(Figure 3-7).
`Proteins Fold into a Conformation o f Lowest Energy
`As a result of all of these interactions, each type of protein has a particular three(cid:173)
`dimensional structure, which is determined by the order of the amino acids in
`i~s chain_. T~e final folded structure, or conformation, adopted by any polypep(cid:173)
`tide cham 1s generally the one in which the free energy is minimized. Protein
`fo!ding has been studied in a test tube by using highly purified proteins. A pro(cid:173)
`t~m can be unfolded, or denatured, by treatment with certain solvents, which
`disrupt the noncovalent interactions holding the folded chain together. This
`treatment converts the protein into a flexible polypeptide chain that has lost its
`Figure 3-S Three types of noncovalent
`bonds that he lp proteins fold. Although
`a single one of these bonds is quite weak,
`many of them often form together to
`create a strong bonding arrangement, as in
`the example shown.As in the previous
`figure, R is used as a general designation for
`an amino acid side chain.
`~ van der Waals attractions
`between atoms (black)
`in contact
`I 34
`Chapter 3 : PROTEINS
`APPX 0106


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 10 of 61 PageID #: 30524
`side chains
`Figure 3-6 How a protein folds into a
`compact conformation. T he pollar
`amino acid side chains tend to gather on
`the outside of the protein, where they can
`interact with water; the nonpolar amino
`acid side chains are buried on the inside
`to form a tightly packed hydrophobic core
`of atoms that are hidden from water. In
`this schematic drawing, the protein
`contains only about 30 amino acids.
`polar side chains
`on the outside
`of the molecule
`can form hydrogen
`bonds to water
`unfolded polypeptide
`folded conformation in aqueous environment
`natural shape. When the denaturing solvent is removed, the protein often
`ref~lds _spontaneously,_ or rena1:1res, into its original conformation (Figure 3-8),
`ind1catmg that ~11:he mfo~mat10n needed for specifying the three-dimensional
`shape of a prot~m is contamed in its amino acid sequence.
`Each prote_m normally folds up into a single stable conformation. However,
`the confor~at10n often ~hanges slightly when the protein interacts with other
`molecules m the cell. This change in shape is often crucial to the function of the
`protein, as we see later.
`Although a protein chain can fold into its correct conformation without out(cid:173)
`side help, protein folding in a living cell is often assisted by special proteins
`called molecular chaperones. These proteins bind to partly folded polypeptide
`chains and help them progress along the most energetically favorable folding
`pathway. Chaperones are vital in the crowded conditions of the cytoplasm, since
`they prevent the temporarily exposed hydrophobic regions in newly synthesized
`protein chains from associating with each other to form protein aggregates (see
`p. 357). However, the final three-dimensional shape of the protein is still speci(cid:173)
`fied by its amino acid sequence: chaperones simply make the folding process
`more reliable.
`Proteins come in a wide variety of shapes, and they are generally between 50
`and 2000 amino acids long. Large proteins generally consist of several distinct
`protein domains-structural units that fold more or less inde~e~dently ~f each
`other, as we discuss below. The detailed structure of any protein 1s complicated;
`for simplicity a protein's structure can be depicted in several different ways, each
`emphasizing different features of the protein.
`Figure 3-7 Hydrogen bonds in a
`protein molecule. Large numbers of
`hydrogen bonds form between adjacent
`regions of the folded polypeptide chain
`and help stabilize its three-dimensional
`shape.The protein depicted is a portion of
`the enzyme lysozyme, and the hydrogen
`bonds between the three possible pairs of
`partners have been differently colored, as
`indicated. (After C.K. Matthews and
`K.E. van H olde, Biochemistry. Redwood
`City, CA: Benjamin/Cummings, 1996.)
`hydrogen bond between
`atoms of two peptide
`hydrogen bond between
`atoms of a peptide
`bond and an amino
`acid side chain
`hydrogen bond between
`two amino acid side
`APPX 0107


