Case 1:18-cv-00303-RGA Document 34 Filed 06/01/18 Page 1 of 27 PageID #: 903
`C.A. No. 18-303-RGA
`Whereas this is a case involving a patent dispute relating to the drug dexmedetomidine
`hydrochloride injection;
`Whereas discovery in this action may involve the disclosure of certain documents, things
`and information (including electronically stored information) in the possession, custody or control
`of a party or a non-party that constitute or contain trade secrets or other confidential research,
`development, manufacture, regulatory, financial, marketing or other competitive information
`within the meaning of Rule 26(c)(l)(G) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or contain
`information involving privacy interests of individuals; and
`Whereas the parties have in good faith conferred and have agreed upon the terms of a
`Protective Order and for good cause shown; therefore
`The parties stipulate, pursuant to Rule 26(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,
`subject to the approval of the Court, to the following Protective Order:
`Scope of Protection.
`This Protective Order shall govern any record of information, designated pursuant
`to~ 3 of this Protective Order, produced in this action, including, without limitation, all designated
`deposition testimony, all designated testimony taken at a hearing or other proceeding, all


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`designated interrogatory answers, documents and other discovery materials, whether produced
`informally or in response to interrogatories, requests for admissions, requests for production of
`documents or other formal methods of discovery.
`This Protective Order shall also govern any designated record of information
`produced, exchanged, or served in this action pursuant to required disclosures under any federal
`procedural rule or District of Delaware Local Rules, and any supplementary disclosures thereto.
`This Protective Order shall apply to the parties and any non-party from whom
`discovery may be sought and who desires the protection of this Protective Order. If an additional
`party unrelated to Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Hospira, Inc., or Orion Corp. (or a successor in
`interest to any of them) joins or is joined in this action, the newly joined party shall not have access
`to documents or other information produced under protection of this Protective Order until the
`parties agree to a supplemental protective order.
`2.1 As used herein,
`INFORMATION" (which are used herein interchangeably and are synonymous with one another)
`mean any information used by a party or non-party in or pertaining to its business, which
`information is not publicly known, including any form of trade secret or other confidential
`research, development, or commercial information within the meaning of Fed. R. Civ. P.
`26(c)(l)(G). Information shall be designated CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION
`if the
`information constitutes any non-public information actually exchanged by the parties during
`discovery, regardless of whether this information relates to dexmedetomidine hydrochloride
`products. This includes, but is not limited to: (i) any approved or unapproved (whether pending
`or not yet filed) new drug application or abbreviated new drug application that purports to cover


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`any dexmedetomidine hydrochloride injection product ("Dexmedetomidine Drug Application");
`(ii) any correspondence with the FDA regarding any Dexmedetomidine Drug Application; (iii)
`drafts of items (i) or (ii) above; (iv) sensitive, and/or proprietary information pertaining to
`marketing, sales, revenues, or profits, or any scientific or technical information relating to the
`research and development of a dexmedetomidine hydrochloride injection product, or to any
`existing products or products in development; and/or (v) any document attaching any of items (i)(cid:173)
`(iv) of this
`if 2.1. The designation of "CONFIDENTIAL" or "CONFIDENTIAL
`INFORMATION" by a party or non-party who seeks to invoke protection under this Protective
`Order ("Producing Party") constitutes its representation that it reasonably and in good faith
`believes that the designated material constitutes or contains information as described above.
`CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION shall include: (a) all copies, extracts, and
`complete or partial summaries prepared from such CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION; (b)
`portions of deposition transcripts and exhibits thereto that contain, summarize, or reflect the
`content of any such CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION; (c) portions of briefs, memoranda, or
`any other writings filed with the Court and exhibits thereto that contain, summarize, or reflect the
`content of any such CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION; (d) written discovery responses,
`answers, and/or contentions that contain, summarize, or reflect the content of any such
`CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION; and (e) deposition testimony designated in accordance with
`the paragraphs below.
`Each party shall have the right to designate information as CONFIDENTIAL, subject to
`this Protective Order. It shall be the duty of the Producing Party to give notice, in accordance with
`the provisions of this Protective Order, of the information designated to be covered by this


