Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 1 of 40 PageID #: 4793
`Case 1:17-cv-00868—CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 1 of 40 PageID #: 4793


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 2 of 40 PageID #: 4794
`Murray, Katherine F.
`Tamar Lusztig; Polatoglu, Serli; Ellis, Dennis S.; PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC; "Frederick Cottrell"; "Jason
`Rawnsley"; "Jeffrey Moyer"; Palys, Joseph E.; "Katharine Mowery"; Modi, Naveen
`Beatrice Franklin; Bill Carmody; "Brian Farnan"; Justin A. Nelson; Keeley Lombardo; "Lucas I. Silva"; "Matthew
`Lowrie"; Rodney Polanco
`RE: UMass v. L"Oreal
`Wednesday, October 16, 2019 6:12:18 PM
`Thank you Tamar,
`Below is a slightly more detailed summary of our call so that we are all on the same page.
`Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition Re: Access to L’Oréal S.A. materials
`We explained that L’Oréal USA cannot offer a witness to speak on this topic, as this information
`would be known to L’Oréal S.A., not L’Oréal USA. Nonetheless, we explained that, with respect to
`relevant documents, we are not going to insist that Plaintiffs proceed through the Hague to obtain
`documents from L’Oréal S.A. Rather, we will make all reasonable efforts to collect and produce any
`relevant documents maintained by L’Oréal S.A.
`RFP No. 31 – Marketing Documents
`We explained that this request, which seeks all marketing documents for any product containing
`adenosine, is overly burdensome, and L’Oréal USA would not be able to produce all those
`documents before trial, or even afterwards, as this would amount to hundreds of thousands, if not
`millions of pages. We proposed a more workable approach, wherein L’Oréal USA would provide
`targeted marketing materials for 30 products at a time, which would include product packaging and
`launch materials. As we explained, we believe the launch materials would be helpful as they identify
`the claims that have been cleared for each product. We do not know if each brand maintains such
`documents, but we agreed to produce them if they do exist. We also asked you to provide us with a
`list of any products Plaintiffs are particularly interested in so we can include those products in the
`first phase.
`RFP No. 30 – Samples of Discontinued Products
`We agreed to look into whether L’Oréal USA keeps extra inventory of products no longer on the
`market. If that inventory includes more than one of any particular product sought by Plaintiffs, then
`we may provide a sample, but we should defer this discussion until after we produce the technical
`documents. In the meantime, we suggested that Plaintiffs obtain samples of products currently on
`the market by purchasing those products.
`Supplemental Interrogatory Responses and Document Production
`With respect to timing for the document production, as you note below, we explained that the
`technical documents would be produced first in the next few weeks, followed by the marketing
`materials for the first phase of products. Once those documents are produced, L’Oréal USA will
`supplement its interrogatory responses to provide the bates numbers for the documents that


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 3 of 40 PageID #: 4795
`support its interrogatory responses.
`From: Tamar Lusztig <>
`Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 3:06 PM
`To: Polatoglu, Serli <>; Ellis, Dennis S.
`<>; PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC <PH-UMass-LOreal-
`>; 'Frederick Cottrell' <>; 'Jason Rawnsley'
`<>; 'Jeffrey Moyer' <>; Palys, Joseph E.
`<>; 'Katharine Mowery' <>; Murray, Katherine F.
`<>; Modi, Naveen <>
`Cc: Beatrice Franklin <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; 'Brian Farnan' <>; Justin A. Nelson
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; 'Lucas I.
`Silva' <>; 'Matthew Lowrie' <>; Rodney Polanco
`Subject: [EXT] RE: UMass v. L'Oreal
`Thanks for your time earlier this week. Here’s where we stand on the issues discussed on that call.
`You said you’d make your first production—which will include “research and innovation” documents
`—2-3 weeks from now, and will then supplement your responses to our interrogatories 3, 5, and 6.
`Similarly, you said you’d be able to update your responses to our interrogatories no. 1 and 2 at that
`With respect to RFPs no. 30 and 31, you will find out from your client whether your client has
`maintained (and can produce to us) product samples for discontinued products that are not publicly
`available, which we emailed you about recently. And you will start producing the “launch materials”
`for the accused products in about a month, on a rolling basis of approximately 30 products at a time.
`These launch materials should provide us with certain marketing information about the accused
`With respect to discovery from L’Oréal S.A., you represented that you are able to and will collect
`relevant and responsive documents from L’Oréal S.A. and produce them to us, so that we will not
`need to pursue those materials directly from L’Oréal S.A. through the Hague. Based on that
`representation, we can agree to table our recently-served 30(b)(6) notice.
`Thanks again. Please do let us know about the discontinued products as soon as you can.


