Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 173-1 Filed 05/21/20 Page 1 of 64 PageID #: 7135
`Case 1:17-cv-00868—CFC-SRF Document 173-1 Filed 05/21/20 Page 1 of 64 PageID #: 7135


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 173-1 Filed 05/21/20 Page 2 of 64 PageID #: 7136
` )
` Plaintiffs, ) C.A. No.17-868-CFC-SRF
` )
`v. )
` )
`USA, INC., )
` )
` Defendants. )
`Friday, April 24, 2020
`11:00 a.m.
`844 King Street
`Wilmington, Delaware
` United States District Court Judge
` -and-
`Counsel for the Plaintiffs
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`THE COURT: Good morning,
`everyone. It's Magistrate Judge Sherry Fallon.
`I'm prepared to address the discovery dispute in
`U Mass versus L'Oreal. Let me find out who is
`on the call. First, do we have our court
`stenographer, Ms. Gunning?
`Stacy Ingram from Hawkins, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Oh, sorry, Stacy. I
`was informed it might be Val Gunning. Thank you
`for being available this morning. Is my law
`clerk, Ms. Polito, on the line?
`LAW CLERK: Yes, Judge, I'm on the
`THE COURT: All right. Thank you.
`And let's start with appearances of counsel for
`the University of Massachusetts, et al. Who is
`on the line starting with Delaware counsel?
`MR. FARNAN: Good morning, Your
`Honor. Brian Farnan on behalf of the plaintiff
`and with me is Justin Nelson, Tamar Lusztig and
`Beatrice Franklin, all from Susman Godfrey.
`THE COURT: All right. And who is
`on the line for L'Oreal?
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`MS. MOWERY: Good morning, Your
`Honor. This is Kate Mowery from Richards,
`Layton & Finger on the line for L'Oreal USA. I
`have Fred Cottrell on the line as well from my
`office and then Isaac Ashkenazi from Paul
`Hastings and Katherine Murray from Browne George
`MS. MURRAY: Good morning, Your
`THE COURT: Good morning,
`everyone. Just making my notes here. I'll just
`remind everyone, you're probably familiar with
`this from the last time we did the call, but
`please announce your name before you start
`speaking. Since there is a slight delay since
`we're all remotely connected, please speak
`slowly so that the court stenographer can make
`an accurate record of our proceedings today and
`if you're not speaking, keep your phone on mute
`so there aren't any outside or extraneous noises
`interrupting or obscuring the audio on those who
`are speaking. If you're going to cite to any
`particular exhibits, the filings that I received
`for this dispute were rather lengthy, just give
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
` -and-
` -and-
` Counsel for the Defendants
`1 2
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`1 of 49 sheets
`Page 1 to 4 of 128
`04/30/2020 02:54:00 AM


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 173-1 Filed 05/21/20 Page 3 of 64 PageID #: 7137
`especially for an hour and a half so far on the
`myself in a world of two extremes. Plaintiff Plaintiff
`2 has disclosed the summary sheet that they've 2 has disclosed the summary sheet that they've
`phone now. And I know that my voice is not
`great, so I feel very bad for Your Honor. I'd
`relied upon in amending their infringement relied upon in amending their infringement
`like to address three points quickly. Their
`contentions and that's pretty much the extent, contentions and that's pretty much the extent,
`5 as I read Gillette, as to what Judge Stark 5 as I read Gillette, as to what Judge Stark
`argument that they only need to -- that they
`6 permitted in Gillette, that if you're going to 6 permitted in Gillette, that if you're going to
`could simply rely on the summary documents that
`they get from an expert, including those, say
`rely on those select images, you've waived the rely on those select images, you've waived the
`8 privileges that may have once applied to that 8 privileges that may have once applied to that
`that they plan on relying on these tests in the
`9 disclosed images. And the problem with Gillette 9 disclosed images. And the problem with Gillette
`case, but not get any other documents relating
`to it, that really establish a precedent for
`is that it's silent on the scope of discovery is that it's silent on the scope of discovery
`gamesmanship. You can imagine that the parties
`that Judge Stark permitted. Did he allow that Judge Stark permitted. Did he allow
`would simply say or simply get a quick summary
`full-blown expert discovery to commence because full-blown expert discovery to commence because
`13 of the disclosure of those select images or did 13 of the disclosure of those select images or did
`chart and not allow another party to investigate
`14 he only permit the disclosure of the selected 14 he only permit the disclosure of the selected
`the veracity of those opinions in the case --
`earlier in the case than otherwise would be
`images and whatever other documents went along images and whatever other documents went along
`16 with them that were incorporated into the 16 with them that were incorporated into the
`allowed for an expert discovery.