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`Protective Order. To the extent that material is marked CONFIDENTIAL, such material shall
`only be revealed to or used by limited categories of individuals, as provided for herein, and shall
`not be communicated in any manner, either directly or indirectly, to any person or entity not
`permitted disclosure pursuant to this Protective Order. Any copies of such material, abstracts,
`summaries or information derived therefrom, and any notes or other records regarding the contents
`thereof, shall also be deemed CONFIDENTIAL accordingly, and the same terms regarding
`confidentiality of these materials shall apply as apply to the originals.
`Marked Documents and Things.
`Each page of a document and each
`that constitutes or contains
`shall be
`labeled or marked with
`document or thing is produced to the receiving parties. Anything that cannot be so labeled or
`marked on its face shall be labeled or marked by placing the appropriate legend on a container or
`package in which it is produced or on a tag attached thereto. Material produced without any such
`legend clearly indicating that it is subject to this Protective Order shall not be subject to the
`protections afforded to such information under this Protective Order unless otherwise agreed by
`the parties, ordered by the Court, or designated in accordance with~ 16 of this Protective Order.
`Should a party opt to make materials available for inspection in response to a
`discovery request, such inspection shall be conducted on an outside-counsel-eyes-only basis. Once
`produced, such materials shall be treated by the receiving parties in accordance with any
`confidentiality designation made at the time of their production.


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`Documents and things produced or made available for inspection may be subject to
`redaction, in good faith by the Producing Party, of information that is neither relevant to the subject
`of this litigation nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, or is
`subject to the attorney-client privilege or to work-product immunity. Each such redaction,
`regardless of size, shall be clearly labeled as redacted. Information involving the privacy interests
`of one or more individuals or subject to data privacy restrictions (such as social security numbers,
`dates of birth, private addresses or telephone numbers, or other personal information) can be
`redacted in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. This paragraph shall not be construed
`as a waiver of any party's right to seek disclosure of redacted information. All documents redacted
`based on attorney-client privilege or work-product immunity shall be listed on a privilege log in
`accordance with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(5).
`Limit On Use And Disclosure Of Designated Information.
`The production of CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION by a party under the terms
`of this Protective Order shall not be construed to mean that the Producing Party has waived any
`objection to the production, relevancy or admissibility of such information. Nothing contained
`herein shall preclude any party from opposing any discovery on any basis. Further, nothing in this
`Protective Order constitutes an admission by any party that any specific item of CONFIDENTIAL
`INFORMATION is a trade secret or otherwise confidential and proprietary to a party.
`Each party and all persons bound by the terms of this Protective Order shall use any
`information or document designated CONFIDENTIAL only in connection with the prosecution or
`defense of this action, except by consent of the parties or order of the Court. Such use includes,
`but is not limited to, offering evidence and testimony at trial and/or other hearings, preparing for
`and conducting discovery, preparing for trial, and supporting or opposing any motion in this action.


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`Except as provided for in this Order, no party or other person shall disclose or release any
`information or document governed by this Protective Order to any person not authorized pursuant
`to this Protective Order to receive such information or document.
`Material designated CONFIDENTIAL, and all information derived therefrom, shall be
`used only by persons permitted access to such information under this Protective Order, shall not
`be disclosed by the receiving parties to any party or person not entitled under this Protective Order
`to have access to such material, and shall not be used by the receiving parties for any purpose other
`than in connection with this action, including without limitation for any research, development,
`manufacture, patent prosecution, financial, commercial, marketing, regulatory, business, or other
`competitive purpose (except for settlement of the above-captioned case).
`Absent consent of the producing parties and/or further order of this Court, all
`persons receiving information designated CONFIDENTIAL under this Protective Order from an
`opposing party in this action are expressly prohibited from using or disclosing such information in
`connection with any practice before or communication with the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office or the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, the FDA (including Citizen Petitions), the
`United States Pharmacopoeia, or their counterpart organizations in any foreign jurisdiction, and
`are expressly prohibited from using or disclosing such information in connection with any other
`civil action.
`Absent consent of the Producing Parties and/or further order of this Court, any
`person who receives information designated CONFIDENTIAL lNFORMA TION under this
`Protective Order from Defendants, in the case of an individual representing or affiliated with
`Plaintiff in this action, or from Plaintiff in the case of an individual representing or affiliated with
`a Defendant, shall not, thereafter during the course of this action and continuing for two years


