Case 1:18-cv-00303-RGA Document 20 Filed 04/30/18 Page 1 of 8 PageID #: 586
` Plaintiff,
` Defendants.
`C.A. No. 18-303-RGA
`Plaintiff Baxter Healthcare Corporation (“Baxter”), by counsel, submits this Opposition
`to Motion for a 14-Day Extension of Time to File Response to Plaintiff’s Motion for Judgment
`on the Pleadings (“Extension Motion”) filed by Hospira, Inc. and Orion Corp. (collectively,
`“Hospira”). The Court should deny Hospira’s Extension Motion for two reasons. First, Baxter
`would be prejudiced by any extension because time is of the essence due to the expiry of United
`States Patent No. 6,716,867 on March 31, 2019. Second, Baxter’s Motion for Judgment on the
`Pleadings does not raise complex issues of fact or law that require extensive analysis, and
`Hospira is already familiar with the applicable legal standards given its extensive litigation of
`this patent in other cases. Accordingly, Baxter respectfully requests that the Court deny
`Hospira’s Extension Motion.
`This case raises a time-sensitive issue, the resolution of which is crucial for mitigating
`harm to Baxter. Baxter is the current holder of Abbreviated New Drug Application (“ANDA”)
`No. 208532 for a proposed drug product containing dexmedetomidine hydrochloride in 0.9%
`sodium chloride injection, 200 mcg/50 mL and 400 mcg/100 mL (the “Baxter ANDA Product”).
`The Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) tentatively approved ANDA No. 208532 on


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`January 25, 2018, but withheld final approval because of a first applicant’s continued eligibility
`for 180-day exclusivity. Unless the first applicant either forfeits its exclusivity or makes use of
`the 180-day exclusivity period by obtaining approval and initiating marketing, the FDA will be
`prohibited from finally approving Baxter’s ANDA Product until 2032, when the last of the
`relevant patents owned by Hospira and applicable pediatric exclusivity expire. This delay can be
`prevented if a court enters final judgment of noninfringement from which no appeal, other than a
`petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court, is or can be taken on all four of the patents at
`issue in this case: United States Patent Nos. 6,716,867 (the “’867 Patent”), 8,242,158 (the “’158
`Patent”), 8,338,470 (the “’470 Patent), and 8,455,527 (the “’527 Patent”) (collectively, “the
`Baxter filed this declaratory judgment lawsuit on February 22, 2018, less than a month
`after the FDA tentatively approved ANDA No. 208532. (D.I. 1.) After requesting a 14-day
`extension of time to answer the complaint (D.I. 7), only four days of which this Court granted
`(D.I. 9), Hospira filed its answer on March 20, 2018 (D.I. 10). In its answer, Hospira admitted
`that Baxter did not infringe any claim of the ’158 Patent, ’470 Patent, and ’527 Patent that
`requires a “sealed glass container” because the Baxter ANDA Product is disposed in a plastic
`container. (D.I. 10, ¶¶ 33, 46, 58, 87-89, 95-96, 102-103.) Hospira further represented to the
`Court in the jointly filed Proposed Scheduling Order (D.I. 18) and its Extension Motion (D.I. 19,
`¶ 6) that it is not asserting the ’158 Patent, ’470 Patent, and ’527 Patent. As such, three of the
`four patents are not at issue, and the Court can easily—and should—grant judgment as a matter
`of law with respect to those patents.


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`In conjunction with its answer, Hospira filed a counterclaim against Baxter for
`infringement of the ’867 Patent.1 (D.I. 10.) Baxter answered the counterclaim on April 10, 2018.
`(D.I. 14.) On April 24, 2018, Baxter filed its Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings. (D.I. 16.)
`Hospira’s answering brief is currently due on May 8, 2018. See Local Rule 7.1.2(b).
`On April 30, 2018, Hospira filed a Motion for Extension for Time (D.I. 19), requesting
`that this Court extend its time for filing the answering brief by 14 days, until May 22, 2018.
`Baxter opposes the requested extension of time for two primary reasons: (1) an extension
`of time prejudices Baxter because time is of the essence due to expiry of the ’867 Patent on
`March 31, 2019; and (2) Baxter’s Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings does not raise novel or
`complex issues of fact or law, and Hospira is familiar with the relevant legal standards given its
`litigation of this patent in other cases. Therefore, good cause under Federal Rule of Civil
`Procedure 6(b)(1)(A) does not exist in this case.
`Time is of the Essence because the ’867 Patent Expires on March 31, 2019.
`First, granting an extension of time would prejudice Baxter because Baxter must obtain a
`final non-appealable judgment of non-infringement of the ’867 Patent before January 11, 2019.
`Otherwise, even with a favorable decision on the other three patents, FDA may be precluded
`from approving Baxter’s ANDA until 2020.
`After the ’867 Patent expires on March 31, 2019, a six-month pediatric exclusivity period
`extends until October 1, 2019, during which FDA may not approve ANDAs for generic
`dexmedetomidine hydrochloride without a waiver from Hospira. Upon patent expiry, this Court
`1 The ’867 Patent expires on March 31, 2019, with a pediatric exclusivity period starting upon
`patent expiry and extending until October 1, 2019.