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 11 of 61 PageID #: 30525
`figure J-8 The refolding of a
`denatured protein. (A) This
`experiment demonstrates that the
`conformation of a protein is
`determined sole ly by its amino acid
`seque nce. (B) The structure of urea.
`Urea is very soluble in water and
`unfolds proteins at high
`concentrations, where there is about
`one urea molecule for every six Water
`purified protein
`isolated from
`original conformation
`of protein re-forms
`Panel 3-2 (pp. 138- 139) presents four different depictions of a protein
`domain called SH2, which has important functions in eucaryotic cells. Con(cid:173)
`structed from a string of 100 anuno acids, the structure is displayed as (A) a
`polypeptide backbone model, (B) a ribbon model, (C) a wire model that includes
`the amino acid side chains, and (D) a space-filling model. Each of the three
`horizontal rows shows the protein in a different orientation, and the image is
`colored in a way that allows the polypeptide chain to be followed from its N(cid:173)
`terminus (p urple) to its C-terminus (red).
`Panel 3-2 shows that a protein's conformation is amazingly complex, even
`for a structure as small as the SH2 domain. But the description of protein struc(cid:173)
`tures can be simplified by the recognition that they are built up from several
`common structural motifs, as we discuss next.
`The a Helix and the ~ Sheet Are Common Folding Patterns
`When the three-dimensional structures of many different protein molecules are
`compared, it becomes clear that, although the overall conformation of each pro(cid:173)
`tein is unique, two regular folding patterns are often found in parts of them.
`Both patterns were discovered about 50 years ago from studies of hair and silk.
`The first folding pattern to be discovered, called the a helix, was found in the
`protein a-keratin, which is abundant in skin and its derivatives- such as hair,
`nails, and horns. Within a year of the discovery of the a helix, a second folded
`structure, called a J3 sheet, was found in the protein fibroin, the major con(cid:173)
`stituent of silk. These two patterns are particularly common because they result
`from hydrogen-bonding between the N- H and C=O groups in the polypeptide
`backbone, without involving the side chains of the amino acids. Thus, they can
`be formed by many different amino acid sequences. In each case, the protein
`chain adopts a regular, repeating conformation. These two conformations, as
`well as the abbreviations that are used to denote them in ribbon models of pro(cid:173)
`teins, are shown in Figure 3-9.
`The core of many proteins contains extensive regions of~ sheet. As shown in
`Figure 3-10, these J3 sheets can form either from neighboring polypeptide chains
`that run in the same orientation (parallel chains) or from a polypeptide chain
`that folds back and forth upon itself, with each section of the chain running in
`the direction opposite to that of its immediate neighbors (antiparallel chains).
`Both types of 13 sheet produce a very rigid structure, held together by hydrogen
`bonds that connect the peptide bonds in neighboring chains (see Figure 3-9D).
`An a helix is generated when a single polypeptide chain twists around on
`itself to form a rigid cylinder. A hydrogen bond is made between every fourth
`peptide bond, linking the C=O of one peptide bond to the N-H of another (see
`Figure 3-9A). This gives rise to a regular helix with a complete turn every
`3.6 amino acids. Note that the protein domain illustrated in Panel 3-2 contains
`two a helices, as well as J3 sheet structures.
`Short regions of a helix are especially abundant in proteins located in cell
`membranes, such as transport proteins and receptors. As we discuss in Chapter
`10, those portions of a transmembrane protein that cross the lipid bilayer usually
`cross as an a helix composed largely of amino acids with nonpolar side chains.
`The polypeptide backbone, which is hydrophilic, is hydrogen-bonded to itself in
`the a helix and shielded from the hydrophobic lipid environment of the mem(cid:173)
`brane by its protruding nonpolar side chains (see also Figure 3-77).
`Chapter 3 : PROTEINS
`APPX 0108