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 4 of 40 PageID #: 4796
`From: Tamar Lusztig
`Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 12:11 PM
`To: Polatoglu, Serli <>; Ellis, Dennis S.
`<>; PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC <PH-UMass-LOreal-
`>; 'Frederick Cottrell' <>; 'Jason Rawnsley'
`<>; 'Jeffrey Moyer' <>; Palys, Joseph E.
`<>; 'Katharine Mowery' <>; Murray, Katherine F.
`<>; Modi, Naveen <>
`Cc: Beatrice Franklin <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; 'Brian Farnan' <>; Justin A. Nelson
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; 'Lucas I.
`Silva' <>; 'Matthew Lowrie' <>; Rodney Polanco
`Subject: RE: UMass v. L'Oreal
`Serli, Wednesday is Yom Kippur. On Thursday we will be busy getting out our infringement
`contentions. If you are unavailable on Friday, we are free on Monday between 1 PM ET and 4:30 PM
`ET. Let us know when during that timeframe works for you. And, as I already requested, please let us
`know what you want to discuss on this call.
`From: Polatoglu, Serli <>
`Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 8:25 PM
`To: Tamar Lusztig <>; Ellis, Dennis S. <>;
`PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC <>; 'Frederick Cottrell'
`<>; 'Jason Rawnsley' <>; 'Jeffrey Moyer' <>; Palys,
`Joseph E. <>; 'Katharine Mowery' <>; Murray,
`Katherine F. <>; Modi, Naveen
`Cc: Beatrice Franklin <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; 'Brian Farnan' <>; Justin A. Nelson
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; 'Lucas I.
`Silva' <>; 'Matthew Lowrie' <>; Rodney Polanco
`Subject: RE: UMass v. L'Oreal
`Unfortunately, that time will not work for us. If you are unavailable on Wednesday or Thursday, we
`will have to schedule the call for Monday the 14th.
`From: Tamar Lusztig <>
`Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 2:40 PM


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 5 of 40 PageID #: 4797
`To: Polatoglu, Serli <>; Ellis, Dennis S.
`<>; PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC <PH-UMass-LOreal-
`>; 'Frederick Cottrell' <>; 'Jason Rawnsley'
`<>; 'Jeffrey Moyer' <>; Palys, Joseph E.
`<>; 'Katharine Mowery' <>; Murray, Katherine F.
`<>; Modi, Naveen <>
`Cc: Beatrice Franklin <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; 'Brian Farnan' <>; Justin A. Nelson
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; 'Lucas I.
`Silva' <>; 'Matthew Lowrie' <>; Rodney Polanco
`Subject: [EXT] RE: UMass v. L'Oreal
`Serli, it looks like we misread our calendars and need to do this call at 4 PM ET on Friday. We’ll
`circulate the calendar invite for then.
`From: Tamar Lusztig
`Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 1:16 PM
`To: Polatoglu, Serli <>; Ellis, Dennis S.
`<>; PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC <PH-UMass-LOreal-
`>; 'Frederick Cottrell' <>; 'Jason Rawnsley'
`<>; 'Jeffrey Moyer' <>; Palys, Joseph E.
`<>; 'Katharine Mowery' <>; Murray, Katherine F.
`<>; Modi, Naveen <>
`Cc: Beatrice Franklin <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; 'Brian Farnan' <>; Justin A. Nelson
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; 'Lucas I.
`Silva' <>; 'Matthew Lowrie' <>; Rodney Polanco
`Subject: RE: UMass v. L'Oreal
`We need to know which discovery responses you are agreeing to supplement in order to forgo a
`motion to compel. That said, since there seems to be something you want to discuss with respect to
`this issue, we are free to discuss it again with you on Friday at 3 PM ET. We’ll circulate a calendar
`invite with a conference line. Please let us know before that call what “additional issues” you have
`run into so that we can prepare to address them, and let us know on or before Friday’s call which
`discovery responses you are agreeing to supplement.
`From: Polatoglu, Serli <>
`Sent: Sunday, October 6, 2019 10:52 PM


