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`C.A. No. 18-0697-LPS-CJB
`IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, pursuant to Rule 26(c) of the Federal
`Rules of Civil Procedure and subject to the approval of the Court, by and between the parties
`and by their respective undersigned counsel, that this Stipulation and Order shall govern the
`handling of documents, depositions, deposition exhibits, interrogatory responses, admissions,
`and any other information produced, given, or exchanged by and among the parties and any
`non-parties in the above-captioned action.
`Accordingly, based upon the agreement of the parties, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED
`pursuant to Rule 26(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that the following Procedures
`shall be adopted for the protection of confidential and proprietary information:
`Challenging Party: a Party or Non-Party that challenges the designation of
`information or items under this Order.


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`“CONFIDENTIAL” Information or Items: information (regardless of how it is
`generated, stored or maintained) or tangible things that qualify for protection under Federal Rule
`of Civil Procedure 26(c).
`Counsel (without qualifier): Outside Counsel of Record (as well as their support
`Designating Party: a Party or Non-Party that designates information or items that
`it produces in disclosures or in responses to discovery as “CONFIDENTIAL,” “HIGHLY
`Disclosure or Discovery Material: all items or information, regardless of the
`medium or manner in which it is generated, stored, or maintained (including, among other
`things, testimony, transcripts, and tangible things), that are produced or generated in
`disclosures or responses to discovery in the above-captioned action.
`Expert: a person with specialized knowledge or experience in a matter pertinent to
`the instant litigation who: (1) has been retained by a Party or its Counsel to serve as an expert
`witness or as a consultant in the above-captioned action; (2) is not a current employee of a Party
`or of a Party’s competitor; and (3) at the time of retention, is not anticipated to become an
`employee of a Party or of a Party’s competitor.
`Items: extremely sensitive “CONFIDENTIAL Information or Items,” disclosure of which to
`another Party or Non-Party would create a substantial risk of serious harm that could not be
`avoided by less restrictive means.


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`Information or Items: material of a Designating Party or of any Non-Party that a Producing Party
`is permitted to produce in this litigation that constitutes or contains non-public Source Code.
`In-House Counsel: attorneys who are employees of a Party to the above-captioned
`action. In-House Counsel does not include Outside Counsel of Record or any other outside
`1.10. Non-Party: any natural person, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal
`entity not named as a Party to the above-captioned action.
`1.11. Outside Counsel of Record: attorneys of a law firm which has appeared on behalf
`of that Party in this instant litigation and their support staffs.
`1.12. Party: a party to the above-captioned action, including all of its officers, directors,
`and employees.
`1.13. Producing Party: a Party or Non-Party, that produces Disclosure or Discovery
`Material in the above-captioned action.
`1.14. Professional Vendors: persons or entities that provide litigation support services
`(e.g., photocopying, videotaping, translating, preparing exhibits or demonstrations, and
`organizing, storing, or retrieving data in any form or medium) and their employees and
`1.15. Protected Material: any Disclosure or Discovery Material that is designated as
`1.16. Receiving Party: a Party or Non-Party that receives Disclosure or Discovery
`Material from a Producing Party.


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`1.17. Source Code: source code, object code (i.e., computer instructions and data
`definitions expressed in a form suitable for input to an assembler, compiler, or other translator),
`any text written in any high-level programming language defining firmware and/or software
`functionalities implemented on an integrated circuit, microcode, register transfer language
`(“RTL”), firmware, and hardware description language (“HDL”), as well as any and all notes,
`annotations, and other comments of any type related thereto and accompanying the code. For
`avoidance of doubt, this includes source files, make files, intermediate output files, executable
`files, header files, resource files, library files, module definition files, map files, object files,
`linker files, browse info files, and debug files.
`The computation of any period of time prescribed or allowed by this Order shall be
`governed by the provisions for computing time set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 6.
`The protections conferred by this Stipulation and Order cover not only Protected Material
`(as defined above), but also (1) any information copied or extracted from Protected Material; (2)
`all copies, excerpts, summaries, or compilations of Protected Material; and (3) any testimony,
`conversations, or presentations by Parties or their Counsel that might reveal Protected Material.
`However, the protections conferred by this Stipulation and Order do not cover the following
`information: (a) any information that is in the public domain at the time of disclosure to a
`Receiving Party or becomes part of the public domain after its disclosure to a Receiving Party,
`provided such information enters the public domain by means not involving a violation of this
`Order or other duty of confidentiality; and (b) any information known to the Receiving Party
`prior to the disclosure that the Receiving Party can demonstrate was already known prior to the