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`will no longer be able to issue a judgment of noninfringement, while at the same time, the
`pediatric exclusivity period starts. Thus, absent a final non-appealable judgment before the ’867
`patent expires, Baxter must endure the six-month pediatric exclusivity period without means for
`judicial relief. Moreover, to the extent the first applicant finally markets its product, possibly
`starting at the very end of the pediatric exclusivity period, Baxter will be subject to an additional
`180-day delay while the first applicant exercises its exclusive marketing right.
`To avoid this delay, Baxter must obtain a judgment of noninfringement not only from this
`Court but also from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit before expiry of the ’867
`Patent. Only a final judgment from which no appeal (other than a petition to the Supreme Court
`for a writ of certiorari) is or can be taken will enable FDA to grant final approval of Baxter’s
`ANDA. As a practical matter, such judgment must be rendered no later than January 11, 2019,
`because a first applicant has 75 days after final judgment to launch or forfeit its exclusivity, and
`Baxter must still obtain final approval from FDA. Thus, Baxter has less than eight months to
`obtain a final judgment of noninfringement. This underscores why Baxter submitted expedited
`dates in its Proposed Scheduling Order.
`Indeed, Baxter has litigated this case expeditiously from its inception. Contrary to
`Hospira’s assertion (D.I. 19, ¶ 3), Baxter did not delay in bringing its declaratory judgment
`action. Baxter’s ANDA was not tentatively approved by FDA until January 25, 2018. On that
`date Baxter expected to receive full FDA approval of its ANDA, because of the first applicant’s
`apparent forfeiture of exclusivity for failure to obtain tentative approval within 30 months after
`submitting its ANDA. As such, there was no apparent need for this suit until January 25, 2018.
`Moreover, filing suit against Hospira before receiving tentative approval would likely have
`raised ripeness concerns (or at least a protest from Hospira). Baxter filed this declaratory


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`judgment lawsuit on February 22, 2018, less than one month after it received tentative approval.
`(D.I. 1.) On April 24, 2018, Baxter moved for judgment on the pleadings.2 Thus, Baxter’s actions
`have not been dilatory, and indeed Baxter has prosecuted this case with a sense of urgency while
`Hospira has now sought extensions for both of its responsive filings. (See D.I. 7 (requesting a 14-
`day extension of time to answer the complaint); D.I. 19 (requesting a 14-day extension of time to
`file a responsive brief to Baxter’s Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings).)
`Therefore, the Court should deny Hospira’s Extension Motion because any delay would
`prejudice Baxter and thwart the purposes of the Hatch-Waxman provisions of the Food, Drug,
`and Cosmetic Act, one of which is that a section viii statement regarding a method-of-use patent
`should not delay approval of a generic drug because a section viii statement, with corresponding
`carved-out labeling, is plain and satisfactory evidence that there is no intent to infringe that
`patent. While Hospira asserts that the ’867 Patent does not affect whether Baxter can receive
`final FDA approval to launch its product (D.I. 19, ¶ 6), this argument misses the point. FDA
`cannot finally approve Baxter’s ANDA because a first applicant included a Paragraph IV
`certification as to the ’867 Patent in its application. Therefore, without a final judgment that
`Baxter does not infringe the ’867 Patent, FDA cannot approve Baxter’s ANDA because a first
`filer has not triggered its period of exclusivity. Only after a final judgment of noninfringement on
`all the Patents-in-Suit forces the first applicant to either market its product or forfeit its
`exclusivity can FDA approve Baxter’s ANDA.
`2 Hospira asserts that Baxter took over five weeks to respond to the counterclaim and file its
`motion. (D.I. 19, ¶ 4.) This wording is deceptive. Hospira filed its answer and counterclaim on
`March 20, 2018, and Baxter filed its answer to the counterclaim on April 10, 2018—within the
`prescribed 21-day response time. Baxter then filed its Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings on
`April 24, 2018—14 days later. Thus, Baxter filed its actual motion only two weeks after the
`pleadings closed.