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 6 of 40 PageID #: 4798
`To: Tamar Lusztig <>; Ellis, Dennis S. <>;
`PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC <>; 'Frederick Cottrell'
`<>; 'Jason Rawnsley' <>; 'Jeffrey Moyer' <>; Palys,
`Joseph E. <>; 'Katharine Mowery' <>; Murray,
`Katherine F. <>; Modi, Naveen
`Cc: Beatrice Franklin <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; 'Brian Farnan' <>; Justin A. Nelson
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; 'Lucas I.
`Silva' <>; 'Matthew Lowrie' <>; Rodney Polanco
`Subject: RE: UMass v. L'Oreal
`As I stated in my previous email, notwithstanding our objections and the breadth of these requests,
`as well as your failure to send us the list of products you contend are missing from our response to
`Interrogatory No. 3, we are agreeable to supplementing certain interrogatories as appropriate.
`However, in our efforts to be accommodating and based on our prior discussions, we have
`encountered additional issues with respect to Plaintiffs’ requests that need to be addressed. This
`should be done before any call with the Court, so your request for local counsel involvement is
`premature. As previously requested, please let us know when you are available for a call Thursday
`or Friday.
`From: Tamar Lusztig <>
`Sent: Saturday, October 5, 2019 9:18 AM
`To: Polatoglu, Serli <>; Ellis, Dennis S.
`<>; PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC <PH-UMass-LOreal-
`>; 'Frederick Cottrell' <>; 'Jason Rawnsley'
`<>; 'Jeffrey Moyer' <>; Palys, Joseph E.
`<>; 'Katharine Mowery' <>; Murray, Katherine F.
`<>; Modi, Naveen <>
`Cc: Beatrice Franklin <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; 'Brian Farnan' <>; Justin A. Nelson
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; 'Lucas I.
`Silva' <>; 'Matthew Lowrie' <>; Rodney Polanco
`Subject: [EXT] RE: UMass v. L'Oreal
`Thanks for agreeing to update your interrogatory responses, Serli. We asked that you update specific
`responses—nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 11—as well as agree to provide documents and things in
`response to our RFP no. 30, which you previously changed the language to in your response and