`I also want to note that in
`infringement contentions there. I don't know. infringement contentions there. I don't know.
`18 The case doesn't give us any guidance. And with 18 The case doesn't give us any guidance. And with
`Gillette the Court specifically said, this is at
`the end of the portion that I quoted, it would
`issues of privilege, I'm always treading issues of privilege, I'm always treading
`not further the interest of fairness or
`carefully and I don't necessarily want to open carefully and I don't necessarily want to open
`efficiency to make defendants wait for expert
`the door to full-blown premature expert the door to full-blown premature expert
`22 discovery here before we have any expert report. 22 discovery here before we have any expert report.
`discovery to learn if Gillette is relying on the
`23 And that's the rub. 23 And that's the rub.
`images. And then this is also key, in
`parentheses, and only thereafter be in a
`Now, is the -- if there is some Now, is the -- if there is some
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`position to analyze and potentially take
`discovery on them. And that's the point. This
`is stuff that, you know, they put at issue, Your
`And the last point which really is
`we're not asking for different tests. We're
`asking for the documents that form -- that
`allowed for the summary chart to be created, the
`protocols, the testing. You can't create that
`chart. So if there's a waiver of that chart,
`then the documents that are used to make up that
`chart would have been waived, as the Court found
`in the Gillette case.
`THE COURT: Well, here's -- I'm
`through with argument. I'm ready to make a I'm ready to make a
`ruling on this and I'm going to deny it without ruling on this and I'm going to deny it without
`17 prejudice right now. And here's why. I'm not 17 prejudice right now.
`dismissing the parts of the Gillette opinion
`that you've just quoted, Mr. Ashkenazi. I was
`focused when I read the papers and listened to
`arguments on the parenthetical that Judge Stark
`put in this opinion about only thereafter be in
`a position to analyze and potentially take
`discovery on them. But I'm -- again, I find
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`04/30/2020 02:54:00 AM
`really narrow information that defendants need
`really narrow information that defendants need
`in order to interpret this summary chart that's in order to interpret this summary chart that's
`the exhibit that we looked at, then I think it's the exhibit that we looked at, then I think it's
`4 a matter of meeting and conferring with the 4 a matter of meeting and conferring with the
`5 plaintiff to see if you can informally, you 5 plaintiff to see if you can informally, you
`6 know, get a response to that. And absent that, 6 know, get a response to that. And absent that,
`if it's something that L'Oreal wants to continue if it's something that L'Oreal wants to continue
`to push for, then I'm going to need something to push for, then I'm going to need something
`9 more than Gillette and I'm going to probably 9 more than Gillette and I'm going to probably
`10 need some letter briefing on privilege waiver 10 need some letter briefing on privilege waiver
`11 and how far it goes, because that's my issue 11 and how far it goes, because that's my issue
`12 here. How far does it go, how far does that 12 here. How far does it go, how far does that
`13 door swing open because a summary chart has been 13 door swing open because a summary chart has been
`relied upon to amend infringement contentions. relied upon to amend infringement contentions.
`I just don't know the answer to that. I don't I just don't know the answer to that. I don't
`think I have a fulsome record right now to be think I have a fulsome record right now to be
`17 able to decide that, so I err on the side of 17 able to decide that, so I err on the side of
`18 being conservative, denying it without prejudice 18 being conservative, denying it without prejudice
`19 and leaving it to the parties to continue to see 19 and leaving it to the parties to continue to see
`if there is some informal agreement with respect if there is some informal agreement with respect
`to some type of underlying documents that aid in to some type of underlying documents that aid in
`the interpretation of that chart or whether the interpretation of that chart or whether
`23 defendants are really seeking to engage in 23 defendants are really seeking to engage in
`full-blown expert discovery early on without an full-blown expert discovery early on without an
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
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`11 expert report and nothing more than this chart.