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`time of disclosure, was obtained lawfully, and was obtained by means not involving a violation
`of this Order or any other duty of confidentiality.
`Any use of Protected Material at trial shall be governed by a separate agreement or order.
`The confidentiality obligations imposed by this Order shall remain in effect even after
`final disposition of the above-captioned action unless otherwise provided herein. Final
`disposition shall be deemed to be the later of (1) dismissal of all claims and defenses in an
`action, with or without prejudice; and (2) final judgment herein after the completion and
`exhaustion of all appeals, rehearings, remands, trials, or reviews of that action, including the time
`limits for filing any motions or applications for extension of time pursuant to applicable law.
`Exercise of Restraint and Care in Designating Material for Protection. Each
`Designating Party that designates information or items for protection under this Order must take
`care to limit any such designation to material that qualifies under the appropriate standards. If it
`comes to a Designating Party’s attention that information or items that it designated for
`protection do not qualify for protection at all or do not qualify for the level of protection initially
`asserted, that Designating Party must promptly notify all other Parties in its respective action that
`it is withdrawing the mistaken designation.
`5.2. Manner and Timing of Designations. Except as otherwise provided in this Order
`(see, e.g., subsection 5.2.1 below), or as otherwise stipulated or ordered, Disclosure or Discovery
`Material that qualifies for protection under this Order must be clearly so designated at the time
`the material is disclosed or produced. Designation in conformity with this Order requires:
`5.2.1. For information in documentary form (e.g., paper or electronic documents,
`but excluding transcripts of depositions or other pretrial or trial proceedings), that the Producing


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`ONLY” to each page that contains protected material. A Party or Non-Party that makes original
`documents or materials available for inspection need not designate them for protection until after
`the inspecting Party has indicated which material it would like copied and produced. During the
`inspection and before the designation, all of the material made available for inspection shall be
`deemed “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or, where applicable
`inspecting Party has identified the documents it wants copied and produced, the Producing Party
`must determine which documents, or portions thereof, qualify for protection under this Order.
`Then, before producing the specified documents, the Producing Party must affix the appropriate
`that contains Protected Material.
`5.2.2. For testimony given in deposition, the Designating Party may indicate on
`the record that it is protected at the time it is given in accord with the Federal Rules of Civil
`Procedure. The Designating Party shall indicate the level of protection at the time of
`designation. The use of a document as an exhibit at a deposition shall not in any way affect its
`Transcripts containing Protected Material shall have an obvious legend on the title page that the
`transcript contains Protected Material and that specifies the level of protection being asserted by
`the Designating Party. The title page may be followed by a list of all pages (including line


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`numbers as appropriate) that have been designated as Protected Material. The Designating Party
`shall inform the court reporter of these requirements.
`5.2.3. For information produced in some form other than documentary and for
`any other tangible items, that the Producing Party affix in a prominent place on the exterior of
`the container or containers in which the information or item is stored the legend
`portion or portions of the information or item warrant protection, the Producing Party, to the
`extent practicable, shall identify the protected portion(s) and specify the level of protection being
`Inadvertent Failures to Designate. If timely corrected after recognition by a
`Producing Party of an inadvertent failure to designate, an inadvertent failure to designate
`qualified information or items does not, standing alone, waive the Producing Party’s right to
`secure protection under this Order for such material. Upon discovering the inadvertent failure to
`designate, the Producing Party shall immediately notify the Receiving Party in writing and
`provide replacement copies with the appropriate confidentiality designation. After receiving such
`notice, the Receiving Party must make reasonable efforts to ensure that the material is treated in
`accordance with the provisions of this Order. To the extent the Receiving Party has disclosed the
`Protected Material to any person, or in any circumstance, not authorized under this Stipulated
`Protective Order, the Receiving Party shall follow the requirements of Section 9.
`Right to Seek Additional Protections. This Order is entered without prejudice to
`the right of any Party to seek additional protections from the Court as may be necessary under
`particular circumstances.