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 7 of 40 PageID #: 4799
`then called (based on your change) “nonsensical.” Your email does not indicate which, if any, of
`these discovery responses you are agreeing to update. Please confirm by the close of business
`(Eastern) on Monday that you will be providing an update to all of the interrogatories and the RFP
`that I just listed in the next two weeks, or let us know when your local counsel is free to call the
`Court on Tuesday to set up a hearing for our motion to compel.
`With respect to your request to have another call, we’d be happy to have a call (not on Yom Kippur,
`of course), but can you please tell us what, specifically, you propose to discuss on this call? It is not
`clear from your email.
`From: Polatoglu, Serli <>
`Sent: Friday, October 4, 2019 8:22 PM
`To: Tamar Lusztig <>; Ellis, Dennis S. <>;
`PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC <>; 'Frederick Cottrell'
`<>; 'Jason Rawnsley' <>; 'Jeffrey Moyer' <>; Palys,
`Joseph E. <>; 'Katharine Mowery' <>; Murray,
`Katherine F. <>; Modi, Naveen
`Cc: Beatrice Franklin <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; 'Brian Farnan' <>; Justin A. Nelson
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; 'Lucas I.
`Silva' <>; 'Matthew Lowrie' <>; Rodney Polanco
`Subject: RE: UMass v. L'Oreal
`Thank you for your email. We looked forward to receiving a list of the products Plaintiffs identified
`as containing adenosine that did not appear in L’Oréal USA’s response to Interrogatory No. 3.
`Unfortunately, we have not yet received that list. Nonetheless, we have been continuing our
`investigation and should be in a position to supplement some of our interrogatory responses next
`week. However, in light of our continuing investigation, and giving more thought to our meet and
`confer discussions, we believe it would be helpful to schedule a call to talk through some broader
`discovery issues – e.g., interrogatories, the Hague, etc. Please let us know your availability for a call
`on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of next week.
`From: Tamar Lusztig <>
`Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2019 9:30 AM
`To: Ellis, Dennis S. <>; PH-UMASS v. L’Oreal USDC <PH-UMass-LOreal-
`>; 'Frederick Cottrell' <>; 'Jason Rawnsley'


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 8 of 40 PageID #: 4800
`<>; 'Jeffrey Moyer' <>; Palys, Joseph E.
`<>; 'Katharine Mowery' <>; Murray, Katherine F.
`<>; Modi, Naveen <>; Polatoglu,
`Serli <>
`Cc: Beatrice Franklin <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; 'Brian Farnan' <>; Justin A. Nelson
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; 'Lucas I.
`Silva' <>; 'Matthew Lowrie' <>; Rodney Polanco
`Subject: [EXT] RE: UMass v. L'Oreal
`Counsel, thanks for your time earlier yesterday. Here’s where we stand on these issues.
`With respect to interrogatories nos. 1, 2, 5, 6, and 8, we appreciate that you are still investigating,
`but as I mentioned on our call, we are prepared to move to compel if you can’t provide a date
`certain in the near future on which you will provide a substantive response. Please let us know by
`the end of next week when you plan to supplement, or we’ll move to compel.
`With respect to interrogatory no. 3, as I mentioned on the call, we are concerned that the
`information you have provided is incomplete, because there are L’Oréal products—for example,
`Giorgio Armani Designer Lift Smoothing Firming Foundation SPF 20 –that, based on our
`investigation, contain adenosine and are sold in the United States that were not disclosed in your
`response. Please confirm by the end of next week that you will supplement your response to provide
`complete information in the near future, or we will want to move to compel a response to
`interrogatory no. 3 as well.
`With respect to interrogatory no. 4, we disagreed on the call what information the interrogatory
`reasonably calls for. Our interrogatory asking for the product “formulations” calls for the product’s
`“recipe”—including the relative weights of each ingredient, the active properties of each ingredient,
`and how those ingredients are combined. Your client’s published materials support this view,
`providing that product formulation, for example, “determines the effectiveness of the active
`ingredients,” the “performance,” how “to deliver these active ingredients in sufficient quantity to
`the skin cells.” See
`triumphs-of-formulation. Please confirm by the end of next week that you will supplement your
`response to provide this information in the near future, or we will move to compel a response.
`With respect to interrogatory no. 11, you confirmed you are not aware of any “policies” regarding
`L’Oréal USA’s ability to access L’Oréal S.A.’s documents. I asked that you also respond to the
`interrogatory’s request to answer “whether and how documents, products tests, and products
`samples created by L’Oréal S.A. can be accessed by” L’Oréal USA, and you suggested you needed
`further identification of which specific “documents, product tests, and product samples” the
`interrogatory calls for information about. Because we have no information about the internal
`materials created by L’Oréal S.A. that L’Oréal USA is able to access—but this is information that your
`client has—we are not able to provide many more specifics other than to confirm that we can limit
`the interrogatory to documents, product tests, and product samples related to skincare lines. For