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`Baxter’s Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings Does Not Raise Complex Issues of
`Second, Baxter’s Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings does not raise complex issues of
`fact or law that warrant an extension of time. In its answer and representations to this Court,
`Hospira admitted that Baxter does not infringe any claim of the ’158 Patent, ’470 Patent, and
`’527 Patent that requires a “sealed glass container” (D.I. 10, ¶¶ 33, 46, 58, 87-89, 95-96, 102-
`103), and that these patents are not being asserted against Baxter (D.I. 18; D.I. 19, ¶ 6). Thus,
`Hospira should have no difficulty responding to (and indeed acceding to) Baxter’s Motion for
`Judgment on the Pleadings with respect to these three patents. Although Baxter sent Hospira a
`proposed consent judgment on these three patents over a month ago, Hospira has not responded.
`This means the only legal dispute between the parties concerns infringement of the ’867
`Patent. Resolution of this issue, however, turns on questions of law. Hospira is intimately
`familiar with the legal principles at issue in this case and their application to the ’867 patent
`based on its prior litigation experience involving the ’867 Patent. See, e.g., Hospira, Inc. et al. v.
`Eurohealth S.A.R.L. et al., C.A. No. 14-1008-GMS (D. Del.); Hospira Inc. & Orion Corp. v.
`Sandoz Int’l GmbH, et al., Civ. No. 09-00665 (D. Del.); Hospira, Inc. & Orion Corp. v.
`Aurobindo Pharma Ltd., et al., Civ. No. 14-00486 (D. Del.); Hospira, Inc. & Orion Corp. v. Ben
`Venue Labs, Inc., Civ. No. 14-00487 (D. Del.); Hospira & Orion Corp. v. Actavis LLC et al.,
`Civ. No. 14-00488 (D. Del.); Hospira, Inc. & Orion Corp. v. Ben Venue Labs, Inc., et al., Civ.
`No. 14-1008 (D. Del.); Hospira, Inc. & Orion Corp. v. Sandoz Int’l GmbH & Sandoz, Inc., C.A.
`No. 09-4591-MLC (D.N.J.). Hospira is knowledgeable about the Patents-in-Suit—more so than
`Baxter—and should be able to timely submit an answering brief in a lawsuit that is substantively
`similar to its past and current litigation.


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` Moreover, this Court’s local rules already grant Hospira 14 days to draft its answering
`brief. See Local Rule 7.1.2(b). Hospira seeks to double this timeframe despite contesting only
`one of the four patents. While Hospira claims that it needs additional time to review the
`attachments submitted as part of Baxter’s answer to the counterclaim (D.I. 19, ¶ 4), Hospira has
`had since April 10, 2018 to review these documents. Additionally, two of the attachments are
`simply versions of labels for the Baxter ANDA Product, and Baxter does not rely in its Motion
`for Judgment on the Pleadings on one of the declarations filed. Accordingly, Baxter submits that
`Hospira has failed to show good cause for an extension.
`Baxter recognizes that it is unusual to oppose routine motions for extension of time.
`However, Baxter submits that this is a unique case in which expeditious resolution is critical to
`prevent further harm to Baxter. Moreover, Hospira has admitted in its pleadings that Baxter does
`not infringe three of the four Patents-in-Suit, and has failed to establish good cause for doubling
`the time to submit an answering brief that addresses primarily the ’867 Patent. The lack of good
`cause is further highlighted by the fact that Hospira has extensive experience with the legal
`principles surrounding the Patents-in-Suit based on its prior litigation. For these reasons, Baxter
`respectfully requests that the Court deny Hospira’s Extension Motion.


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`Neal Seth
`Lawrence M. Sung
`Bethany A. Corbin
`1776 K St. NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`(202) 719-7000
`Dated: April 30, 2018
`By: /s/ Philip A. Rovner
`Philip A. Rovner (#3215)
`Jonathan A. Choa (#5319)
`Alan R. Silverstein (#5066)
`Hercules Plaza
`P.O. Box 951
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`(302) 984-6000
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Baxter Healthcare Corporation

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