`11 you contend it does, you know, and plaintiffs
`expert report and nothing more than this chart.
`you contend it does, you know, and plaintiffs
`2 So that's where I'm at.2 So that's where I'm at.
`2 have counter authority, again, I don't think I 2 have counter authority, again, I don't think I
`3 have a fulsome enough record or have a specific 3 have a fulsome enough record or have a specific
`MR. ASHKENAZI: Your Honor, if I
`4 enough understanding of what else may be out 4 enough understanding of what else may be out
`may just to quickly address two of the points
`you made. And I understand Your Honor has --
`there in order to make a ruling on this right there in order to make a ruling on this right
`6 now and I'm concerned about opening the door to 6 now and I'm concerned about opening the door to
`where Your Honor is coming from, but I think
`7 premature expert discovery. Say hypothetically 7 premature expert discovery. Say hypothetically
`there's a misunderstanding on two points.
`First, we're not asking for full-blown expert
`they produce the testing protocol and then they produce the testing protocol and then
`discovery, we're not asking them to create any
`there's, you know, again, documents that are not there's, you know, again, documents that are not
`10 dually created but that you suspect and have 10 dually created but that you suspect and have
`documents. Every single expert has an
`experiment at protocol that's established before
`reason to believe are currently in the reason to believe are currently in the
`12 possession of what our expert came up with this 12 possession of what our expert came up with this
`the experiment, we just want that. We want
`that. There's results that are collected, we
`summary chart. Then suppose there's some summary chart. Then suppose there's some
`14 deficiency in that, and then there's a motion to 14 deficiency in that, and then there's a motion to
`want those results. That's it. Existing
`documents that go to the test. No
`compel the underlying explanation for that and compel the underlying explanation for that and
`communications with their experts. I apologize
`then before you know it we're on a snowball then before you know it we're on a snowball
`if that wasn't clear. That's what we're asking
`course to take a deposition of an expert in this course to take a deposition of an expert in this
`for. Now, they've said -- I don't know where a
`case to get at the information underlying the case to get at the information underlying the
`meet and confer is going to add anything here.
`summary chart and underlying the documents which summary chart and underlying the documents which
`They said they don't have any documents and will
`support the summary chart and that's exactly the support the summary chart and that's exactly the
`not give us any other documents relating to this
`type of expert discovery path that I find is type of expert discovery path that I find is
`test. Now, you know, with respect to -- if
`inappropriate at this stage of a litigation. So inappropriate at this stage of a litigation. So
`they're going to say we have all the information
`those are my concerns. And I hear you and I those are my concerns. And I hear you and I
`24 hear your reasons for needing this and inability 24 hear your reasons for needing this and inability
`that we need from the tests, then I'd ask then
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`that Your Honor order them that if they're not
`to interpret the chart, but perhaps between you
`to interpret the chart, but perhaps between you
`2 and plaintiffs' counsel there can be some level 2 and plaintiffs' counsel there can be some level
`willing to give us any additional documents they
`3 of understanding of interpreting this chart and 3 of understanding of interpreting this chart and
`be precluded from relying on -- they should be
`precluded on relying on any other facts that are
`the protocols and the underlying data underneath the protocols and the underlying data underneath
`not included in that summary chart. That's it.
`it and that can be resolved informally. And if it and that can be resolved informally. And if
`6 not, then we're going to have to brief this 6 not, then we're going to have to brief this
`They're hiding the facts and then at the same
`time they plan on using it against us in expert
`issue, opening up the privilege waiver and full issue, opening up the privilege waiver and full
`8 on, full blown early on expert discovery without 8 on, full blown early on expert discovery without
`discovery for these very tests.
`9 expert opinion. So that's my concern. And 9 expert opinion. So that's my concern. And
`And the last point I'd make, Your
`Honor, is that the Court in Gillette ordered the
`that's what we're going to deal with in the that's what we're going to deal with in the
`production of documents, it granted the motion
`future if the parties can't work it out.future if the parties can't work it out.