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 9 of 40 PageID #: 4801
`more specifics, you can refer to the RFPs we have already served on L’Oréal USA. We want to know if
`L’Oréal USA is able to access the same categories of documents and things that L’Oréal S.A. has,
`including but not limited to documents and things related to patent applications, marketing
`materials, product revenue and margin information, development of product lines, and including any
`such information that is summarized in a broader document and/or summaries of such information
`sent to or from senior executives and/or the boards of both companies. Please confirm by the end of
`next week that you will supplement your response to provide this information in the near future, or
`we will move to compel a response. Please also provide a date by the end of next week that you will
`present your witness on the related 30(b)(6) topics that we served.
`With respect to RFP no. 30, you claimed on our call that our request requested you to produce the
`products identified in “request” no. 3, and that this was nonsensical. However, although your
`written response changes the language of the request we served, our request as served plainly
`stated: “For each product identified in response to Interrogatory No. 3, provide a sample of that
`product as well as the product packaging, any instruction that are provided to consumers with that
`product, and any marketing materials related to that product.” Please see the attached service email
`you received from Mr. Farnan on July 15, attaching our request which uses that language. As such,
`there is nothing nonsensical about the request. Your response to interrogatory no. 3 discloses
`numerous products that are discontinued (i.e., as stated in your response, that L’Oréal “previously”
`sold). Please confirm by the end of next week that you will promptly provide us with at least these
`discontinued products, as well as images of all product packaging and marketing materials for all
`identified products (i.e., not just discontinued products), or we will move to compel.
`From: Tamar Lusztig
`Sent: Friday, September 20, 2019 11:58 AM
`To: Dennis Ellis <>; Distribution Alias <PH-UMass-LOreal-
`>; Frederick Cottrell <>; Jason Rawnsley
`<>; Jeffrey Moyer <>; Joseph Palys
`<>; Katharine Mowery <>; Kathy Murray
`<>; Naveen Modi <>; Serli
`Polatoglu <>
`Cc: Beatrice Franklin <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; Brian Farnan <>; Justin A. Nelson
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; Lucas I.
`Silva <>; Matthew Lowrie <>; Rodney Polanco
`Subject: RE: UMass v. L'Oreal
`Counsel, we are still waiting to hear back about this. Please let us know when next week you are
`available to meet and confer.


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 10 of 40 PageID #:
` 4802
`From: Tamar Lusztig
`Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 1:37 PM
`To: Dennis Ellis <>; Distribution Alias <PH-UMass-LOreal-
`>; Frederick Cottrell <>; Jason Rawnsley
`<>; Jeffrey Moyer <>; Joseph Palys
`<>; Katharine Mowery <>; Kathy Murray
`<>; Naveen Modi <>; Serli
`Polatoglu <>
`Cc: Beatrice Franklin <>; Bill Carmody
`<>; Brian Farnan <>; Justin A. Nelson
`<>; Keeley Lombardo <>; Lucas I.
`Silva <>; Matthew Lowrie <>; Rodney Polanco
`<>; Tamar Lusztig <>
`Subject: UMass v. L'Oreal
`I’m writing regarding your responses to plaintiffs’ discovery requests.
`We understand that your interrogatory responses are preliminary and expect that you will
`supplement them as the case proceeds. However, some of your responses are deficient even for
`preliminary responses and fail to provide any of the requested information. We will also note that
`your objections that Plaintiffs’ interrogatories are improperly compound is incorrect; Plaintiffs have
`served only 11 interrogatories to date. With respect to your specific interrogatory responses:
`Interrogatory No. 1: Your 9/3/2019 response fails to adequately respond to this
`interrogatory, stating vaguely only that L’Oréal USA became aware of the patents-in-suit “no
`earlier than” the dates upon which they issued. This response fails to provide any of the
`requested information. Please confirm that you will supplement your response to this
`interrogatory to provide fully responsive information within one week, or let us know when
`you are available to meet and confer.
`Interrogatory Nos. 2, 5, 6, and 8: You provide no substantive response at all to these
`interrogatories. Defendant cannot refuse to respond to interrogatories on the grounds that
`you are continuing to investigate the case. Please confirm that you will supplement your
`response to these interrogatories to provide fully responsive information within one week, or
`let us know when you are available to meet and confer.
`Interrogatory No. 3: Although this interrogatory requests defendant to identify “every”
`product L’Oréal has sold in the United States that contains adenosine, the identified list of
`products is incomplete and fails to identify numerous (past and current) L’Oréal products that
`contain adenosine, as disclosed publicly by L’Oréal in its public product literature. Plaintiffs
`have no way to know how many, or which, L’Oréal products that contain adenosine, but
`which have ingredient lists that are not disclosed publicly by L’Oréal, are missing from this
`interrogatory response. This incomplete response has already been prejudicial with respect to
`Plaintiffs' ability to timely complete their infringement contentions. Please confirm that you