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`following final tennination of this action, work on or participate in directly or indirectly (i) the
`drafting or editing of any patent application (foreign or domestic), claim, or claim amendment that
`is directed to any product containing dexmedetomidine hydrochloride injection, including without
`limitation the uses of any product containing dexmedetomidine hydrochloride or the method of
`manufacturing any product containing dexmedetomidine hydrochloride; or (ii) the drafting or
`editing of any correspondence or communication with FDA concerning any product containing
`dexmedetomidine hydrochloride, including a Citizen Petition (or related submission, such as a
`response to a Citizen Petition) further including without limitation the uses of any product
`containing dexmedetomidine hydrochloride or the method of manufacturing any product
`containing dexmedetomidine hydrochloride. For clarity, nothing in item (i) of this if 5.4 shall
`prevent an individual who receives CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION from working on or
`participating in directly or indirectly (a) inter partes reviews, post grant reviews, or re-issue or re(cid:173)
`examination proceedings at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or the Patent Trial and Appeal
`Board related to dexmedetomidine hydrochloride, or (b) pre- or post-grant opposition proceedings
`or invalidation request proceedings before a foreign patent office or court related to
`dexmedetomidine hydrochloride, so long as the individual does not work on or participate directly
`or indirectly in the drafting or editing of a claim or claim amendment as described in item (i) and
`does not use CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION received from an opposing party in this action
`in connection with such proceedings. For further clarity, nothing in item (ii) of this if 5.4 shall
`prevent an individual who receives CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION from working on or
`participating directly or indirectly in (a) the drafting or editing of submissions to the FDA that are
`not Citizen Petitions or related submissions, including but not limited to submissions related to the
`listing of a patent in the Orange Book, or (b) a Citizen Petition (or related submission, including a


`Case 1:18-cv-00303-RGA Document 34 Filed 06/01/18 Page 8 of 27 PageID #: 910
`response to a Citizen Petition) concerning that individual's company's own dexmedetomidine
`hydrochloride product-i.e., in the case of Hospira or Orion, a Citizen Petition involving
`Precedex® itself (or a method of using Precedex® or manufacturing Precedex®), or in the case of
`Baxter, a Citizen Petition involving Baxter's own generic dexmedetomidine hydrochloride
`products (or a method of using or manufacturing such generic dexmedetomidine hydrochloride
`products)-so long as such individual does not use CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION received
`from an opposing party in this action in connection with such Citizen Petition (or related
`It is understood that counsel for a party may give advice and opinions to his or her
`client based on his or her evaluation of designated CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION received
`by the party, provided that such rendering of advice and opinions shall not reveal the content of
`such information, other than in summary form, except by prior written agreement with counsel for
`the Producing Party.
`The attorneys of record for the parties and other persons receiving information
`governed by this Protective Order shall exercise reasonable care to ensure that the information and
`documents governed by this Protective Order are (a) used only for the purposes specified herein,
`and (b) disclosed only to authorized persons.
`The parties agree to meet and confer in good faith prior to trial to establish
`procedures concerning the use of CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION at trial. Nothing in this
`Protective Order shall preclude any party from moving the Court to seal the courtroom, trial
`exhibits, or the trial transcript in order to preserve the confidential nature of any CONFIDENTIAL
`INFORMATION used at trial.