`to compel and it granted the motion to compel
`MR. ASHKENAZI: Your Honor, on
`the exact documents and types of documents as
`that point for the meet and confer, I think it
`here. That's where I pointed Your Honor to in
`would be helpful, you know, if they're not
`the briefing, which is it shows what the parties
`willing to give us any facts now, if they
`sought, they sought testing conditions and
`believe that we have all the facts we need now,
`protocols, underlying data, other images or test
`then they should be precluded on relying on
`reports and that's the only thing we're asking
`anything else and we leave -- you know, we could
`for right now. And that's what the Court
`have the meet and confer, but I would ask that
`ordered to be granted in Gillette, Your Honor.
`if they don't give us any of the facts
`THE COURT: All right. Well, my THE COURT: All right. Well, my
`underlying the tests, if he they try to
`22 order stands. I'm going to direct the parties 22 order stands. I'm going to direct the parties
`introduce additional facts that are not present
`23 again, meet and confer on that. If Gillette 23 again, meet and confer on that. If Gillette
`in the summary charts then they should be
`stands for the production of such documents that stands for the production of such documents that
`precluded on using those.
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`04/30/2020 02:54:00 AM
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`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 173-1 Filed 05/21/20 Page 5 of 64 PageID #: 7139
`Case 1:17-cv-00868—CFC-SRF Document 173-1 Filed 05/21/20 Page 5 of 64 PageID #: 7139


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 173-1 Filed 05/21/20 Page 6 of 64 PageID #: 7140
`Tamar Lusztig
`Kasaraneni, Karthik; Justin A. Nelson; Bill Carmody; Beatrice Franklin; Rodney Polanco; Keeley Lombardo; Brian E. Farnan; Michael J. Farnan
`PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC; Dittmann, Eric W.; Ashkenazi, Isaac S.; Tymoczko, Nicholas; Frederick Cottrell; Katharine Mowery; Jason Rawnsley; Jeffrey Moyer;
`Dennis S. Ellis; Katherine F. Murray; Serli Polatoglu; Davida Brook
`RE: UMass et al. v. L’Oréal USA
`Tuesday, May 12, 2020 2:31:00 PM
` have responded in line in red below.
` I
`From: Kasaraneni, Karthik <>
`Sent: Friday, May 8, 2020 9:29 PM
`To: Tamar Lusztig <>; Justin A. Nelson <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; Beatrice Franklin <>; Rodney Polanco
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; Brian E. Farnan
`<>; Michael J. Farnan <>
`Cc: PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC <>; Dittmann, Eric W. <>;
`Ashkenazi, Isaac S. <>; Tymoczko, Nicholas <>; Frederick
`Cottrell <>; Katharine Mowery <>; Jason Rawnsley <>; Jeffrey Moyer
`<>; Dennis S. Ellis <>; Katherine F. Murray <>; Serli Polatoglu
`<>; Davida Brook <>
`Subject: RE: UMass et al. v. L’Oréal USA
`Thank you for taking the time to speak with us on Tuesday regarding your responses to L’Oréal USA’s 30(b)(6) Topics. The following is
`a summary of what the Parties discussed on that call.
`With respect to Topics 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 36, and 38, we discussed how Plaintiffs’ original responses
`were too narrow, and Plaintiffs agreed to provide a witness(es) on the full scope of these topics.
`This doesn’t quite capture the full extent of what we discussed, which was:
`Topic 7—We said we don’t object to providing testimony on this topic, but will prepare a witness reasonably rather than on, for
`example, “all facts and circumstances.” If there are particular issues you’d like the witness prepared on, please let us know in
`Topic 9—We had limited our written response to licensing, and you asked us to include enforcement. We agreed.
`Topic 10—We said we don’t object to providing testimony on this topic, but will prepare a witness reasonably rather than on,
`for example, “any all facts and circumstances,” “all documents,” and “all communications.” If there are particular issues or
`documents you’d like the witness prepared on, please let us know in advance.