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 12 of 61 PageID #: 30526
`amino acid
`side chain
`c,. helix
`i 0.54 nm 1
`amino acid
`side chain
`~ sheet
`f 0.7 nm
`Figure J-9 The regular conformation of the polypeptide backbone observed in the <X he lix and
`the~ sheet. (A, B, and C) The a helix.The N-H of every peptide bond is hydrogen-bonded to the C=O of
`a neighboring peptide bond located four peptide bonds away in the same chain. (D, E, and F) The p sheet. In
`this example, adjacent peptide chains run in opposite (antiparallel) directions. The individual polypeptide
`chains (strands) in a ~ sheet are held together by hydrogen-bonding between peptide bonds in different
`strands, and the amino acid side chains in each strand alternately project above and below the plane of the
`sheet. (A) and (D) show all the atoms in the polypeptide backbone, but the amino acid side chains are
`truncated and denoted by R. In contrast, (B) and (E) show the backbone atoms only, while (C) and (F) display
`the shorthand symbols that are used to represent the <X helix and the p sheet in ribbon drawings of proteins
`(see Panel 3- 2B).
`APPX 0109


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 13 of 61 PageID #: 30527
`PANEL 3- 2 Four Different Ways of Depicting a Small Protein Domain: the SH2 Domain.
`(Courtesy of David Lawson.)
`(A ) Backbone
`(B) Ribbon
`APPX 0110


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 14 of 61 PageID #: 30528
`(C) Wire
`(D) Space-filling
`APPX 0111


`Case 1:18-cv-00924-CFC Document 399-2 Filed 10/07/19 Page 15 of 61 PageID #: 30529
`In other proteins, a helices wrap around each other to form a particularly
`stable structure, known as a coiled-coil. This structure can form when the two
`(or in some cases three) a helices have most of their nonpolar (hydrophobic)
`side chains on one side, so that they can twist around each other with these side
`chains facing inward (Figure 3-11). Long rodlike coiled-coils provide the struc(cid:173)
`tural framework for many elongated proteins. Examples are a-keratin, which
`forms the intracellular fibers that reinforce the outer layer of the skin and its
`appendages, and the myosin molecules responsible for muscle contraction.
`T he Protein Domain Is a Fundamental Unit of Organization
`Even a small protein molecule is built from thousands of atoms linked together
`by precisely oriented covalent and noncovalent bonds, and it is extremely diffi(cid:173)
`cult to visualize such a complicated structure without a three-dimensional dis(cid:173)
`play. For this reason, various graphic and computer-based aids are used. A CD(cid:173)
`ROM produced to accompany this book contains computer-generated images
`of selected proteins, designed to be displayed and rotated on the screen in a
`variety of formats.
`Biologists distinguish four levels of organization in the structure of a protein.
`The amino acid sequence is known as the primary structure of the protein.
`Stretches of polypeptide chain that form a helices and ~ sheets constitute the
`protein's secondary structure. The full three-dimensional organization of a
`polypeptide chain is sometimes referred to as the protein's tertiary structure,
`and if a particular protein molecule is formed as a complex of more than one
`polypeptide chain, the complete structure is designated as the quaternary
`Studies of the conformation, function, and evolution of proteins have also
`revealed the central importance of a unit of organization distinct from the four
`just described. This is the protein domain, a substructure produced by any part
`of a polypeptide chain that can fold independently into a compact, stable struc(cid:173)
`ture. A domain usually contains between 40 and 350 amino acids, and it is the
`Figure 3-10 Two types of P sheet
`structures. (A) An antiparallel P sheet
`(see Figure 3-9D). (B) A parallel P sheet
`Both of these structures are common in
`stripe of
`"a" and "d"
`amino acids
`l 11 nm
`0.5 nm
`Chapter 3 : PROTEINS
`Figure 3-11 The strud ure of a
`coiled-coil. (A) A single ex ·helix, with
`successive amino acid side chains labeled
`in a sevenfold sequence, "abcdefg" (from
`bottom to top). Amino acids "a" and "d" in
`such a se

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