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`Timing of Challenges. Any Party or Non-Party may challenge a designation of
`confidentiality at any time. Unless a prompt challenge to a Designating Party’s confidentiality
`designation is necessary to avoid foreseeable, substantial unfairness, unnecessary economic
`burdens, or a significant disruption or delay of the litigation, a Party does not waive its right to
`challenge a confidentiality designation by electing not to mount a challenge promptly after the
`original designation is disclosed.
`6.2. Meet and Confer. The Challenging Party shall provide written notice of each
`designation it is challenging and describing the basis for each challenge. The parties shall
`attempt to resolve each challenge in good faith and must begin the process by conferring within
`seven (7) calendar days of the date of service of notice as required by Local Rule 7.1.1. In
`conferring, the Challenging Party must explain the basis for its belief that the confidentiality
`designation was not proper and must give the Designating Party an opportunity to review the
`designated material, to reconsider the circumstances, and, if no change in designation is offered,
`to explain the basis for the chosen designation.
`Judicial Intervention. If the Parties cannot resolve a challenge without court
`intervention, the Challenging Party shall contact the Court pursuant to Section 8(g) of the
`Scheduling Order.
`Basic Principles. Absent further Order from the Court, the Receiving Party may
`only use Protected Material that is disclosed or produced by another Designating Party in
`connection with the above-captioned action for prosecuting, defending, or attempting to settle
`that action. Such Protected Material may be disclosed only to the categories of persons and under
`the conditions described in this Order.


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`7.1.1. Protected Material must be stored and maintained by a Receiving Party at
`a location and in a secure manner that ensures that access is limited to the persons authorized
`under this Order.
`7.1.2. A Receiving Party shall not use, rely upon, or refer to another Party’s or
`Non-Party’s Protected Material in (1) drafting or amending claims in a U.S. or foreign patent
`application, or assisting or advising another to do the same; or (2) drafting or amending claims in
`any inter partes review, ex parte reexamination, reissue proceeding, or other post-grant review
`process at the USPTO or any proceeding before the patent office of a foreign country, or
`assisting or advising another to do the same.
`7.1.3. Patent Prosecution Bar. Any attorney, patent agent, expert, or other
`person who has subscribed to the Stipulated Protective Order on behalf of any party in this
`litigation or has otherwise accessed technical material designated by another party as
`relates to the structure, operation, function, design, or development of any existing or potential
`product shall not be involved in Patent Prosecution on behalf of the party represented by that
`person in this litigation or one of such party’s affiliates relating to the subject matter of intraoral
`scanners and software related to the functioning of such scanners before any foreign or domestic
`agency, including the United States Patent and Trademark Office. For the purposes of this
`paragraph, “Patent Prosecution” shall be defined as substantive patent prosecution activities
`involving “competitive decision making” as set forth by the Federal Circuit in In re Deutsche


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`Bank Trust Co. Americas, 605 F.3d 1373, 1378 (Fed. Cir. 2010), such as supervising, assisting or
`participating in (including preparing, drafting, amending, filing, or otherwise prosecuting
`applications, claims, responses to office actions, oaths or declarations, or any other paper) the
`prosecution of any pending or future patent application before the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office or any other patent foreign or domestic authorities, with respect to any patent
`application of the represented party claiming (in whole or in part) any of the subject matter set
`forth above. “Patent Prosecution” shall not include representing a party or otherwise
`participating in reissue proceedings, ex parte reexamination, inter partes review, covered
`business method review, or post-grant review proceedings, provided such representation or other
`participation in such proceedings does not include any involvement in seeking amendment of
`any claims on behalf of the represented party. This prohibition on Patent Prosecution shall end
`two (2) years after the earlier of (i) the final resolution or termination of this litigation, including
`all appeals, (ii) the complete settlement of all claims in this litigation and completion of the
`requirements of this agreement, or (iii) the withdrawal of that attorney from the Protective Order.
`This prosecution bar is personal to the person subscribing to the Protective Order in this
`litigation and shall not be imputed to any other person or entity.
`Disclosure of “CONFIDENTIAL” Information or Items. Unless otherwise
`ordered by the court or permitted in writing by the Designating Party, a Receiving Party may
`only disclose any information or item designated “CONFIDENTIAL” to:
`7.2.1. The Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel of Record in the action in which it
`is produced, as well as employees of said Outside Counsel of Record to whom it is reasonably
`necessary to disclose the information for this particular litigation.


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`7.2.2. Experts of the Receiving Party (1) to whom disclosure is reasonably
`necessary for the litigation in which said information is produced; and (2) who have signed the
`“Acknowledgment and Agreement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A).
`7.2.3. The Court, jury, and court personnel.
`7.2.4. Court reporters and their staff, professional jury or trial consultants, and
`Professional Vendors to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary for the litigation in which it is
`7.2.5. During their depositions, witnesses in the action to whom disclosure is
`reasonably necessary, unless otherwise agreed by the Designating Party or ordered by the court.
`Exhibits to depositions that reveal Protected Material must be separately bound by the court
`reporter and may not be disclosed to anyone except as permitted under this Stipulated Protective
`7.2.6. The author or recipient of a document containing the information or a
`custodian or other person who otherwise possessed or knew the information or is employed by
`the Designating Party.
`Information or Items. Unless otherwise ordered by the court or permitted in writing by the
`Designating Party, a Receiving Party may only disclose any information or item designated
`7.3.1. The Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel of Record in the action in which it
`is produced, as well as employees of said Outside Counsel of Record to whom it is reasonably
`necessary to disclose the information in this particular litigation.