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 11 of 40 PageID #:
` 4803
`will supplement your response to this interrogatory to provide fully responsive information
`within one week, or let us know when you are available to meet and confer.
`Interrogatory No. 4: Your 9/3/2019 response is incomplete. Although the interrogatory
`requests the formulations of each identified products, your response omits this information
`entirely. This missing information is prejudicial to plaintiffs’ ability to timely prepare their
`infringement contentions. Please confirm that you will supplement your response to this
`interrogatory to provide fully responsive information—including but not limited to the
`amounts of each ingredient contained in each identified products, the function of each
`ingredient, and the method L’Oréal employs for combining such ingredients into the finished
`compound—within one week, or let us know when you are available to meet and confer.
`Interrogatory No. 11: This interrogatory requests you to explain “whether and how
`documents, products tests, and products samples created by L’Oréal S.A. can be accessed by”
`defendant, but your response does not provide this information, only stating vaguely that
`“L’Oréal USA is unaware of any access policy with L’Oréal S.A.” This response does not provide
`the requested information, including because it does not disclose whether L’Oréal USA has
`access to such materials created by L’Oréal S.A. Please let us know as soon as possible—at
`least within the next week—whether or not defendant has access to these L’Oréal S.A.
`materials so that we know whether we need to pursue documents and things directly from
`L’Oréal S.A.
`We are still reviewing your responses to our RFPs, and will follow up with you to the extent
`necessary. However, as a threshold issue, please let us know when you are free to discuss your
`refusal to provide any documents and things in response to our RFP no. 30, which requests you to
`provide samples of products identified in response to interrogatory no. 3, among other items.
`Because production of such documents and things is time-sensitive, and your refusal has already
`been prejudicial to our ability to timely complete our infringement contentions, please let us know
`when you are available to discuss this request.
`Please confirm at your earliest convenience that you will supplement your interrogatories as
`requested, and let us know when you are available to meet and confer.
`Tamar Lusztig | Susman Godfrey LLP
`1301 Avenue of the Americas, 32nd Floor | New York, NY 10019
`212-729-2007 (direct) | 617-967-8748 (cell)
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` 4804
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`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 13 of 40 PageID #:
` 4805


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 135-1 Filed 04/28/20 Page 14 of 40 PageID #:
` 4806
`Tamar Lusztig
`Distribution Alias; Eric W. Dittmann; Frederick Cottrell; Isaac S. Ashkenazi; Jason Rawnsley; Jeffrey Moyer;
`Joseph Palys; Katharine Mowery; Naveen Modi; Nicholas A. Tymoczko; Serli Polatoglu;;
`Beatrice Franklin; Bill Carmody; Brian Farnan; Justin A. Nelson; Keeley Lombardo; Lucas I. Silva; Matthew
`Lowrie; Rodney Polanco
`Re: UMass v. L"Oreal
`Wednesday, April 15, 2020 10:42:00 PM
`Following up on my email from yesterday, below is a list of Accused Products for which we appear to
`be missing marketing launch plans / launch books or comparable documents (i.e., what appears to
`be advertisements and marketing

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