`Case 1:18-cv-00303-RGA Document 34 Filed 06/01/18 Page 9 of 27 PageID #: 911
`Every person to whom CONFIDENTIAL lNFORMA TION contained therein is to
`be disclosed, summarized, described, characterized, or otherwise communicated or made available
`in whole or in part, first shall be advised that the material or information is being disclosed pursuant
`and subject to the terms of this Protective Order.
`Except as provided in ifif 11, 12, and 18, documents or information designated
`CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, as described in this Protective Order, shall be disclosed by
`the recipient thereof, on a need-to-know basis, only to:
`Up to two (2) in-house personnel employed by Hospira, Inc., and up to two
`(2) in-house personnel employed by Orion Corp., each of whom (i) is an attorney or counsel or, if
`not an attorney or counsel, is regularly employed in the intellectual property or legal
`department/division of said entity; (ii) is responsible for overseeing this litigation, and (iii) does
`not currently have primary responsibility for patent prosecution
`in connection with
`dexmedetomidine hydrochloride injections. For clarity, while such an in-house person who does
`not currently have primary responsibility for patent prosecution
`in connection with
`dexmedetomidine hydrochloride may be a designated person under if 6.2 (a), such person may not,
`commencing as of the date he or she receives information designated CONFIDENTIAL
`INFORMATION under this Protective Order from an opposing party in this action, and continuing
`for two years following final termination of this action, work on or participate in directly or
`indirectly the drafting or editing of any claims or claim amendments in connection with such patent
`prosecution. For further clarity, a designated in-house person may work on and participate in
`directly or indirectly, and have primary responsibility for, ( 1) inter part es reviews, post grant
`reviews, or re-issue or re-examination proceedings at the U.S. Patent Trademark Office or Patent


`Case 1:18-cv-00303-RGA Document 34 Filed 06/01/18 Page 10 of 27 PageID #: 912
`Trial and Appeal Board related to dexmedetomidine hydrochloride; or (2) pre- or post-grant
`opposition proceedings or invalidation request proceedings before a foreign patent office or court
`related to dexmedetomidine hydrochloride, provided that such designated person does not,
`commencing as of the date he or she receives information designated CONFIDENTIAL
`INFORMATION under this Protective Order from an opposing party in this action, and continuing
`for two years following final termination of this action, work on or participate in directly or
`indirectly the drafting or editing of any claims or claim amendments as part of any such
`proceeding. Such designated individuals shall execute a copy of the Confidentiality Undertaking
`attached hereto as Exhibit A, which shall in turn be provided to outside counsel for the other parties
`in this action, and may disclose CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION to their secretarial, paralegal,
`clerical or legal assistant staff. Jn the event that one of the aforementioned in-house personnel
`ceases to have responsibilities relating to this litigation, a party may designate another in-house
`person who otherwise qualifies under the provisions of this if 6.2 (a) to replace such person upon
`giving written notice of such change to outside counsel for the other parties in this action and
`providing an executed copy of the Confidentiality Undertaking;
`Up to two (2) in-house personnel employed by Baxter Healthcare
`Corporation, each of whom (i) is an attorney or counsel or, if not an attorney or counsel, is regularly
`employed in the intellectual property or legal department/division of said entity, (ii) is responsible
`for overseeing this litigation, and (iii) does not currently have primary responsibility for patent
`prosecution in connection with dexmedetomidine hydrochloride injections. For clarity, while such
`an in-house person who does not currently have primary responsibility for patent prosecution in
`connection with dexmedetomidine hydrochloride may be a designated person under if 6.2 (b ), such
`person may not, commencing as of the date he or she receives information designated


`Case 1:18-cv-00303-RGA Document 34 Filed 06/01/18 Page 11 of 27 PageID #: 913
`CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION under this Protective Order from an opposing party in this
`action, and continuing for two years following final termination of this action, work on or
`participate in directly or indirectly the drafting or editing of any claims or claim amendments in
`connection with such patent prosecution. For further clarity, a designated in-house person may
`work on and participate in directly or indirectly, and have primary responsibility for, (I) inter
`partes reviews, post grant reviews, or re-issue or re-examination proceedings at the U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office or Patent Trial and Appeal Board related
`to dexmedetomidine
`hydrochloride; or (2) pre- or post-grant opposition proceedings or invalidation request proceedings
`before a foreign patent office or court related to dexmedetomidine hydrochloride, provided that,
`commencing as of the date he or she receives information designated CONFIDENTIAL
`INFORMATION under this Protective Order from an opposing party in this action, and continuing
`for two years following final termination of this action, such designated person does not work on
`or participate in directly or indirectly the drafting or editing of any claims or claim amendments as
`part of any such proceeding.
`Such designated individuals shall execute a copy of the
`Confidentiality Undertaking attached hereto as Exhibit A, which shall in tum be provided to
`outside counsel for the other parties in this action, and may disclose CONFIDENTIAL
`INFORMATION to their secretarial, paralegal, clerical or legal assistant staff. In the event that
`one of the aforementioned in-house personnel ceases to have responsibilities relating to this
`litigation, a party may designate another in-house person who otherwise qualifies under the
`provisions of this ~ 6.2 (b) to replace such person upon giving written notice of such change to
`outside counsel for the other parties in this action and providing an executed copy of the
`Confidentiality Undertaking;