`Topic 11—We said we don’t object to providing testimony on this topic, but will prepare a witness reasonably rather than
`preparing a witness to have memorized “all entities” who were ever offered a license.
`Topic 12—You asked us to present a witness from Carmel Labs on this topic as well, and we agreed.
`Topic 13—You asked us to present a witness from Carmel Labs on this topic as well, and we agreed.
`Topic 14—You asked us to present a witness from Carmel Labs on this topic as well, and we agreed.
`Topic 15—You asked us to present a witness from Carmel Labs on this topic as well, and we agreed.
`Topic 18—You asked us to present a witness able to testify about business and/or marketing plans from Carmel Labs, and we
`Topic 20—We explained that information about the contemplated enforcement of the asserted patents will generally be
`privileged, but agreed to present a witness on any non-privileged contemplated enforcement, if any.
`Topic 21—We said we don’t object to providing testimony on this topic, but will prepare a witness reasonably rather than on
`“all Your documents.” If there are particular documents you’d like the witness prepared on, please let us know in advance.
`Topic 23—You asked us to provide testimony about documents reflecting the inventors’ work, and we agreed.
`Topic 25—We did not discuss this topic. We had previously agreed in writing to provide you, subject to our objections, with a
`witness “to testify about any non-privileged aspects of this topic.” Are you now asking us to provide a witness about privileged
`aspects of this topic?
`Topic 26—We previously agreed in writing to provide a witness to testify about “non-privileged aspects of the prosecution of
`the Asserted Patents.” You asked us to include non-privileged aspects of the prosecution of related patents, and non-privileged


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 173-1 Filed 05/21/20 Page 7 of 64 PageID #: 7141
`aspects (if any) about “decisions to collect or waive royalties owed by licensees.” We agreed.
`Topic 36—We previously agreed in writing to provide a witness to testify about “non-privileged aspects of Carmel Labs’ and Dr.
`Dobson’s communications with L’Oréal USA and/or L’Oréal S.A.” You asked us to also provide a witness about UMass’
`communications with L’Oreal, and we agreed.
`Topic 38-- We said we don’t object to providing testimony on this topic, but will prepare a witness reasonably rather than on,
`for example, “all” disclosures and “any” communications. If there are particular issues or communications you’d like the
`witness prepared on, please let us know in advance.
`With respect to Topic 16, Plaintiffs agreed to provide a witness on any standard royalty rates that Plaintiffs use, for example, for
`cosmetics or for the cosmetics industry. We explained that Plaintiffs do not use any standard royalty rates for cosmetics or the
`cosmetics industry, but, to the extent we have knowledge, we can present a witness.
`With respect to Topic 19, we agreed to limit this topic to any criticism about which Plaintiffs are aware. Please confirm that you will
`provide a witness for this Topic. We don’t object to providing this testimony, but, per our discussion, we do not plan to educate a
`witness about criticisms that have been made about Easeamine.
`With respect to Topic 22, Plaintiffs objected to this topic (seeking testimony regarding “[a]ny product or design-around that is an
`acceptable non-infringing alternative to the inventions recited in any of the asserted claims in the Asserted Patents”) in its entirety as
`seeking expert testimony and refused to put up a witness. We can provide a witness to give fact (not expert) testimony within
`Plaintiffs’ knowledge on this topic, to the extent they have any.
`With respect to Topics 27-29, 31, and 32, Plaintiffs agreed to provide a witness to discuss the scope of these topics as it relates to the
`work conducted by or on behalf of Plaintiffs and/or the inventors of the patents-in-suit. We explained that we are entitled to
`corporate testimony on any responsive information about which Plaintiffs are aware, even work of third parties. Plaintiffs have
`refused to provide any such testimony. We can provide a witness to give fact testimony limited to Plaintiffs’ knowledge of third party
`work, to the extent they have any. We will not educate a witness to testify on third party activities.