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`7.3.2. Experts of the Receiving Party (1) to whom disclosure is reasonably
`necessary for the litigation in which such information is produced and (2) who have signed the
`“Acknowledgment and Agreement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A).
`7.3.3. The Court, jury, and court personnel.
`7.3.4. Court reporters and their staff, professional jury or trial consultants, and
`Professional Vendors to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary for the litigation in which it is
`7.3.5. The author or recipient of a document containing the information or a
`custodian or other person who otherwise possessed or knew the information or is employed by
`the Designating Party.
`Information or
`Information or
`items designated “HIGHLY
`of Section 8, below.
`Advice to Clients: It is understood that Outside Counsel of Record for a Party
`may give advice and opinions to his or her client based on his or her evaluation of information
`provided from the opposing Party to such Outside Counsel of Record this action, provided that
`such rendering of advice and opinions shall not reveal the content of such information, except by
`prior written agreement with counsel for the Producing Party.


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`A Designating Party may designate documents, information, or things as
`mean material of a Designating Party or of any Non-Party that a Producing Party is permitted to
`produce in this litigation that constitutes or contains non-public Source Code.
`8.2. Materials designated as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL SOURCE CODE–
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” shall only be reviewable by SOURCE CODE QUALIFIED
`PERSONS. SOURCE CODE QUALIFIED PERSONS include the following: (1) Outside
`Counsel of Record and staff employed by such litigation counsel as necessarily incident to the
`litigation; (2) personnel at interpretation/translation service establishments retained by, but not
`regularly employed by, outside litigation counsel as necessarily incident to the litigation of this
`litigation, including without limitation oral interpreters and document translators; (3) the Court,
`the Judge, the Court Staff, Court personnel and contract personnel who are acting in the capacity
`of Court employees; (4) court reporters, stenographers and videographers transcribing or
`recording testimony at depositions, hearings or trial in this litigation; (5) Experts in this
`litigation, subject to the provisions of paragraph 8.2.1, below; (6) a Designating Party’s
`employees, 30(b)(6) witnesses, or Experts designated by the Designating Party. The Designating
`Party and the Receiving Party may meet and confer to discuss other potential categories of
`8.2.1. Experts may only review “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL SOURCE CODE–
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” Information after being expressly identified to the Designating
`Party as seeking access to HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL SOURCE CODE.
`No less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the initial disclosure to an
`Expert of


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`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” information, the Receiving Party shall submit
`in writing the name of such Expert and his or her educational and detailed
`employment history to the Designating Party. If the Designating Party objects
`to the disclosure of such “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL SOURCE CODE-
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” Information to such Expert as inconsistent with
`the language or intent of this Order or on other grounds, it shall notify the
`Receiving Party in writing of its objection and the grounds therefore prior to
`the initial disclosure. If the dispute is not resolved on an informal basis after
`meeting and conferring as required by Local Rule 7.1.1 within seven (7) days
`of receipt of such notice of objections, the Parties may seek guidance from the
` The disclosure of
`information designated as “HIGHLY
`withheld to such Expert pending resolution of the dispute.
`Source Code shall be provided with the following additional protections:
`8.3.1. Nothing in this Protective Order shall obligate the parties to produce any
`Source Code, nor act as an admission that any particular Source Code is discoverable.
`8.3.2. Access to Source Code will be given only to SOURCE CODE
`8.3.3. Access to Source Code shall be provided on no more than two “stand-
`alone” computer(s) (i.e., the stand-alone secure computer(s) may not be linked to any network,
`including a local area network (“LAN”), an intranet, or the Internet, and may not be connected to
`any printer or storage device other than the internal hard disk drive of the stand-alone secure
`computer(s) without the consent of the Designating Party). The stand-alone secure computer(s)