`Case 1:18-cv-00303-RGA Document 34 Filed 06/01/18 Page 12 of 27 PageID #: 914
`( c)
`Outside trial counsel or outside attorneys of record for the parties, including,
`but not limited to, such attorneys' partners, associates, staff and contract attorneys, and their
`authorized secretarial, paralegal, clerical and legal assistant staff whose duties and responsibilities
`require access to material designated CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION;
`The Court and Court personnel;
`(e) Witnesses or potential witnesses in this action and their counsel, to the
`extent that the witness at such proceeding is qualified under the terms of this Protective Order to
`have access to such designated material;
`Outside consultants or experts and their staffs retained by the parties or their
`attorneys for purposes of this action, who are not objected to pursuant to if 7, and who first agree
`to be bound by the terms of this Protective Order by executing a copy of the Undertaking attached
`hereto as Exhibit A;
`Court reporters, videographers, and their respective staffs employed m
`connection with this action;
`Non-parties specifically retained to assist outside counsel of record with
`copying and computer services necessary for document handling, and other litigation support
`personnel (e.g., graphic designers and animators, database entry personnel); and
`Any interpreter or translation service retained to assist outside counsel of
`record, and any typist or transcriber used thereby, who either first executes a copy of the
`Confidentiality Undertaking attached hereto as Exhibit A or has made suitable arrangements with
`the party that has retained such an
`to preserve the confidentiality of the


`Case 1:18-cv-00303-RGA Document 34 Filed 06/01/18 Page 13 of 27 PageID #: 915
`Identification Of Experts And Consultants.
`If any party desires to disclose information designated CONFIDENTIAL to any
`expert or consultant pursuant to ~ 6(f) above, it must first identify in writing (which can be by
`email or facsimile) to the attorneys for the Producing Party each such expert or consultant.
`7 .2
`The attorneys for the Producing Party shall have seven (7) business days from
`receipt of such notice to object in writing to disclosure of such information to any of the experts
`or consultants so identified. Any party that fails to object in writing within seven (7) business days
`of receiving such notice shall be deemed to have waived such objection and the parties shall be
`deemed to have agreed upon disclosure to the expert for purposes of ~ 6.2 (f). No
`CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION may be disclosed to any proposed expert or consultant until
`such time as the parties are deemed to have agreed upon disclosure to the expert for purposes of~
`6.2 (f) pursuant to the provisions of~ 7.
`The identification of an expert or consultant pursuant to~ 7.1 shall include the full
`name and professional address and/or affiliation of the proposed expert or consultant, an up-to-
`date curriculum vitae, any prior or current employments or consultancies for any party or other
`company in the pharmaceutical industry within the last five (5) years, 1 including a list of the cases
`in which the expert or consultant has testified at deposition, at a hearing, or at trial within the last
`four years, and an executed copy of the Confidentiality Undertaking attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`1 In the event that the expert or consultant is not able to provide the identity of a party or other
`company within the pharmaceutical industry due to confidentiality restrictions (such as a
`contractual requirement to maintain in confidence the identity of the party or other company within
`Consultancy/Employment" and the product name on his or her curriculum vitae. The parties shall
`thereafter meet and confer concerning such disclosure, and if they are unable to resolve any
`objections concerning the disclosure, shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of Section