`With further respect to Topic 31, Plaintiffs also stated that they were refusing to provide a witness to testify regarding the penetration
`With further respect to Topic 31, Plaintiffs also stated that they were refusing to provide a witness to testify regarding the penetration
`testing identified in their Infringement Contentions. As we have discussed repeatedly, this is not a proper topic for fact witness
`testing identified in their Infringement Contentions. A
`With respect to Topic 30, after we indicated that this topic is limited as written to adenosine, Plaintiffs indicated that they would likely
`be able to put up a witness on this topic, but needed to confirm. We await your confirmation. We previously agreed in writing to
`provide a witness to testify about “the research on the effect of adenosine on cell proliferation conducted by the inventors of the
`Asserted Patents.” You asked us to provide testimony about UMass work, apart from inventor work, related to the effect of adenosine
`on cell proliferation. We can do so, to the extent there is any that can be discovered through a reasonable investigation.
`With respect to Topics 33-35, Plaintiffs indicated that they would likely be able to designate a witness to provide factual testimony on
`these topics. We await your confirmation. For each of these topics, we previously agreed in writing to provide a witness to testify
`about nonprivileged aspects of the prosecution of the Asserted Patents. You asked us to include related patents as well. We can do
`With respect to Topic 37, Plaintiffs agreed to put up a witness to provide factual testimony related to Plaintiffs’ response to L’Oréal
`USA’s Interrogatory No. 15. We already agreed in writing to provide you with a witness to testify about “the non-privileged facts within
`Plaintiffs’ knowledge and control that are described in Plaintiffs’ response to Defendant’s interrogatory No. 15.”
`With respect to Topic 39, Plaintiffs indicated that everything relating to the testing described in this topic is privileged, and that the
`correspondence cited by the Topic is covered by other Topics. We disagreed, and indicated that the parties appear to be at an
`impasse. The topic calls for testimony about privileged testing; it does not call for testimony about correspondence. However, L’Oreal
`has served other topics about communications between Plaintiffs and L’Oreal (e.g., No. 10) that we have agreed to provide testimony
`Plaintiffs also stated that they will make reasonable efforts to prepare their witnesses on 30(b)(6) deposition topics, but requested
`that if there are any specific documents about which we would like a witness to be prepared to testify, that we identify those
`documents in advance.


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 173-1 Filed 05/21/20 Page 8 of 64 PageID #: 7142
`From: Kasaraneni, Karthik <>
`Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 3:30 PM
`To: Tamar Lusztig <>; Justin A. Nelson <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; Beatrice Franklin <>; Rodney Polanco
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; Brian E. Farnan
`<>; Michael J. Farnan <>
`Cc: PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC <>; Dittmann, Eric W. <>;
`Ashkenazi, Isaac S. <>; Tymoczko, Nicholas <>; Frederick
`Cottrell <>; Katharine Mowery <>; Jason Rawnsley <>; Jeffrey Moyer
`<>; Dennis S. Ellis <>; Katherine F. Murray <>; Serli Polatoglu
`<>; Davida Brook <>
`Subject: RE: UMass et al. v. L’Oréal USA
`Tuesday at 3:30 PM EDT works for us. We will circulate a dial-in.
`Note that we are in receipt of Beatrice’s email from Friday afternoon summarizing Thursday’s meet and confer. We disagree with
`some of Plaintiffs’ characterizations of the conversation, and we are working to respond as soon as practicable, including by proposing
`a separate timeslot to discuss the outstanding issues.
`From: Tamar Lusztig <>
`Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2020 3:51 PM
`To: Kasaraneni, Karthik <>; Justin A. Nelson <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; Beatrice Franklin <>; Rodney Polanco
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; Brian E. Farnan
`<>; Michael J. Farnan <>
`Cc: PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC <>; Dittmann, Eric W. <>;
`Ashkenazi, Isaac S. <>; Tymoczko, Nicholas <>; Frederick
`Cottrell <>; Katharine Mowery <>; Jason Rawnsley <>; Jeffrey Moyer
`<>; Dennis S. Ellis <>; Katherine F. Murray <>; Serli Polatoglu
`<>; Davida Brook <>
`Subject: [EXT] RE: UMass et al. v. L’Oréal USA
`We could do Tuesday at 3:30 PM ET. If that works for you, please send a dial-in.
`From: Kasaraneni, Karthik <>
`Sent: Friday, May 1, 2020 4:24 PM
`To: Justin A. Nelson <jnelso

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