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`shall be kept in a secure location at the offices of the Designating Party’s Outside Counsel of
`Record, or at such other location as the Designating Party and Receiving Party mutually agree.
`The stand-alone secure computer(s) may be password protected and shall have the Source Code
`stored on a hard drive contained inside the stand-alone secure computer(s) or, at the Designating
`Party’s election, otherwise accessible on the stand-alone secure computer(s). The stand-alone
`secure computer(s) may be locked down so that additional peripheral devices cannot be
`connected to the stand-alone secure computer(s) by the receiving party. The Designating Party
`shall produce Source Code in computer searchable format on the stand-alone secure computer(s).
`The stand-alone secure computer(s) shall, at the Receiving Party’s request, include reasonable
`analysis tools appropriate for the type of Source Code. The Receiving Party shall be responsible
`for providing the tools or licenses to the tools that it wishes to use to the Designating Party so
`that the Designating Party may install such tools on the stand-alone secure computer(s). The
`Receiving Party must provide the supplying party with the licensed software tool(s) at least
`seven (7) calendar days in advance of the date upon which the Receiving Party wishes to have
`the software tools available for use on the stand-alone secure computer. The Receiving Party
`shall not at any time attempt or request the installation of any compilers, interpreters, or
`simulators in connection with the supplying party’s Source Code. To the extent that such tools
`record local working files or other records reflecting the work performed by the Receiving Party,
`such files and records shall not be reviewed, altered, or deleted by the Designating Party.
`8.3.4. The Receiving Party shall provide at least three (3) business days’ notice
`to access the source code and make reasonable efforts to restrict its requests for access to the
`stand-alone secure computer(s) to normal business hours, which for purposes of this paragraph
`shall be 9:00 a.m. through 5:30 p.m. local time at the reviewing location. Upon reasonable


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`notice from the receiving party, which shall not be less than five (5) business days in advance,
`the Designating Party shall make reasonable efforts to accommodate the receiving party’s
`request for access to the stand-alone secure computer(s) outside of normal business hours. Such
`an expanded review period shall not begin earlier than 8:00 a.m. and shall not end later than 8:00
`p.m. local time at the reviewing location. The parties are to cooperate in good faith such that
`maintaining the Source Code at the offices of the Designating Party’ s outside litigation counsel
`shall not unreasonably hinder the receiving party’s ability to efficiently conduct the prosecution
`or defense in this litigation. Proper identification of all SOURCE CODE QUALIFIED
`PERSONS shall be provided prior to any access to the standalone secure computer(s).
`8.3.5. All SOURCE CODE QUALIFIED PERSONS who will review Source
`Code on behalf of a receiving party shall be identified in writing to the Designating Party at least
`seven (7) calendar days in advance of the time that such person reviews such Source Code. The
`Designating Party shall provide these individuals with information explaining how to start, log
`on to, and operate the stand-alone secure computer(s) in order to access the produced Source
`Code on the stand-alone secure computer(s). For subsequent reviews by SOURCE CODE
`QUALIFIED PERSONS, the receiving party shall give at least three business days (and at least
`72 hours) notice to the Designating Party of such review. Advance notice for a subsequent
`review shall be sufficient when provided by 1:00 p.m. (local time at the location of the stand-
`alone secure computer(s)) during the course of a review session, for such review to continue on
`the next subsequent business day.
`8.3.6. No person other than the Designating Party may alter, dismantle,
`disassemble or modify the stand-alone secure computer(s) in any way, or attempt to circumvent
`any security feature of the stand-alone secure computer(s).


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`8.3.7. No copies shall be made of Source Code, whether physical, electronic, or
`otherwise, other than volatile copies necessarily made in the normal course of accessing the
`Source Code on the stand-alone secure computer(s), except for: (1) print outs of reasonable
`portions of the Source Code; and (2) such other uses to which the parties may agree or that the
`Judge or Court may order. The Receiving Party shall not use any outside electronic device to
`copy, record, photograph, or otherwise reproduce Source Code. “Reasonable portions of the
`Source Code” shall be limited to the portions that are necessary to understand a relevant feature
`of an accused product in this litigation. The Designating Party shall not unreasonably withhold
`approval and the parties shall meet and confer in good faith to resolve any disputes. The
`Receiving Party may not bring any electronic devices into the secured review room, including
`but not limited to, cameras, video recording equipment, sound recording equipment,
`smartphones, tablets, cellular telephones, laptops or computers, floppy drives, CDs, DVDs, USB-
`connectable devices, zip drives or any drives of any kind, peripheral equipment and/or other
`electronic recording media. The Receiving Party may take notes related to the Source Code, so
`long as such notes are clearly designated and treated as HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL
`EYES ONLY (as appropriate depending on whether the notes contain excerpts of the Source
`Code). The Designating Party may exercise personal supervision from outside the review room
`over the Receiving Party when the receiving party is in the Source Code review room. Such
`supervision, however, shall not entail review of any work product generated by the Receiving
`Party, e.g., monitori

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