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`The parties shall attempt to resolve any objections informally. Within five (5)
`business days of receipt of an objection, the parties shall meet and confer to attempt to resolve
`their dispute.
`If the objections cannot be resolved, the party opposing disclosure of the
`CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION to the expert or consultant may raise the issue with the Court
`in accordance with the Court's Scheduling Order for resolution of discovery disputes. If the issue
`is raised with the Court, the party opposing disclosure shall bear the burden of proof with respect
`to the propriety of its objection and blocking of said individual from serving as an expert or
`consultant in this case. After meeting and conferring in an attempt to resolve the issue, any party
`that fails to raise such an issue with the Court within ten (I 0) business days of notifying a party of
`an objection to disclosure under iii! 7 .1 and 7 .2 shall be deemed to have waived such objection and
`the parties shall be deemed to have agreed upon disclosure to the expert for purposes or,[ 6.2 (f).
`Agreement Of Confidentiality.
`In no event shall any information designated CONFIDENTIAL be disclosed to any
`person authorized pursuant to ii 6.2(f) until such person has executed a written Confidentiality
`Undertaking (in the form set forth in Exhibit A hereto) acknowledging and agreeing to be bound
`by the terms of this Protective Order. Counsel for the party seeking to disclose material designated
`under this Order to any such person pursuant to this paragraph shall be responsible for retaining
`the executed originals of all such Confidentiality Undertakings.
`Any vendor described in ii 6(h) that is accessing hard copies of CONFIDENTIAL
`on behalf of a party shall return to the party's counsel all hard copies of such documents as soon
`as the information has been encoded and loaded into the computer, copied, prepared or otherwise
`processed by the vendor.


`Case 1:18-cv-00303-RGA Document 34 Filed 06/01/18 Page 15 of 27 PageID #: 917
`Related Documents.
`The restrictions contained herein
`the use of information designated
`CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION shall apply to (a) portions of documents, copies, extracts, and
`complete or partial summaries prepared from or containing such information; (b) portions of
`deposition transcripts and exhibits thereto which contain or reflect the content of any such
`documents, copies, extracts, or summaries; (c) subject to the provisions ofi! 13, portions of briefs,
`memoranda or any other papers filed with the Court and exhibits thereto or expert reports which
`contain or reflect the content of any such documents, copies, extracts, or summaries; ( d) deposition
`testimony designated in accordance with iI 10; and/or (e) testimony taken at a hearing or other
`proceeding and designated in accordance with iI 21.
`Designation Of Deposition Transcripts.
`Portions of deposition transcripts containing CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION
`may be designated as subject to this Protective Order either on the record during the deposition or
`by providing written notice within thirty-five (35) days following receipt of the official transcript
`of the deposition to the reporter and all counsel ofrecord of the specific pages and lines that contain
`CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, in which case all counsel receiving such notice shall mark
`the copies or portions of the designated transcript in their possession or under their control as
`directed by the designating party.
`l 0.2 All deposition transcripts not previously designated shall be deemed to be, and shall
`be treated as CONFIDENTIAL for a period of thirty-five (35) days after receipt of the official
`transcript of the deposition, and the transcript shall not be disclosed during such time to persons
`other than those persons qualified to receive such information pursuant to this Protective Order.


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`10.3 The Producing Party shall have the right to exclude from portions of a deposition,
`before the taking of testimony which the Producing Party designates CONFIDENTIAL and subject
`to this Protective Order, all persons other than those persons previously qualified to receive such
`information pursuant to this Protective Order.
`Disclosure to Other Individuals.
`Notwithstanding any other provision of this Protective Order, CONFIDENTIAL
`INFORMATION may be disclosed to the following persons, irrespective of whether they are
`identified in if 6, as follows:
`11. l CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION may be disclosed to persons not identified in
`if 6 as agreed by the producing parties by written consent.
`11.2 Any receiving party may move the Court (in accordance with the Court's
`procedures for resolution of discovery disputes) for an Order that a person not identified in if 6 be
`given access to information designated CONFIDENTIAL. If the motion is granted, such person
`may have access to the CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION after first signing the Confidentiality
`Undertaking set forth in Exhibit A.
`11.3 Nothing in this Protective Order shall prohibit counsel or a party from disclosing a
`document containing information designated CONFIDENTIAL at deposition, at trial, or at any
`other court hearing, to: (i) any person who appears from the face of the document to have drafted,
`prepared, executed, had knowledge of

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